rebirth of change

Chapter 440 The Third Investor

"What about the environment? I believe this is still what you are most concerned about." Li Chaoren raised this question on behalf of Mr. Xue. Let's see how Chen Kangjie will answer.

"This problem is indeed very important, very important... There is only one solution to this problem." Chen Kangjie really didn't have a good idea for immediate results.

"What way?" Xie Yourong asked.

"Is there any good way? The chief said well that technology is the primary productive force. I believe there is no problem that science and technology can't solve. Human beings can go to the moon. It depends on how hard we work and what kind of attitude we face. That’s right. Although this cannot achieve results in a short period of time, this is the fundamental method, which can minimize pollution as much as possible in terms of technological investment, and even exceed the level that the environment can accommodate.” Chen Kangjie’s method The stupidest, but also the most practical and effective.

"If you put it that way, it's really not suitable for coal chemical projects in the near future," an expert said solemnly.

"100 years is too long to seize the day. Waiting forever will only lead to falling behind forever. Only when it is done can problems be solved in practice. Even scientific research needs to be targeted and experimental, otherwise the effectiveness cannot be tested. Now it seems that the initial investment will be huge, but from a long-term strategic perspective, it is definitely worth it. When we have the most advanced technology and the most abundant low-cost resources, we will be invincible.” Chen Kangjie Full of confidence, he said with pride and ambition.

It is Chen Kangjie's strategy and strategy to spare no effort to invest in scientific research. Otherwise, he would not invest in so many high-tech projects. Chen Kangjie always believes that whoever masters technology in the future will stand on the commanding heights.At present, the global calls for environmental protection and climate warming are not so high. In another ten years, it will become a global consensus. In the new year, light environmental protection technology will become an extremely large industry.So smart investors invest in the present, and wise investors invest in the future.

"Jie Shao, let me tell the truth. Even if I try my best to raise funds and make industrial adjustments, I can only raise 45 million US dollars. Even if I add other investors and stock replacements, the funds I can raise will not exceed 30 billion US dollars. According to our current calculations, a large-scale coal chemical project alone will cost nearly 150 billion US dollars, more than [-] billion RMB, and other investments will be stretched, Li Chaoren said with a bit of complaints.

A rich man who started his business would not have as much cash in his hands as he imagined. At least half of the amount he said needs the support of banks. It can also be considered that Li Chaoren has a special status in Hong Kong, good reputation, and relationships with many banks. Yes, this is the only way to have a good line of credit from banks such as HSBC, Standard Chartered, and Citigroup.If he really invests in coal chemical projects, it is estimated that he will use up almost all of his quota.

From another aspect, we can also see Li Chaoren's courage. Once he finds a direction, he will spare no effort to achieve and complete it.So far, his assets are about 70 billion U.S. dollars, and it is considered a gamble to be able to spend that much.If he wins the bet, then his assets will not be more than 200 billion U.S. dollars in more than ten years.

"Hehe, that's enough, and it's not about becoming a fat man in one go. The gentleman said just now that the current policy does not allow foreign capital to do coal chemical projects alone. The two issues can be combined together. We need to understand why the government does not allow it. It is justifiable for foreign capital to do it alone. First, it is of course the nature of our country. Since it is a socialist country, even if it is reform and opening up, foreign capital is allowed to get involved in many industries, and it is still necessary to maintain the main body of the state as much as possible. On the other hand, we are currently advocating a strategy of exchanging market for technology, hoping to sell part of the domestic market in exchange for advanced production technology and management technology from abroad. If it is all built by foreign capital alone, there is no way to learn technology Of course, I personally don’t agree with this strategy. The real technology still depends on oneself. What can be learned cannot be first-class technology. It has become a second-rate technical level. We can only agree and accept this policy at present.”Chen Kangjie analyzed why sole foreign investment is not allowed and his views on it.

"Then what should we do? No matter how you say it, you have to hold the shares." The young and energetic Li Kai couldn't control it again, but maybe it was to save face for him, maybe what Li Chaoren wanted to ask was what Li Chaoren wanted to ask. He didn't stop it, just let it go.

"A joint venture, and it's still a joint venture with a state-owned enterprise. As for the equity issue, I support your holding. To be honest, I don't dare to compliment the efficiency and thinking awareness of those state-owned cadres." Chen Kangjie answered directly.

"Will the government agree? The current regulation is that domestic capital must stand at 50.00%." ​​Li Chaoren seems to really want to do this, and the policy has been studied clearly.

"It is not easy to change the policy, but it can be avoided," Chen Kangjie laughed.

"Oh oh oh, hahaha, this method works," Li Chaoren clapped his hands happily.

What Li Chaoren said made Li Kai and the self-proclaimed talented Xie Yourong baffled. They obviously didn't say anything, so why did they say it was feasible?Both of them were stunned for a while, and the other consultants naturally didn't understand what was going on.

This is the gap, Jiang is still old and hot, Li Chaoren can hear the sound of the piano and know the elegance, Liu Kai has just started to learn business from Li Chaoren, and some problems are still not clear.Although Xie Yourong is very talented and has rich work experience and learning experience, he doesn't know much about mainland China.It is not yet possible for Chen Kangjie to understand the second half of a sentence without saying the first half.

The two of them were puzzled, it was impossible to ask directly, otherwise they would appear to be too immature, and young people value face very much.

Li Kai didn't know why until Chen Kangjie left.

"Dad, what do you mean by playing riddles just now?" Li Kai asked curiously in Li Chaoren's room.

"This is the gap between you. Before coming here, I greeted you in advance and told you to prepare your attitude. Don't underestimate him. Now you have seen it!" Superman Li patiently taught.

"Yes, Dad, he is far more mature than his peers and knows a lot more," Li Kai said humbly.

"It's not compared to people of the same age, but compared to you people. Maybe this is the difference between geniuses and ordinary people." Li Chaoren opened the curtains and said as he watched the locust trees in the yard begin to wither.

The first sentence before Li Chaoren is to correct Li Kai, but the latter words feel like talking to himself, giving people the illusion of envy.

"Yes, yes," Li Kai lowered his head and responded politely.

"He said that the policy cannot be changed, but it can be circumvented. How can we achieve the purpose of circumvention?" Li Chaoren examined the successor he had chosen.

"The policy stipulates that foreign investors can't hold more than 50.00% of the shares. If you want to avoid it, you can only look at the composition of the shares." Li Kai hesitated midway.

"Yes, that's how it started. That's what he actually meant, that is, we won't own more than half of the shares, but the state-owned shares won't be half. Just add a third domestic investor. In this way, the combined shares of the two of us can be more than half, and we still hold the management rights of the company, and on the surface, domestic capital accounts for the majority of the shares," Li Chaoren explained carefully.

"The third domestic investor? Who is it?" Li Kai asked behind him.

"What do you think?" Li Chaoren turned around and asked back.

"Father, you... you mean him?" Li Kai was not an idiot either, Li Chaoren's rhetorical question was actually a reminder to him.

"Well, it's him, otherwise he wouldn't have said those words." Li Chaoren nodded, and then sat down on the sofa chair.

"Does he have that much money? It needs at least hundreds of millions of dollars to account for a certain amount!" Li Kai didn't really believe that Chen Kangjie could have so much money. Being smart sometimes doesn't mean wealth.

"I don't know how much money he has, but what is certain is that he is definitely not poor. He should be very rich. In Hong Kong, there is a rumor that he once threatened Xiang Yan with tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars. I don't know if this is true. False, but I don't think it's groundless, Mr. Huo doesn't need to joke about such a thing," Li Chaoren said with half-closed eyes, it seems that he is really tired during this time.

"I've also heard this rumor, but it's just like a child's heart, otherwise who would be so arrogant." Although Li Kai has heard of it, he just doesn't seem to believe it.

"He may have the heart of a child, but don't forget that Ouyang Zhenhua was there at the time. He is definitely not a child, so this can only explain two problems."

"Father, what's the problem?" Li Kai sat down gently beside Li Chaoren.

"One, in the Hongyuan Group, at least in front of Ouyang Zhenhua, he is not as simple as a consultant, he is a person who can make decisions. You have never seen the two of them appear at the same time. When they are together, I faintly I feel that Ouyang Zhenhua has a kind of respect and obedience to Chen Kangjie. The second is that their wealth is even bigger, so huge that tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars can be taken out at will. One thing that impressed me deeply is that Zheng Yutong’s three villa auctions, even I would not dare to spend so much, but they bought them without frowning, and the price is so high.” Li Chaoren synthesized all kinds of information and expressed his guess .He was teaching Li Kai, and he was also convincing himself.

"Oh, it seems that he is really not simple," Li Kai whispered to himself.

"Of course it's not easy. Otherwise, the old chief Nanxun would not choose such a child-like person to accompany him. Otherwise, I wouldn't be so interested in this place, and I would stop and gamble on many projects here." Li Chaoren was inspired Sit up, take a rest, and feel much better immediately.

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