Chapter [-] Watching the Battle

Stud is generally the most played gambling game in casinos. Casinos welcome big customers to play this game, because the amount of gambling is large, and they will draw more fees.

The staff took Chen Kangjie and the others to a small private room in the Macao hall. They said it was a small private room, but the area was actually not small, about 100 square meters. There was a large oval-shaped gaming table in the middle. There were seven or eight people, and we could tell from their outfits that they were divided into four factions. The one sitting on the far left was a pair of western young men and women, who looked like lovers. It's a very fashionable short parted head. The woman wears light makeup, has a melon face, fair skin, and wears a black skirt with suspenders. Both of them look like they are in their early twenties.The chips in front of them are about [-] US dollars, the smallest denomination is [-] US dollars, and the largest is [-] US dollars.

In the middle is a fat man wearing beige suspenders and a light yellow shirt. He looks a bit like a mixed race of Chinese and Western, with a cigar in his mouth.Smoking is not allowed in the lobby of the casino, but there are always privileges in this small private room. In addition, the psychological pressure of playing stud is relatively high, so gamblers are allowed to smoke to relieve stress. There is even a row of wine cabinets next to the private room. Guests need a glass of brandy, whiskey, or other alcohol and beverages.

The one on the right is a bald old man wearing gold-rimmed glasses. Yomo is in his 60s, wearing a suit, and wearing a huge gold ring and jade ring that attract attention.Beside him, leaning on a young girl with heavy makeup, don't think about it, this girl must be a playmate like Xiaomi, and it is absolutely impossible to be the granddaughter of the old man.Neither the old man nor the girl looked Chinese, more Filipino or Malay.

The one on the far right is very recognizable, both of them are wearing Arabian white robes, one has a small beard on his mouth, the other has a beard, his face is sallow, typical of lack of sleep.

On the other side of the gaming table, stood a tall and straight dealer in uniform, and in the corner on the other side, stood another beautiful room attendant.

"Everyone, I wonder if it's okay to introduce a new friend?" The casino staff who led Chen Kangjie and the others into the room politely asked the gamblers who were already playing.

Only Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua could enter here, and each side could only enter a maximum of two people, and the other attendants had rooms next door to entertain them.

"It doesn't matter to us, the more people there are, the more fun it is," the bearded one of the two Arabs looking at the cards stared at Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua, and replied indifferently with his hands outstretched.

"Anyone can participate as long as they have capital." The bald old man wearing glasses just glanced at them. From the tone of his voice, it can be judged that this old man won the money.

"I have no objection," the fat man poked the cigar in the crystal ashtray, his tone flat.

Only the two western young men and women smiled at Chen Kangjie and the others, "Welcome, where do you sit? Or, sit by our side."

"Okay, let's add the position there." Chen Kangjie has a good impression of these two young men and women, so he doesn't mind sitting next to them, besides, people of the same age can always attract each other.

Casino workers added two leather ottomans to the mouths of the two teenage lovers.

"Two gentlemen, what do you want to drink?" After Chen Kangjie and the others sat down, the room attendant wanted to provide them with drinks.

"Get me a soda".

"I want a cup of Ceylon black tea, is there any?" Ouyang Zhenhua asked for soda water, and Chen Kangjie originally wanted a cup of green tea, but they probably didn't have any, so he chose Ceylon black tea.

"No problem, wait a moment," the waiter turned and left.

"Let me introduce our rules. The ante bet is 500 US dollars, and each bet should not be lower than this amount. As for the cap, we are currently 100 million US dollars. The size rules are the same as those in Macau casinos, 10, j, q, k , a straight flush is the largest, and a, 2,3,4,5, [-], [-], [-] is the second largest, which is different from Texas Stud, do you have any questions?", the croupier who dealt the cards introduced Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua road.

"Okay, no problem," Chen Kangjie replied with a smile.

"Jie Shao, do you know how to play? Have you ever played before?" Ouyang Zhenhua asked Chen Kangjie in a low voice when he saw Chen Kangjie's familiarity.

"I've never played stud before, but I've played a lot of three-card golden flowers, which should be about the same." Chen Kangjie's answer was very casual, but it revealed some information that didn't exist originally.

"You gamble?" Ouyang Zhenhua keenly caught this slip of the tongue by Chen Kangjie.

What Chen Kangjie said was that he played a lot before he was reborn, and that was gambling, but now he is only in the second year of junior high school, with whom should he gamble?

"We don't gamble, we gamble on paper and often play with our classmates." Chen Kangjie's adaptability is not covered, his face is not red, and his heart is not beating. In his previous life, he often tore books with his classmates and folded them into paper strips as gambling chips. Now it is moved by Chen Kangjie to top the vat.

In fact, what Chen Kangjie said is correct. There are many similarities between stud and golden flower gambling. They both need to make a base. There are differences such as pairs, straights, and flushes. The difference is that golden flower starts after three cards are dealt In a new round of betting, you can bet every time a card is dealt until the last card.

"A new round begins, please bet", the dealer stretched out his hand and spun half a circle on the table.

It used to be four groups, but now it has become five groups. The waitress who greeted Chen Kangjie and the others at the door just now delivered the $10 chips that Chen Kangjie and the others needed on a tray. For the convenience of betting, there are chips ranging from $1000, $[-] to $[-], and $[-].

After everyone else threw a five-hundred-dollar chip into the center of the gaming table, Chen Kangjie also picked up a chip with two fingers and threw it in casually. His movements were quite chic, and he didn't seem a little strange.

After everyone placed their bets, the croupier started to deal the cards. After picking out the poker cards with his hands, he did not directly slide the cards to the guests with his hands, but used a thin metal spatula to remove the cards. The cards are placed in front of the guests. The first card is all face-down dark cards, and the second is face-up bright cards.

The Arabian’s revealed card is a mafia j, the bald old man’s first revealed card is diamond j, the fat man smoking a cigar got the six of hearts, the couple got the heart jack, and Chen Kangjie got the six of hearts. Arrived is square 6.As for the hidden cards, Chen Kangjie only knew that he was a four of clubs, he didn't know about other people's cards.

"Please speak to the Jack of Spades with the highest card", the croupier's speech started the second round of betting.

"One thousand dollars," said the bearded Arab with a little hesitation after looking at his hole cards.

The man in the young couple "Me and I" threw a thousand dollar chips into the gambling table without much hesitation.

"I follow too," the bald old man was full of confidence, and he just glanced at his cards.

"Follow", the fat man rubbed his hole cards vigorously and looked at it, it was just a simple word.

When it was Chen Kangjie's turn, he simply turned over his hole cards and threw them into the gaming table between two fingers, "Don't call".

Ouyang Zhenhua was really a little worried that Chen Kangjie would be so impulsive because he was playing with his heart, he would call no matter what cards he got, anyway, Chen Kangjie had a lot of money, so he could play whatever he wanted.In fact, how could Chen Kangjie be such an idiot, knowing that his cards were not good, how could he still follow? A thousand dollars is still money, not to mention that he just entered the field, so he had to be familiar with the environment no matter what, he just took a small amount of money to buy a hole card.

The other four didn't expect that these two orientals who looked good would run away in the first round. Except for the young man who didn't have any expressions of praise or criticism, everyone else showed some contemptuous looks.

For this, Chen Kangjie didn't mind. He kept a faint smile on his face and sat by to watch the other four finish the game.

The croupier continued to deal the cards, and the second card that the Arab got was a Q of Spades. After receiving this card, both Arabs showed a sense of relaxation and comfort.The second clear card that the bald old man got was a J of clubs, the fat man got a 5 of diamonds, and the Western young man got an ace of spades. This card seemed to be exactly what he wanted. Chen Kangjie who was beside him could feel the corner of his mouth twitching.

Now the biggest card on the bright side has become a pair of jacks of the bald old man, so the new round of speeches has become started by him.

"Hehe, a pair of jacks, this card is not bad, two thousand dollars," the old man smiled cunningly.

"I'll give you two thousand dollars," the Western youth threw two one-thousand-dollar chips into the gaming table.

"It's only two thousand dollars. If you follow, you lose more or less anyway." From the tone of voice, it seems that these two Arabs are losers.

"You all follow, I have no reason not to follow", the fat man also invested two thousand dollars in chips.

Chen Kangjie has been observing the demeanor and expressions of the four of them checking cards and betting, and he wants to find out the real opponent.

The croupier continued to deal the cards, and the color of the third card that the Arab got changed, it was a king of hearts, but it was not bad, at least it was connected with the previous two cards, It became j, q, k. Chen Kangjie judged that judging from their decision to follow the cards, they should be connected with the hole cards.The third clear card that the bald old man got was still a flower man, a king of clubs.Although the fat man got a 4 of hearts, which is different from the previous two in a row of 4,5,6, [-], and [-], but this man's chubby brows frowned. Chen Kangjie really couldn't tell what his hole card was. .In contrast, what the young man got was an ace of hearts, so he had a pair of aces on the table, which is the biggest card at present. The young man smiled brightly.

"Sir, you have the biggest card right now, please speak." The croupier gave the right to speak to the young man beside Chen Kangjie.

"Honey, your cards are so good, no matter what, you have to invest tens of thousands." The young woman next to the young man held his arm with one hand, and threw in a $[-] chip in the other.

"It's only ten thousand dollars, it's not too much, we followed." The bearded Arab was very generous, and threw a ten thousand dollar chip into the gaming table with a bang.

"I only have a pair of jacks, there is no need to fight against a pair of aces, I will not follow", the bald old man turned all his cards away and gave up the round.

"I have a straight of 4,5,6, [-], [-], there is no way not to go, I will follow [-]", the fat man seems to want to scare other people with such words, but Chen Kangjie can still hear it, he is self-encouraging and It's all for comfort, otherwise the brows weren't frowning just now.

The last card was dealt out, the Arab got a 9 of clubs, the fat man got the last card of clubs 5, and the western youth got 8 of hearts.

"You still have the best card, please speak." The croupier continued to give the young man the right to speak.

"Your biggest cards are a pair of 5s, far smaller than my pair of aces. Although the Arabs have 10, j, q, and k straights, I don't believe that your hole card is an ace. If so, I will Double it, $[-]." After analyzing the card situation on the field, the young man increased his bet to $[-].

"Okay, I'll bet on your pair of aces, I'll give you 20 dollars." The man next to him still had more than [-] chips in front of him, so he followed up with [-] chips.

"My card is the lowest. I gambled for several hours. I was the loser, but I don't believe in evil. If it is less than 50 US dollars, I will add [-] to [-] US dollars." The Arab region is rich in oil, It seems to give the impression that Arabs are very rich. This Arab has a chip of [-] million US dollars in front of him. He is quite confident and probably not afraid of losing.

"Then according to this meaning, we all have to add another [-] US dollars to see your hole cards?" The fat man didn't expect [-] US dollars, and there is another party to add money. His current card is only one pair of fives, although I don’t know what the bottom card is, but it is three of a kind at most. With such a card, the chance of winning is only five or five. If nothing else, at least the pair of aces who spoke first, if the hole card is an ace, then he is dead What's more, the Arab is very likely to be a straight man, otherwise he wouldn't increase the money so much, he flinched a little.

"Of course, if you want to check the cards, you can throw another [-] chips." The Arab was complacent, as if confident, but it seemed that he was stealing chickens, and he deliberately put on such a posture.

"I don't care what card you are, since I follow, if you want to steal a chicken, don't even think about it, I will follow you for [-] dollars." The young man has the character of not admitting defeat, and besides, the card is his again. Max, so decided to keep up.

The fat man is in a dilemma at the moment, let's follow, the chances of losing are great, and the chances of winning are a little small, he is facing two families, if he doesn't follow, it will be uneconomical, he picked up his hole card and looked again, from his gaze , Chen Kangjie felt that his biggest card would definitely not be just a pair of fives, otherwise, he would throw it away without hesitation.

"Are you following, or are you not following?" the Arab asked provocatively, taking a sip of the glass of water in front of him.

"Are you afraid that I don't have any money? Okay, I'll follow." After a little hesitation, the fat man mustered up the courage to push in the [-] chips in front of him.

"Please show your cards." Now that the bets have been placed, the croupier asked everyone to reveal their cards.

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