rebirth of change

Chapter 435 Brother Yong's Prison Life

For the safety of his family, Chen Kangjie will not do such benevolent things. Once he is let go, if such a lunatic really does something unexpected in the future, then Chen Kangjie will have no place to cry, and will regret it for the rest of his life .

It is often shown on TV that some protagonists let the enemy go because of their kindness, but in the end their families are ruined because of their own kindness. When the audience sees this, they will call the protagonist stupid and criticize his womanly benevolence.Chen Kangjie didn't want to be that kind of person. Before Ma Wei was robbed, he let him go. The result was that Chu Xiang and the three of them were admitted to the hospital. They learned a lot from a fall. How could Chen Kangjie let the same The tragedy happened again.

A month later, just after the district party congress was held, and a week after Director Gao became the secretary of the district political and legal committee, Brother Yong and others were sentenced by the court.Brother Yong was betrayed and imprisoned for 18 years because of multiple crimes. The others were all classified as accomplices, and had "confessed" and "reported" meritorious service performances. They were all given lighter sentences. The longest sentence was only six months. Sentence, most of them are exempt from criminal punishment.

China has always been criticized by the West for not respecting human rights, and the prison system is the focus of criticism and attacks.Because in recent decades, many basic rights of prisoners in prisons have not been guaranteed, and prisons have their own set of unspoken rules. Every year in prisons around the world, there are always some unknown deaths of prisoners.Of course, the final investigation results were all sudden deaths, which had nothing to do with the prison. No one would be punished, and even most of the deaths of prisoners were unknown to the outside world.

If your own people investigate their own faults, it is obvious that there is no fault. Anyway, those people are criminals and villains. Except for their own family and friends, other ordinary people will not care about their lives.

On the first day that Brother Yong entered the prison, he still wanted to show off his old qualifications. After all, he just went out not long ago, but he was instigated by someone who cared about him, and Brother Yong was disabled. Who would buy him? account?

"This is Brother Yong, who is running a gang outside. He just came in. Please take care of him." The cadre brought Brother Yong into a cell, turned around and left after leaving a word.

The room where Brother Yong stayed was dimly lit, and there were five men in prison uniforms lying on the big bunk in the corner. From now on, they were Brother Yong's inmates.

"Hehe, Brother Yong is still a boxer. He wears boxing gloves everywhere he goes. It's amazing." A big man rolled over from the bunk and walked around Brother Yong, teasing and teasing.

"Brother, I just went out from here too, please save face, someone has punished me", Brother Yong rubbed the pimples on his hands together, and said calmly.

"We know this. Otherwise, why would the cadres let us take care of you? Since you just went out, and you are engaged in a black society gang, you must understand the rules, and we will not force you. You should take the initiative to play an arhat Stand upside down," the man patted Brother Yong on the shoulder and said softly, feeling like chatting with old friends.

"Brother, look at my hands. I can't even use them for eating. How can I play Arhat handstand? Let me go?" Brother Yong raised his hands and said with a bitter face.

"Brother Niu Pi, someone wants to break the rules, what do you say?" the man shouted to the Datong shop in the corner.

A majestic, sleepy-eyed man slowly got up from the big bunk. His prison uniform was not worn, but draped over his body. The other four prisoners followed behind carelessly. You look at the roof, I look at the ground, and some fiddle with it Fingernails, but no one looked at Brother Yong squarely.

Brother Niu Pi took his shoes and came to Brother Yong, the one who got up first quickly took out a cigarette and lit it for Brother Niu Pi.

Brother Niu Pi took two deep puffs of his cigarette in a calm manner, and looked up and down at Brother Yong, which made Yong's heart tingle.

"Xiaoyong, you shouldn't, you shouldn't, you really shouldn't provoke people from the government. I heard that the district chief has slapped you. He has power and power, so you just dare to do it with two poor brothers. This buddy admires you, but, you know the situation, if you don’t fix it, you can’t do it, then you guys won’t be able to pass the test, since you can’t do arhat handstand, then we won’t make it difficult for you...” Brother Niupi The words he spoke didn't resemble his appearance at all, the contrast was huge, very soft and slow, I couldn't hear your fierceness, Brother Yong was paralyzed by this.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, brother, for your understanding, I..." Brother Yong expressed his gratitude one after another.

"No, no, don't be in a hurry to thank me, I haven't finished my words yet," Brother Niupi waved his hand to stop Brother Yong's words.

"Before our eldest brother finished speaking, you dare to interrupt, believe it or not, I will beat you to death", the first one who got up to treat Brother Yong with a polite attitude made a 180-degree turn, not only insulting Brother Yong , and a twitch on his scalp.

"You...", Brother Yong wanted to fight back.

"What are you, are you biting me?" The other party stared at him with big eyes, and with a slight push, Brother Yong was pushed back two steps and leaned against the concrete wall next to him.

In the past month, Brother Yong was originally a sick child, and he received "good hospitality" in the detention center. He lost ** pounds, so he still has the good physique he had before.

"Xiao Hei, what are you doing? Don't you think I exist?" Brother Niu Pi roared out, and Xiao Hei, who was still about to make a move, hurriedly lowered his head and pushed aside, but his eyes were still squinting at Brother Yong.

"Come here", Brother Niupi waved to Brother Yong, as if greeting a child, and after Brother Yong stepped forward aggrievedly, Brother Niupi continued to finish what he hadn't finished, "What did I mean just now?" That is to say, you are disabled and it is not convenient for you to do Arhat handstand, so we also understand you, your legs are good, so you can stand on your legs, is this okay?".

"Thank you, thank you, no problem, no problem, thank you big brother, big brother, how long will you stand?" Hearing that he was standing instead, Brother Yong was overjoyed and thanked again and again.

"Well, how long is it right to stand?" Brother Niupi scratched his scalp with his right hand holding a cigarette, as if he was asking the other party, and he seemed to be asking himself, "Well, your legs are fine anyway, just Stand up during the day and night!" After grabbing for a while, Brother Yong took a puff of cigarette, and then slowly said something that made Yong's legs go limp.

"Brother, don't do it. Doesn't that mean I have to stand up when I sleep?" Brother Yong bitterly shouted, and his legs knelt down involuntarily.

"We used to hang out on the road, and we played fighting and killing. It is reasonable to break your legs, but now my buddy has become a gentleman, and he just makes you stand. If you sleep, you can do it. If you sleep for more than an hour, you don't have to eat." Brother Niu Pi's tone of voice didn't match the words he said at all, and he was still so leisurely.

"Ah, then what should I eat? Brother, please do me a favor, spare my life!" Brother Yong asked while kneeling, begging for mercy.

"What do you eat? Eat shit. If you dare to sleep or sit for more than an hour, your dinner will be our brothers' poop." Xiao Hei took a step forward and answered Yong's question instead of Niu Pi.

"Ah! Big brother, big brother, you can't do this! You can't! I beg you, brother, I was wrong, I was wrong, please...", Brother Yong didn't expect such an answer, Now he was really frightened and cried, kneeling with snot and tears, stepped forward and hugged Brother Niupi's leg, begging bitterly.

Brother Yong knows very well that the prison cell is a different world, and the rules set must be implemented, unlike outside, where you buy a drink and pay for it, some problems can be solved.In the cell, if the boss wanted to establish his prestige, he had to do what he said, and the degree of cruelty would only be worse than that of the outside, otherwise prisoners would not often die for no reason.

"Brother, don't blame me. It stands to reason that I have no grievances with you, brother. I came in by killing people. I can't get out at all. I was sentenced to life imprisonment. There is no need to punish you like that, but I also have embarrassment. Place, I have an old mother, wife and children. To tell you the truth, someone sent 5 yuan to my family. You know, with 5 yuan, my old mother, wife and children will not suffer. The task they gave me Just one, that is to make your life worse than death, I have no other choice, if you are not alive, then my old mother, wife and children will live better than death, sacrifice one of you, and make my whole family happy, you just accept your fate, Brother Niupi Explained slowly.

"When you come out to mess around, you have to pay back sooner or later," a prisoner behind Brother Niu Pi said a very interesting sentence.

"Woooooooo...Brother, I was wrong. I'm not a human. I'm blind. I'm not as good as a dog. Let me go, woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Is it a ghost, please..." Brother Yong kowtowed on the floor, confessing his mistakes.

"Taking people's money and eliminating disasters for others, it is impossible for me to let you go. If I let you go, someone will take my role. You still have to play your role, but I will get nothing. , let’s execute it!” After Brother Niupi finished speaking, he took a pitiful look at Brother Yong who was paralyzed on the ground, turned around and went back to bed covering the quilt to sleep, Xiao Hei and the others would do the rest.

Xiao Hei played a trick, and together with two companions, he picked up Brother Yong and put him on the wall, "You stand up for me, otherwise you will have your first meal in a while." Xiao Hei was on Brother Yong's lap I kicked him, as if I thought he wasn't standing upright enough.

At this time, how could Brother Yong have the strength to stand upright, tears streaming down his face, and his miserable crying could be heard several times away, but no cadre came to care about his life and death.

Xiao Hei and the others let go of their hands, and Brother Yong's body collapsed instantly like a building that had been blasted.

"Pull it in, it seems that this buddy didn't eat before he came in, give him some, let him increase his strength."

Brother Yong never imagined that the first meal he ate in prison was actually "doumi fritters" with chili skin.He really didn't want to eat, but without his palm, he was still full under the pressure of four or five people.

"Fuck, spit, I eat green vegetables all day long. Today, the cadres served a meal of bean rice hot pot. I ate too much. I didn't expect it to be cheaper now, kid." Xiao Hei vomited at Brother Yong, who was lying motionless in the toilet with his mouth full of feces. Soak saliva.

Brother Yong got into trouble at the Doumi Hot Pot Restaurant back then. He wanted to eat Doumi Hot Pot very much at that time, but now he finally got it, and it was processed by the human body.I don’t know if Brother Yong had thought of such a result in advance, would he have the guts to walk into the hot pot restaurant?

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