rebirth of change

Chapter 450 Introduction to Business

"This is my business card, please give me your advice." After shaking hands, Zhu Yutao took out a white business card from the inside bag of his suit and respectfully handed it to Chen Kangjie.

"Hehe, the company name is long enough, Capital Fashion Dance Garden Culture Media Co., Ltd." When Dong Siying introduced Zhu Yutao's company just now, Chen Kangjie didn't pay much attention to it. Looking at the business card now, he really thinks the company name is not short. .

"Hehe, the name chosen by the boss", Zhu Yutao could only smile awkwardly at Chen Kangjie's teasing.

"Miss Boss, here's a hot pot, three people to eat, you look at the side dishes, three spicy dipping water", Chen Kangjie ordered to the proprietress standing at the door.

"Hey, I'll be right here, just wait a moment," the proprietress agreed with a smile, and slid the door up to prepare dinner for Chen Kangjie and the others.

In order to reduce the occupation of space, the doors of these private rooms are very similar to those in Japan, using the sliding type instead of the pull-open type.

"Mr. Zhu is really young and promising. He has achieved the position of manager at such a young age." After the proprietress left, Chen Kangjie picked up the teapot on the table and served tea to everyone. , waved his hand to block him.

The managers in 93 are not like the managers ten years later. After ten years, basically everyone will be a manager. Many of them are ordinary salesmen, but the title of manager is printed on the business card.In 1993, the gold content of managers was very high. Inside the company, they were often capable and contributed, and their income was relatively upper-middle.It was precisely because of this that Chen Kangjie praised him so much.

"Don't dare to do it, don't dare to do it, you're just fooling around", Zhu Yutao didn't dare to accept Chen Kangjie's sincere compliment, and hurriedly said humbly.

The tourism group managed by Dong Siying next to him already belongs to a large enterprise group, and his annual salary is more than their boss's annual salary, and Chen Kangjie is Dong Siying's boss, and he is much younger than himself, so it is conceivable that in such a If you admit that you are young and promising in front of more people, that is not a slap in the face.It's true that people are more popular than people.

"Mr. Zhu went to university in the capital. After graduating, he did not return to his hometown, but stayed there to work. After his own efforts, it took three years to get to where he is today. It is not easy." Dong Siying may not want Zhu Yutao to be too inferior , so he introduced his glorious history.

"Yeah, so I'm not wrong, come to Qianzhou, welcome to walk around and see more," Chen Kangjie said seriously, holding up his teacup.

"Qianzhou has changed a lot in the past few years, everywhere is thriving, there are many opportunities, and there are many places worth learning," Zhu Yutao said politely.

"Mr. Zhu has been here before?" Chen Kangjie asked.

"No, no, this is the first time I have come here, but in the past subconsciously, Qianzhou was very backward, but this time I experienced it personally, and I feel that the past understanding is absurd." Zhu Yutao, following Chen Kangjie's easy-going, also Gradually he returned to his usual state.

"Things are changing, society is progressing, and our understanding needs to be constantly updated. At present, our entire country is developing by leaps and bounds, and every place is undergoing major changes. Mr. Zhu came to Qianzhou this time for business. Or...?", Chen Kangjie gave Dong Siying a meaningful look, and purposely didn't finish his sentence.

What Chen Kangjie said before was fine, but when he suddenly turned a corner and asked, neither Dong Siying nor Zhu Yutao could answer. Fortunately, at this time the boss Agui came in with a hot hot pot, and his wife behind him brought all kinds of seasonal fresh vegetables plus two Bottle of Sprite drink.

"I've been waiting for a long time, everything is fresh, so it took a little longer," Agui said while putting down the hot pot, with a cigarette behind his ear.

A Gui's words are very interesting, the implication is that what others eat may be cooked yesterday, or it may not be fresh, he is highlighting the excellent treatment given to Chen Kangjie.

"The speed is already very fast, the fresh ones are good, and the fresh ones are good." It is impossible for Chen Kangjie to intervene in other people's operations. As long as they meet the hygiene standards, what others do is their business, so Chen Kangjie just said casually about the treatment he received .

"Well, this... Do you want some wine?" After Agui went out, the proprietress asked after visiting the vegetables and drinks one by one.

He originally wanted to find a suitable name to call Chen Kangjie, but he didn't know his first name or last name, and he really didn't know how to call him properly, so he had to omit it in the end.

There is no need for Chen Kangjie to tell her her identity, it's fine just like this, as long as they know each other, there is no need to pay too much attention to those additional identity marks.

"Mr. Zhu, would you like some wine?" Chen Kangjie asked Zhu Yutao sideways.

"He can't drink," Dong Siying said before Zhu Yutao opened his mouth.

After Dong Siying finished speaking, she blushed and lowered her head, her concern was obvious.

He can't drink?What do you mean you can't drink?The meaning of not drinking and not drinking is completely different.

"Recently I feel a little unwell, I'm not suitable for drinking, I'm sorry," Zhu Yutao smiled and explained to Dong Siying.

"Oh oh oh, I'm not feeling well. Actually, I don't drink alcohol. Hey, lady boss, this drink is...?" Chen Kangjie said for a long time. In fact, he didn't know what it meant, but he didn't want to pester him anymore, so The conversation turned to the two extra bottles of drinks.

"Oh, this is a gift from us. It's rare for you to come here. Today is a treat for us and my wife. Thank you," the proprietress said enthusiastically.

The proprietress' thanks include getting rid of the villain, Brother Yong, so that they will be less harassed and can concentrate on doing business.It also includes getting people to send them money so that their business can grow bigger.

In fact, the proprietress did not clearly know that the money was given by Chen Kangjie. Chen Kangjie sent the 3 yuan to Qian Degui, and Qian Degui did not say who gave it. So I guess it was sent by Chen Kangjie.

"It should be me thanking you. I accepted the things, but when I pay the bill later, I still have to count them. You are a small business, and it is not easy to make money. I have already waived the bill last time. I can't let you Expenses", it is impossible for Chen Kangjie to take advantage of others again and again.

In Chen Kangjie's view, it is right to compensate others by himself. After destroying other people's things and making things so big, the business of this store has been almost deserted for more than a month.Besides, after that incident, Chen Kangjie and Xiong Ziqiang came here once. The boss wanted to waive the bill no matter what, but Chen Kangjie couldn't resist, so he accepted it.

"It's all due, and we can only express our gratitude in this way," said the proprietress, twisting the corner of her clothes.

"If that's the case, then I won't come next time, and we won't eat this meal," Chen Kangjie stood up and said resolutely.

"No, no, okay, just as you said, then... these two bottles of drinks?" Seeing that Chen Kangjie got up to leave, the proprietress quickly gave in, but she still hoped that Chen Kangjie would accept the two bottles of drinks.

"Okay, I'll accept it. Thank you. My friends at the table outside will count as well." Chen Kangjie couldn't be too unkind, so he reluctantly accepted the two bottles of drinks.

Chen Kangjie ate in the private room, and those who followed them must have eaten in the lobby. This was Chen Kangjie's clear normality, so he made a supplement to prevent the proprietress from waiving their orders.

"Okay, okay, take your time, I'm going out to work." Now that Chen Kangjie accepted their wishes, the proprietress couldn't say anything more, so she said hello and turned to go out. She couldn't delay Chen Kangjie and the others from eating here.

"Xiaojie, why is the proprietress delivering things and asking for free?" After listening to the conversation between Chen Kangjie and the proprietress for a long time, Dong Siying became confused and interested.

"It's nothing special. I just helped them a little. The proprietress is too polite. Come and eat. If you don't eat any more, the bottom of the pot will almost burn dry," Chen Kangjie said lightly.

At that time, there was no induction cooker, and the local area did not use liquefied petroleum gas at this time. The boss had a small alcohol stove above the table.This was changed after their new renovation. Before, a hole was cut out in the middle of the table, and a small coal stove made of iron was placed under it.

Chen Kangjie didn't want to say it clearly, and Dong Siying couldn't ask in detail.This is because Dong Siying was working in the city and went out some time ago. Otherwise, the incident at the 'Haozailai' hot pot restaurant was so big that many local people knew it. Dong Siying would not have to ask Chen Kangjie.

"Although I'm not very hungry, but looking at the food in the pot, my appetite has greatly increased. Let's eat, I'm not polite anymore," Dong Siying glanced at Zhu Yutao and said.

"Okay, eat, eat, eat, it's really appetizing," Zhu Yutao picked up the chopsticks.

Halfway through the meal, when everyone was almost done eating and drinking, Dong Siying brought the topic to the purpose of their visit this time.

"Xiaojie, I'm bringing Yu this time...Mr. Zhu is actually here to see if he can hand over the company's advertising business to him, so I will discuss it with you." Dong Siying originally wanted to call Zhu Yutao 'Yutao' , found that something was wrong in front of Chen Kangjie, blushing hurriedly and changed his name to 'Mr. Zhu'.

Regarding Dong Siying's temporary change of caliber, Chen Kangjie could only purse his lips and smile. Dong Siying saw Chen Kangjie's smile and glared at him.

"Ahem, Miss Siying, you are the president of the company. You don't need to ask me about this business, right? You can decide for yourself! It's not a big deal." Chen Kangjie pretended to cough twice, avoiding Dong Siying's staring eyes , and then said slowly.

"I'm not just talking about a company from the tourism group, I'm talking about...the companies under Hongyuan." Dong Siying's voice became smaller and smaller, as if she felt that this was something shameful. Just like those government departments entrusting people to take relationships.

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