rebirth of change

Chapter 429 Me?what am i

Chapter 420 Nine Me?what am i

"I said that the district 'government' should change the way it handles reception. Don't just use raw seafood and wild animals. It's a waste of money, and it doesn't necessarily have good results, especially for investors. They are all rich people. There is no shortage of those things, but ordering some home-cooked food is more friendly, and it can very well draw in the relationship between investors and you," Chen Kangjie teased Zhou Yi half-truthfully.

"If that's the case, people will say we are poor," Zhou Yi smiled helplessly.

"Mr. Li, do you think so?" Chen Kangjie turned around and asked Li Chaoren.

"Of course not. I think Xiaojie is right. It's better to be kind." Li Chaoren didn't expect Chen Kangjie to throw this question to him, so he could only answer with an embarrassed smile.

"District Chief Zhou, did you see that this is a personal statement?" Chen Kangjie turned back to Zhou Yi.

Zhou Yi was very depressed psychologically. Why did you tell me about this? Your father is the leader, so why didn't you tell him?This is not embarrassing me.

"Okay, okay, I'll discuss it with Mrs. Chen later." Zhou Yi wanted to return to that thought, and said that he still had to pick the scene.

"Hehe, I'm just joking with you, but ah, we can indeed discuss it, and try to save as much as possible, let's go, let's go to dinner together, and help the 'government' save your meal." Chen Kangjie watched Zhou Yi couldn't bear it, so he changed his tone, and the other party was also a district chief anyway.

"Okay, I'll have a meal as well. The car has been arranged outside. I don't know whether to take our car or your good car?", the 'government' buses are mainly Santanas and jeeps. For the reception, I ordered A Crown, but still not as good as Chen Kangjie's car, that's why Qiu Yi said that.

"You eat our food, we will take your car, so that no one will suffer, and we can save some gas costs, so it will be regarded as a tie," Chen Kangjie said humorously.

The reason why I chose to take the bus was that I didn’t want to be too ostentatious, otherwise a bunch of Buicks and Mercedes-Benz, the license plate number is still so awesome, and it will definitely attract spectators, but the ‘government’ car is not so conspicuous, even the Crown is not as conspicuous as it is. Ouyang Zhenhua's Mercedes-Benz is much more restrained.

Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua accompanied Li Chaoren in the black crown car specially used for reception, Qiu Yi took his own dark black Santana, and other casual people took the other two silver-gray cars ' Santana.A small convoy of four vehicles rushed towards Nake Street Garden without police cars to clear the way and no traffic police to guide them.

Street Garden is not a real garden, it is just a cross in the most prosperous road, because there is a small flower bed and three sculptures of coal miners in the middle of the cross, so the local people commonly call it Street Garden, the newly opened Doumi hotpot restaurant It is diagonally opposite the cinema, which is next to the garden in the middle of the street.

It is late October now, and it is still very hot in many parts of the country, which is not suitable for eating hot pot, but in Qianzhou, the climate seems to be able to eat hot pot all year round, so although hot pot is not as famous as Berkshire, there are various kinds of hot pot. This kind of hot pot is not broken all year round, there are mutton hot pot, dog meat hot pot, spicy chicken hot pot, potato chicken hot pot, ribs hot pot, bean rice hot pot, spicy hot pot, hot and sour hot pot, etc., which vary from place to place, dozens of kinds many.

This Doumi hot pot restaurant called "Haozailai" is run by a couple. The man looks big and thick, with a short crew cut, a slightly fat body and small eyes.The woman has a disheveled face, and her skin is a little yellowish. She is not very beautiful, but she is well-groomed. She is wearing a rice-colored calico dress, which looks very energetic.

Hearing the sound of car brakes at the door, knowing that a guest was coming, his wife hurriedly opened the door curtain made of pins and small colored copper wires and came out to greet her.

At first glance, there were four cars, one of which was very high-end, and the guests who got out of the car were all well-dressed. The proprietress knew that this was a big customer, an important customer.

"Bosses, come here, please, please, please, the room is very quiet now", the proprietress was very enthusiastic, and came forward to greet Chen Kangjie and the others.

The owner of this kind of restaurant has good eyesight. When he saw that Chen Kangjie and the others were walking in the front and in the middle, and the others rushed over to surround them as soon as they got off the car, they knew that they were the people in charge.

"Madam, are there no customers now?" Chen Kangjie came here for dinner, so he knew him, but the lady didn't remember him.

"Hehe, it's almost nine o'clock now, and the last wave of customers just left," the proprietress said with a smile.

"That's good. Let's make a reservation today. Don't let the guests behind come in. You have four tables, and each table has a pot of bean rice hot pot. You can look at the side dishes." Chen Kangjie, as the person who is most familiar with this place, While walking up the steps, he gave instructions to the proprietress.

Ouyang Zhenhua, Li Chaoren and Zhou Yi were dining here for the first time, and they didn't know anything, so they could only follow Chen Kangjie's arrangement.

"Okay, okay, it will be ready soon, everything is ready-made", the proprietress smiled happily when she heard that there were four tables, and the side dishes still looked good.

Opening this kind of hot pot restaurant is actually a small business, and the profit is mainly on some expensive side dishes and drinks. If the customer only asks for the bottom of the pot and some vegetables, the profit will be very low, and the rice is free.

The area of ​​this hot pot restaurant is not big, only more than 30 square meters, with four small wooden tables and small chairs made of bamboo, which is very civilian style. There is a small counter in the corner, and there are some Drinks and paper towels, etc., the place where the proprietress usually works is here, and there is a small cubicle of [-] to [-] square meters in the back room, which is regarded as the kitchen.

"Old Gui, there are guests here, prepare four tables", the proprietress just stepped into the house, and shouted loudly to the husband in the back kitchen.

"Okay, you invite the guests to sit down, it will be ready in a while," a rough voice came from the back kitchen.

There are four tables, one for Chen Kangjie, Ouyang Zhenhua, Li Chaoren, and Qiu Yi. The other accompanying personnel are free to mix and sit at the remaining three tables.

"Miss Boss, when making dipping water, there are a few less peppers, and don't add peppers to the bottom of the pot." In order to take care of Li Chaoren and the others, Chen Kangjie still needs to give more instructions.

"Oh, okay." The proprietress took a second look at Li Chaoren and Ouyang Zhenhua, typical outsiders, before answering and going back to the kitchen.

There are still some differences between Lingnan people and mainlanders. Apart from the accent, some people's appearance can always make people feel that they are from a certain place.Besides, in the local area, very few people know how to wear suits and leather shoes. Even if they really wear suits, there are very few black pure wool suits like theirs, so it should look like Rich people from other places.

"Mr. Li, this place is a bit rough, but I have eaten here twice, and the taste is very good." The chair was a bit short, and Chen Kangjie saw that Li Chaoren's legs were bent, so he said that.

"I think it's quite good. The countryside in my hometown is almost like this. When I was young, the dining table and chairs and stools at home were 'touched' like this. It made me feel like I was back when I was a child." Li Chaoren 'touched' The yellowed desktop said emotionally.

Only Chen Kangjie would entertain him in this way. If you were in Hong Kong, whether you were dining with business partners or at home, it would not be so simple and simple.Even if he returned to his hometown, the local officials or clansmen would not entertain such an important guest as him.So Chen Kangjie made Li Chaoren experience a long-lost familiar feeling.

"Wow, if that's the case, I should take you to the countryside to eat authentic farm food." Chen Kangjie laughed and joked.

"That's not bad, next time, it's a deal." Li Chaoren knew that Chen Kangjie was joking, but he cooperated with his language to keep the joke going.

Zhou Yi couldn't let go of sitting at the table. Even though he was an official, sitting with Li Chaoren and Ouyang Zhenhua was still a little stressful. In terms of knowledge and quality of life, he couldn't compare with him. For Chen Kangjie, none of these problems existed. Basically, he treated them as ordinary people. He could even hold a majority of the equity in the investment of the power plant, so why would he show nervousness and embarrassment in front of Li Chaoren?

If it was changed to the previous life, then Chen Kangjie would probably be too nervous to speak, this is the confidence of strength.Just like those celebrities, what they wear casually looks fashionable to outsiders, even if they are paired with sneakers and suits, but if the same wearing happens to ordinary people, it will be considered as old-fashioned hats and second-hand leather.In the same way, because Chen Kangjie's strength is different today, no matter who he sees, he will not take it as a big deal. His vision determines his mind.

"Mr. Li, what do you think of our place?" Zhou Yi, as the official who entertained Li Chaoren, couldn't just sit there stupidly, he had to find something to talk about, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

"Beautiful mountains and rivers, rich resources, outstanding people, rapid economic development, it is a good place." No matter it is polite or polite, you can't say that people here are too bad.

"The mountains and rivers are beautiful, the resources are abundant, and the economy is developing rapidly, all of which are considered objective, but this outstanding man is a bit exaggerated. In ancient times, we did not have a number one scholar here, and even Jinshi, there are only a few thousand years. In modern times, There are no well-known philosophers, historians, musicians, etc., Mr. Li, this is a lie." Chen Kangjie joined the chat seriously.

"The 'Chairman' once said that everything is in the past, count the romantic figures, and look at the present. If there was no past, it does not mean that there is no today. At least there is a Chen Kangjie here." Li Chaoren pulled Chen Kangjie in with quick thinking.

"Me? What am I? I'm neither a celebrity nor a scholar, just a middle school student." Chen Kangjie pointed to the tip of his nose.

"Not today, does not mean that the future is not. In the not-too-distant future, you must be a remarkable and extraordinary person. I have met many people of all kinds, and many of them call themselves heroes, but in my opinion, no one will be able Up to your achievements", Li Chaoren has a very accurate vision of people, based on the collection and analysis of various information, Li Chaoren came to this conclusion.

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