Chapter 48 is off to a good start

"Mr. Ouyang, in fact, you can come to us, and you can see that you understand us well. Our policies are the best inside. Moreover, our Secretary Qin also said just now that all your demands We will do our best to help.” Liang Minkuan did not want to let go of such an important opportunity. If 5000 million US dollars came and was not kept, it would probably be a lifetime of pain.

"Thank you, Mayor Liang, you are right, but there are several special zones to choose from along the coast. Of course, as I said just now, we came here with great sincerity, so we will regard this as the first choice," Ouyang Zhenhua continued to apply pressure and also expressed his attitude.

"Then we would like to ask, what kind of cooperation does Mr. Ouyang need for his inspection in the past few days?" He Baoguo asked anxiously about specific aspects.

"My request is that I hope that Chen Kangjie, the son of Secretary Chen Qigang, can accompany us on the inspection. Mr. Chen Kangjie and I have known each other for two years. Secretary Chen Qigang knows this. I am not familiar with the six, but I don't know them either. Others, so I hope that Mr. Chen Kangjie can help." Ouyang Zhenhua said the only request, and it was also a request that stunned everyone.

Hearing that this was not a request, everyone was very confused, including Chen Qigang.He knew that his son was capable, but it involved tens of millions of dollars in investment, and the investor only wanted him to accompany him, which still made him a little overwhelmed.But also secretly proud, who told people to only look at their own son.

Secretary Qin and Mayor Liang were confused by this nonsensical request. At the same time, they also remembered that State Councilor Guo Dekang mentioned that Chen Qigang had a very smart son when he met them before the ceremony in the experimental area a few days ago. Is this Mr. Ouyang asked him to accompany the inspection?

In fact, Ouyang Zhenhua's request was temporarily added by himself. Chen Kangjie never made such a request. It's just that Ouyang Zhenhua has a lot of things to consult with Chen Kangjie. I hope the boss will not blame me for this bad policy.

For this request, no one had more say than Chen Qigang. Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Chen Qigang nodded helplessly.

"I will call their school to ask him for leave, and ask him to pay for Mr. Ouyang to go around and see more of the six of us." As a last resort, Chen Qigang could only agree to this "rude" request.


After sending Ouyang Zhenhua and the others back to the Guest House for a rest, Liang Minkuan pulled Chen Qigang and asked, "Comrade Qigang, which university does your son go to?"

Qin Honghao and Zheng Mingcheng are also interested in this issue, and there is no harm in knowing more about it, as does Deputy Mayor Zhang Qiang. I hope Chen Kangjie will say good things to keep this foreign businessman.

"Thank you, Mayor Liang, for your auspicious words. I have two sons. One is coming soon. I set up a paging station in the city. This is the youngest son that Mr. Ouyang wants to see. He is only nine years old and is in the fourth grade of elementary school." Chen Qigang He gave the answer with a wry smile.

** In the [-]s, it was considered auspicious words to wish their children to go to college, so Chen Qi just said thank you.

Hearing that he was only nine years old and in the fourth grade, several leaders were even more shocked than when they heard that Ouyang Zhenhua asked Chen Kangjie to accompany him on the inspection.Chen Qigang could only smile wryly, anyone would be shocked.

On the first day of school, Chen Kangjie didn't have to go to school, but was told by the school that Chen Qigang asked for leave for the reason of helping the 'government' attract investment.

This reason made the teachers dizzy. It is okay to ask a child to help attract investment?Some teachers even slandered Chen Qigang, who went to work in the "government" and only cared about his own official position, but he didn't care about his son's study.

When Chen Kangjie heard Chen Qigang say Ouyang Zhenhua's request, he smiled helplessly and shook his head. He was arrested again, but he was still arrested by his subordinates.

I accompanied Ouyang Zhenhua around for a few days. In fact, Chen Kangjie had already considered most of the things in advance. , everyone visited and discussed on the spot.

None of the accompanying staff knew that Chen Kangjie was the boss. They only knew that he was Chen Qigang's son, and that the president was coming to accompany him on the inspection. Moreover, the boss almost obeyed and respected this little guy.At first, they felt a little uncomfortable. The boss didn't listen to professionals like himself, but paid so much attention to what a child said. But after a few days of dealing with him, they began to admire Chen Kangjie's knowledge.

After six days of investigation, everyone sat together again, but this time there was Chen Kangjie.

"Mr. Ouyang, how is the inspection these few days?" Mayor Liang was the first to ask. He is in charge of economic construction, so naturally he is most concerned about this issue.

"The investment environment here is really not very good, and there is a lack of a certain food industry foundation, but under the persuasion of Mr. Chen Kangjie, we still decided to invest 3000 million to build a food factory here," Ouyang Zhenhua seemed a little unwilling to say.

Everyone heard that 2000 million US dollars was missing, and they were very disappointed. However, an investment of 3000 million US dollars is considered a large investment project. If they can sell face to Chen Qigang's son, what else can they say.

"However, Mr. Chen Kangjie also gave us a suggestion. Mr. Chen Kangjie and I visited your underground mine a few days ago, and found that there is a lot of water coming out of the ground every day. I tasted it, and the water is pretty It's delicious, so he suggested that we invest 2000 million US dollars to build a water plant. I wonder if you can coordinate this." The disappointment of those leaders has not yet recovered, and Ouyang Zhenhua's "but" made them overjoyed again.

Ouyang Zhenhua said so, it was Chen Kangjie's instruction, so that everyone would appreciate Chen Qigang's affection. As political achievements, Chen Qigang and He Baoguo should also take the lead.

Although Dizhong Mine is an enterprise of the Bureau of Mining Affairs, after the establishment of the Liushuipan Economic Reform Experimental Zone, the Bureau of Mining Affairs transferred it from a provincial enterprise to Liushuipan City, so there is no problem in coordinating this point.

"Water plant? Mr. Ouyang, we have a water plant here." Secretary Qin didn't understand the establishment of a water plant.

In fact, He Baoguo and Chen Qigang didn't understand either, but they saw Chen Kangjie sitting there smiling as if nothing had happened, so they didn't ask, and planned to go back and ask Chen Kangjie what was going on.

"Secretary Qin, that's right, it's the water plant. I don't know if your local government can coordinate and rent the water outlet there to us, and the water that comes out can be regarded as sold to us," Ouyang Zhenhua said firmly. The factory Ouyang Zhenhua didn't understand, because at this time there was only one assembled water company in China, and the annual sales volume was less than 1000 tons. Only some high-end stores in big cities sold them, and they were still in glass bottles. Domestically, they boiled their own water for drinking. According to the tradition, who buys water to drink.However, if Chen Kangjie asked him to do this, he could only do it well.

"Okay, let's coordinate this issue, no problem, the water outlet can be rented to you, so you don't need to buy the water, anyway, it is drained every day now", those leaders have the same idea, who buys water to drink?And 2000 million US dollars to build a water plant, isn't that crazy.But it's a good thing to be able to invest. Mayor Liang is also generous, so the water doesn't cost money.

"Water, we can't use it for nothing. We have two plans. The first is that we can take [-]% of the profit, or [-] yuan per ton of water. We are here to contribute to the local economy, so we can It is right to do something for the mine.”

Ouyang Zhenhua still followed what Chen Kangjie said. Anyway, the water plant will make money, and if it is distributed, it can be considered as a benefit for the mine workers. If you can make money, it's no wonder that you don't get bored, it will cause trouble to some extent.

Everyone thinks why this investor is so easy to talk about. Didn't they hear that foreign businessmen are capitalists, and they try their best to get benefits? Why does Mr. Ouyang push the benefits out?

But at this time, everyone looked at Chen Kangjie and Chen Qigang. How could this little guy be so capable? He would follow his advice in just a few words. That would cost tens of millions of dollars. After getting the political achievements for the first time, I should share more cakes with Chen Qigang. He didn't do much, but his son did.

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