rebirth of change

Chapter 444 Ye Tangsen

After Chen Kangjie kicked the ball to the old chief, the only choice was to wait, but he was not idle, he had to prepare in advance, and had already written three songs for He Wanrong.

What Chen Kangjie needs to prepare is that on the one hand, he must set up a separate company in China to do things related to rare earths. Because the industry is strong, the professional requirements are high, the integration is difficult, and it is also sensitive, so it must be independent and have a strong leaders to lead the company.

Regarding the company name, in order to reflect the significance of this move, Chen Kangjie named it China Future Metallurgical Group. As the name suggests, the mission of this group is to protect the future of China and to preserve the non-renewable, scarce and vital mineral resources. It is also for the integrity of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains and the well-being of many unknown people.

The first two points are easy to understand. They are nothing more than protecting resources and the environment, but how can it involve the well-being of the people?

In Chen Kangjie's memory, there used to be a village in the south, with a population of 700 people at that time, which can be described as a thriving population. But not long after, rare earths were found buried here.Well, since there is a chance to make a fortune, everyone comes to excavate. None of them have mining licenses. The villagers cut down trees and burned grass all over the mountains and plains, hoping to dig some rare earths for some money.

This is understandable, but the simple, kind and lack of knowledge of the villagers do not know one thing, that is, these rare earths are poisonous, if you do not pay attention to methods and technology protection, it is easy to be affected by radiological images.That's it. Ten years later, the population of this village has dropped from 700 to barely 100. It can be said that the population is dying.

Such an example is not the only one. In many rare earth mining areas, such tragedies continue to happen. Therefore, no matter what interests it is for, Chen Kangjie must win the country's rare earths.

To register a business, you must have a registered capital.Fortunately, Chen Kangjie earned more than 100 billion U.S. dollars from gambling in Europe, and Ouyang Zhenhua took 50 billion U.S. dollars out of it and used it in this company, which can barely meet the needs of two and a half years.

Chen Kangjie himself is very rich, but he is really worried about money at the moment. He needs money to engage in rare earths and coal chemical industry. To cooperate with the construction of coal chemical industry projects, Chen Kangjie probably has to spend a lot of money.There are too many places to use money, and the amount is relatively large. He almost wants to break the money in half and spend it.

The company's matter has been resolved, but the personnel matter has not been resolved.Especially the top leader of the metallurgical group is very difficult to think about. This person must agree with Chen Kangjie's philosophy, must be tough, must have a technical background and experience in dealing with officials, such a person is really hard to find .

When Chen Kangjie was in a state of desperation, Huang Zhenhua introduced someone.It's really very pleasant to feel sleepy and someone to give you a pillow.

This man's name is Ye Tangsen, who seems to be a distant relative of Huang Zhenhua. He is in his early 30s and graduated from the School of Metallurgy of Shuimu University. Later, he was sent by the government to study at Massachusetts Institute of Technology for three years. Before he came to Qianzhou, his position was in the Ministry of Metallurgy. senior engineer.I don’t know if it’s because of the subject of his major. Ye Tangsen’s hair is very thin, and he is often ridiculed by his friends and classmates. In a fit of anger, he cut off all his hair and turned into a bald head.Among his colleagues, he was the only one with a bald head, so he was given the nickname "monk", and some people jokingly called him Master Haideng.

A tall and big man, staring at a bald head, coupled with his aggressive personality, gave people a fierce feeling, not like a skilled scientific researcher at all, but more like a gangster.Not to mention, his bald head helped him a lot.

Years ago he came from the capital to build a city to visit Huang Zhenhua. During the chat, Huang Zhenhua mentioned Chen Kangjie's actions to him. Ye Tangsen was also very dissatisfied with the current rare earth policy, but he was soft-spoken and could not change anything. With his identity, he did more or less contrary things.

"If that's the case, I suggest you come out of the Ministry of Metallurgy and follow them. It will definitely have a better future than staying in the Ministry of Metallurgy." After learning about Ye Tangsen's thoughts, Huang Zhenhua pointed out a way for him.

Huang Zhenhua knew Chen Kangjie, but Ye Tangsen didn't. He doubted Chen Kangjie's ability and strength, "Cousin, can you really do what you said?".

"It's okay, you'll know it after you do it. It depends on how capable you are. Chen Kangjie must not be underestimated. He is an open secret among high-level people, but to ordinary people, it's a bit unbelievable. Listen to it better, your cousin and I are able to hold the position of secretary of the provincial party committee, and he has all contributed to it." Huang Zhenhua really wanted to support this cousin who came all the way, but if An Inserting into the government department will appear cronyism and leave a bad impression on people.

Huang Zhenhua didn't think that people like Ye Tangsen would lose their future if they stepped out of the government, the key still depended on who they were with.If it was with someone else, Huang Zhenhua probably wouldn't bring it up, but if it was with Chen Kangjie, then Huang Zhenhua felt it was worth it. If it was done well, his future achievements would definitely surpass that of a senior engineer. There are so many engineers in the Ministry of Metallurgy. Easier said than done.

Ye Tangsen came to Qianzhou to pay a visit to this big official in Xinjiang who was related to him. He was originally here to seek relatives. He hoped that Huang Zhenhua could transfer him to the Metallurgical Department of Qianzhou Province to serve as a deputy chief engineer or something. Having raised his rank and mastered a certain amount of real power, he never expected that this cousin would propose himself from the government and recommend him to a foreign-funded enterprise before he raised his voice.

Hearing that Huang Zhenhua's position as provincial party secretary has contributed a lot to the stabilization of Chen Kangjie, Ye Tangsen was surprised and wanted to get acquainted, "Cousin, is what you said true? If so, I'm really interested Get acquainted."

"Do I need to lie to you? It's true. The times are different now. You don't have to stay in the government department to have a future. Otherwise, why do so many people go to sea to do business? Thinking can be broadened," Huang Zhenhua said earnestly advised.

"No, Uncle, I didn't mean that, I just find it a little weird," Ye Tangsen quickly put aside his doubts.

"It's good for you to introduce you to the past. Now everyone is more and more interested in money and encourages you to get rich. If you can really go, your salary will be at least ten times higher than the current one. Their treatment is very good." Okay, one year is worth ten years of your current job, and you should think about it yourself.” The current social atmosphere is not as good as before. From a good point of view, it encourages economic development and encourages hard work to get rich. From a bad point of view, money worship Doctrine began to spread.

A few years after 92, a term called "leather bag company" appeared in China.This "leather bag company" has two meanings. One is that many people want to be bosses, but they have no capital or technology, so they set up a shell company to find business everywhere, and gradually start to cheat.The second meaning is that those officials' children or relatives don't invest in anything, but make huge profits by reselling the approval documents and resources in the hands of relatives, including many companies with military backgrounds.In a word, for money, the whole country is mobilized.

"Okay, I'll go tomorrow, cousin, but I don't know him." Ye Tangsen is indeed a hot-tempered person, and he will do what he says, without dragging his feet.

"It's okay, I will call to introduce you in advance, you just go directly."

When Huang Zhenhua said on the phone that he would introduce a senior engineer from the Ministry of Metallurgy with a Ph.D. to apply for him, Chen Kangjie was overjoyed, but Chen Kangjie didn't show it.Chen Kangjie is different from other people, he doesn't need to curry favor with these officials, so he won't be like other people, as long as the leader introduces a person, no matter whether it is suitable or not, he will immediately nod and bow down to accept it as a condition for climbing the leadership relationship.

"Uncle Huang, you have also learned to be unhealthy and evil. Use your position to place relatives in our company. Be careful and I will report you." Chen Kangjie teased Huang Zhenhua jokingly.

"My good intentions are not rewarded. I'm here to help you. I can't pull you down. Uncle Huang, I will surrender myself to the Commission for Discipline Inspection." Huang Zhenhua said in a suppressed tone, pretending to be dissatisfied.

"Hey, this is a good comrade. I'll wait for him in the office tomorrow afternoon. Tell him to come to me directly. I'll take care of Brother Ouyang first. I'll recommend him when I'm done. Let's do business."

"By the way, do you really want to unify the country's rare earth resources? It's not easy."

"What is unification? We are not Qin, that is integration, integration," Chen Kangjie corrected him.

"It's integration, so I hope you can quickly integrate and implement the coal chemical project in our province as soon as possible." After all, Secretary Huang is still looking for the interests of his own jurisdiction.

"This has little impact. If the integration is successful, the city's coal chemical project will be launched. If the integration is not successful, it will also be launched. Regardless of whether it is the east wind or the west wind, we must succeed," Chen Kangjie said with great momentum.

"Hehe, the tongue twisters are out, well, then I'll cut the ribbon," Huang Zhenhua said cooperatively.

"Okay, I'm very welcome, but, Uncle Huang, I think leading cadres should not attend such dispensable activities as ribbon-cutting, first launch, etc., and learn more about social conditions and public opinion, and devote more effort to economic development and people's livelihood. . . . ".

"Okay, stop talking. If you keep talking, I will become a mediocre official. If you don't welcome me, you just say it clearly and criticize me in a roundabout way. I'm quite angry." If Huang Zhenhua said this To other people, it means that he is indeed very angry, but to Chen Kangjie, even if he is criticized, he can't get angry if he wants to, just put on a show.

"I said welcome first, don't rely on me, you are more welcome to come to investigate and inspect more, haha," Chen Kangjie said slyly.

"Little slicker, take care, accept your opinion and supervision."

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