rebirth of change

Chapter 397 The Future President

Chapter 390 VII Future President

After the rebirth, Chen Kangjie couldn't just write such a piece of homework in boredom. He wanted to really go in by himself, and he wanted to carry out the depth and breadth more thoroughly.Especially after seeing the three black men, Chen Kangjie's thoughts on this aspect were even more aroused, which is why he suddenly asked Samidov that question.

"Does Shao Jie want to do something to them?" Alyosha said guessing.

"What can I do? I can't do anything. Don't think about it. I just want to go to Africa. You should go to bed early. It's late." Chen Kangjie stood up and yawned.

It was a peaceful night, and when Chen Kangjie woke up early the next morning, he punched Professor Tuo Zhihan's dragon and tiger punches in his room, then opened the door and asked the waiter to get a few copies of today's newspaper and milk, and went back to the room to browse. Today's news, just add some energy.

Seeing that it didn't matter, Chen Kangjie almost squirted the milk out of his mouth.I don't know how the incident last night was exposed, but it actually made the front page of the British "Times", and even the "New York Times" also had this news.

The headline in The Times was "Olympic Opening Night Extras." The headline in the New York Times was not so good, and the reporter called it "This is the self-proclaimed civilized European."The two reports not only have text, but also have pictures. These guys are quite famous.

The "Times" only described this incident in terms of facts, and the core idea was that this incident would discredit the Olympics and shame Barcelona.The New York Times article is much more profound. In the eyes of Europeans, Americans have always lacked civilization and history. They are very developed, but Europeans are more tasteful, more gentlemanly, and more educated than Americans. Well, in the past, Europeans used to ridicule Americans in this regard, but today they were caught. Naturally, the words of American reporters will not be too polite, and directly expand this group of people to Europeans.

Now that the news was published in the newspaper, Chen Kangjie turned on the TV, intending to see if there would be such reports on the TV, but he did not expect that this news would be 'interrupted' at the end of the program that broadcast the news of the opening ceremony last night. Many were taken as anecdotes and practical jokes.Chen Kangjie watched France, CNN, BBC, and Spain's state-owned TV station, almost all of which had this message, but in the video, those key parts were mosaiced, but the whole movement was still clearly visible, those guys Their faces were not covered either, each of them was vivid and expressive, and there was even a groaning sound in the France [-] program.

The Hilton Hotel mainly provided mainstream western newspapers, so Chen Kangjie switched the TV to tvb and nhk to see if the eastern media would also report on it. As a result, these guys took advantage of the spring breeze of the Olympic Games to spread their "good reputation" all over the world. the whole world.

From the news, Chen Kangjie learned that there were reporters nearby yesterday. In fact, it is not surprising. There are reporters from all over the world in the streets and alleys. How could those reporters let go of such gossip?

In the local media in Spain and Barcelona, ​​the police have spoken out, they will strictly investigate and severely punish this scandalous incident. The police spokesman said that a "confusing" and "disorderly" substance was detected in the blood of the person involved. They suspect that this is premeditated sabotage and contamination, and they will definitely invest in the police to find out the truth. The coffee shop owner has been summoned to the police station for questioning.

Chen Kangjie turned off the TV. He knew that he really wanted to find another place to live. Once the police really want to investigate something, they will always have their own way. Even the most idiot police detective can find some clues, let alone Barcelona Cameras are installed in many parts of the city.

Although Samidov and the others kept a certain distance from Chen Kangjie and the others no matter whether it was walking or eating, and they would not get involved in Chen Kangjie's head no matter what they said, but it would be a troublesome matter anyway, and we should prevent it before it happens. Well, Chen Kangjie is quite cautious in this regard.

Chen Kangjie picked up the phone in the room and called Samidov and the others, intending to make them prepare for leaving today, and then call Ouyang Zhenhua to ask him to arrange a place to live. After Samidov answered the phone, Telling Chen Kangjie that someone was looking for him, Chen Kangjie asked who it was, and Samidov said it was the three black friends they met yesterday.

Chen Kangjie was stunned, came to the door so soon?It shouldn't be, what will happen to them looking for themselves?It's weird, but no matter how weird it is, I have to meet and figure out the situation.

Chen Kangjie asked Samidov to bring him to his room.

In less than 2 minutes, Samidov knocked on the door and walked into Chen Kangjie's room with the black young man. There were only the two of them, and no one else followed. Samidov would not let more people enter Chen Kangjie's room. Door.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" Chen Kangjie judged that he could understand French, so he gave up English and asked straight to the point in French.

The other party did not expect that a half-year-old oriental boy like Chen Kangjie could speak French so well, and he didn't realize it for a while. In fact, this was the first time Chen Kangjie used French formally.

"Did I say something wrong?" Chen Kangjie saw that the other party didn't reply, so he asked again.

"No, no, I'm here because of what happened last night. I saw the news today, so I came here to tell you." Only then did the other party come to his senses and replied in French.

To be honest, the other party's French was obviously better than Chen Kangjie's.

"Oh, please sit down." Since the other party came here with good intentions, Chen Kangjie's attitude was completely different.

Samidov, who was standing aside, couldn't understand a word of what Chen Kangjie and the others said, but Chen Kangjie didn't let him leave, so he didn't leave, and he just assumed the responsibility of Chen Kangjie's security.

"Where are you from, sir?" Chen Kangjie asked politely after the host and guest sat down.

Many countries in Africa are black, and many people speak French. It is difficult to judge the nationality of a black from the skin color and language.

"Zaire", the other party's answer is very concise.

"Zaire?" Chen Kangjie's geography is very good. It has been a long, long time since he heard this name, and he didn't have a specific concept of location for a while.

"Yes, Zaire, haven't you heard of this country?" The other party obviously made a misjudgment, thinking that Chen Kangjie was very ignorant.

In fact, Chen Kangjie has of course heard of this country, but it has not been called this name since 1997. When this country became independent, it was not the name of the country, but the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which was later referred to as Congo (Kinshasa) because of its The capital is Kinshasa, to distinguish it from Congo (Brazzaville), whose capital is Brazzaville.

"Of course I've heard of it, it's a vast and rich country," Chen Kangjie nodded confidently.

"It's also a country with frequent wars," the other party added, with a somewhat sad tone.

"What do you call it? Why did you come to Barcelona? Is it just to watch the Olympics?" Chen Kangjie seemed to ask casually, but in fact he had a specific purpose.

"My name is Calabi. I came to Barcelona to gain knowledge. This is my first time in Europe," Calabi replied.

"What? Karabi? Your name is Karabi? Then what's your father's name?" Chen Kangjie stood up excitedly.

Samidov couldn't understand Chen Kangjie's language, so Chen Kangjie's sudden agitation made Samidov nervous. He thought that Karabi would be disadvantageous to Chen Kangjie, and planned to come up and take Karabi down. Fortunately, Chen Kangjie had quick eyesight and quick hands, so he reached out quickly stop,

Why is Chen Kangjie so excited?Because if the next-year-old youth in front of him is the person in his memory, then both their father and son will become the president of the country.How could Chen Kangjie not be excited, he was looking for an opportunity to enter Africa, and a pillow fell from the sky.

"Do you know me? My father is Golo Calabi, and I am Jo. Calabi. I remember that we have never met before!" Calabi looked at Samidov cautiously, seeing that he did not go any further. Then he turned around and said to Chen Kangjie.

"No, no, no, we didn't know each other before, but I have a friend with this name, so I'm curious, I'm sorry." Chen Kangjie could only say that he didn't know each other.

The other party's answer clearly told Chen Kangjie that the person in front of him was Calabi who would pay a state visit to China as president more than ten years later.No wonder Chen Kangjie felt familiar, because he had seen it on TV again.The current Karabi seems a little immature, unlike more than ten years later, after years of bullets and intrigues, although he is still young, he can see the special maturity and sophistication from his dark face.

"Let me just say, by the way, what's your name?" This time it was the other party's turn to ask Chen Kangjie.

"Chen Kangjie, Chinese, nice to meet you." This was the first time that Chen Kangjie reached out to shake hands with each other.

"It's nice to meet you too. Now that the matter has been conveyed, I should leave too." Karabi really didn't know what to talk to Chen Kangjie. After all, he was not familiar with Chen Kangjie, so he stood up and planned to leave.

"Wait a minute, since we know each other, let's sit down for a while and have a cup of coffee, authentic Zaire coffee." How could Chen Kangjie let go of the future president in front of him so easily, and planned to stay with him for more chat.

"Zaire coffee? Then I have to try it, I haven't had it for a long time." Karabi may not really want to leave immediately, but Chen Kangjie's suggestion is really irresistible.

Karabi's motherland was a big coffee-growing country in the world in the 90s. Later, because of the war, the agriculture was severely damaged, and many farmers left their homes to escape the war. Therefore, since the early [-]s, Zaire's cocoa production has been on a downward trend.

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