rebirth of change

Chapter 46 Economic Reform Pilot Zones

Chapter 46 Economic Reform Pilot Zone

It is now January 1989, and the Chinese New Year will be half a month away, but Chen Kangjie is still very annoying and busy, and the second volume of "Harry Potter" is being written intensively.It took Chen Kangjie a lot of energy to write these two books, because the time of occurrence and some plots in the story had to be slightly revised.

First of all, Li Wendong called to urge the manuscript almost the next day.The previous "Twilight Saga" was a big hit, which made him a lot of money, so he is looking forward to Chen Kangjie's second book, although Chen Kangjie has already handed over the first "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" to He published it, but he didn't know that "Harry Potter" was much more popular than "Twilight", and he received calls for the sequel of "Harry Potter" every day. <In the case of the interviews that the media really wanted to do, Li Wendong was irritated every day, so he had to ask the media to find his agent Ouyang Zhenhua. Ouyang Zhenhua played tricks and disappeared.No way, those media went to Huashang Publishing and Culture Company again, and they had to find out the author. That’s not to mention, their company’s phone calls were almost buzzed by readers from all over the world, and they were all about the author.

That's why Li Wendong wanted to take advantage of the current heat to publish the second part, and at the same time temporarily divert the media's attention.

But there are still a lot of things waiting for Chen Kangjie.

With Chen Kangjie's rebirth, another piece of history has changed.In the original history, Zhao Zhibang was transferred away at the end of 88. After his rebirth, Zhao Zhibang was transferred away in mid-January 89.

The transfer orders of He Baoguo and Chen Qigang were also issued on January 1 and January 10. Moreover, the province also issued two documents at the same time. With the approval of the State Council, the "Jiebi Experimental Area" and "Liushuipan" were established. Municipal Economic Reform Experimental Zone', Jiebi Experimental Zone is mainly to explore the coordinated development of environmental protection, poverty alleviation and development, and population control, because Jiebi is an area with a large population base in Qianzhou, the most serious environmental damage and a large area of ​​poverty. Liushuipan Economic Reform Pilot Zone is mainly to explore the development model of resource development, foreign capital utilization and private economy in inland areas.Liushuipan City focuses on economic development, so although the policy is not as big as the coastal special economic zone, it is much more relaxed than most inland areas.The focus of the two experimental areas is different, and Liushuipan City has greater autonomy.

Before reporting to the State Council for the approval of these two experimental areas, Liushuipan City Party Secretary Qin and Mayor Liang Minkuan were informed (the province always has to inform and communicate with the first and second leaders of the region, this is an official rule), and to Zhao Zhibang After the secretary and Vice Governor Huang Zhenhua got to know about it, they knew that it was He Baoguo and Chen Qigang who made the suggestion to the province, so they valued and appreciated He Baoguo and Chen Qigang very much. After all, it would be very beneficial to them if the brand of the experimental zone could be approved. The person who put forward this suggestion will value it, not to mention that the suggestion of the two people can be taken seriously by the provincial party committee, which is not easy in itself.And both of them will transfer places when the time comes, obviously paving the way for the future.The four combined the situation in Liushuipan City and the suggestions of some experts to submit a complete application document. Both Chen Qigang and He Baoguo were greatly influenced by Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie is very happy that Liushuipan City can get such a treatment in the experimental area. Before rebirth, there was only one experimental area. Unexpectedly, there will be one more after rebirth. Chen Kangjie can only lament the impermanence of fate.

In order for his father and godfather to stand firm and achieve results, Chen Kangjie has to consider the instant noodle industry and the mineral water industry to get a good start for his godfather and father.And the third brother's paging station business is about to start.

In order to help Chen Yuchang make a paging station, Chen Kangjie persuaded Chen Qigang and Ma Fangqin to take out 140 of the 1 million they earned from selling songs, which was considered as a loan to Chen Yuchang, and he would return it to his family after earning money.

Chen Kangjie has clearly stated that this money is reserved for Chen Qigang and Ma Fangqin's pocket money. Chen Kangjie has a lot of money, but he can't let his parents know now, otherwise he will not only be worried, but Chen Kangjie will also be constrained.But the more than 100 million came very easily, and the number is not super huge, so they can still accept it.First of all, Chen Kangjie said that the money for selling songs was left to the two old people for their pocket money, and was criticized by Ma Fangqin, saying that they would not be able to spend that much money in their two lifetimes. ', Chen Kangjie understands the parents' feelings for the cost of working, but for the reborn Chen Kangjie, if those are still problems, he should buy tofu and kill himself. "Mom, is it not easy for me to make money? Write a few songs and throw them away. You should enjoy the hard work of half your life. The most important thing is, don't let my father be a corrupt official." Chen Kangjie's words made Ma Fangqin Reluctantly accept it.

Of course, the family is not what it used to be. Both Chen Yuqiong and Chen Yufen can earn money, and their business is good, so no matter what, the two elders will not be short of money. penny.Anyway, there is no shortage of money at home, so why bother to collect such small money, it is not self-sufficient.It would be a great irony if the son was so rich, but the father went to prostitution.

Chen Yuchang found out that a good set of paging station equipment cost 10,000+, and the difference was about 62. Chen Kangjie suggested that he buy a worse set, and a good one, which cost [-]. office.The store is used to sell pagers and handle business, and has set up an agency in each of the three special zone counties.The paging station is an industry that mainly provides services, so Chen Yuchang rented an office in the urban area as his office, and recruited [-] girls who graduated from middle and high school as service personnel.

Chen Yuchang couldn't do all this alone. He found a junior high school classmate, Chen Meng. They were good buddies when they were in school.Chen Meng's family was originally from the city. His father was also in the underground mine before, but was later transferred to the city. After Chen Meng graduated from junior high school, he did not continue to go to school and was assigned to work in the power supply bureau.The Power Supply Bureau is also considered a good unit, but the management is strict. At Chen Yuchang's invitation, he resolutely decided to join.

Chen Meng and Chen Kangjie have seen this before. Apart from his low academic qualifications, he still has some ability, and I heard that he is quite loyal, so according to Chen Kangjie's opinion, he gave Chen Meng [-]% of the shares, but Chen Meng's The shares were restricted by Chen Kangjie from being monopolized for five years, but only dividends. This was to tie him to work hard.

At this time, the post office charged 2 yuan for the paging station a month, and Chen Yuchang had almost spent all the money in his hand. As a last resort, Chen Kangjie used his own private money of 20 yuan to pay him the ten-month fee.

They got a 198 and a 199 number, so Chen Yuchang's paging station opened.

In ** years, the price of pagers was very expensive, more than 1000, so there were only more than 2000 people in Liushuipan City who used them, and they could only charge 5 yuan a month. The 126 I drove was taken away.Chen Yuchang was very impatient, thinking that going on like this would lead to a loss. Chen Kangjie asked him to go to the city's TV station and newspaper office, each spending [-] yuan on advertisements for half a year. At this time, not many people could understand the value of advertisements. It may be out of trust in Chen Kangjie. Chen Yuchang really Going to advertise.

On January 1, Chen Kangjie called Ouyang Zhenhua and asked him to register a trademark called "Master Kong" as a brand for future food and beverages.

"Dad, how are you doing? Are you going to work there?" On February 2st, Chen Qigang came back from get off work.Seeing that his father was a little tired, Chen Kangjie asked with concern.

After Chen Qigang was transferred, he hasn't moved yet. There is no suitable house there. Dizhong Mine is also under the jurisdiction of Pingzai Town, and Chen Qigang left from the deputy mine manager here, so the house has not been taken back for the time being.

"What else can we do? Let's find out the situation first. Our foundation is too weak. We don't have any decent enterprises. There are three large mines, all of which belong to the Mining Bureau." It seems that Chen Qigang did not do it easily.

"By the way, after the Chinese New Year, I will introduce someone to invest. You and your godfather will make a deal." Chen Kangjie said it first, so that his father would be prepared so that he would not be in a hurry when he got there.

"You introduced to invest? Who?" Chen Qigang felt strange when he heard that his son wanted to introduce investors.Although he can write songs to earn some money, but he can't get out of the door, and he can't make a second door. What kind of investors can he know, and he said that Ouyang Zhenhua has resigned, so Chen Kangjie didn't sell songs anymore.

"It's that Ouyang Zhenhua, didn't I tell you that he resigned and quit. He called me two days ago and said that he went to an investment company and wanted to bring people over to see if there are any projects that can be invested. ", Chen Kangjie lied.

"Really? Then your godfather and I should figure it out. Have you heard about what you plan to invest in?" Chen Qigang seemed to be more excited because he saw hope.

"I heard it's about food. I don't know the details. I'll talk about it after he brings people to investigate."

"Oh, that's not bad. We don't have a Hong Kong businessman investing here yet. You are familiar with him, so you can help talk to him when the time comes." Chen Qigang turned his attention to his son.

Chen Kangjie is depressed enough, he can only do something secretly for his father.I really don’t know if I tell them that those hundreds of millions of RMB belong to me, will they fall down with a bad heart, hey.

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