rebirth of change

Chapter 459 Military Family

"I read the report sent by the Military Intelligence Bureau. Their prediction is similar to Xiaojie's. It seems that this stealth technology is really very important. Do you have any plans and measures in this regard?" After listening to Chen Kangjie Explain, the old man said.

"I also saw that report. The performance of f-117 in Iraq is indeed quite perfect, but if we really want to invest in substantive research and development, we will encounter many problems," Luo Kaihua said worriedly to his father-in-law.

"What questions?" Mr. Cao asked.

"First, we don't have any information. The United States keeps secrets of materials very strictly. We don't even have basic information. If we want to research and develop, we can only start from zero, which is very difficult. The second is funds. Listen It is said that the United States has spent tens of billions of dollars on this. Let alone tens of billions of dollars, hundreds of millions of dollars are difficult. The current development of the country requires funds in all industries and regions. Third, our military enterprises are too scattered Too small, it is not easy to form a joint force. In the United States, Lockheed Martin and Boeing are focusing on this matter. Any one of them is equivalent to a collection of many of our military factories. The last point is that we have always focused on building Lu Zhan's thinking, if this thinking does not change, and a consensus cannot be formed, then there will be no strong impetus." Luo Kaihua gave four reasons he understood.

Hearing Luo Kaihua's words, the old man put his hands on the dragon's head stick, just like a Japanese commander put his hands on his command saber, as if he would draw the saber out at any time.

Chen Kangjie had no other way to tell Luo Kaihua, so he could only keep silent.

"Hey, I believe everything will be fine. You can write your thoughts into a report and submit it to the Military Commission." The old man probably couldn't think of any clever ideas, so he could only sigh.

The points that Luo Kaihua said cannot be changed in a short while. It needs a gradual process. No matter who is in the hands of it, it will be a headache.

One thing Chen Kangjie didn't know was that Mr. Cao talked about it with several old fellows, including the old chief.It is agreed that the points mentioned by Luo Kaihua and Chen Kangjie have seriously affected the modernization of our army and the improvement of combat effectiveness, which will further affect the security and strategic interests of the country.Therefore, on this basis, we have further promoted reforms in all aspects of the military, including the increase in military expenditures, but it will take until 96 to find an opportunity.

"In fact, we can organize some experts to do some basic research in the early stage. The capital demand is not that big, and it doesn't involve development. It can be regarded as technology accumulation. After a certain amount of accumulation, funds can be guaranteed, and the reform of the military system has deepened. This project can be launched”, Chen Kangjie had no good solution, so he could only have a pertinent suggestion.

"Heroes see the same thing. Our Science and Industry Committee has allocated more than 1000 million special funds to do this." Luo Kaihua praised Chen Kangjie.

"What? More than 1000 million? What can more than 1000 million dollars do?" Chen Kangjie heard that he only took that little money to do this kind of high-end preliminary research, which is simply whimsical.

Although our country has a tradition of hard work and a habit of spending small money to accomplish big things, there are some things that can only be piled up with sufficient funds.North Korea has long wanted to launch its own satellites, borrowing satellite-launching technology to improve its missile launch capabilities.But it ended in failure three times in a row. Why is it so difficult for a small country to rely on its own strength to develop satellite and aerospace industries?In the end, there are two major reasons, the lack of sufficient financial guarantees, and the lack of a complete industrial system.Chen Kangjie believes that the scientific researchers in the Northern Dynasties are not lacking in spirit, but it is really difficult to develop this high-end technology with the investment of hundreds of millions of dollars every time they tighten their belts.

Major General Luo Kaihua was a little embarrassed by Chen Kangjie's question, "It's more than 1000 million RMB, not US dollars."

Most of Chen Kangjie's assets are converted in US dollars, so he formed a certain thinking, thinking that the more than 1000 million that Luo Kaihua said was US dollars, but in fact it was RMB with a [-]% discount.

More than 1000 million U.S. dollars was considered too little for Chen Kangjie. Now that he learned that the actual investment was only more than 200 million U.S. dollars, or more than 1000 million RMB, Chen Kangjie was a little speechless. That's why Luo Kaihua felt embarrassed.

"It's nothing to be embarrassed about, we have no money in the first place," said the old man in a low voice.

"Yes, the more than 1000 million yuan is still squeezed out, otherwise there is no such special item in the budget," Luo Kaihua agreed.

"Such a small amount of money is definitely not enough. How slow is that? At most, it can support a dozen experts. Even basic research can't be so little investment." Chen Kangjie really couldn't say anything else.

"It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice, you think we are you, the rich can rival the country, and the poor can't manage a family", Luo Kaihua said so pitifully.

"That's right, don't say that about me, I'm so poor now, I don't understand, who is spreading rumors that I'm rich!" Chen Kangjie didn't want everyone to laugh at his details.

"You donated one billion to us a few years ago. Isn't that considered rich? Besides, will the old chief spread rumors?" Luo Kaihua asked Chen Kangjie.

"It turns out... the old chief is really, why are you exposing me everywhere? Really, there is no principle of confidentiality at all." Chen Kangjie lowered his head and complained pretending to be dissatisfied.

"Haha, the principle of secrecy? The old chief needs to abide by your principle of secrecy? Besides, our brothers talk about your affairs, isn't it considered a leak? Don't worry, matters about you, in our country, It’s the same as the secrets of the Second Artillery, if it wasn’t for that person, he wouldn’t know about it. If someone spreads a rumor, you don’t need to report it, and that person will go to jail, unless you spread the rumor yourself.” Mr. Cao joked about Chen Kangjie.

"It's not too bad, hehe, I'm so embarrassed... Well, I plan to donate [-] million U.S. dollars to the University of Aeronautics and Astronautics privately to improve the living conditions of the students." After scratching his head in shame, Chen Kangjie raised his head and said A rambling sentence.

"Donate [-] million U.S. dollars to the University of Aeronautics and Astronautics? Improve the living conditions of students? What does this have to do with it?" Luo Kaihua didn't know why Chen Kangjie said something that had nothing to do with them in front of them.

"In recent years, cadres have always used funds for other purposes. This is the case in the government and in universities. The common people have nothing to do," Chen Kangjie said with a sly smile.

If Chen Kangjie said that and the other party didn't understand what it meant, then it was time to spank.

"Oh, oh, that's true, but our Science and Industry Committee won't embezzle funds casually." Luo Kaihua glanced at Mr. Cao, and then made a promise in disguise.

Chen Kangjie's words made Luo Kaihua happy, and Mr. Cao nodded in satisfaction.They understood that Chen Kangjie was still unwilling to get too close to the military, and wanted to do something for the military, so they adopted this corner method.Chen Kangjie believes that as long as the funds are donated to the University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, they will naturally have a way to "misappropriate" the funds.Anyway, no matter how you use it, it has nothing to do with him, Chen Kangjie, and he hasn't mentioned anything.

"You are so clever, you can actually learn this method, but we will never forget your contribution." Mr. Cao praised and credited it.

The "we" that Mr. Cao said does not mean the two of them, but the entire top management.Although Chen Kangjie only said the words to Weng and his son-in-law, the old chief and Wei Zhonghua would know the meaning in a day. This is equivalent to the whole senior management remembering Chen Kangjie's special contribution.

"Dad, what are you talking about? So happy, the hot pot is ready, put on your coat and go to the dining room," said Director Cao, who opened the door and saw his father and husband, who were full of joyful expressions.

"Xiaojie wants to donate money to the University of Aeronautics and Astronautics," Mr. Cao stood up slowly with Luo Kaihua's support.

"Donate to the University of Aeronautics and Astronautics? That should be the Minister of Education, Lao Shang, who is happy. Are you happy for him?" Director Cao didn't understand why Chen Kangjie's father and husband should be happy for donating to the university.

From Director Cao's words, it can be heard that their family is very familiar with the Minister of Education.

"You will understand later," her husband Luo Kaihua explained to his wife with a smile.

Since her husband said so, even if Director Cao is still in the dark, it is not easy to ask in detail. From her intuition, she can already feel that it will be related to their Science and Industry Committee, not simply related to the University of Aeronautics and Astronautics , otherwise, the father and husband would not be so happy.

In the dining room, Chen Kangjie didn't see anyone else, not a single junior. Although he was attracted by the steaming hot pot, Chen Kangjie couldn't help asking: "Aunt Cao, where are your juniors?".

"Hehe, our Cao family can be regarded as a military family. The juniors are all in the army after starting work, so they don't need to come to eat at home, so usually my old man eats alone. Today is already a lot of people." It was not Cao who answered Chen Kangjie Auntie, but Mr. Cao.

In our country, there is very little news about the family members and children of the main leaders. Their lives are relatively mysterious to the public, and ordinary people generally don’t know much about them. Unless the younger generation achieves a high-level position, most of them will be drowned Normally, Chen Kangjie knew almost nothing about Mr. Cao's descendants.

"My eldest son is in the capital garrison area, my youngest son is in Dongshan Province, my daughter is in the National Defense University, and my brother is in the East China Military Region. They are not in the capital." Director Cao explained a few more words about what the old man said.

"Oh, it really is a military family. I really don't know if Uncle Wei's house is like this. I plan to visit his house in the afternoon." Chen Kangjie sat down by the charcoal fire and took the bowls and chopsticks from the nanny.

When eating hot pot, using charcoal fire is the most authentic, but the treatment of the leaders is different.

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