rebirth of change

Chapter 441 Seeking Help

Li Chaoren indeed guessed what Chen Kangjie meant. Chen Kangjie planned to use this method to circumvent the current policy. The third party was him, the individual investor, but there was a difference.

Chen Kangjie hopes that he can play a balancing role. If the state-owned capital wants to mess around, he will unite with Li Chaoren to control the entire company. If Li Chaoren has other bad ideas or practices, he will unite with the state-owned side. limit him.As the saying goes, you must not have the heart to harm others, and you must not have the heart to guard against others.Our Chen Kangjie is not so simple, this is a standard, two-handed preparation, both ways.

When the Li family and his son were discussing Chen Kangjie, Chen Kangjie also had a formal conversation with Xie Yourong, but the place was chosen in Master Kang Chen Kangjie's office.

"Please sit down wherever you want, you are welcome, now you and I are colleagues, a family", Chen Kangjie warmly greeted Xie Yourong.

"Yes, um, thank you", Xie Yourong admired Chen Kangjie's office.

"If you decorate casually, you can't put it on the table, and the mainland is no better than Hong Kong," Chen Kangjie said modestly.

"It's bigger than Hong Kong. In Hong Kong, the company's office is not so spacious." Xie Yourong sat down beside Chen Kangjie.

"When the global headquarters in Hong Kong is completed, everyone will have a big office," Chen Kangjie said with a smile.

Because most of the industries are in the mainland, Hong Kong has the least staff, so it has not been relocated.Although the company has won a piece of land in Central, some local residents have not yet moved, so it has been dragging on, and the global headquarters has not started construction.

Hong Kong is a free society with the rule of law, and it is not as easy for residents to relocate as in the Mainland.

"Yes, construction should start in the first half of next year. I'm working recently. Many residents have agreed to our compensation plan and agreed to relocate. Only three or four households are still stubborn and unwilling to leave Shiju's rented house," Xie Yourong introduced Ouyang Zhenhua gave him the first task.

"It must be done in a reasonable, legal, and civilized way." Chen Kangjie is not a real estate developer, and he is not in a hurry to make money by building buildings, and he does not take out loans from banks, so there is no problem of repaying interest, and time can be taken slowly.

"That's for sure," Xie Yourong replied affirmatively.

"How did you become a Korean?" Chen Kangjie asked suddenly.

"Ah? Oh, it's a long story. My family was doing business in Seoul before the Peninsular War. Since then, China and South Korea have not established diplomatic relations. Coupled with other reasons, we have not been able to come back, but our family has always maintained that The tradition of the Chinese language, we were able to come back to see the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea the year before last,” Xie Yourong said succinctly.

"Are you planning to come back?".

"My parents may not be able to come back. They are old and have been there for decades. They are used to everything. If they come back suddenly, they may not be used to it. Anyway, it is very convenient to come back now. They will go back to their hometown when they have time. .As for me, I plan to immigrate to Hong Kong," Xie Yourong said while touching his forehead.

"Immigrate to Hong Kong?" Chen Kangjie straightened his body.

"They now have a policy that as long as the tax payment reaches a certain amount, they can immigrate unconditionally. President Ouyang means that as long as I am willing to immigrate, the company is willing to pay this part of the tax."

"Hehe, the British guy really thinks about making a fortune before leaving," Chen Kangjie laughed.

Although the Basic Law of Hong Kong has been passed, it is hard to say that the British really would not do that. Anyway, Hong Kong is still in the hands of the British.It's just that this policy is also beneficial, that is, it helps Hong Kong to introduce a group of talents and funds, which is of positive significance to Hong Kong's long-term development.

Chen Kangjie did not comment on what Ouyang Zhenhua did. As a president, he still has this right, which is a small amount of money. As long as he is a talent, Chen Kangjie is willing to pay more.

"In response to the return, Hong Kong has begun to experience an outflow of talent and capital."

"It doesn't matter. The golden nest and the silver nest are not as good as your dog's nest. No matter how good the West is, it is not your country or your root. Before you came, did President Ouyang explain anything to you?"

"I only made one statement, that is, when making a decision, your opinion shall prevail," Xie Yourong said reluctantly.

No matter how I say it, I am also a vice president. I don’t have the right to make decisions. I have to listen to a small consultant for everything. Xie Yourong is not convinced. I don't think so anymore.

"That's because I have a better understanding of the mainland. What do you think of the few issues we talked about today? Especially how to get advanced equipment." Chen Kangjie didn't want to take the exam for Xie Yourong, but wanted to convince him.

"To be honest, as you said, you know more about the mainland. I personally don't have a better way. Basically, what you said is feasible. As for how to get advanced equipment, it seems that you can only cheat at present, that is, through Other European companies go to purchase, and then find a way to transfer to China. One thing I don’t quite understand is how to avoid the policy that foreign investors can’t hold more than 50.00% of the shares?” Xie Yourong shared his views and puzzles.

"I'm afraid that kind of cheating is not possible? European companies generally pay more attention to reputation, and they are not willing to do this kind of thing. Even if they do, it will be troublesome and endless. As for the evasion method, it is very simple. It can't be simpler, I just participate in the investment personally, I am a domestic investor," Chen Kangjie dismissed Xie Yourong's opinion in a few words.

Xie Yourong's first concern was not that his opinion was rejected, but what he cared about was Chen Kangjie's last sentence, "You? You invested? Where did the money come from?".

"Hehe, the big deal is to ask Brother Ouyang to borrow it," Chen Kangjie said jokingly.

Chen Kangjie really wanted to create a false impression that Ouyang Zhenhua would lend him money to hold the shares. After Xie Yourong got to know him better, he would realize how naive and ridiculous his question today was.

"What about the equipment?" Xie Yourong turned around and asked his own opinion unconvinced.

"This matter cannot be handled as an individual case. If it is to be handled well, it must be handled at a strategic level. Otherwise, if we face this today, we may face that tomorrow. Therefore, we must find a way to increase our bargaining chips and negotiation power. Back to him, this martial art is written in Jin Yong's martial arts, we want to turn a small game into a big game", what Chen Kangjie said is all false, without any real measures.

"Then how do you do it?" Xie Yourong understood what Chen Kangjie meant, but felt confused again.

"You can't say it now, and I will tell you later when it becomes clearer." Chen Kangjie is still a little unconfident about his approach, and may not get the support of the central government, so let's leave room for it first.

Xie Yourong has not yet been convinced by Chen Kangjie, so he thought to himself, what is the point of buying, in fact, you don't have any better way, probably my idea of ​​cheating is the best.

As for whose idea is the best, it is impossible to judge now, and we can only make a comparison after Chen Kangjie's measures are implemented.

After Xie Yourong left, it was time for Chen Kangjie to implement his method, but this method is a bit big and must have the support of the central government. Without the strong support of the government, Chen Kangjie is also a clever woman who cannot cook without rice According to Xie Yourong's opinion, cheating is used to transfer to the equipment.

Chen Kangjie picked up the phone on the table, dialed a number, and waited for more than ten seconds before someone answered the phone.

"Hello, this is the chief's office." Lin Minchang answered the call.

"Uncle Lin, how are you?" Chen Kangjie was very enthusiastic, casual and intimate towards the big secretary.

"Oh, it turned out to be Xiaojie. Why, you didn't think of Uncle Lin coming today, and you plan to chat with me?" Lin Minchang was joking about Chen Kangjie.

Lin Minchang knew that Chen Kangjie usually made this call because he would go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, but everyone liked to call him. Of course, Lin Minchang also secretly criticized Chen Kangjie for not calling for a long time.

"Ahem, Uncle Lin, aren't you afraid that calling casually will affect your busy work?" Chen Kangjie said awkwardly.

"Boy, don't come here. We are not busy. We are very free now. If you can't think of Uncle Lin, you can't think of Uncle Lin. Don't be careless." Lin Minchang didn't like Chen Kangjie's tricks, and criticized him bluntly .

"Hey, Uncle Lin, I just called, so don't criticize me, I'm so busy that I'm dizzy." Chen Kangjie embarrassedly made an excuse for himself, but actually wanted to get to the point.

Sure enough, when he heard that Chen Kangjie was very busy, Lin Minchang's interest immediately came up, "What are you busy with? You actually said that you are very busy."

"Hey, this is not made by Little Japan, it's so annoying, no, just call to ask for support, ask for help", Chen Kangjie said affectionately, as if a devil was standing there Same as before.

"Why did you mess with the Japanese again?" Lin Minchang asked.

"Uncle Lin, isn't that right? Do I like to cause trouble? What do you mean I messed with the Japanese again? The Japanese messed with me, no, no, the Japanese messed with us. I just wanted to fight for injustice." Chen Kangjie He said without shame that this is a collective bondage, raising this matter to the contradiction between the nation and the country.

The fact is indeed the case. Little Japan is not targeting one person, not just a company, not an industry, but a country. It is to prevent this kind of advanced equipment from entering China and restrict China's technological progress and industry. In order to develop, they want to ensure long-term low-cost possession of China's resources, thereby enhancing Japan's economic development and superiority.This is a contradiction between countries and nations, a naked strategic containment.

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