"Jie Shao, we are running out of funds at present, do you really want to invest in coal chemical industry?" In Ouyang Zhenhua's office, Ouyang Zhenhua, Xie Yourong and Chen Kangjie discussed his personal investment in shares .

At this time, Xie Yourong no longer viewed Chen Kangjie the way he did when we first met him. The longer he stayed in the company, the more information he knew, especially after many in-depth chats with Ouyang Zhenhua, Xie Yourong felt Chen Kangjie's love more and more. Not simple and mysterious.

"If we don't invest, who will invest? Now it's easy to find foreign capital, but it's not easy to find domestic capital." Chen Kangjie told the truth about the current shortage of funds in China.

"That's right," Xie Yourong echoed.

"You went to Japan this time, how is it going there?" Chen Kangjie was concerned about Ouyang Zhenhua's trip to Japan.

"The second stage is coming to an end, I'm just going to check it out, and prepare and arrange the work for the third stage," Ouyang Zhenhua replied concisely.

Because Xie Yourong was there, Ouyang Zhenhua didn't disclose a single figure. He didn't know whether to let Xie Yourong know the specific things there. After all, it would be Chen Kangjie's biggest income. Hua's heart skips a beat when he thinks about it.

Recently, the economic situation in Japan is very poor. The stock market has been plummeting again and again. The assets of many enterprises, especially large enterprises, have shrunk sharply. This is followed by property prices falling again and again, and the sales volume of houses has continuously set new lows. In December 1992, in the Tokyo area, The monthly housing sales volume was less than 12% in March and 3% in January 30.00. Investors in Japan were all on the sidelines. However, in sharp contrast to this, a large number of foreign capital entered Japan. The Japanese government has already noticed this, but they can’t supervise it, or they can’t supervise it enough. Chen Kangjie’s funds have already entered Japan. At that time, Japan’s economic crisis was not very clear and spread.

The economic crisis will inevitably lead to Japan's financial strain. The Asian Cup held in Hiroshima in November has shrunk sharply due to the sharp deterioration of the Japanese economy.Although Japan hosted the Olympic Games in the 11s after the war, it was the first time to host the Asian Cup. Japan hopes to use its status as the host to promote Japanese football. It has always been the dream of the Japanese to win the championship. The champion Saudi Arabia stepped down to replace him.

Because the funds have shrunk significantly, and the security cost is one of the big ones, the venue construction funds can't afford it, so the security cost has been cut down a lot. In the end, Chen Kangjie's "compensation" myzh got the opportunity to poison the cafeteria Success, leading to the tragedy of the death of a stick athlete and four ghost athletes.

This incident has greatly dealt a blow to Japan's status in the sports world, and at the same time increased the conflict between South Korea and Japan.Because of this incident, the morale of the Japanese team was greatly affected.In the original history, the Japanese team won this Asian Cup. Saudi Arabia was indeed kicked out by them. The Chinese team originally only won the third place through a penalty shootout. This time, because of the high morale of the Japanese team Affected, not only did they fail to win the championship, they were also defeated by the Chinese team in the penalty shootout, and only got the third place that barely maintained their face. On the contrary, the Chinese team won the runner-up, and the champion was still the defending Saudi team.

There are various speculations as to why myzh carried out this attack.Neither the Japanese police nor the military found the attackers of this terrorist incident, so naturally they didn't know the purpose of Myzh, but Chen Kangjie knew it, so Chen Kangjie knew that Myzh was a retaliatory action for his failure to be elected as a member of the Japanese Diet.

The well-funded myzh acts more mysteriously and reduces the exploitation of believers, so the respect and admiration he receives are higher than in the original history. It is not easy to put these things on his head.In order to reward myzh for this contribution, Chen Kangjie specially gave him an additional "compensation" of 1993 million US dollars in [-].

At the beginning of 1993, the most difficult day in Japan was the prime minister. As the unemployment rate began to rise, the approval rate was getting lower and lower. Whether it was within the party or among the people, the voice for him to step down was getting louder and louder.Chen Kangjie is willing to see that Japan's political situation is getting more and more chaotic. This is the purpose of his support for myzh.

"Very good, our goal has moved one step further." Chen Kangjie was very pleased with the completion of the first two steps.

"Then do you think we need to take some funds out? To alleviate the current predicament, we are spending too much money," Ouyang Zhenhua asked Chen Kangjie.

It is true, just earned more than 100 billion US dollars from European gambling, but it has only been more than half a year, and it seems that it will be spent. Chen Kangjie really spends money like water. Basically, all the projects carried out here are big projects, and the cost of each project is astonishing, and he can get rid of them all.

"No, let's stick to this side. At this critical moment, it's not appropriate to move there. Anyway, we won't make much action in the short term." Chen Kangjie shook his head and replied.

At this time, Chen Kangjie did not let go of any opportunity to hit Japan. If he withdraws funds at this time, it will be very easy for him, and he can do whatever he wants. However, the blow to the Japanese economy will gradually weaken. Chen Kangjie was very unwilling to see it.For this neighbor who has always been unpredictable, Chen Kangjie always adheres to the principle of weakening as much as possible.The stronger the strength of this kind of country with abnormal mentality and mentality, and the lack of a correct view of history, the greater the danger to neighboring countries. The history from the Meiji Restoration to World War II is the best proof. History repeats itself, such a country can only maintain its status as a second-rate country at best.

"Then how much money do you plan to invest, and in whose name?" Ouyang Zhenhua asked directly, not shying away from Xie Yourong's presence.

"How much money have you negotiated to invest in total? How much money do we have left?" Only when Chen Kangjie knows the total investment can he know how much he can invest.

"After accounting, if the entire project is to meet your requirements, it will cost at least US$53 billion to build a large-scale coal chemical project, plus environmental protection investment and supporting facilities. This is the lowest bottom line, and it may increase. To ensure water supply facilities, at least 85 million U.S. dollars are needed. We have invested 23 billion U.S. dollars in China Future Metallurgical Group, Feiyang Entertainment Fan Wenxuan took away [-] billion, and now there are [-] billion U.S. dollars left.” Ouyang Zhenhua said to these Funding is still in the palm of your hand.

"Then how much will Superman Li invest?" Chen Kangjie asked further.

"Aside from their investment in the power plant, Mr. Li told me that the funds he can provide are at most 33 million US dollars, because some of their overseas business has been relatively tight recently. Not only can they not draw funds, they have to supplement them. If not, there will be a gap of [-] billion U.S. dollars that needs to be filled by us and the government," Ouyang Zhenhua told Chen Kangjie about the negotiation between him and Li Chaoren.

"It's true. Now the economic recession in Japan has had a great impact. The business of the industrial group under Li Chaoren in Japan, Malaysia, Thailand and Hong Kong's local business have been greatly affected. Their financial status is not good. It’s not very good, all these funds come from the bank.” Many negotiations with Li Chaoren were led by Xie Yourong, so he got a lot of details, adding to Ouyang Zhenhua’s words.

Chen Kangjie felt a little uncomfortable after hearing Xie Yourong's words, and didn't know what to say.In fact, he did not expect that his attack on the Japanese economy would have such a big impact, and even his partners would be dragged into it.

Chen Kangjie only thought in advance that China has not yet joined the WTO and is not yet closely related to the world economy, so it is a good opportunity to hit the Japanese economy, at least he will not be greatly dragged down.But Hong Kong is a free port, and Hong Kong's economy is closely integrated with the world economy, especially with Japan, so it will inevitably be affected.This is really a fire at the city gate, which brought disaster to the fish pond.

"You are in Hong Kong, do you feel that Hong Kong has been greatly affected?" Chen Kangjie continued to ask.

"How should I put it? In the first half of the year, it actually started to have an impact, but it was not very obvious. After the second half of the year, the impact began to intensify. Many commodities in Hong Kong are exported to Japan. The Hong Kong stock market is also greatly affected by the Tokyo stock market. The Tokyo stock market , The sharp drop in the Osaka stock market has also caused Hong Kong stocks to fall again and again. Of course, the New York stock market and the London stock market have also been affected. I now see a sign that many Hong Kong companies are increasing or planning to increase investment in the mainland. risk", Ouyang Zhenhua replied.

"At present, the domestic reform and opening up is at a critical moment, and it is also a period of faster development. In addition, it has not fully integrated into the world economy, and coupled with low labor costs, it will become a good safe haven. These Hong Kong people As expected of shrewdness, they played their Lion Mountain spirit very well," Chen Kangjie commented highly.

Such negative impacts and impacts are not all bad things from this point of view. At least if they can greatly increase investment in the mainland, then this will be a win-win situation for the mainland and Hong Kong.The mainland has solved the problem of shortage of funds, the problem of employment of labor force, and the problem of industrial development. For Hong Kong, it has solved the problem of risk avoidance, the problem of capital investment, and the problem of enterprise development. It kills two birds with one stone.

Chen Kangjie was still a little worried about those Hong Kong compatriots, but now it seems that there is actually no need to worry so much. They still have a growing motherland behind them.

"In this case, we seem to have to share some of the burden for Mr. Li, otherwise it will appear unkind, hehe." Although Chen Kangjie is not worried about those Hong Kong people who don't know him, he still intends to help Li Chaoren who wants to cooperate.

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