rebirth of change

Chapter 437 Technology Management Methods

Knowing that his brother would solve his problem in a while, Chen Yuchang, who had already fallen asleep, immediately got up energetically, hugged Chen Kangjie and kissed him a few times.

"Be careful, that's enough, that's enough, you drool a lot." Chen Kangjie was not used to being kissed by men, so he quickly broke away from Chen Yuchang's embrace.

"Brother, you are really good. As for the 20.00% salary increase you said, there is no problem at all." Now Chen Yuchang has billions of RMB in his hand, of course he doesn't care about that little money, and he has learned a bit rich and powerful.

"You don't need money now anyway, you can open as many branches as possible, and don't use the form of renting, buy all of them, and the bigger the area where you sell pagers, the better." Chen Kangjie, the consultant, can be said to be conscientious. Seizing the opportunity, I will try my best to help those around me show the way.

"Isn't it cheaper to rent? Why buy it?" Chen Yuchang didn't understand why he wanted to buy an office space or a shopping mall.

"It's not a matter of saving money or not, it's an investment, trust me, you'll understand in the future," Chen Kangjie didn't analyze the future housing prices for his elder brother this time.

Chen Kangjie knows very well that buying it is the most cost-effective. The current housing price is extremely low. As long as you buy it, you will only make money and not lose money. In the future, whether it is demolition or remodeling or changing uses, with the future rise in housing prices, this is definitely very important. Foresight investing.

Chen Kangjie had just finished solving the third brother's problem, and the eldest sister's problem came again, but the eldest sister Chen Yuqiong was more reserved than Chen Yuchang.

On the night of the third day after Chen Yuchang left, Chen Yuqiong and Xu Guoqiang brought Chen Kangjie's niece Xu Yanyan to the house for dinner and brought some gifts to visit the old man.

Xu Guoqiang has long since stopped working in the mine. He is now the deputy manager of Renrenle Supermarket, even lower than Miao Cuihua in terms of rank.This is Chen Kangjie's intention, not to target him deliberately, but because his education level is not high, so he should learn from him first to cooperate with Miao Cuihua's work.

Chen Kangjie upholds the principle of employing people that ability comes first, work belongs to work, and personal relationship belongs to personal relationship. This is why he has to discuss with Liu Kai first when borrowing someone, and he can't disturb the other because of one side.Only wait for Xu Guoqiang to follow him for two years, and then go to training and study, and then consider his independent career.

Xu Guoqiang is the kind of kind and honest person who knows his own ability, so he doesn't have the slightest resistance. Instead, he cooperates with Miao Cuihua's work very well.

"I heard that you are very busy at work, but no matter how busy you are, you still come back to visit often." For Chen Yuqiong and his wife who took the initiative to come to the door, it was inevitable that Ma Fangqin would say this.

"Mmm, um, um, Mom, we know." As the elders of the family, Chen Yuqiong and Xu Guoqiang could only nod their heads in agreement.

"Uncle, give me a hug." Xu Yanyan was already six years old, and ran to Chen Kangjie pinkly, asking for a hug.

Although Chen Kangjie was also a child, it was the first time he was an elder, and he loved this niece very much. When he came back from other places, he would always bring her some toys, snacks or something.

"Yanyan, is uncle afraid of holding Xu Yanyan?" Chen Kangjie picked up Xu Yanyan, threw Lao Gao to catch him.

Chen Kangjie answered with giggling laughter and "I'm not afraid, I like my uncle's hug".

"Be careful, don't fall," Ma Fangqin was worried and reminded.

"Mom, it's okay, the two of them have been playing like this since they were young." Chen Yuqiong was not worried at all. Since Xu Yanyan was two years old, Chen Kangjie has been hugging her like this, and he is completely used to it.

"You are used to him."

"It's not that your old man takes the lead in spoiling him," Chen Mei teased Ma Fangqin.

"Xiao Nizi, he is the youngest", Ma Fangqin said embarrassingly contradictory words.

"Look, look, this is biased again," Chen Mei immediately countered.

Chen Kangjie usually doesn't participate in such family disputes, and now he just plays with Xu Yanyan on his own, hugging and carrying Xu Yanyan, having a great time.

There is another person who generally does not participate in this kind of debate, and that is Secretary Chen, who is getting more and more powerful.He usually waits for these parents to finish their homework before asking about their children's work and study.

"I heard that your supermarket has already opened in the provincial capital, and the surrounding cities have also opened. Is the next step going to go outside the province?" Chen Qigang waited for everything to calm down, and Ma Fangqin also went to the kitchen to work, and then asked Chen Yuqiong's situation.

"Yes, Dad, the layout of the province is almost done, it's time to expand outside the province," Chen Yuqiong replied.

"Are there all those counties? There are ** ten counties in our province." Chen Qigang's words seemed to be suggestions, as if they were criticisms.

"Father, the layout is basically in the city. The consumption power of the counties is not that great. Some counties have a population of less than 2, which is not suitable for us now." Chen Yuqiong is no longer the Wuxia Ameng of a few years ago , I have been in business for several years, and I have also studied for several years, and I have completely used economic thinking to run my own business.

"Oh, do it well", Chen Yuqiong said so, no matter what Chen Qigang thought, he couldn't say anything more.

Chen Yuqiong came to Chen Kangjie and also came to him for consultation. The number of stores they opened was not as large as that of Chen Yuchang, and the speed was not as fast, so the staff could barely keep up. The number of supermarkets in the province has reached 12, and six new ones have been added. The store on Zhonghua Road in the provincial capital was only added this month.They are also facing problems, that is, the cash register system and daily management have become problems.

After Miao Cuihua returned from studying in Hong Kong, she strengthened personnel training, strengthened financial audits, and adjusted her daily management.It's just that he has only a short period of time for training and learning. In addition, due to the constraints of the current era, all work is done by hand. She is under more and more pressure, and Chen Yuqiong is also more and more powerless. This is why I thought of Chen Kangjie for consultation. For a moment, anyway, Chen Kangjie gave them the impression that he was very smart, and he thought about problems from a different angle and was bolder.

"Eldest sister came here today to consult with you to see if there is any way to solve this problem. If this problem is not solved, we will not dare to develop outside the province. The pressure is very high. According to the current trend, it is easy to cause confusion and conflicts. Loss", after Xu Yanyan was taken to play by other aunts, Chen Yuqiong pulled Chen Kangjie to his room and asked worriedly.

"This is indeed a problem. Several stores are easy to manage, and they are all in the province. Just run around. In the should pay attention to the use and research and development of new technologies." Chen Kangjie held his small hands and pinched his chin , like a grown-up.

"We should pay attention to the use and research and development of new technologies? We are a commercial company, not engaged in production." Why did Chen Yuqiong feel that Chen Kangjie's words were not logical and realistic? Could it be that my brother has become stupid?

"Yes, commercial companies must also keep pace with the times, and they can also ask for investment in research and development." Chen Kangjie replied affirmatively, not intending to laugh at his elder sister.

"How do you say this?" From Chen Kangjie's expression, Chen Yuqiong knew that he was not joking, nor did he become stupid, but he just didn't understand, so he asked for a detailed explanation.

"Let's put it this way, management, in addition to management means and management ideas, also has management technology, through technical means to manage, take your cashier as an example, you can develop an advanced cashier system, through the network link, you You can know how much money each store has received today, and you can put an end to the bad behavior of cashiers, and your security guards. Now you all rely on security guards, which will not only increase management costs, but also increase management difficulties. Naturally It will be stressful. To solve this problem, we can add a security system and install cameras in every corner of the supermarket, so that we can see the real-time situation of the whole supermarket in a small room, which is convenient for management and supervision. These are all high-tech Scope, in other words, you can come up with good ideas, and then give these ideas to technology companies to do, you only need to make a request, check and accept the funds that have been paid, and even your purchase, transfer, employee attendance, etc., We can use technological means to greatly reduce the troubles in the middle," Chen Kangjie explained in detail.

"Network connection?".

"Oh, this is a novelty from abroad. It doesn't exist in China yet, but I believe it will be introduced soon."

"Oh, I see," Chen Yuqiong replied thoughtfully.

Perhaps in the eyes of many people later, this could not be more simple. However, in 92, people's awareness and knowledge are still very limited. Decades of planned economy and decades of small circle life are not so simple. It can be abolished casually, otherwise there is no need to hold high the banner of reform and opening up more than ten years later.

"I think if you tell Sister Cuihua these words, she will understand." Chen Kangjie could see that the eldest sister might not fully understand what he meant, but Miao Cuihua, who has been to Hong Kong, should understand everything.

"Huh? Oh, when Yanyan enters the first grade next year, I will also go to Hong Kong to study." Chen Yuqiong was really powerless, and spontaneously thought of studying.

In the past, it was Chen Kangjie who suggested them to study, but a person's real motivation comes from himself. The desire to seek knowledge brought about by facing pressure is far stronger than other people's advice when not facing pressure.

Throughout the ages, there is a saying that has been passed down from generation to generation, that is, parents will always ask their children to study hard, otherwise what will happen, and there are very few children who can really listen to it. Repeat the same words to your own children.That's when the parents are under pressure. They deeply understand that having knowledge is far better than having no knowledge, but the children really don't understand it yet. By the time the children understand it, it's too late.

"You'd better not go to Hong Kong, and study in the mainland first. The lectures in Hong Kong are all in English. You don't have a little foundation. Besides, the speed there is very fast. If you go rashly, if you can't keep up, it will hit you. If you are motivated, you can choose to go to Qianzhou University or Fudan University to study first, and then go abroad to study when your foundation is better, and you must keep your studies normal,” Chen Kangjie suggested pertinently.

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