rebirth of change

Chapter 47 $5 million

Chapter 475000 USD

The new year just passed, but the bustle of Liushuipan City has not passed. On February 2, Liushuipan City Economic Reform Experimental Zone held an inaugural meeting in the city gymnasium. For this purpose, the central government sent a state councilor and a minister of the Ministry of Industry All eleven standing committee members in the province also attended, leaders from the Provincial Planning Commission, the Department of Industry, the Department of Communications, the Department of Finance, the Department of Rural and Urban-Rural Development, and the China Merchants Bureau also attended the ceremony one by one. Governor Huang Zhenhua presided over the appointment. Huang Zhenhua became the acting governor when the original governor retired to the second-tier after reaching the age limit. He will not officially take office until the National People's Congress in March.

Finally, in the sound of gongs and drums, State Councilor Guo Dekang and Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Sun Yang unveiled the plaque of "Liushuipan Economic Reform Experimental Zone". The applause was thunderous, which indicated that Liushuipan City will enter the fast lane of economic development , It also marks that the backwardness of Qianzhou will change accordingly.

Municipal Party Secretary Qin Honghao and Mayor Liang Minkuan were very excited. They knew what this plaque meant to them. He will leave a deep page in history, especially the history of Qianzhou. For the energetic Liang Minkuan, he is only 58 years old.

He Baoguo and Chen Qigang also participated in today's ceremony.Before the ceremony began, State Councilor Guo Dekang, accompanied by Sun Yang and Huang Zhenhua, received comrades from the city.

When he walked in front of He Baoguo and Chen Qigang, when Secretary Qin Honghao introduced their names, State Councilor Guo Dekang said with great interest:

"Hehe, I know the names of the two of you. Some time ago, Comrade Zhao Zhibang specifically mentioned you two when he went to the capital to fight for the brand of this test area. Do it well." Zhao Zhibang went to the capital to try his best to get the Liushuipan test When applying for approval for work in the district, I specifically approached Guo Dekang, the former leader, for support.

"We must work hard in strict accordance with the requirements of the central government under the leadership of the provincial party committee, the municipal party committee and the city's government, and with the help and guidance of Secretary Sun, Governor Huang, and our Qin Secretary, Mayor Liang, to make the Our experimental area has achieved results, and we will live up to the entrustment of you and Secretary Zhao Zhibang, as well as the ardent expectations of the people." He Baoguo answered in a well-mannered manner, taking care of all aspects, and expressed his determination.Chen Qigang stood beside him and nodded hurriedly.

"Hehe, that's good, then I hope to see your good news soon. Comrade Qigang, I also heard that you have a very smart son." Guo Dekang was quite satisfied with He Baoguo's answer, and he turned to Chen Qigang and said with a smile .

"Well, that kid is a bit smart, but still very naughty, thank you chief for the compliment." Chen Qigang was also a little surprised when Guo Dekang mentioned Chen Kangjie on such an occasion, and he was stunned for a moment before returning to his senses.

Regarding Chen Kangjie, Secretary Sun Yang has also heard of it. Although he has just come down from the central ministries and commissions, Zhao Zhibang had communicated with him when he went to the central government to fight for the Liushuipan experimental area. His new book is called Some Communication.When communicating with Sun Yang, Zhao Zhibang mentioned Chen Qigang's son Chen Kangjie more than once, and even added the Liushuipan experimental area, which was added after a chat with Chen Kangjie after careful consideration, but Sun Yang never had a chance to meet Chen Kangjie .

But Qin Honghao and Liang Minkuan didn't know about Chen Kangjie. Hearing that the State Councilor specifically praised and mentioned a child on such a serious occasion, they wondered in their hearts, what kind of intelligence is required to get such treatment.Looking at Chen Qigang in his 40s, could it be that his son's articles are valued by the leaders?

After Chen Qigang answered like that, Guo Dekang just smiled and shook hands with the comrades below.

After attending the ceremony in the city, He Baoguo and Chen Qigang returned to the district. Although there were certain policies and guarantees to the leaders, they still had no idea how much foreign investment this place could receive.

On February', Qin Honghao received a call from the Provincial Investment Promotion Bureau, saying that a Hong Kong company was going to visit the six special zones in Liushuipan, and hoped that the city and district could do a good job in reception.Qin Honghao and Liang Minkuan were very excited when they got the news. They didn't expect foreign businessmen to come to their door so soon. Although He Baoguo and Chen Qigang got the news from Chen Kangjie in advance, they still seemed very excited. There is not a single foreign company here yet.

(On Japan, Ouyang Zhenhua brought seven people to six, five were food professionals, and two were secretaries. For this reason, the Provincial Investment Promotion Office also specially provided a business minibus. This time Ouyang Zhenhua It is strictly in accordance with the procedures, first communicate with China Merchants.

Accompanying them were Zheng Mingcheng, Qin Honghao and Liang Minkuan, the deputy directors of the China Merchants Bureau, and Zhang Qiang, the deputy mayor in charge of economics, also rushed to the six from the city, showing that they valued and welcomed the first foreign businessman.At the Guest House, when Ouyang Zhenhua shook hands with these leaders one by one, he acted neither humble nor overbearing, but when it was Chen Qigang and He Baoguo's turn, they showed respect and even smiled flatteringly.

Chen Qigang knew Ouyang Zhenhua, but he didn't expect that Ouyang Zhenhua could treat him like this. After all, Ouyang Zhenhua is now a guest and an investor they welcome.

After exchanging pleasantries, everyone entered the meeting room of the district committee.

"First of all, on behalf of the city and the district, I would like to welcome Mr. Ouyang to our Liushuipan for inspection just after the Spring Festival. We will try our best to provide as much help as possible for your company's investment. If Mr. Ouyang has any requirements, you can also We will try our best to cooperate if we fully propose it.” After the guest and host sat down, Qin Honghao got straight to the point.

"Thank you to the leaders for welcoming us. Our visit this time is a sincere business investigation. We hope to find business opportunities here. The Liushuipan City Economic Reform Pilot Zone has just been established. We also hope to have some opportunities in it." Contribution", Ouyang Zhenhua's answer is also square, and at the same time expresses sincerity.

"I don't know what industry Mr. Ouyang plans to investigate in Liushuipan?" Mayor Liang Minkuan was not polite. Hearing Ouyang Zhenhua's sincerity, he asked a substantive question.

"We plan to focus on food in the early stage, and see if there is a suitable opportunity to open a food processing factory here," Ouyang Zhenhua also replied positively.

Hearing that Ouyang Zhenhua was inspecting food, the enthusiasm in the hearts of several leaders cooled down a little.The Liushuipan area is dominated by industry, especially heavy industry. The food industry is not its strong point. Moreover, the investment in food factories during this period will not be large, and there are no large-scale food factories in China.

"I don't know how much Mr. Ouyang plans to invest?" Chen Qigang didn't shy away from knowing Ouyang Zhenhua, and directly asked the question he was most concerned about.

Hearing Chen Qigang's direct question, the other leaders' expressions were a little ugly. After all, it is very impolite to ask such a question. I wanted to ask this question, so I looked sideways at how Ouyang Zhenhua would behave.

"If it is suitable, we plan to invest 5000 million US dollars in the early stage, and we will increase it according to the situation in the later stage. Of course, if there is no suitable opportunity in Liushuipan City, we will continue to investigate in other areas." If someone asked, it is estimated that Ouyang Zhenhua won't feel good, but it was his boss' father who asked, Ouyang Zhenhua didn't dare to show off and told the planned amount, but when he mentioned that he would consider visiting other regions, it was Ouyang Zhenhua who caught their expressions, I want to put some pressure, but also to gain bargaining chips.

Hearing that it was 5000 million, or US dollars, the eyes of Qin Honghao and Liang Minkuan almost turned green, while the deputy director of China Merchants Zheng Mingcheng's eyes turned dark, and he almost fainted with excitement.The task given to them by the province this year is only 1000 million US dollars. If they can be negotiated, wouldn't it be 5.00% completed?Fortunately, the director did not come, otherwise the credit would have been taken away.

He Baoguo and Chen Qigang were also very surprised when they got this figure. With an investment of 5000 million US dollars, they can build two or three large-scale mines. This is a waste of dollars and a heavy political achievement.

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