Chapter 41 Confessions and Suggestions II

Zhao Zhibang and Huang Zhenhua were stunned by what Chen Kangjie said. They just talked about the 3-kilometer road, and how much it cost. The current 40-kilometer road was completed in about [-] years. Really Easier said than done.And what does coal chemical industry mean?But what Chen Kangjie said, they thought about it and knew that most of it was correct, but there was a key problem missing.

"Xiaojie, according to what you said, where do you get so much money? Almost all of what you said cost money? Besides, we are a socialist country, how can we allow so much foreign investment and private economy? What's more What do you mean by coal chemical industry?" Huang Zhenhua, who is in charge of economics, was the first to ask this key question.Zhao Zhibang also looked up at Chen Kangjie to see how he would answer.

"Uncle Huang, the question you mentioned is indeed very important, but why do we need reform and opening up? Without reform and opening up, there is no way out. Reform and opening up is to introduce capital and technology, and introduce advanced management methods and concepts. As long as your policies are in place , Businessmen feel that they can make money, so they will naturally come to invest. Isn’t this rich? Just like in eastern Guangdong Province, there are now so many Hong Kong, Taiwanese, and foreign investors investing, and many things are not achieved overnight. This process It will take at least ten years. As for the issue of socialism you mentioned, my opinion is that socialism does not refer to nationalization or a planned economy. The United States also has a planned economy and state-owned companies. Socialism , The core is to make the common people prosperous together. One thing we must pay attention to is that poverty eradication is not socialism. If the result of socialism is poverty eradication, it will definitely be discarded. I think you think so too.

What's more, our party represents the most advanced productive forces, represents the interests of the broadest masses of the people, and represents the direction of social development. If it cannot bring benefits to the people and cannot master advanced productive forces, it is impossible for our party to continue to be in power status.So it doesn't matter whether you buy a black cat for nothing, as long as it can catch mice, it is a good cat.And as long as we seize the key parts of the national economy, what if there are more foreign capital and private enterprises?As for coal chemical industry, coal is used as raw material to produce various products through chemical reactions, which are used in industrial production.In layman's terms, it is the coking, gasification, and liquefaction of coal.The biggest advantage of coal chemical industry is that it lengthens the industrial chain, increases the added value and increases the contribution rate.For example, in the coal-coke-gas-chemical co-production chain, a series of products such as coke, gas, methanol, acetic acid, and dimethylformin can be produced, and the added value and contribution rate are much higher than those used as a one-off Raw coal output value for energy.Another example is that the development prospect of coal coking is also very broad. Using modern technology, 113 products such as gasoline, diesel oil, wax, ammonia, ethylene, propylene, alcohol, and aldehyde can be produced from coal, of which oil products account for 60%. "

Chen Kangjie's words made the two of them concentrate again.

"As you said, foreign investment can be brought in by emancipating the mind. Take the road construction you said, how can the road be owned by individuals? And we are so poor here, who will repair it?" After a short while, It was Huang Zhenhua who spoke.

"No matter who builds it, there is no ownership. The road still belongs to the state. For example, if the bot model is adopted, whoever invests in road construction has the right to collect tolls for a certain number of years. After the number of years, it will be nationalized. It is not right to allow others to recover costs and make money. Otherwise, no one is a fool. Besides, when the road is repaired, it will naturally drive economic development, drive tourism and attract tourists. This will not only allow cars to be charged, but also bring considerable tax revenue. All of this They are closely intertwined, and we cannot look at the problem separately," Chen Kangjie further explained.

"During this period, we must also protect the environment. Green mountains and green waters are also political achievements. We are a mountainous area, with little arable land, more barren hills, and severe rocky desertification. Not only water and soil erosion, but also affect agricultural production. We are in the Yangtze River and the middle and upper reaches of the Pearl River, so we have to stand at the height of the country to share the country's worries and reduce soil erosion, which is beneficial to the shipping and water resources of the Yangtze River and the Pearl River. Without green mountains and green waters, our tourism industry, we Herbal medicines, tea leaves, etc. will all be affected, and no one will like to come to dirty, messy places, nor will they be willing to buy dirty, messy agricultural products." Let's talk about the importance of environmental protection. Otherwise, if it is damaged and then maintained, it will not only cost more money, but also waste time.

Zhao Zhibang and Huang Zhenhua did not know when they lit up and smoked.In his previous life, Chen Kangjie was a pipe smoker. After being smoked by them, he became addicted to smoking, but he could only hold back, and he couldn't ask them for cigarettes.

Hearing so much from Chen Kangjie today, at first Zhao Zhibang was thinking about taking the school exam, but later on, he really wanted to keep thinking.Huang Zhenhua was also shocked, he was in charge of the economy, he knew a lot of things, but this kid was able to speak so profoundly and hit the nail on the head.No wonder Zhao Zhibang said on the phone that he was studying, so he wanted to come and listen together.Huang Zhenhua really misunderstood this point, and Zhao Zhibang was really joking at that time.

At this time, the little nanny came up to say that the meal was ready, and called down to eat.The three of them put aside those nerve-wracking development plans and went downstairs to eat.

At the dinner table, Chen Kangjie didn't care about the three sevens and twenty ones, and just ate with his head down.Zhao Zhibang and Huang Zhenhua both looked at each other in dismay. This kid was calm and composed when he spoke, why would he gobble it up when he ate.But it also happens to symbolize the style of children.

"Xiaojie, who taught you what you just said?" Zhao Zhibang asked with concern.It's not easy to teach a little guy to be such a person, and he has to reuse it if he has the opportunity, otherwise it would be a pity for the talent.Huang Zhenhua actually had the same idea, but he couldn't say it because the secretary was present.

"Part of it is what I read in school and newspapers, and part of it is taught by my father and godfather," Chen Kangjie said with a mouthful of food and pondered for a while.

It's time to roll out Dad and Godfather.

"Haha, I forgot, we were 'grabbing' the same book just now," Zhao Zhibang said heartily, looking very happy.

Huang Zhenhua didn't know about that, so he asked Zhao Zhibang with his eyes, and Zhao Zhibang told the story of the two reading the same "Regional Economy and Resource Endowment" at the book stand at the same time in the afternoon.Huang Zhenhua seemed to have suddenly realized, no wonder this kid knows so much.

"Can you introduce your father and godfather to us? Maybe we will learn from them next time," Zhao Zhibang asked jokingly. He wanted to know who taught Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie put down the bowl and chopsticks, and introduced Chen Qigang and He Baoguo.

After listening to Chen Kangjie's introduction, Zhao Zhibang and Huang Zhenhua looked at each other, as if they both thought of the same thing.

After eating, afraid that the teacher would be anxious, Zhao Zhibang called a car to take Chen Kangjie back to the Education Hotel.Zhao Zhibang and Huang Zhenhua still have work matters to discuss.

But before going out, Chen Kangjie said something that surprised both of them.

"Uncle Zhao, I think you can be the biggest official in our country, and I hope our country can prosper and prosper under your leadership."

After finishing speaking, Chen Kangjie bowed to the two, turned around and went outside to get in the car and left.And Zhao Zhibang and Huang Zhenhua are still thinking about Chen Kangjie's last sentence, especially Zhao Zhibang, he also wants to stand in a high position and do more things for the country, but that position is not so easy to get up to, I really don't know why this little guy would Say that?

Huang Zhenhua was shocked and a little happy. If Zhao Zhibang can really get to that position, then he can go one or two steps further, no, this kid is not simple, he must communicate as much as possible in the future, and he can't take it seriously. He is a child, and Zhao Zhibang also likes him very much, and with this talent, his future achievements will be limitless, and he can keep a good relationship with him and keep some contacts for his children.

Chen Kangjie really didn't know what they were thinking, but he said the last sentence with a trace of regret, what if history was changed by his own rebirth?Hey, why are you talking so fast?

Zhao Zhibang and Huang Zhenhua did not introduce their work from the beginning to the end, and Chen Kangjie was rarely confused, and sometimes being confused is not necessarily a bad thing.

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