rebirth of change

Chapter 470 Court Trial

In the past two days, the China Future Metallurgical Group has been in chaos. The company's president has disappeared, along with the executive director and the vice president from the head office.

It's gone too, there is a lack of decision makers and leaders in the company, and in such a special period, it's no wonder that there is no chaos.

There are many rumors in the society. Some people say that China Future Metallurgical Group has no funds at all and is about to close down. The company's leaders have already fled. Even employees in the company are rumoring that the company's leaders have been scared away, which aggravates the chaos.Even the hundreds of mining companies that have reached cooperation intentions have been shaken. Offices around the country keep calling the company to inquire about the situation, but no one answers, or there is no unified and accurate answer.

Chen Kangjie and the others were isolated from the outside world and had no idea of ​​the situation outside, and ordinary people outside did not know that they were being imprisoned.However, there are still some people who know it, but they just didn't make a move.

I don’t know if it’s because of the rush. Chen Kangjie’s case must be a special one. One of the quickest cases.

Chen Kangjie and the others met each other for the first time in the No. [-] Trial Chamber of the Nanzhou Primary People's Court. The court did not arrange lawyers for Chen Kangjie and the others, nor did they allow them to hire lawyers. They were only allowed to defend themselves.

"Jie Shao, are you okay?" Xiong Ziqiang's first question was to ask this when they first met.

"I'm fine, you have suffered, and I will get back what you have suffered," Chen Kangjie said calmly, looking at the bruises and scars that Xiong Ziqiang and the others could clearly see even after they faded.

"Jie Shao, we didn't say anything," Pang Hui added, sticking out his neck from Xiong Ziqiang's side.

"I know, you guys are great," Chen Kangjie said encouragingly with a smile.

Xie Yourong was far away from Ye Tangsen and the others, and wanted to say something, but was stopped by the bailiff behind him, "Keep quiet in the courtroom", it was entirely in an orderly tone.

In the judging booth, there was no one at all, only two spectators. Chen Kangjie guessed that these two spectators were arranged intentionally.No matter what, Chen Kangjie felt like he was being tried in secret. I don't know if the revolutionaries from decades ago were treated in the same way.

At the beginning of the trial, the prosecution personnel first read out the charges they involved.It's very interesting. Chen Kangjie, Xiong Ziqiang and others became suspects in drug trafficking, and it was also indicated that they were armed drug dealers. Ye Tangsen came from abroad to buy drugs, and the charges were not light. Only Ye Tangsen and his two The three bodyguards are the least charged, and they are the intermediary introducers.

I really don't know if this weird arrangement of charges is due to fear of the strength of the China Future Metallurgical Group. After all, this is a project supported by the central government, and this enterprise also has certain political influence.

But from this point, it can be seen that the person who arranged this game must not have figured out who Chen Kangjie was, or knew a little bit, but didn't take it to heart, otherwise it would be impossible to arrange such a heavy one for Chen Kangjie They thought that as long as they were convicted of this crime, they could stop the China Future Metallurgical Group's rare earth integration plan.

"Criminal, do you plead guilty to the above charges?" asked the sleepy middle-aged judge.

What the judge asked was not "criminal suspect", but "criminal". It will take several years before this title will change before the sentence is pronounced. However, this title has already exposed that the court has determined that Chen Kangjie and the others are criminal facts.

"You are innocent, how do you admit it? Let me tell you, this is an unjust case, the largest unjust case in the country, and you have to be responsible. Don't think that it is still in that special historical period, and you can do whatever you want." Chen Kangjie has not yet spoken , Ye Tangsen gave an impassioned statement.

"Whether there is a crime or not, let's talk about the facts. The truth cannot be false, and the false cannot be true. Does the procuratorate have any evidence to prove the criminal facts of the following people?" The judge asked a skinny monkey-like prosecutor sent by the procuratorate.

"Yes, these are the drugs seized by the police on the spot. There are a total of 930 grams. When the police arrived, they were trading." The prosecutor took out the two small bags of heroin that Chen Kangjie had seen.

"In the face of the evidence, what else do you have to say?" the judge asked Chen Kangjie and the others.

"If you want to commit a crime, there is no excuse. We have never seen these things. We were eating at that time. It should be said that you are the one who committed the crime," Xie Yourong retorted.

"Whoever committed a crime, we have our own judgment. We will not wrong a good person, but we will not let a bad person go. This is our purpose. Everything depends on the evidence. Do you understand the evidence?" The judge taught Xie Yourong about the judicial system As the saying goes, teach him a lesson casually.

Xie Yourong has heard this sentence countless times in the past few days, and his ears are almost callused.

"I am a foreigner, and I am not subject to your judicial trial. I want to see someone from the embassy," Xie Yourong revealed his identity.

"Whether you are a foreigner or not, if you commit a crime in our country, you will be punished by us. Our country has relevant regulations on this. After the case is over, we will notify your embassy. You don't have to worry about it," the judge said. Xie Yourong's request was still ignored.

"Let me tell you that if a diplomatic dispute arises, you will bear all the consequences. I will appeal. No matter what you decide, this matter is not over." Xie Yourong was a little excited. He was very upset about being treated like this.

In the past, Xie Yourong never thought that it would be possible to punish people like this. This is fundamentally different from the West where the judiciary is independent.This is not to say that there are no unjust cases in Western countries ruled by law, but generally they dare not be so blatant. At least prosecutors and judges have checks and balances. They are independent and not affected by the government.

But my country is different. Even after many judicial reforms, the entire judicial system is in the hands of the government, especially under the leadership of a party committee, so it is almost impossible for them to handle cases independently. .

Hearing that there will be diplomatic disputes, the judge’s sitting body still trembled a bit. This is not a joke. In our country, people are afraid of diplomatic disputes from top to bottom. I am afraid that it will affect the image of the country, so in many incidents, it is obvious that our own citizens take the truth, but in the actual process of handling, they still favor foreigners. The most typical case is that foreigners fight with Chinese nationals. After the police come forward, often Those who are criticized, educated or punished are often their own people, but foreigners can leave openly.

The judge was probably also afraid of this, afraid of being held accountable by the superiors, but when he looked at the two spectators in his seat, he took a deep breath and stabilized his body, "You don't have to worry about it, anyway, we are based on the standard of seeking truth from facts and pay attention to The evidence is based on the laws of our country, even if your diplomatic agency asks, we can convince people with reasoning."

"Reason? Is there a law of heaven in your place?" Ye Tangsen asked mockingly.

Chen Kangjie didn't say a word from the beginning, he has been paying attention to the situation on the scene, as for how the judge will decide, Chen Kangjie doesn't care at all.Chen Kangjie didn't speak. Xiong Ziqiang and the others had always followed Chen Kangjie's lead, so of course they didn't have any objections. They just stood upright without fear.

"Physical evidence alone is not enough to prove that the criminal was in the drug trade at that time, nor can it prove that the drugs belonged to other people. Does the procuratorate have other evidence?" The judge ignored Ye Tangsen's mocking question and continued to demand Prosecutors produced evidence.

"Yes, Captain Zhang of the criminal police team of the Municipal Public Security Bureau who led the team that day can prove that he saw with his own eyes that the other party was trading, and please see this," the prosecutor took out three more guns in plastic bags, This is the gun that Xiong Ziqiang and the others were equipped with. "These people were still carrying weapons at the time, obviously they were armed with drugs."

"We have a gun certificate, this is our normal equipment," Xiong Ziqiang said after seeing his own gun, which still appeared as evidence, and said a small step forward.

"I didn't ask you now, shut up." The judge was very dissatisfied with Chen Kangjie's interruption.

"Brother Qiang, needless to say, what we say is meaningless, let them do whatever they want." Chen Kangjie was completely in the mood of watching a drama.

"When we arrived after receiving the information, the other party was trading these drugs, and the guns they were equipped with were also found from the other party's body. As for the gun license they said, they didn't see it at all," said the Captain Zhang of the Nanzhou City Criminal Police Team who testified went to the witness stand by himself, and said like a fairy tale.

"You are talking nonsense, there is nothing at all, you are the people's policeman, and you actually help the evildoers so much," Ye Tangsen scolded.

Ye Tangsen was an intellectual before, and he has just started a business not long ago, so he still has some intellectual habits left.

"I'm here to testify based on the facts and tell the facts of what I've seen and heard, and the court will judge the rest," Captain Zhang said with a evasive glance at Chen Kangjie and the others.

"Witnesses don't need to communicate with criminals. Is there any more favorable evidence from the procuratorate?" After speaking to Captain Zhang, the judge asked the prosecutor of the procuratorate.

"Yes, in the crime, one person has pleaded guilty, and wrote a confession, with his autograph, and he also confirmed the criminal facts of these people," the prosecutor said.

Hearing this sentence, everyone except Chen Kangjie looked at each other in blank dismay, wondering who was the one who "confessed".

"Pass the testimony up," the judge said, and a clerk handed the testimony to the judge.

"Deng Decai, is this the confession you wrote yourself?" the judge asked after reading the testimony.

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