When Chen Kangjie fully woke up, he found himself lying on a small wooden bed in a separate small room, with iron doors and iron windows, and a yellowed light bulb above his head shimmering desperately. When he sniffed, he could smell the blue and white sheets. And there was an unpleasant smell from the dirt-stained quilt, and some black cotton wool was exposed at the corner of the quilt.

where is thisChen Kangjie was very confused in his mind. He only remembered that he was carried into the car by the police at the Hunan-Jiangxi Love Restaurant, and then he fell asleep faintly.

I don't know how long I slept, but my physical strength has recovered a lot, but my stomach is a bit empty, anyway, I haven't eaten half of it yet, so I fell asleep.

Chen Kangjie turned over and got up from the bed, walked slowly to the door, "Is there anyone? Is there anyone?", Chen Kangjie slapped the iron door and shouted.

The iron gate was locked from the outside, and Chen Kangjie couldn't open it.

After knocking a few times, the door "creaked" and was pushed open, and two big caps came into view.

"Knock what knock? What the hell are you doing?" the other party roared dissatisfied.

"What place is this? Why did you lock me up here?" Chen Kangjie calmed down and asked the other party.

"Hehe, this is the detention room of our Public Security Bureau. As for why it was locked up, do you need to talk about it?" The two were triumphant, as if what they heard was a joke.

Chen Kangjie remembered that when the police rushed upstairs, they said they were arresting drug dealers. If he said that, wouldn't he become a drug dealer?

"Where's my friend?" Chen Kangjie became concerned about other people.

"You are young, so you have good treatment in a single room. They are not so lucky. Don't ask so many questions. Since you are already up, go and accept our interrogation!" Take Chen Kangjie away.

Chen Kangjie didn't resist, and cooperated very well. They followed where they said they would go.After walking a few steps, Chen Kangjie realized that he was on the third floor of a building. The corridors were all welded with iron windows. He could see a stadium downstairs surrounded by five-meter-high walls and a big red iron gate. It was closed, and there were two gunmen at the door.

Maybe it was because Chen Kangjie was young, and the other party didn't give him any measures. Chen Kangjie put his hands in his trouser pockets and was held one behind the other to an office on the second floor. The big cap walking behind saw Chen Kangjie walking still. With a kind of air, neither nervous nor afraid, with a sneer on his face, what are you pretending to be here?

At the door of the office, Chen Kangjie was pushed in. Chen Kangjie was dissatisfied with the guy who pushed him in, turned around and glared, "Don't do anything to me, just say what you want."

"The temper is not small. People who dare to deal drugs are different. Sit down and accept the interrogation." A thick voice came from the right side of the room.

Chen Kangjie turned around calmly, the room was brightly lit, two burly policemen in old-fashioned police uniforms were sitting on the right, and there was a lonely wooden armchair on the left.

Chen Kangjie walked to the wooden chair in a very "sensible" way, and continued to do it, "I have nothing to say to get us here by such means. I can admit all the things you asked for and cooperate with yours. Work, but I want to see your person in charge, when the time comes, what will be signed, what will you say, and what should I do, everyone will not waste the time and energy in the middle."

After Chen Kangjie sat down, the door of the office was locked by the two policemen who sent him here.

"Hehe, interesting, do you want to see our director?" A policeman said contemptuously.

"Director? Don't tell me that the director can arrange such a big battle for you," Chen Kangjie raised his legs.

"Our director may not be willing to see you, but still want to see your superior? Hurry up and tell the truth, be lenient when you confess, and stricter when you resist." The other party slapped the table, hoping that this would deter Chen Kangjie.

At this time, Chen Kangjie was not a small person before his rebirth, and he could be effective if he was frightened.Chen Kangjie had some understanding of their methods and psychology, so it would be so easy to compromise.

Chen Kangjie just sat like this, staring directly at the other person without moving his eyes, he didn't say a word, and the corners of his mouth were still slightly raised, which was a kind of disdain.

"Don't be stubborn, it's meaningless, it's better to pour beans into a bamboo tube." The two sides looked directly at each other for half a minute, and the police interrogators lost their battle, and their tone eased a little, not so fierce.

"I've already said that when I see your person in charge, I will naturally say it, otherwise I won't say anything." Chen Kangjie hugged his chest with both hands, looking like he was in love.

"Little baby, come here, you are much tougher than you, don't force us to use means."

"Using method? What method? Tiger stool? Chili water?" Chen Kangjie laughed contemptuously.

"Those are old-fashioned and outdated. In fact, even if you don't say it, your partner will. At that time, you still won't be able to run away, and you will lose the opportunity to make meritorious deeds. You'd better confess it because you are young On the Internet, maybe a few words of criticism will send you back." If the other party fails to threaten, he will lure you.

In fact, Chen Kangjie really didn't know what to confess. It was obvious that someone wronged them specifically. The reason why he wanted to meet with the person in charge was to find out the situation.As for saying that Xiong Ziqiang and the others would confess, that's a joke, Chen Kangjie wouldn't believe it even if he was killed.

"Isn't your method too vulgar? I said, or didn't say, I don't need to bear any legal responsibility. I'm not of legal age at all, and I don't talk about hiring a lawyer who is useless. Let me call home. Let's call."

"You are repeat offenders, and it is impossible to contact the outside world unless you explain the situation clearly." The other party cannot meet Chen Kangjie's request.

"Forget it, you can write whatever you like." Chen Kangjie spread his hands, it didn't matter at all.

"See, this is the drug you sold. The evidence is solid and it was seized on the spot." The other party took out two small bags containing white powder and clinker bags from under the table box.

Now that the other party had "evidence", Chen Kangjie closed his eyes, regained his composure, and stopped talking to the other party. He had nothing to say.

"Let me tell you, drug trafficking is a capital crime. Even if you won't be sentenced to death, you will be sent to a forced labor camp for decades. You'd better be honest." The other party slapped the wooden table, but Chen Kangjie didn't seem to hear anything. Still closed his eyes and meditated.

With Chen Kangjie's uncooperative attitude, the two interrogators still had nothing to do with him. Threats and lures were useless. This young man knew a lot, and he couldn't be sentenced to punishment. As explained by his superiors, Chen Kangjie couldn't be sentenced to punishment. People are helpless.

Since Chen Kangjie had such an attitude, there was no choice but to send Chen Kangjie back to the small room by the same route.Chen Kangjie doesn't make noise, just do what you say, Chen Kangjie believes that this kind of trick can't deal with him at all, drug trafficking?How much money can you make selling drugs?The money I spend casually can be purchased at the rate of ten tons or hundreds of tons. Is this necessary?Will the big bosses in the center believe it?

. . . . . .

The treatment of Xiong Ziqiang and the others was not so friendly. They were woken up by splashing water that night, put in handcuffs and shackles, were interrogated by surprise overnight, and were even beaten.

These actions are pediatrics to Xiong Ziqiang, Pang Hui and Dong Mingshu. When they were trained in the army, they were treated much more severely than this. Scolding, and sometimes being whipped, and they know that this is obviously wronged, of course it is impossible to admit it, and now they are only worried about Chen Kangjie's safety.If Chen Kangjie made any mistakes, Xiong Ziqiang would be the first to die from guilt. Of course, if this is the case, these local guys probably won't end well.

Xiong Ziqiang and the others used to wear guns and gun licenses, but now their gun licenses have disappeared, but the guns are still there, and they are used as evidence, saying that they are armed drug dealers.

The Nanzhou police had nothing to do with them, so they targeted the gentle Xie Yourong and Ye Tangsen.

Because Ye Tangsen has the expression of being the secretary of the provincial party committee, and he is the leader of the China Future Metallurgical Group, no matter how the other party interrogates him, he just doesn't speak. If he does, he will curse "shameless" and "despicable".In the end, the police took special measures against him, that is, he was not allowed to sleep. As long as his eyes were closed, he would be awakened by bright light or harsh sounds.

Xie Yourong is a foreigner, and he received better treatment. Like Chen Kangjie, he was given a private room. The police told him that as long as he admitted to drug trafficking, he would be deported at most and would not be prosecuted.

Xie Yourong is not so easy to fool, he only has one request, and that is to see a lawyer, and follow the procedure completely.Although there is a law in our country that criminal suspects have the right to see a lawyer, it also stipulates that whether they can meet a lawyer must be approved. Obviously, Xie Yourong's request will not be approved.

Chen Kangjie and the others were locked up like this for two days. There was an interrogation every morning and afternoon. Every time, the actions were the same. There was no excessive behavior. Only Xiong Ziqiang and the others were physically strong and suffered. They all had bruises, but the result was the same. No one confessed. Ye Tangsen struggled for two days without getting any sleep.

On the third day, the situation turned around. The police no longer interrogated them, but sent them directly to the detention center to prosecute them.As for the reason, someone has already admitted the "criminal facts" of Chen Kangjie and his gang, and what was put in front of the police was human evidence and physical evidence, and this "confessed" person also wrote a confession and signed it.

As soon as Chen Kangjie heard that someone had admitted it, he knew that there was a traitor, and he was furious. This person acted with ulterior motives, and he was blind. When he went out, he must look good. People are hateful, Chen Kangjie doesn't think that this little trick can make him succumb.

(Recommend an oriental fantasy "Wu Ni")

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