rebirth of change

Chapter 449 Dong Siying's Friend

"Young Master Jie, when is it going to be here?", Ouyang Zhenhua became more and more familiar with him, and gradually he did not change his address to Chen Kangjie in front of Xie Yourong.

"It's nothing, it's a little inconvenient to bring up this matter now, and it involves a lot more," Chen Kangjie said hesitantly.

Judging from Chen Kangjie's frowning hesitation, one could imagine the difficulty inside, otherwise, if it was an ordinary matter, Chen Kangjie would definitely not be like this.

"What's the matter?", the more Chen Kangjie seemed so hesitant, the more Ouyang Zhenhua cared. He really wanted to know what stumped the "omnipotent" Chen Kangjie.

"Speaking of it, this is not something I should manage, but the establishment of national oil reserves. Do you remember that I discussed oil prices with you before?" Chen Kangjie said, shaking his head.

"Remember, that's why I've been keeping an eye on international oil prices. Is that why you want to build oil reserves?" Ouyang Zhenhua asked back.

This time, the smart Xie Yourong was really at a loss, he didn't understand at all, and he had a big question in his heart, what would happen to oil?Chen Kangjie is the only one who knows the logic of history. No matter how smart Xie Yourong is, he would never have expected that the price of oil would double.

"Of course it's not just this. I won't talk about it today. Let's talk about it when I have a chance. I should go back to eat." Chen Kangjie turned over from his chair and stood up.

Naturally, Chen Kangjie would not be so superficial as to spend a lot of money on reserves just because the price has risen. Of course, there are deeper political and strategic reasons, but it is really not appropriate to discuss those things too much with Ouyang Zhenhua and the others, especially Xie Yourong.

"By the way, Young Master Jie, I heard that Dong Siying has something to do with you." Before Chen Kangjie left the office, he was stopped by Ouyang Zhenhua.

"Didn't she go to the capital to discuss advertising with CCTV, and she's back?" Chen Kangjie turned around and asked.

"Yes, she just came back, and the strange thing is, she brought a man back," Ouyang Zhenhua said mysteriously.

"Bringing a man back? Hehe, there won't be any tricks, right?" Chen Kangjie is quite interested in this kind of thing.

"How do I know this? She doesn't report her living conditions to me."

"Aren't you alumni, don't you care about it? Really, if she has something to ask me, just ask her to contact me, and it's not that she doesn't know the phone number."

"It's true that we are alumni, but... this kind of thing, Meiyun doesn't care too much. I'm a big man, and when I go to inquire about these things about girls, I always feel... a bit of that, yes, I asked her to contact you directly Right", Ouyang Zhenhua has never done that kind of thing before, if a man cares about a girl's private life, even if he cares, it will seem inappropriate.

"Well, it's better to be related to work. If it's about private life, then I can't take care of it. Hey, let's go. You should go to eat and rest earlier." Chen Kangjie casually left a word and slipped away.

Seeing Chen Kangjie like this, Ouyang Zhenhua from behind could only smile wryly and shook his head.

On the afternoon of the second day after chatting with Ouyang Zhenhua, Chen Kangjie received a call from Dong Siying just after school.

"Xiaojie, are you free? I want to chat with you!" Dong Siying said in a weak voice on the phone.

This was the first time that Dong Siying talked to Chen Kangjie like that, otherwise, the voice would definitely be crisp and clear, and Chen Kangjie could feel Dong Siying's shyness on the phone.

"Sister Siying, aren't you in the city? You have six?" Dong Siying usually works in the city, so Chen Kangjie said that.

"I just arrived today", Dong Siying's words were very brief.

"Sister Siying, I'm going to study at night. Can you tell me what it is? If it's important, I won't study at night. If it's not important, I'll wait until noon tomorrow." Chen Kangjie said with a smile .

In fact, Chen Kangjie didn't care if he didn't go to the evening self-study. Even if he did, he would just read a book, or pass a note to amuse the little beauty Fan Xuexi.The reason why he did this was because he knew that Dong Siying had brought a friend from the capital, so he deliberately teased her.

"'s actually nothing, just introduce a friend to you," Dong Siying was a little embarrassed to say.

"Is that a private matter?" Chen Kangjie really thought Dong Siying was just introducing a friend.

"It's not entirely a private matter, it's mostly a business matter," Dong Siying quickly added.

"Hehe, Sister Siying, you don't distinguish between public and private affairs," Chen Kangjie teased.

"No, no, Xiaojie, do you have the time? If you don't, you'll fall." Chen Kangjie's teasing and teasing brought out Dong Siying's anger instead.

"All right, all right, Sister Siying is angry, I have no time to squeeze out, where are you, I treat you to dinner, as a welcome to new friends", Chen Kangjie improved and changed his words, but Chen Kangjie deliberately emphasized the word "new friend" Increased tone.

"Cut, we are next to the garden in the middle of the street." Dong Siying originally wanted to criticize Chen Kangjie, but in the end she held back because of the people around her.

For Dong Siying and the company’s high-level executives, all of them are accompanied by special cars and mobile phones. As long as they are in urban areas and county towns, they can basically make calls anytime and anywhere. Only in mountainous areas will there be no signal.

"Okay, I'll come over right away, Brother Qiang, go to the garden in the middle of the street," Chen Kangjie said after returning the eldest brother to Xiong Ziqiang.

Within 2 minutes, an ordinary Santana drove to the back of a silver Volvo in the garden in the middle of the street.

This Volvo is Dong Siying's special car. When it was first equipped, they could choose Mercedes-Benz or Audi, but Dong Siying chose neither of these two cars. Instead, they chose a Volvo that is more feminine and has a high safety factor.

Chen Kangjie got off the Santana, walked to the rear door of the Volvo, opened the door and sat in directly.

"Sister Siying, let's drive. I will enjoy the treatment of a beautiful driver." Chen Kangjie is generally very rare in the right way.

"Where are you going? You haven't told me where yet." Dong Siying joked about Chen Kangjie, glanced at the man beside her, and said seriously without joking.

"Turn around in front and turn left, there is a hotpot restaurant called 'Come Again' over there, I invite you to eat hotpot." Chen Kangjie held Dong Siying's armchair and stretched out his finger to point in the direction.

Chen Kangjie chose the Land of Waterloo of Brother Yong last time. After that incident, Chen Kangjie asked someone to give Laogui and his wife a sum of money as compensation for the loss of their family. It was also rented, redecorated, and private rooms were added. Chen Kangjie visited it once later, and the grade was improved by a whole level.

As soon as Dong Siying stepped on the accelerator, she sped away in the direction indicated by Chen Kangjie.

From the beginning to the end, Dong Siying did not introduce the slightly cramped man next to her. If she did not introduce, Chen Kangjie would not ask in person, but only paid attention to this man from the front rearview mirror.

He wasn't very handsome, but his facial features were distinct, his skin was copper-colored, and his short hair was parted neatly. He looked [-]** years old and was quite a mature man.

At the door of "Good Come Again", this man was the first to get out of the car. He wanted to turn around to help Dong Siying open the car door, but maybe he thought of Chen Kangjie who was sitting in the back seat. He stopped, turned around and opened Chen Kangjie's car door first. Then I went to open the door for Dong Siying, but he didn't help, Dong Siying had already opened the door and got out of the car, her expression was as usual, and she was not unhappy.

"Thank you," Chen Kangjie simply thanked the man in a beige suit.

The proprietress of "Okay Come Again" heard the sound of car brakes, opened the curtain and hurried out to greet the guests. When she saw it was Chen Kangjie, she immediately burst into a smile.

"You are here, welcome, welcome".

"Miss Boss, don't be so polite, are there any private rooms?" Chen Kangjie replied.

Since the last incident, the image of Chen Kangjie has been deeply imprinted in the mind of the proprietress. This kid doesn't look friendly, but if he really gets angry, it will be a volcanic eruption.In addition, their family got tens of thousands of dollars, so they admire and feel grateful to Chen Kangjie.

"Yes, yes, it's not time for dinner yet, and the private rooms are still empty," the proprietress replied straightforwardly.

Originally, all three private rooms in her house had been reserved. If someone asked, they would have to sit in the lobby, but the guest was Chen Kangjie, so the proprietress had to vacate a private room no matter what.

"Then take us there," Chen Kangjie said before walking up the stairs.

The private room that the proprietress took Chen Kangjie and the others into was not very big, it was separated by plywood, the sound insulation effect was very poor, no more than 16 square meters, there was a table in the middle, and four chairs around it, but the color was okay and it was painted. It is light red, and there are two pieces of batik hanging on the wall as decoration.

"Can you eat chili?" Chen Kangjie asked after entering the private room where the guests and hosts sat down.

Although Chen Kangjie asked this question about two people, he was actually asking this man whom he met for the first time. He knew Dong Siying, but he didn't know this man at all.

"Yes, this is Zhu Yutao, the manager of Capital Fashion Dance Garden Culture Media Co., Ltd., from Beihu." Zhu Yutao didn't answer, and Dong Siying, who was dressed in a black professional skirt, answered on his behalf.

This was the first time Chen Kangjie knew who Dong Siying wanted to introduce.

Today, Dong Siying is very charming, with her hair pulled up in a high bun, and a tight professional attire that sets off her graceful figure. The black stockings are paired with red lambskin boots, adding a touch of sexiness.

"Oh, hello, it's good if you can eat chili," Chen Kangjie extended his hand to Zhu Yutao.

Zhu Yutao seemed a little excited, and quickly stretched out his hands to hold Chen Kangjie's not-so-immature right hand.

Why is Zhu Yutao so excited?This stems from what Dong Siying told him before coming here.Dong Siying said: "The person we are going to meet today, I am working for him, you should pay attention to yourself, and don't be fooled by the superficial things you see."So even if Zhu Yutao saw that Chen Kangjie was coming in Santana, he didn't dare to show any disrespect.

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