rebirth of change

Chapter 436 1 Stone 2 Birds

What happened to the domineering brother Yong later, no one knows.Some people said that he died in prison, and some people said that he went completely crazy after a few months in prison, and wanted to eat shit when he saw it.Anyway, since he entered the prison, no one has seen him again, and no one has cared about his life or death.

Even Chen Kangjie, the instigator, simply forgot about him a month later, and a lot of things diverted his attention.

First of all, it is about the third brother. Chen Yuchang basically has no time at home during this period. It is difficult to eat at home one day in a month. He runs around the country all day, busy opening stores.Ma Fangqin would nag from time to time, no matter who was too busy to go home, she would complain.

At the end of November, Chen Yuchang finally went home to spend a day peacefully.

"Brother, you've lost a lot of weight!", Chen Kangjie sat on a chair and said to the third brother who was lying on his little bed.

The first person to say this was not Chen Kangjie, but Ma Fangqin.When Ma Fangqin saw Chen Yuchang who had come back with a travel bag and had lost a lot of weight, she scolded him with this, and then asked if she was sleeping well or eating well.In the end, I hurried to the vegetable market, planning to have a rich dinner.

"Hey, I'm driving every day, from south to north, from east to west. This is the first time I have traveled for such a long time. This time I can only stay for one day when I come back," Chen Yuchang said lazily lying on the bed.

"Now you know it's not easy to do business, right?" Chen Kangjie teased.

"It's not your fault," Chen Yuchang half-opened his eyes, glanced at Chen Kangjie, and said with his head cocked.

"Hey, hey, hey, how can you blame me? I told you that doing business is very difficult, why blame me now?" Chen Kangjie stood up from his chair dissatisfied, this is not a dog biting Lu Dongbin!

"I'm not talking about this, I'm talking about the suggestion you gave," Chen Yuchang said wearily, indifferent to his brother's dissatisfaction.

"What suggestion did I say?" Chen Kangjie was puzzled.

"Didn't you suggest that we need to open at least [-] branches a year, one company in ten days, this workload is really beyond the capabilities of ordinary people." Chen Kangjie moved the pillow to make himself more comfortable.

According to the development trend of pagers in the future, after Chen Kangjie helped the third brother turn 6 million RMB into [-] million US dollars, he gave him an important suggestion: to open branches all over the country within one year, at least half of them. China.Even if one is opened in a province or city, at least [-] branches are needed, not to mention that in some provinces, one branch cannot be done at all, which requires Chen Yuchang and the others to open a branch in at least ten days, which is an incredible speed.

"I did it for your own good. Only in this way can your company make a breakthrough. Shouldn't you go there after the pagers are replaced by mobile phones?" When Chen Kangjie saw what was going on, he sulked and sat down.

"You have analyzed the situation for me before. I believe it, and Gao Bo also believes it. Otherwise, why would we be so busy without stopping? There are not enough managers for each branch company, so many middle-level cadres are in demand, hey", it seems that Chen Yuchang is very troubled by the matter of talents.

"Brother, I can't help you with this matter. At the beginning, I told you to reserve talents in advance." Chen Kangjie spread his hands, helpless.

"You said that we also reserved six middle-level cadres, but I didn't expect you to make us so much money back."

"Wow, is this all wrong? If you think it's too much, give me some, really."

"Hey, it's not that it's too much, why would you think it's too much money? I just want you to come up with an idea. You have a lot of ideas, so I can only ask you for help." Seeing Chen Kangjie's dissatisfaction, Chen Yuchang said with an embarrassed smile The reason for coming back this time.

"I really have no choice. Other things are easy to solve. There is nothing wrong with this talent, so I can only rely on myself." Chen Kangjie really convinced himself that he could solve everything.

"I believe you can do it, you must have a way, otherwise I have the money to open it, and no one will do it!", Chen Yuchang was counting on Chen Kangjie, as if Chen Kangjie didn't help him solve the problem, he would not let it go.

"Is there nothing Gao Bo can do?" Chen Kangjie asked the general manager he helped invite.

"Gao Bo has nothing to do right now. Even if he recruits immediately, it will be too late. He said that even the recruited college students need at least four months of training and work experience, otherwise they will not be able to get in. That's why I thought of you." , It was you who raised this opinion at the beginning, so you should be a good person and carry it out to the end!" Chen Yuchang wanted to use Chen Kangjie to the end.

"You...really...wait for me to think about it", Chen Kangjie could only cry helplessly. When he met such a big brother, could he let go of it?

Chen Kangjie thought about it, it was very tricky to recruit so many talents all of a sudden, these people still need simple training to get started, reliable and trustworthy, it is a test of Chen Kangjie's wisdom.After thinking for a long time, Chen Kangjie thought of a solution that seemed feasible, but he couldn't make a sudden decision on his own, and needed to discuss it with others.

"I'll give you an answer later, I'll go out for a while," Chen Kangjie left the door after leaving a sentence.

Chen Kangjie went out with the intention of borrowing someone.As soon as Chen Kangjie went out, Chen Yuchang showed a successful and happy smile.

"Call Liu Kai to see if he is in the company. I have something to do with him," Chen Kangjie said to Xiong Ziqiang in the car in the Santana sedan opposite the district committee compound.

Having experienced the incident at the hot pot restaurant, in order to ensure nothing goes wrong, Xiong Ziqiang and the others usually have people on duty here to provide protection and support to Chen Kangjie as close as possible.

"Okay", Xiong Ziqiang took out his mobile phone and called Liu Kai, who happened to be still in the office at the moment and not off work.

When they arrived at Master Kong's company, all the other employees went off work to finish their meal, and only Liu Kai was still in the office to sort out the reports.

"Mr. Jie, what can I do for you?" Liu Kai learned that Chen Kangjie was looking for him on the phone, so he cut to the chase as soon as they met.

"I'm here to cause you trouble, I want to discuss something with you and ask for your help." Chen Kangjie sat down on the sofa by himself.

"Mr. Jie, if you have anything to say, just talk about whether to help or not, as long as I can do it, I will do my best." Liu Kai has known Chen Kangjie for not a day or two, how dare he put on a show in front of Chen Kangjie, grasp his identity and role Very well.

"I would like to ask, how many salespeople are there in the company now, and how many of them are essential?" Chen Kangjie stopped being polite and went directly to the topic.

"Well... At present, we have more than 240 sales staff. In the first three years, our sales were through the provincial agency system. You know this, so there are not many sales staff. But after three years, that is, starting next year, The provincial agency system will be changed to a municipal agency, so the demand for the number of salespersons will increase significantly. This year, we have added 200 reserves. We are currently doing internships in various places to accumulate work experience. At the end of the year, there will be more According to the plan, there will be an increase of about [-] people in one batch. The salesmen in the previous provinces will become provincial managers. At present, the new salesmen are doing the work, and the old salesmen are more relaxed.” Liu Kai After pondering for a while, he spoke to Chen Kangjie. It seems that he knows the company's situation well, and the preparations in advance are relatively in place.

"Then it's easy to handle. My purpose of looking for you is to borrow people." Hearing that those salesmen who have been working for more than two years are the easiest now, Chen Kangjie knew it in his heart and directly asked for it.

"Borrower? Whom?" Chen Kangjie's request made Liu Kai very surprised. It is often heard about borrowing money and things, but borrowing people is not common.

"Yes, it's borrowing people, borrowing those dozens of old salesmen for a while, and the time is limited to four months." Chen Kangjie continued to clarify his request.

"Master Jie, what are you borrowing them for?" Liu Kai was very curious.

"Oh, it's my old brother. Their paging station is opening branches across the country, but they don't have enough staff. If they want my help, I can't do anything. After thinking for a long time, I can only ask you for help." Chen Kangjie said the whole story.

"Oh, it's not a big problem. The next few months will be the off-season, and only the Chinese New Year will be a little busier. These salesmen have worked in the local area for more than two years, and they know the local situation better. In fact, they all have a certain amount of work experience in sales, so they should be able to help, and because they have served the company for more than two years, the company knows them well and is worthy of trust." Liu Kai didn't just say "you can 'All right, and analyzed the reason.

"We can't let the company suffer. Their salaries have been paid by the Rising Sun paging station for the past few months. Add 20.00% to their current salary. Dealing with a new company will definitely be much harder than maintaining the old business, and the effort should be rewarded." Return. Of course, in order to cooperate with this secondment, Master Kong can issue a document that these salesmen will become provincial managers in the future and lead their own team. Then these four months can be regarded as helping them enter the role in advance, which is equivalent to an internship , in this process, if a branch company cannot be successfully established, then his ability is indeed not suitable for management or teamwork. If a branch company can be successfully established and a team is formed, then this is their management ability. Proof of ability, you understand what I mean?" The smart Chen Kangjie planned to kill two birds with one stone, that is, he helped the third brother and inspected these future provincial managers.

Setting up a company is very tough, and you have to deal with all kinds of things. Before Chen Kangjie was reborn, he and his friends started a company. He paid the most in the early stage and gained the most.As long as these old salesmen do it seriously, they will definitely have unexpected gains. Even if they start their own business in the future, it will be a fortune and have a different experience.

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