rebirth of change

Chapter 445 Me?President?

When Chen Kangjie saw Ye Tangsen, he was really taken aback. This guy had a pair of glasses on his nose, but with his big bald head, he didn't look like a senior engineer at all.

Ye Tangsen got off the train and took an Alto taxi to the entrance of Master Kong's company. The guard almost refused to let him in, thinking he was a bad guy. Later, Chen Kangjie called the guard to confirm that he was able to enter.

In Liuzhi, the taxis are basically small and ugly Alto cars, which start at 3 yuan and can run all over the city for 5 yuan.In addition to the small number of Alto cars, there is another cheaper means of transportation, two yuan to start, three yuan to travel around the city, and that is the motorcycle.It's just illegal. Of course, the government doesn't take much care of it. This brings great convenience to ordinary people's travel, especially in some industrial and mining enterprises. Many people go to urban areas by motorcycles.

The difference from the original history is that in the original logic, the people who race motorcycles are basically all locals. Now the local unemployed basically go to work in those newly opened factories and construction sites, and the income and treatment are not bad. Those who would go for motorcycle rides, but some young people from surrounding counties and cities found business opportunities and came here to run motorcycles to make money.

Chen Kangjie would not suggest that the government adopt embargo measures against motorcycles. On the one hand, robbery by motorcycles does not happen often at this time. Secondly, even if it does happen, it has nothing to do with the motorcycle itself. The inaction puts the responsibility on the vehicles.This is putting the cart before the horse and is irresponsible.

"Mr. Ye, hello, welcome, welcome." Chen Kangjie reached out his hand to Ye Tangsen who had just entered the door in a mature manner.

This action of Chen Kangjie made Ye Tangsen, who had just been regarded as a villain, not come back to his senses for a moment, "Ah, ah, thank you, thank you".

"Are you intimidated by my age? In fact, almost all the people I deal with for the first time are like this. Once you get familiar with it, you will get used to it. Come and sit wherever you want." Chen Kangjie showed a very easy-going side.

Chen Kangjie's self-deprecating explanation really made Ye Tangsen relax immediately, and he sat down on the corner of the sofa casually.

"I heard that Mr. Ye studied at MIT?" Chen Kangjie handed him a can of drink and asked casually.

"Yes, after graduating from Shuimu University in [-], I joined the Ministry of Metallurgy according to my assignment. Later, due to actual needs, I and two other colleagues were sent by the government to study in MIT's Fisher Laboratory for three years. I also got my Ph.D. from MIT.” When it comes to his studies, Ye Tangsen talks confidently.

"Fischer Laboratory?" Chen Kangjie was very unfamiliar with this.

"Yes, this laboratory is famous for its research on rare elements and new materials. At that time, for the three of us to go in and study, the country paid a large amount of money and provided a batch of elements that can be used in Patriot missiles," Ye Tang Sen explained to Chen Kangjie.

"The public school is the public school, and the treatment is really different." Chen Kangjie really didn't know whether he was envious or ridiculed, but it made Ye Tangsen a little embarrassed.

"There is no way. Our country is in urgent need of this technology, but it is a pity that a colleague did not come back later, stayed in the United States and joined the US Department of Energy."

"It's normal. People go to high places and water flows to low places. The country thinks that it can train a large number of talents for the country. In fact, most of those who go out will not come back." Lacking a suitable platform and a flexible mechanism, many high-tech talents cannot be reused and give full play to their strengths after returning to China.

"Yes, that's true", Ye Tangsen was deeply moved by what Chen Kangjie said.

"Let's not talk about that, let's talk about rare earths. Uncle Huang called me yesterday and told me about your situation. I think he should have told you about some of the situations. What do you think about this?" The two knew each other well. After that, Chen Kangjie started to get down to business.

"He actually didn't tell me much, he just said that you want to integrate rare earth resources across the country, but you lack talents in this field, so let me come here to find a platform to use my strengths," Ye Tangsen said modestly and cautiously.

"Then how do you think we can integrate?" Chen Kangjie held on to this key question.

"How can I get it together..." Ye Tangsen fell into deep thought.

"Although you are a technical person, relatively speaking, managers and management thinking are more important in dealing with this problem," Chen Kangjie added and stopped disturbing him and gave him enough time to think.

After about a few minutes, Ye Tangsen finished thinking, sighed, sorted out his thoughts and said: "Although integration is difficult, it should be said that it is not impossible at all. First, the Ministry of Metallurgy and Metallurgy must be settled. As the competent department, if it is not resolved, there will be great resistance. The second is to start from the south.”

"Why start from the south?" Chen Kangjie asked.

"Because the rare earth resources in the south are the most important, basically all of them are medium and heavy rare earths, and the random exploitation of rare earth resources in the south is also the most serious. In the north, most of them are mined by state-owned companies, many of which are central enterprises. As long as they are well integrated and supported by the central government, It will be much easier. Doing other things can be done from easy to difficult, but to do this job well, you must start from difficult to easy. Only by gnawing down the hard bones, the rest will be solved.” Ye Tangsen is indeed a member of the Ministry of Metallurgy. People, know quite a lot about situations.

"Well, keep talking," Chen Kangjie accepted Ye Tangsen's words.

"To deal with the southern market well, we need to have a strategy in setting up the company. The established company cannot be established in Qianzhou, because the distance is far away and it is not convenient for nearby management," Ye Tangsen explained.

"Then where do you think it should be established?" Chen Kangjie was noncommittal to Ye Tangsen's words, but he wanted to know his next answer.

Ye Tangsen did not answer Chen Kangjie's words in a hurry, but pondered again, and after another 3 minutes, Ye Tangsen uttered two words, "Gannan".

"Gannan? Why here and not other places?" Chen Kangjie became more interested.

"Yes, Gannan Province, Gannan Province is one of the four provinces with the richest rare earth resources. It stands to reason that other provinces are not impossible, but in my opinion, this is the most suitable place. The reason is that As I said just now, dealing with this problem has to be difficult and easy. According to our recent knowledge, in Nanzhou, a southern city in Gannan Province, there are at least 3000 enterprises large and small that mine rare earth resources privately. So first of all It is necessary to take down these more than 3000 enterprises of different levels and set up the head office there, which will bring pressure to both parties. One is the local government, and the other is the company itself,” Ye Tangsen said. The reason for the novelty was something that Chen Kangjie hadn't considered before.

Now it was Chen Kangjie's turn to think about Ye Tangsen's suggestion, "Do you smoke?" Chen Kangjie took out a pack of expensive cigarettes from his desk.

"Thank you, I won't." Ye Tangsen waved his hand and declined politely, but his eyes were big. He didn't expect Chen Kangjie to be able to smoke at such a young age.

Chen Kangjie was also not polite to Ye Tangsen, he took out a cigarette and lit it, thinking while smoking.

"Is there anything else to add?" Chen Kangjie smoked half of a cigarette, raised his head and asked Ye Tangsen.

"Yes, that is, the government orders issued by the central government cannot be guiding, but should be directive." Ye Tangsen gave another reason.

Chen Kangjie understands this point. Instructive things are not mandatory and have little binding force on the local government. Only when they become directive documents can they have a deterrent effect on the local government.Although there is only one word difference in it, the actual meaning and effect are very different.

Chen Kangjie has a good understanding of Ye Tangsen's suggestion. In China, as long as it is a guiding opinion, it is basically not an opinion. Everyone will follow it. Basically, it will become a dead letter in two days, so Some people compare this to "diarrhea", and it will be fine after the diarrhea.

"This opinion is very important, and I will respond to it." After Ye Tangsen reminded him, Chen Kangjie really wanted to find a way to turn the possible guiding opinions into directive opinions. Chen Kangjie didn't want to get a set of opinions. Empty text with no meaning on paper.

Ye Tangsen thought that Chen Kangjie wanted to respond to Ouyang Zhenhua, the president, but in fact Chen Kangjie wanted to respond to the old chief and Secretary Wei.

"As long as these points can be achieved, and there is a strong company leader, then I dare not say that the task will be completed satisfactorily, but it is almost the same," Ye Tangsen concluded in the end.

"Can't the company really be established in Qianzhou?" Chen Kangjie thought for a while, and asked one more question. He was thinking about this question just now.

Where the company's headquarters is located is of economic significance. At least the local tax revenue can be much higher. This is why all regions have to vigorously develop the headquarters economy.

"If you want to solve the problem smoothly, don't set it up in Qianzhou before the integration is completed. The harm outweighs the benefit." Ye Tangsen considered the problem entirely from the perspective of completing the task. As for the additional local economic benefits, it was not within his scope of consideration within.

"Well, there are gains and losses. I will remember your suggestion." Chen Kangjie's last sentence was considered to agree with Ye Tangsen's suggestion.

What Ye Tangsen didn't know was that this proposal provided great convenience for the smooth settlement of the integration of rare earth resources in Nanzhou City in the future, because Nanzhou City got the most tax revenue from it, which more than made up for their losses.Of course, the leaders of Nanzhou City did not realize this problem at first, and the integration of rare earth resources in Nanzhou City still experienced a bloody storm.

"If you are invited to be the president of this group, would you be willing?" Chen Kangjie asked suddenly.

"Me? President?" Ye Tangsen didn't expect Chen Kangjie to ask such a tempting question, he couldn't believe it, he pointed to his nose and asked back.

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