rebirth of change

Chapter 458 Stealth Technology

"My name is Luo Kaihua," Director Cao's lover simply introduced himself.

Hearing this name, Chen Kangjie immediately understood why he was a major general and why he said that Chen Kangjie had helped them. It turned out that he was the head of the Science and Industry Committee, the real director, in charge of the military's weapon development and research.

"Hello, Uncle Rob", Chen Kangjie saluted sweetly.

"Little guy, come sit next to me." Mr. Cao patted the sofa beside him and beckoned Chen Kangjie to sit there.

Chen Kangjie was still a little excited to be able to sit with the founding marshal. Although he had already met many big figures, including the old chief, this did not affect Chen Kangjie's admiration for complete generals.

Chen Kangjie sat obediently and well-behaved beside Mr. Cao, and Director Cao sat on his right.

"Grandpa Cao, tell me some of your battle stories, I'm very interested," Chen Kangjie sat down and made a ridiculous request.

"I heard that you have a lot of books, do you still need me to tell those stories?" Mr. Cao seemed to know Chen Kangjie quite well.

"That's different. The person concerned speaks more vividly. Besides, those artistically processed words may still contain elements of exaggeration and distortion," Chen Kangjie argued.

"Smart ghost, it is true that the war of that year was not shown on TV. It is so easy in the book, it is much more difficult, more dangerous, and much more difficult. I once went hungry for three days without eating. That feeling is not What an ordinary actor can perform is not something that can be expressed simply by eating tree bark and grass roots. Hey, think about your life today, and think about us back then. The changes are really vicissitudes. Fortunately, the younger generation is still up to date. It is worth sacrificing so many of our comrades-in-arms and suffering so much.” Mr. Cao did not tell a specific story, but expressed his emotions.

Indeed, those moments that happened in history cannot be simply described and deduced by latecomers, and the taste of them is not enough for outsiders.

"Each generation always has its own historical mission, and the environment it faces is also very different," Chen Kangjie said.

"Then what do you think is your historical mission?" Grabbing Chen Kangjie's words, Mr. Cao interrogated him.

"Me? Historical mission?" Chen Kangjie originally said something casually, but he didn't expect that Mr. Cao would immediately refer to him.

"Yes, your historical mission." Mr. Cao nodded. Director Cao and Luo Kaihua stared at Chen Kangjie, concentrating on what he could say.

"Hehe, what historical mission can I have? To put it bluntly and exaggerately, it is to work hard for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. It's just that I can't do it alone. I can only do my duty. Say small The point is to study and work happily, share life happily, and be a kind person.” Chen Kangjie simplified the problem of Mr. Cao.

"We often say 'regulate the family to govern the country and the world'. In fact, there is a 'righteousness' in front of it. Only when the heart is right can the family be governed by the country and the world. Righteousness is the most difficult thing, so everyone omitted it. No matter what What do you think your historical mission is, you must first correct your heart. From your words just now, I can feel that your heart is still very righteous. Although you are understating it, it does not prevent you from having a clear goal." Cao The old man commented on Chen Kangjie's words.

"Hey, I didn't know I was such a person, hehe, I just don't want to put myself under too much pressure and burden."

"I heard that your academic performance is very good, and your body is also very good. In the future, you might as well go to a military academy, the National Defense University, and develop in the army." Luo Kaihua suddenly gave Chen Kangjie a tasteful career suggestion.

In the past, someone wanted him to serve in the government, but now there are suggestions for him to be a soldier. It seems that many people really care about him and pay attention to him.

"No, no, no," Chen Kangjie shook his head like a rattle, "I'm afraid I won't be able to be a soldier in my life."

"Why, what's wrong with being a soldier? You can't be a soldier when you go to the army," Director Cao asked jokingly.

"I'm a person who can't be restrained and is very stubborn. I'm afraid that the melting pot of our army will melt me, or I will smash the melting pot. No matter what it is, I don't want it. I just want to It is suitable for an unfettered career." Chen Kangjie explained.

"Even if young people don't want to be professional soldiers, there is no harm in going to the army to exercise. It can increase their masculinity. The army is the cornerstone of the country. Learning in the army will be very good for the future," Mr. Cao said. Chen Kangjie taught.

It's just that Chen Kangjie doesn't think it's right to hear this. Going to the army to learn is good for the future?What kind of path do you need for this kind of learning?I'm just a businessman, at most a miscellaneous person, is this necessary?Ordinary people can't get involved in the army. Do you still want me to go into politics?Chen Kangjie thought to himself.

"I'm still young, let's talk about it later." Chen Kangjie really didn't want to dwell too much on the issue of where he will go in the future, and he couldn't refuse directly. No matter what he said, it was good intentions, so he pretended to be young.

"Dad, look, what's the matter? I just said that this kid is not interested in this. You just said that men like to go to the army. Have you verified it?" Director Cao smiled and stood up to get the teapot.

"Hmph, this brat is not considered a man." The old man probably lost a big bet, and he felt aggrieved.

"Wait, why did you say that? Why am I not considered a man? The entire army, including the female soldiers, is only a few million. Our country has a population of more than one billion. Aren't the rest men men? ", Chen Kangjie was evaluated as not a man, of course he was upset, whether he was a hero or not, he immediately jumped up and questioned.

"Hehe, hehe, this is a bit manly, little baby, don't be irritable, it's my old man who said something wrong." Mr. Cao was not displeased by Chen Kangjie's anger, but admitted his mistake with a smile on his face.

The old man's attitude made Chen Kangjie feel that he had overreacted, so he sat down with a smirk in embarrassment, "Hey, I was actually joking too."

"Hahaha", Chen Kangjie's stupidity made all three of them laugh.

"Let's eat the mutton hot pot you brought at noon today, Dad, Xiaojie brought a whole black goat for our family." Director Cao poured out three cups of tea from a small ceramic cup and gave it to him. .

"Okay, I can finally taste it. Last year, the old chief Nan Nan came back and praised me, which made me drool. I heard that he ate it again the day before yesterday. Haha, go and ask the kitchen to fix it." Mr. Cao The old boy also seems to be a food lover. Hearing that there are delicious foods, he is immediately excited.

For veteran cadres like them, their workload has been greatly reduced, and they no longer care about specific government affairs. The rest is to enjoy life and take care of their lives. Their temperament and hobbies will be very different from when they were on stage.

Grandpa Cao was happy, and Director Cao was naturally happy as a child, so he went out to prepare lunch with a smile on his face.

"Kaihua, how is the development status of the bomber?" After Director Cao left, Mr. Cao asked Luo Kaihua.

"The difficulty lies in the engine and weapon system. It went smoothly. With the blueprints and funds provided by Xiaojie and the others, it saved us a lot of trouble. However, it will still take a few years before the prototype is produced. If you want to serve in the army, it is about the same. It will take another ten years, which is already the fastest speed, without their support, I am afraid that it will be difficult for me to serve in the military for ten years," Luo Kaihua said cautiously before taking a sip from his teacup.

"It's a big project. I know it. We must organize it carefully, strengthen leadership and strength, and not disappoint those who support us, and strengthen our air force as soon as possible." The old man has worked in the army all his life and was once an important leader of the military. People are no strangers to the development of strategic weapons.

"I have a little suggestion. I think the research part should also strengthen the research and development of stealth technology. I think stealth technology will be the mainstream in the future. I can see the enemy, but the enemy can't see me. This will be a brand new war situation. Whoever can master the perfect stealth technology will occupy the dominant position in the balance," Chen Kangjie interjected according to his later military research direction.

"How do you know that this kind of technology exists? How can you judge that this will be a future trend?" Luo Kaihua asked Chen Kangjie.

"Hehe, if a scholar doesn't go out, he can know the world's affairs. I'm almost a scholar anyway. It's not surprising to know this. Besides, it's no secret. In the Gulf War the year before last, Uncle Sam invested in f-117 The Nighthawk is a stealth attack aircraft. This fighter that uses stealth technology must have left a deep impression on you, right? Since it has such an amazing effect, how can the Yankees not carry it forward? So, there will be stealth in the future Bombers, stealth missiles, stealth ships, etc., almost all weapons can be invisible.” According to the division in ancient times, Chen Kangjie was in the second grade of junior high school, so it is not wrong to say that he belongs to the scholar stage.

Although it is said that the f-117 stealth fighter was put into actual combat in 91, not everyone knows the existence of this technology when the information is not very developed. The United States' first stealth bomber b-* will not be until 93 It will be launched on December 12th, and it will be delivered to the U.S. Air Force on April 17, 97. The first unit to use this weird weapon is the 4rd Squadron of the 2th Bomber Wing of the U.S. Army, so the stealth technology was released in 509. For China at the beginning of the year, it was still a novelty, and some people may have paid attention to it, but Chen Kangjie believed that it had not yet entered the substantive research stage, otherwise there would not be related stealth fighters coming out when Chen Kangjie was reborn.

The reason for this is three reasons. The first is the military expenditure. The current military expenditure in our country is quite low, which is not enough to support such a large-scale and high-depth research. The second is that the reform of the system has not been completed. Whether it is the military It is still a military industry enterprise. Without close cooperation and strong industrial capabilities, this kind of research cannot be completed. The third is of course combat thinking. Both domestic researchers and Western experts feel that my country's combat thinking is ten years behind. several years.Thought determines behavior, backward thinking cannot promote cutting-edge research and development.

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