rebirth of change

Chapter 442 Debt Collection

"Xiao Lin, whose phone is it?" Before Lin Minchang could answer, a vigorous Sichuan tone came from the phone.

"Chief, it's Xiaojie, Chen Kangjie," Lin Minchang answered.

"Yo, this kid called. I haven't called for more than a month. Here, I'll brag with him."

"Ahem, brat, it's getting harder and harder to answer your calls." The old chief coughed twice, and then teased Chen Kangjie.

"Grandpa, are you in poor health? What's wrong?" Chen Kangjie asked nervously and concerned.

"It's a small thing, I just feel the wind and cold occasionally. I'm old and I can't stand the wind." The old man said indifferently.

"It's very cold in the north now, you have to take care of yourself!" Chen Kangjie exhorted distressedly.

"Thank you for your concern. It seems that you have grown up again." From the voice, the old man could hear Chen Kangjie's affection and seriousness.

"I'm growing up every day, hehe, why don't I come and see you and bring you some goat meat." In order to amuse the old man, Chen Kangjie played tricks.

"Don't talk about that mutton anymore. My old man's saliva is about to flow out. You are in school now, so let's wait for your winter vacation, so don't delay your studies." It can be seen that the old chief treats Chen Kangjie very much concerned.

"Okay, then I'll come on winter vacation and bring you two sheep by the way," Chen Kangjie readily agreed.

"Two sheep? Do you think my old man is a pig? Then it can be eaten."

"Old man, this is your fault. Lele alone is not as good as total Lele. You only think of you alone, and grandma and others? You have a big family over there, why do you only think of yourself?" Chen Kangjie smiled He continued to criticize the old man's "selfishness".

"Yes, yes, the criticism is, the criticism is, fortunately your grandma is not with you now, otherwise I would have to be criticized too, haha", Chen Kangjie's good manners always bring happiness to the old man.

"I'll keep it a secret for you," Chen Kangjie said softly like an underground party, as if the walls really have ears, as if someone was eavesdropping.

An old kid, a fake kid, the two together always make for a happy scene.

. . . . . .

"Okay, now that I'm in good spirits, you're the master of the Three Treasures Hall for everything, so hurry up, or my old man will be taken away by the health care doctor in a while." Right, it seems that this is in line with the equivalent role of Chen Kangjie.

The old man is old and his physical condition is getting worse and worse, so the daily work and rest time is strictly regulated.Don't look at the old man as the head, but in the health care doctor, he is a patient, so he has to obey, otherwise the old man will face great pressure, whether it is the family or the head of the central government, they will chatter at him, especially the family, that is nagging Summarize and criticize.

"Hey, those who know me, old man, you still know me, but I'm not here to ask you for help, I'm here to collect debts." What Chen Kangjie and Lin Minchang said was completely different from what they said to the old man. Determined by identity, emotion, and age.

"Debt collection? Do I owe you money?".

"You don't owe money, but you owe me a promise. Do you remember the issues I discussed with you in the garden of the hotel where you stayed when we were in Mingzhu?" Chen Kangjie reminded, changing his words.

"What are you discussing?" After all, the old man is too old. Although he is wise, he can't remember everything firmly.

"The matter of rare earths, you old man will not be unresponsive, right? Breaking your promise is not a good comrade." Chen Kangjie reminded and teased.

"Oh, I remember, I remember, this matter has been discussed above, it's not easy, you don't really want to do that, do you?" said the old man after a little thought.

"Why wouldn't I really do that? Even if I don't want to do it, I'm forced to do it now," Chen Kangjie said excitedly.

"How do you say that?" The old man wanted to know what Chen Kangjie was forced to do.

It was only then that Chen Kangjie reported to the old man in detail about Li Chaoren's plan to invest in coal chemical industry in Liushuipan and the difficulties he faced on the phone.

"Hmph, the evil spirit is never dead, it's too much to deceive others", after listening to Chen Kangjie's introduction, the old man said in an atmosphere.

"This is only a secondary reason. The most important thing is that I still feel heartbroken that our country's rare earth resources are sold at such a cabbage price. When you were in Pengcheng, you said that "the Middle East has oil, and China has rare earths." At that time, you also said: "We must do a good job in the rare earth business and give full play to our country's rare earth advantages." Do you pay attention to it after being sold out cheaply by the prodigal sons? Rare earths are industrial gold and industrial monosodium glutamate!", Chen Kangjie thought that later our country's rare earth resource reserves accounted for 90.00% of the world's rare earth resources sold at a low price to only 30.00%. It is very heartbreaking, so the tone of the speech is excited, and the words are not so nice.

"Why don't I think that there is too much resistance in the local area. When discussing some time ago, it was stagnated because of the strong opposition from the local area," the old man said with a sigh.

What the old man said reflects a strange fact, that is, before the tax reform, the authority of the central government was not as great as imagined. The local government often confronted the central government for their own interests and the self-interest of some people. There is a folk rumor called "government orders do not come out of Zhongnanhai".

In fact, in a word, whoever has money will have the confidence to speak, and whoever speaks will have a louder voice.At present, the bulk of my country's fiscal and tax revenue is concentrated at the local level, while the central government only gets a small portion, which makes the local government have the strength to work against the central government. For a normal country, this is not normal.Most countries in the world are tax-sharing countries, which is why, even in a federal country like the United States, most of the tax revenue is owned by the federal government, and the small end is owned by the state government.Otherwise, who would still run for the Federal President, who would still be able to command the armed forces, and who would be able to propose development strategies?

"Just like what I discussed with you, the core is nothing more than a matter of economic interests. At present, my country's rare earth export revenue is less than tens of billions. I am willing to pay twice the price to ensure that the local government's income will only increase. There will be less, but those small and medium-sized procurement enterprises must undergo mergers, reorganizations or even close down. This is for long-term considerations and for the sake of environmental protection. Political means, even if it is difficult to solve this problem, it is not impossible to solve it well, at least it is better than ruining it." Chen Kangjie expressed his thoughts again, and later even adopted aggressive methods.

"Little ghost, the aggressive method is useless to me, but I support your reasoning. I will communicate with Secretary Wei later. Your idea involves at least [-] provinces across the country. According to our statistics, there are more than [-] enterprises involved. There are so many families, it is difficult to implement without forming a unified understanding." The old man is indeed a seasoned politician.

"Tens of thousands? Are you counting those with licenses and mining rights? What about those who mine indiscriminately? That's not tens of thousands. This is the most difficult part," Chen Kangjie said to the old politician But I don't quite buy it.

"You little guy, don't you want to save some face?" The old man also knew that what Chen Kangjie said was true, so he couldn't hold back his old face.

"Grandpa, we are too concerned about face, so we will suffer. Take the current export of rare earths as an example, isn't this also an element of face? I always feel that a large number of low-priced exports can increase foreign exchange and allow Little Japan to buy us. It can prove that we have contributed to the world economy. It’s just a swollen face. If it’s for foreign exchange, I can get it. Yes, that’s not the attitude towards historical issues. If you want to prove your contribution to the world economy, then you don’t need to make such a contribution. What’s the difference between cutting your own flesh and feeding it to eagles? It’s no different, you may end up being killed by eagles It was pecked." Chen Kangjie really didn't know what to say to this face-saving culture. He is a pragmatist, and he puts practical interests first, and the rest is joint.

"You are criticizing me," the old man said jokingly.

"Hehe, how dare I criticize you. You are the person I respect the most in my life, especially your courage and courage, which is almost invincible. This is a problem left over from history. Understand, understand, as long as you don't take historical issues Just keep it as it is." After Chen Kangjie was serious, he had to be lively no matter what.

"Slippery, don't put a high hat on me, I'm past the age of vanity, I just do my duty." At the level of the old man, at this age, it is true that these things are taken lightly.

"Hehe, understand, understand, believe that you can solve my problem smoothly, I am optimistic about you," Chen Kangjie said playfully.

"You guy, no wonder you can make so much money. It's just that if you are not in your position, you will not seek success. Some things are easier said than done. Anyway, I support your idea, wait for my news ", the old man seems to be a little tired, or there is already a health doctor next to him who has made an order gesture to hang up the phone, anyway, the voice has become quieter, and he has to hang up the phone in a hurry.

"Okay then, I'll wait for your good news. You should rest carefully, I will miss you." Before hanging up the phone, Chen Kangjie played tricks again.

"Okay, okay, I'm young, and I'm no worse than your grandma at all." Obviously, the old man is usually nagged by his wife a lot, and he must be very annoying, even using her as a reference for the metaphor.

"Hey, bye, I'm going home for dinner," Chen Kangjie smirked.

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