rebirth of change

Chapter 430 Rice Wine Treats the Rich

Chapter 430 Rice Wine Treats the Rich

"Haha, thank you for your auspicious words." Chen Kangjie couldn't have more words to Li Chaoren's words, so he could only pass them on like this.

"I agree with what Mr. Li said. Your future achievements are absolutely unimaginable. I heard from your father that you have never been deducted a point since the second grade." Qiu Yi immediately echoed Li Chaoren's words.

"Have you heard the story of Einstein making a small bench? Almost all Chinese are characterized by being good at exams, but it doesn't mean anything. Einstein's academic performance was not very good when he was a child, but he eventually became world-famous A great scientist", Chen Kangjie found a new level for himself in the exam.

In fact, when the two were praising Chen Kangjie, Ouyang Zhenhua kept muttering in his heart, what is the need for the future? His current achievements are already unmatched, and as for the future achievements, he simply dare not even think about it.

"Einstein? I don't think you can be a scientist in the future, so there is no comparison." After Li Chaoren had an in-depth discussion with Chen Kangjie after five o'clock, judging from his knowledge and way of thinking, Chen Kangjie would definitely not Be a scientist.

This is Li Chaoren's excellence, and even this point has been spotted by him. Indeed, Chen Kangjie can't be a scientist. The boring life of soaking in the laboratory and then facing a lot of numbers and formulas is definitely not good. It suits Chen Kangjie, he can't stand it.

"I really can't be a scientist, but I'm actually afraid of mathematics," Chen Kangjie confided a little secret of his own.

What Chen Kangjie said is the truth, although mathematics is the most artistic subject, everything can be expressed and explained by mathematics, but Chen Kangjie is really afraid of the boring mathematics, in the eyes of mathematics fans, mathematics is the most Charming, in Chen Kangjie's eyes, mathematics is synonymous with boring.The reason why he can still get full marks in the math test is that the current math is still very simple. In the future, if he is not sure, he will not be able to get full marks in the test, unless Chen Kangjie uses the energy to learn foreign languages ​​to learn mathematics.

"Bosses, step aside, the hot pot is ready, don't touch you." At this moment, the proprietress came to Chen Kangjie and the others with an aluminum alloy frying pan.

"It smells really good", after the proprietress put the pot away, looking at the thick soup in the pot and some of the cooked dishes, Ouyang Zhenhua praised the steam from the bottom of her heart.

"What is cooked in this pot?" Li Chaoren asked, looking at this hot pot that was different from the ones he had eaten before, because the soup in the pot was too thick.

"Boss, as the name suggests, this is made from red beans. The thicker the soup, the better." The local workers and the proprietress may have another tone.

While the proprietress was explaining the soup base to Chen Kangjie and the others, his husband, Lao Gui, the chef of the restaurant, brought another three pots to other tables one after another.

"Come on, come on, you're welcome, let's start eating, I guess everyone will be hungry by now." Chen Kangjie acted as a host to entertain everyone as if he was treating guests.

"Boss, would you like some drinks?" The proprietress took out a small notebook from her pocket, intending to keep accounts.

"Look, do you want to order it all the time? Anyway, I don't drink alcohol. Or, Brother Ouyang and District Chief Zhou will accompany Mr. Li to order some," Chen Kangjie said, holding a pair of chopsticks into the pot.

"I think it's okay, Mr. Li, let's drink as much as you want, lady boss, what wine do you have?" This meal was nominally a treat for Ouyang Zhenhua, and he always wanted to express it.

"This..." Li Chaoren still had some guesses, he had a lot of alcohol, he drank a lot when he was young, but when he got older, he didn't drink much.

"Mr. Li, drink a little more, what do you mean, lady boss, do you have Moutai?" Zhou Yi persuaded, and after finishing speaking, he immediately thought that this meal was a treat for someone else, not reimbursement from public funds, and felt that he was a bit anti-customer.So he coughed twice unnaturally to cover up his embarrassment.

Drinking at the wine table is almost a must-have activity on the Chinese table. If you don’t drink, you will feel that the meal is meaningless. This is an advantage, but it is also a disadvantage.Toasting is fine, but persuading people to drink is inappropriate. It's best to be casual, drink as much as you want according to your drinking capacity, and it's fine. Don't think that the more you drink, the deeper your relationship will be. That's a paradox.

"Our small shop doesn't have the high-end liquor like Moutai, but Dongjiu, Xijiu, Zhenjiu, Zhucheng Daqu, and Zhucheng Erqu are all available," the proprietress said apologetically.

We can see that wine, like tobacco, is somewhat protectionist, and all the wine sold in this store is local wine in Qianzhou.

"I don't know these wines, which one is better?" Ouyang Zhenhua seldom drinks these wines, and now he mostly drinks high-end red wines.

Zhou Yi naturally knew about these wines and had drunk them all, but after the embarrassment just now, it was not easy for him to express his opinion now.

"It's so boring to drink bottled wine, lady boss, is there any locally brewed rice wine?" Chen Kangjie interjected.

"Rice wine?" The proprietress didn't expect the other party to ask such a question. That kind of bulk rice wine is usually only drunk by ordinary people. The idea is completely different.

"Yes, grain wine is also fine," Chen Kangjie said casually after taking a bite of the dish.

Li Chaoren and Ouyang Zhenhua didn't know what kind of rice wine and Baogu wine Chen Kangjie was talking about. They had no idea about this, but Zhou Yi was so surprised that his mouth widened. Entertain such rich and distinguished guests as Ouyang Zhenhua and Li Chaoren.This Young Master Jie really dares to do anything.

"Yes, yes, there are rice wine and grain wine, and they are in bulk." After hearing what Chen Kangjie said, the proprietress knew that the other party was not joking, so she quickly answered affirmatively to avoid another gaffe.

"Mr. Li, brother Ouyang, although this kind of bulk wine is the cheapest and not high-grade, it is the most authentic. The local common people drink this, and my father usually drinks it too, but it is soaked with some dried prickly pears." , Chen Kangjie explained frankly that he didn't directly ask the proprietress to serve a few drinks, but after he explained himself, they decided by themselves. This is to show kindness, not rude.

"We also have that kind of prickly pear wine, and we make it at home," the old parents 'interjected'.

"Since Mrs. Chen likes them all, we often think that expensive ones may not be the best, just like authentic snacks, they must be on the street," Li Chaoren said.

Li Chaoren is fine, so is Ouyang Zhenhua. My boss's father drinks this kind of wine, so what else can I not drink?The two big bosses are fine, and Zhou Yi is even more fine. To be honest, Zhou Yi never thought that Chen Qigang usually drinks tea that costs tens of thousands of yuan a catty, but drinks wine that costs two yuan a catty. The contrast is huge.

In fact, it is easy to understand. Chen Qigang has been drinking that kind of wine for decades, and he has long been used to the taste. In the past, his family was poor and couldn't afford good wine at all.Drinking tea is different. When I was working in the mine, I seldom drank tea. It was only after entering the "government" department that I gradually fell in love with it, so the taste is easy to change, and those good teas are all from Chen Kangjie. As a gift, Ma Fangqin made the prickly pear wine for him.Of course there will be differences.

"Since everyone thinks it's okay, then the proprietress will have a glass of prickly pear bar for each person. You can count the price of the wine, don't count it too cheap, anyway, they are all rich people, ha ha." The profit is not much. Chen Kangjie is not a mean person. If he wants good service, he must let others make a suitable profit.

"Okay, wait a minute, I'll be here soon, are the three tables the same?" The proprietress was about to turn around, only to realize that the drinks for the three tables hadn't been ordered yet.

"Treat everyone equally, give me a bottle of Sprite." Chen Kangjie couldn't let his bosses drink rice wine, but instead, his subordinates drank expensive bottled wine and ordered a bottle of Master Kong's drink for himself.

The proprietress happily went to get everyone drinks. Chen Kangjie and the others were all hungry, so they didn't need to roll up their sleeves to start eating.The dipping water prepared by the store for Li Chaoren and others only put a little chili pepper, and the rest was as usual, even Ouyang Zhenhua was the same. He and Chen Kangjie had eaten more times, and gradually got used to the strong taste of chili pepper.

"This kind of bacon is very chewy." After touching Ouyang Zhenhua and the others with the light red wine sent by the proprietress, Li Chaoren quickly took a large piece of meat from the pot to press it. Suppressing the spiciness of this wine, he chewed a few mouthfuls, thinking that what he was eating was bacon.

In fact, many people thought it was bacon, but it was not. As a local familiar with the situation, Chen Kangjie certainly had to explain.

"This is not bacon. The meat used in Dou Mi hot pot is different from other hot pots. It has special attention. All pork belly is fried in oil, and the water in the meat is squeezed dry. Put it like this. It will be chewy when it is boiled in a pot, I like it very much." After speaking, Chen Kangjie himself took a large piece and put it in his mouth.

"I like it too, but unfortunately my teeth are not very good, so I can't eat more." Sir Li said while chewing the food in his mouth. If his friends in Hong Kong saw Li Chaoren eating like this, they would be surprised. This is not a bit jazzy. look.

"It doesn't matter, there are green vegetables, all of which are non-polluting and have a sweet taste." The local people don't like to use pesticides when growing vegetables, but natural fertilizers excreted by the human body. This is backward in the eyes of outsiders In Chen Kangjie's eyes, this is advanced, and in a few years, it will be fashionable and a symbol of quality of life.

"Mr. Li and Mr. Ouyang have a lot of friends in Hong Kong. You can introduce some friends to us for a visit. There are still many business opportunities here." Zhou Yi entertained Li Chaoren for dinner. Just said it casually.

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