Chapter 42 returns with awards

The award ceremony of the calligraphy competition on December 12th was held in the small auditorium of the Calligraphers Association, because the judges for this competition were all invited from the Calligraphers Association, and the number of winners was only more than 25 people, plus the teacher who led the team There are only a hundred people, so the small auditorium of the Calligraphers Association is just right.

For the leaders who attended, the organizing committee only arranged for the deputy director of the Provincial Education Commission and a vice president of the Calligraphers Association, but for some reason, the secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Secretary Zhao Zhibang called and said that he would participate. The vice-governor, Zhu Jianming, director of the Education Committee, and the chairman of the Calligraphers Association all expressed their intention to attend. As a result, the two or three leaders who were arranged on the "chairman" platform had to give up their seats, and the staff hurriedly exchanged the name tags of the upcoming leaders. superior.

Chen Kangjie was also a little surprised to see Zhao Zhibang attending the calligraphy awards ceremony of this primary and secondary school.After all, such a thing is really not a big deal for a provincial party secretary. A provincial leader is very busy. He just attended.

Later, when Huang Zhenhua heard that Secretary Zhao had come to attend the calligraphy award ceremony, he became more determined to have a good relationship with Chen Kangjie.A big official in Xinjiang can change his schedule and attend an innocuous event for a child, which is enough to show that Zhao Zhibang attaches great importance to and loves Chen Kangjie.

Following Zhao Zhibang were reporters from the provincial TV station and the provincial newspaper. The activities attended by the first and second leaders in the province were all to be reported on. This was a political task, and the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee would generally take such activities seriously.

The first one was awarded to the middle school group. When the awardees heard the introduction that such a high-level leader was presenting the award, they were a little bit excited, and they were a little cautious when accepting the award, and they were not too relaxed.This has a lot to do with our country's thousands of years of official-based thinking. Ordinary people are at a loss when they see bureau chiefs and county heads, let alone provincial and ministerial leaders.

After the middle school group finished, it was the turn of Chen Kangjie and his elementary school group.Chen Kangjie won the first prize for soft pen calligraphy, but he did not participate in hard pen calligraphy.It may be that Zhao Zhibang greeted the organizers in advance, and Chen Kangjie happened to be standing in the middle when the awards were presented, and it was Zhao Zhibang who presented the awards to him in person.Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence?

Standing in front of Zhao Zhibang, Chen Kangjie pretended to be enlightened, smiled and scratched his head and whispered to Zhao Zhibang, "Uncle Zhao, so you are the secretary of the provincial party committee?"

"Little devil, don't tell me you didn't know me yesterday?" Zhao Zhibang also looked sly, patted Chen Kangjie's head, and whispered like an underground party.

Indeed, Zhao Zhibang later thought that such a smart child has a certain mature understanding of economy and politics, and he brought him to the provincial party committee compound yesterday, even if he had never seen himself on TV, then according to Chen Kangjie Smart guessing can guess who he is, who knows that this kid is acting as if he doesn't know him.

"Hehe, I really didn't know before. I just guessed that you would be a leader yesterday, but now I know that you are such a great leader." Chen Kangjie smirked, and if he really couldn't admit it directly, it would seem unkind, so he could only make excuses like this.

"It doesn't matter whether you know it or not, anyway, you are welcome to visit my house frequently in the future, no matter what my position is, you can come," Zhao Zhibang kindly touched Chen Kangjie's forehead again, and said cordially.

Many of the leaders next to him and that Vice Governor Qian were a little dazed. What kind of a thing is this? Before presenting awards to the seniors, Secretary Zhao just shook hands with a smile. Why did he chat with this kid on stage? , and still so close, they were all wondering whose child could receive such courtesy from the secretary.

Zhu Jianming, the director of the education committee who received the call from Secretary Zhao Zhibang, seemed to understand why Secretary Zhao suddenly said that he wanted to participate in this event today.

After the two chatted, Zhao Zhibang motioned to the photographer to take pictures of them. Chen Kangjie also held up his award certificate and took two photos with Zhao Zhibang. These two photos are very precious to Chen Kangjie, and he intends to keep them as a A witness to history.

After the awards were presented, Zhao Zhibang left with his entourage and did not participate in other activities that followed. Chen Kangjie also hurriedly took photos with other awardees, and returned to the six under the leadership of the teacher.

Before he got home, he was stopped by Chen Yuchang at the door, and he dragged Chen Kangjie to his room like a thief.After Chen Qigang became the deputy mine manager, the mine considered that there were many Chen family members, so they allocated a house to Chen Yuchang. It was next to his house, and Chen Kangjie also occupied a single room. This two-room house became a two-room house. Brother's land.In fact, if Chen Qigang was not the deputy mine manager, no matter how many people there were, it would be impossible for Chen Yuchang to have a house according to Chen Yuchang's length of service. Usually, Chen Qigang was very popular, so everyone tacitly agreed.

Ever since Chen Kangjie came back from his rebirth, Chen Qigang has been a prosperous official and his career has gone smoothly. In just over two years, he has changed from deputy section chief to deputy mine manager. Among them, everyone who knows He Baoguo has contributed a lot, but Chen Qigang, who is in a "high position" He is also smug, dedicated to his career, and determined to do a good job in his work, so he must not disappoint He Baoguo's kindness.

"Third brother, what's the matter? You're sneaky." Chen Kangjie complained a little dissatisfied with Chen Yuchang's savagely pulling him away. When he came back, he hadn't won a certificate to cheer his parents up yet.

"Lao Wen, do you still remember what you promised me? My brother has been working diligently for a year." Chen Yuchang finally endured for a year, so of course he must quickly find a brother who can help him fulfill it. .

Only then did Chen Kangjie remember that he had promised the third brother that as long as he worked with peace of mind for a full year and was not criticized by Chen Qigang, he would start a business for him too.

"Then what kind of business do you want to do? Tell me." For a while, Chen Kangjie really didn't know what kind of business to do for his elder brother. Chen Yuchang couldn't do it if he was too big. If he was too small, he probably wasn't interested in the third brother either. , No way, kick the ball back.

"If I want to know what kind of business to do, I still look for you? Isn't it up to you to find a way?" Chen Kangjie was the co-author.

Chen Kangjie was also really depressed, his third brother spread his hands and left everything to himself, and he started to be a shopkeeper, what is this all about?I am only a fourth grade student!

There is no way, the third brother has already mentioned it, so I can only help him think about it.

"Okay, give me a few days and I'll help you think about it." After speaking, Chen Kangjie turned around and ran out of the room as if fleeing.

In the past two years, Chen Kangjie has won the certificates from the school and the bureau. This is the first time he has won the certificate from the province, so everyone made fun of Chen Kangjie at night.Chen Qigang himself is most proud of calligraphy. His son was able to win the first prize in the province with calligraphy, so he was naturally very happy, which proves that this is the origin of family learning.

After dinner, Chen Qigang was in high spirits, and went back to his room to practice calligraphy. Chen Kangjie sneaked in after him.Seeing the youngest son following in, he thought he was coming to learn how to write calligraphy by himself, so he gave a satisfied look with a smile, and continued to splash ink.

"Father, let me tell you something," Chen Kangjie said as if he had done something wrong, pulling the skirt of his clothes.

"Huh? What's the matter, tell me." It's rare to see Chen Kangjie with this expression, thinking that something happened, Chen Qigang put the 'mao' brush on the inkstone, and listened carefully to what Chen Kangjie would say.

Chen Kangjie briefly told about meeting Zhao Zhibang and Huang Zhenhua in the provincial capital, and showed Chen Qigang a photo with Zhao Zhibang.

Chen Qigang was pacing around the room thinking with the photos in his hand, and he was not in the mood to write now. Two minutes later, Chen Qigang took a look at Chen Kangjie and went to the living room to make a call. Chen Kangjie knew from the voice that he was calling He Baoguo.

After making the phone call, Chen Qigang went back to ask a few questions about the conversation in the provincial capital. About 10 minutes later, He Baoguo came.

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