rebirth of change

Chapter 407 Unexpected Remark

Chapter [-] Unexpected Remarks

After everyone's hole cards were revealed, the confidence of the young man beside Chen Kangjie disappeared immediately. His hole card was an ace, which added up to three aces.The Arab's hole card is indeed as he said, it is indeed not an a, but it is a 9, which still forms a straight of 9.10, j, q, k, which is bigger than his.

The fat man's hole card was a six, and he made two pair, a pair of sixes and a pair of fives.He was betting that the Arab couldn't make a straight, and the young man had only a pair of aces. In that case, two pair in his hand would be the highest card, but he made a mistake, and the Arab had the last laugh.

"Damn, I can finally win, little guy, it seems that your joining has brought me good luck." The Arab was very excited. This was the first time he had won to the end.

Before Chen Kangjie came, it was not true that the Arab had never won a hand, but his first ace was also an ace, and his second card was also an ace. The cards looked pretty good. Unfortunately, none of them followed. Others Everyone threw away all their cards, so he won, but he didn't win much money at all, not even a tenth of this hand.This hand still added 10,000+ dollars in chips in front of him.

Another Arab with a short beard was responsible for gathering all the chips in the center of the table in front of them.

"He really should win once, hehe." The bald old man didn't follow up with the money himself, so he made sarcastic remarks.

"Honey, you're still wise," said the alluring woman next to the old man in a flattering voice.

"Haha, otherwise, how can you say that ginger is old and spicy?" The old man 'touched' the woman's chin, and said proudly with a 'kinky' smile.

"It's not over yet, who knows who will win and who will win." The fat man who lost couldn't understand it, so the words he said were not so pleasant.

"That's, that's, let's start a new round," the old man said with a nonchalant smile, and casually threw a five-hundred-dollar chip into the gaming table.

"Please bet," the croupier extended his hand around the table again.

Chen Kangjie followed several other people to throw in the bottom chips, "Brother Ouyang, why don't you play two hands?".

Chen Kangjie felt that it was not a good idea to let Ouyang Zhenhua watch from the side like that, so he made a suggestion. Anyway, winning or losing does not matter to Chen Kangjie. Money is now a tool for him, a tool to achieve his goals, and a way to enjoy life. tool.

"No, you should play, I'm not interested in gambling," Ouyang Zhenhua replied with a wave of his hand.

Although Ouyang Zhenhua is said to have a strong net worth, he rarely sets foot in gambling places. This is an important reason why Chen Kangjie values ​​him.

Since Ouyang Zhenhua didn't want to play, Chen Kangjie didn't force it either, just smiled and let it go.

In this deck of cards, Chen Kangjie still only lost the bottom $500 before giving up. The other four continued to play, and the final bet was [-] U.S. dollars. In the field, the bald old man followed one more round than Chen Kangjie, and also withdrew. One of the open cards in his hand was the ace of hearts and the other was the king of spades. He did not choose to follow either.

Chen Kangjie then played a few more hands with them. What remained stable was that Chen Kangjie discarded almost every hand and only lost the ante bet. Once Ouyang Zhenhua clearly saw Chen Kangjie's hole card and the first one. It looked like a couple, and he didn't even follow, which was very strange, but it was not convenient for him to ask why it was so.

Chen Kangjie used a paralyzing tactic, which was used by Gao Jin on "God of Gamblers". None, he is the biggest.

At the seventh hand, Chen Kangjie did not back down. His first revealed card was the ace of clubs, the Arab's first revealed card was the q of spades, the bald old man's was 2 of clubs, and the fat man's was 10 of diamonds. The youth is the 8 of hearts.

"Your card is the biggest, please speak." The croupier did not fluctuate in his tone because Chen Kangjie threw the cards every time. He was still polite. A high-end casino like them would not allow the staff to talk The attitude of the guests is disrespectful. Chen Kangjie has been to the casinos in Macau. Even if you are dressed in ordinary clothes, you will still be warmly welcomed in the casinos.

"Hehe, it's very rare to get a on the first card, so let's make it $[-]!" Chen Kangjie easily raised the price to $[-] in the first round.

"Is an ace great? Okay, I'll follow you, it's rare that you don't lose your cards." The Arab's words are a kind of humiliation, but Chen Kangjie doesn't care, who told him to always lose his cards before.

"My 2 is very small, but as this old man said, it's rare for you, little brother, to not lose your cards. Let me play with you, and I will follow." The bald old man said with a sly smile.

"In that case, then I will follow." The fat man didn't say anything extra.

"I'll cheer you on, I'll go with Ten Thousand, come on," the young man beside Chen Kangjie turned his head and said friendlyly to Chen Kangjie.

"Thank you, I wish you good luck," Chen Kangjie also responded with a smile.

Everyone follows, then the croupier starts to deal the third card—that is, the second clear card.

Chen Kangjie was lucky, he got a 9 of clubs, the Arab got an 8 of spades, the bald old man got a 2 of diamonds, the fat man got a 9 of spades, and the young man next to Chen Kangjie got an [-] of spades. square q.

Because it seems that Kang Jie is the two plum blossoms starting with a, so he is still the one who speaks first.

"Well, it's still ten thousand dollars," Chen Kangjie smiled and threw in the ten thousand dollar chips in front of him.

"We also told, [-] U.S. dollars, it's a trivial matter," the Arabs showed their diamond kingpins.

"Little brother, I appreciate you, I'll talk to you again." After throwing the chips, the bald old man leaned on the back of the chair gracefully.

"9 and 10 are not bad, easy to get a straight, there is no reason not to follow", although the fat man said so, but one of his small actions is very interesting to Chen Kangjie, that is to throw away the remaining half of the cigar , Ask the waiter to replace him with a new one.

"Everyone is in good spirits, so I'll play along with you for a while," the young people also decided to follow along.

In just two rounds, there were already more than one hundred thousand dollars in bets on the table.The casino hopes to see such a scene, and the croupier continues to deal cards skillfully.

Chen Kangjie's good luck continued, and he got a 7 of clubs, but Chen Kangjie was not alone in his good luck. The Arab also got an 8 of spades, which, like Chen Kangjie, formed a flush.As for the bald old man, luck also favored him, and he got a 2 of spades, so that all three of his cards were 2s. The fat man was a little less lucky, and got a j of clubs, which formed a 9,10 on the card. [-], j, a straight, but before the last card is revealed, no one knows who is the biggest.The most unlucky one was the young man next to him, who got an ace of hearts. He currently has the lowest card, no pair, no straight, and no flush.

"It seems that I was the first to speak again, so let's increase it a bit, [-] US dollars!" Chen Kangjie confidently doubled the price.

"I am also flush, [-] is [-], either lose more or win more", the Arab said contradictory words while talking with the chips.

"Interesting, interesting, but I don't believe that you guys will be flush. I have three 2s as a backing, and there is no reason not to follow for $[-]." The bald old man looked very relaxed.

"I like this too, I'm a Shunzi after all, so I'll follow." After taking a puff of his cigar, the fat man in overalls also followed this round.

When it was the young man's turn, he covered all his cards, "My card is low, so I won't follow."

"Not following is not necessarily a bad thing, the less you lose, the more you win", Chen Kangjie said to this young man a mantra often used by domestic gamblers.

"Yes, it is a very interesting sentence to lose less and win more," the young man responded to Chen Kangjie's friendliness.

Everyone else heard Chen Kangjie's words. It gave people the feeling that Chen Kangjie had a big card and he didn't want this young man to lose more money to him. However, it was the first time Chen Kangjie bet like this. It's still unknown, but they all have a small knot in their hearts.

The croupier continued to deal cards to the gamblers, and Chen Kangjie's good luck continued, and he got a four of clubs, so all his revealed cards were clubs, forming a flush.However, the good luck of the Arabs ended. What they got was a king of clubs, and there was no way to form a flush.The bald old man did not get the fourth 2, but turned into a 7 of spades. The fat man was lucky, and the 8 of clubs he got kept his card straight.

"I still have more than 5 chips, so Stud, let's put them all on." Chen Kangjie took a sip of black tea, and pushed all the chips into the center of the gaming table with both hands.

Chen Kangjie's move caught the others by surprise, but the others probably won't be so easily intimidated.

"I won the bet of more than [-] US dollars last time. I believe this time it still belongs to me. I followed you." The Arab also followed.

It's just that this kind of behavior of relying on luck may not work in the casino.

"I also called three of a kind, and I don't believe you are really flush." ​​The bald old man also called, but he was not as relaxed and comfortable as before.

The three people in front all followed, leaving only one fat man smoking a cigar and making no statement.

"I will follow, and I will add another 50 US dollars." The fat man's behavior was even more unexpected than Chen Kangjie's, and he actually doubled the bet ten times.

"You have [-] chips in front of you, how do you follow?" Chen Kangjie asked.

"Waiter, help me exchange 30 chips." This person answered Chen Kangjie's words with actions.

After Chen Kangjie glanced at everyone's cards, he whispered to Ouyang Zhenhua, "Brother Ouyang, go and exchange for 50 US dollars in chips."

Chen Kangjie didn't say whether he would follow or not. Others were also thinking about their own attitude, and at the same time were waiting for Chen Kangjie's attitude.

Not long after, two waiters came into the room with two stacks of chips. The lesser one was placed in front of the fat man, and the larger one was placed in front of Chen Kangjie.When the fat man saw that Chen Kangjie had also exchanged 50 US dollars in chips, his heart skipped a beat. Needless to say, if Chen Kangjie didn't follow, it would be impossible to exchange the chips.

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