Chapter 430

Qiu Yi was running around in a hurry. If the situation was not brought under control, he didn't know how big it would be. However, he couldn't get through the phone, and the district chief couldn't get through to the police station when he wasn't in the office. What a humorous and ironic thing.

"District Chief Qiu, what are you doing?" It stands to reason that the police station is not far away, and before hearing the siren, Chen Kangjie stood up to take a look, and saw Qiu Yi walking around the door of the back kitchen.

"We don't know the phone number of the police station," Qiu Yi's answer left Chen Kangjie speechless.

"Bring me the phone, I know", Chen Kangjie asked for the phone, and after dialing the number, he gave it to Qiu Yi, who will call Director Gao himself.

Chen Kangjie's phone book at home remembers all the phone calls from people in the district and the city. Chen Kangjie has an excellent memory, and he can remember it after reading it once.

After the call was connected, there was no one answering it. At this time, the Public Security Bureau had already left work, and there were basically no people in all the offices except the duty room.

When Qiu Yigan stared, Chen Kangjie called again, "Should I call Director Gao's house or the duty room?".

"Let's call the duty room. While they are making arrangements in advance, they will notify their chief."

Chen Kangjie dialed the number of the duty room of the Police Bureau and handed it to Qiu Yi. This time, someone answered the call. I heard that it was the District Chief Qiu who called. It was another knife case and threatened the safety of the leaders and guests. *** The police on duty at the bureau attached great importance to it. While dispatching police forces, they quickly called their chief.

After waiting for 7 minutes, Director Gao rushed to the scene with a large number of policemen. At this time, if he had tasted Brother Yong's hand, he would have tasted it. Unfortunately, he couldn't taste it or smell it, because he passed out again. Don't let his screams disturb other people, this time Xiong Ziqiang they didn't wake him up while ensuring that he wouldn't die.

No matter how vicious the gangster is, he is nothing but a chicken and a dog in front of a powerful police organization.The noisy and yelling gangsters outside the hot pot restaurant all surrendered under the impact of a large number of policemen surrounding them. They knelt on the ground and dared not move. If anyone wanted to resist, he would immediately eat some Russian bread And Jinsha's ham, absolutely fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

After controlling the situation outside, Director Gao took people into the 'Haozailai' hotpot restaurant.As for the two hostages held by Dong Mingshu and Qian Degui, they were also taken in by the police who arrived, and one had a cut on his neck and needed treatment.

Seeing the mess inside the hot pot restaurant, the floor was stained with blood, and there was a dead man lying on the dining table, Director Gao was really frightened.

He is now nominated to serve as the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee and also the director of the Public Security Bureau, officially entering the ranks of the director level. If a murder case occurs at this moment, and in front of the district chief and Hong Kong guests, then he It's hard to hold the blame, and I dare not say that I will be demoted, but at least the speed of improvement will slow down.

At the same time, Director Gao was also complaining in his heart. Why didn't he choose to go to the reception hotel when he was so happy to treat guests to dinner? It was the reception hotel of the district committee and district government. It was impossible for such a thing to happen. It's a small side shop, there is nothing to do after eating too much.

Director Gao did not see Chen Kangjie in the house, and Chen Kangjie had already slipped away before Director Gao came in. He handed over all the aftermath to Qiu Yi, and he believed that Qiu Yi would handle it well.

"District Chief Qiu, Mr. Li, and Mr. Ouyang, I'm really sorry. I am responsible for what happened." The first thing Director Gao did was to take responsibility first.

There is a special phenomenon in China. No matter who it is, as long as there is a leader present, the first person to be called must be the leader with the highest level, and the others will follow. Even in school meetings, the leader is given the first place. Teachers and students are placed at the end, which is a reversal caused by the official position.

At present, the economic construction of Liuzhi is advancing rapidly. Many migrant workers have entered the city, and many foreigners have come here. This has brought great difficulties to the security and joint defense of the whole district.Just don't talk about these objective factors in front of the leaders. That's irresponsible. You should take it on yourself first, and then find a way to solve the problem. Smart cadres should do this.

"I've already told you about the matter on the phone. As for the details, I'll explain to you later. That person threw his hands into the pot while he was chasing us. Ask someone to take him away. The people's hospital will treat them for treatment, and then deal with them according to legal procedures. I will accompany Mr. Li and Mr. Ouyang back to the hotel to rest, and I will leave it to you," Qiu Yi said in a business-like manner.

Since Chen Kangjie couldn't show up in this incident, what happened to Brother Yong can only become his own carelessness. Qiu Yi is not suitable to stay on the scene for too long, let alone the two big bosses in Hong Kong. It's been too long here.

"Yes, I will take care of it," Director Gao saluted straightly, and then ordered two policemen to escort them, the nobles, back.

When Director Gao walked in front of Brother Yong, the cruelty of the scene made his heart pound, did he jump in by himself?Even pigs will be stimulated to pop out their trotters, let alone a person, how can he wait for his hands to be fully cooked before stretching out?It's just that Director Gao wanted to think that way, saying that he would never say it out loud. Since District Chief Qiu said that he jumped in by himself, he jumped in by himself, there is no doubt about it.

At this moment, Director Gao immediately thought of another flaw. The people brought by District Chief Qiu couldn't do such a thing, and Li Chaoren's bodyguards didn't dare to do such a thing in front of the District Chief. Who would do it? Woolen cloth?Oh, I see.

Director Gao thought of Dong Mingshu who handed over the hostages to them. Isn't that Master Jie's follower?Why is he here?It goes without saying that Master Jie must have appeared here.

Director Gao is not like Li Chaoren, he knows the details of Dong Mingshu and the others. When he applied for the gun license, it was Chen Kangjie who took them to the Police Bureau to register and file. Some details about them, and their relationship with Chen Kangjie.

No wonder Qiu Yi would say that this person jumped in by himself. It seems that he should have something to do with Jie Shao, otherwise no matter whether it is Ouyang Zhenhua, Li Chaoren, or Qiu Yi, he would not do such a thing. **, through the analysis of some minutiae, it is roughly, and it is almost the same as the actual situation.

Now that the general outline of the matter has been deduced, Director Gao will not talk nonsense, and he is personally responsible for the investigation of the criminal.Not to mention that Qiu Yi gave special instructions, even if Qiu Yi didn't say anything, Director Gao would be cautious. He knew Chen Kangjie's position with He Baoguo and Chen Qigang. As a general of the He Chen family, Director Gao knew what to do.

That night, except for Brother Yong who stayed in the hospital, all the others were sent to the police station. Even Match and the others were just bandaged and taken away from the People's Hospital.

When the doctor at the hospital saw Yongge's hands, the first thing he felt was vomiting. The doctor and the nurse vomited so badly that they couldn't eat stewed pig's trotters for two months, and they didn't dare to eat beans and rice for two years. hot pot.

The hands were already swollen, the skin was ripped apart, and there was a scent coming out, but only when the medical tweezers touched it, the flesh fell off layer by layer, there was no blood at all, even the blood vessels were cooked, 'Lu' Get out the thick bones inside.If these hands are not sawed off, they will only be fire sticks in the future, and gloves must be worn, otherwise anyone who sees them will be frightened.

After the doctor vomited a few times, he finally pulled out the cooked rotten meat, washed it with alcohol and wrapped it with ointment, and that was it.Brother Yong, who was in a coma after being given anesthesia, still didn't know that his hands were only skeletons.

Brother Yong woke up the next day and saw his hands like zongzi. He could only cry loudly, and shouted boldly in the hospital, "If I don't kill your family, I swear I won't be a human being."

Unfortunately, this word reached Chen Kangjie's ears. Chen Kangjie just made a phone call to Director Gao himself, and really didn't care about anything.

"You probably have no chance. Now you are suspected of organizing black gangs, injuring people, intimidating, disturbing the economic order, collecting protection money and other crimes. We are now criminally detaining you in accordance with the law," Director Gao personally Take someone to the hospital to bring Brother Yong out. As for the injury on his hand, that's just casual.

The other charges are not very serious, but being suspected of organizing a black society gang is a felony.In our country, black gangs are not recognized, and once they are involved, they will be severely punished.

In order to charge him with the crime of 'sex', the public security agency interrogated the other gangsters overnight, whether it was pressure, threats or lures, they all asked them to unify their caliber and push all the charges on Brother Yong. And let them admit that they are gangsters, Brother Yong is the organizer, they were just 'forced' to participate.

Husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest, flying around when disaster strikes.This is true for husbands and wives, not to mention this loose relationship between rivers and lakes.After arriving at the police station, all the means available to the police were used. Anyway, the chief had spoken, and there was no civilized law enforcement at this time. When we arrived at the police station, the police basically did whatever they wanted.

The gangsters who had entered the police station and were still fooling around thought they would be let go if they asked casually. Anyway, they didn't participate in the fight. Who knew that everyone was complaining. The worst thing was Match and the others who were closest to Brother Yong. If you say something wrong, you will scream immediately. The police do not have so much time to reason with them slowly, talk about policies, and hint that there is only one time. This time the police are not kidding, they are determined to punish Brother Yong.If you don't cooperate anymore, you will be made the main criminal as well, and you will be sent to prison for food.

In order to prevent future troubles, this is Chen Kangjie's request. Brother Yong's suffering has just begun. After Director Gao becomes a high-ranking police officer, Brother Yong's suffering in prison will really begin.

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