After the judge finished speaking, everyone's fire-breathing eyes pointed at Deng Decai, angry, puzzled, and puzzled.These fiery and energetic gazes stared Deng Decai so hard that he couldn't lift his head.

"Deng Decai, let me ask you again, did you write this confession yourself?" The judge tapped and asked again.

"Yes", Deng Decai raised his head slowly, not daring to look at his former colleagues next to him, weakly choked out two words from the back of his throat, and then quickly lowered his head.

"You fucker, so you fucker is a traitor, how can we feel sorry for you, you want to spit out people like this, I am really blind, how could I recruit you such a white-eyed wolf", Ye Tangsen, who has always been gentle , after hearing Deng Decai's own admission, he was so angry that he swears.

Ye Tangsen's expression was ferocious now, and with his bald head, he felt that if the two bailiffs hadn't suppressed him, he would have rushed over like a leopard and tore Deng Decai to pieces.

"Silence, silence, courtroom, keep quiet, or you will be punished severely," the judge stood up and loudly maintained order.

"I don't care if your mother makes it worse or not, Deng Decai, tell me clearly, why did you do this?" Ye Tangsen swung his arm vigorously at the bailiff, still yelling.

"Presumptuous, in the courtroom, how can you allow you to mess around, bailiff, take him down", the judge himself was scolded, very angry.

Chen Kangjie knew that if Ye Tangsen was suppressed, he probably wouldn't have any good fruit to eat, so if he did something casually, it would be his own disadvantage.So he had no choice but to say, "Mr. Ye, maintain your demeanor. There is no need to argue with this kind of person, let alone get angry. Can't you see it? This is a well-designed situation."

It is impossible for Chen Kangjie to say that he does not hate Deng Decai, he will only hate him even more. He is most jealous of this kind of internal traitor, but he will not show it by shouting, and still maintains a calm surface.

Xiong Ziqiang and the others were quite restrained, Chen Kangjie didn't speak, and they would not take any further actions, but from their wide-eyed eyes, it could be seen that their hearts were very angry.

"Jie Shao, how can I not be angry? I recruited this guy, and I suggested him to go with him that day. How can I explain this kind of thing? This **** really pissed me off." , Ye Tangsen answered Chen Kangjie's words panting heavily, and the words were still full of swear words, which shows how angry he is.

"It doesn't matter. I will explain to Brother Ouyang that it has nothing to do with you. Since he deliberately wants to do this, there will be Ma Decai and Niu Decai without Deng Decai. As the saying goes, it is hard to guard against a family thief."

"Hey..., take it easy, get out of the way", Ye Tangsen sighed and calmed down, the two armed bailiffs thought he would be furious again, so they held him tightly, probably hurting Ye Tang Mori.

"Criminal, don't be arrogant. You will be severely punished by the law. There is nothing more to be arrogant." Seeing that the noisy courtroom was basically under control, the judge sat down on the chair behind him, but he still didn't forget to give full play to himself. authority.

"Stop talking nonsense, what should I do, just hurry up, you are sitting, the old men are all standing, why pretend to go through so many cutscenes, just get the result and it's over, really f*cking stupid people are troublesome Too many", Chen Kangjie has long disliked judges.

"You, you, you... You are dying, and you are still stubborn. See how I deal with you, bailiff, and put this brat under arrest. Don't affect our trial. You can pronounce a sentence even if the person involved is not present, fuck!", the judge was arrested The repeated runs and chips made it unbearable, and became angry from embarrassment.

"Who dares?" Xiong Ziqiang threw off the bailiff behind him, rushed to Chen Kangjie to block him, and shouted.

Following Xiong Ziqiang's illegal actions, Pang Hui, Dong Mingshu and Qian Degui all acted one after another, imitating the example, and they all threw aside the bailiffs behind them and surrounded Chen Kangjie.

They were on the right track that day, otherwise, why would they have been arrested without a fight? Don't look at Xiong Ziqiang and the others wearing handcuffs now, but the two random bailiffs still have nothing to do with them, and they can't control them at all, especially in a temporary attack Under the circumstances, the judicial police were caught off guard, and even Qian Degui was not caught.

"It's wrong, it's wrong, it's wrong, you dare to attack violent law enforcement agencies and take them all down, and you dare to be so audacious after committing a crime", the judge was so angry that his ribs showed.

In order to try Chen Kangjie and the others without accident, the Nanzhou City People’s Court had only (almost all the bailiffs) dispatched. Let him get closer. Now that he has received the order, more than a dozen bailiffs in the court rushed forward, and some even pulled out electric batons and nightsticks.

Because Chen Kangjie and the others were handcuffed, the bailiffs did not use guns. Of course, not all bailiffs were equipped with guns, only a few of them were equipped with such lethal weapons.

Chen Kangjie didn't expect such a chaotic scene, but he couldn't stop it now, let alone lose his momentum.

A bailiff raised his electric baton and was about to attack Xiong Ziqiang. Who knew that Xiong Ziqiang's feet were longer than his hands. Fortunately, they only wore handcuffs instead of fetters. Otherwise, no matter how brave Xiong Ziqiang was, he would not be able to kick him.

The bailiff rushing to the front with an electric baton was shot by Xiong Ziqiang, knocking down another bailiff who was following closely behind him, and at the same time, the electric baton in his hand was thrown out, hitting him just right. On the forehead of the colleague on the right.

The powerful electric current immediately made the bailiff who was running tremble, and fell limp to the ground.

Captain Zhang of the criminal police team came to testify in court today, and he did not carry a weapon. When he saw the fight started, he quickly jumped back from the witness stand. Did he know that Xiong Ziqiang and the others were tough guys, and they had already dealt with each other during the interrogation. After opening, he ran to the wall, opened the red wooden door he came in, and disappeared.

These bailiffs were all attracted by Chen Kangjie's surroundings, and they all ran up to help. Ye Tangsen seized this opportunity, ran towards Deng Decai, and kicked him on the waist.

Deng Decai's attention was also attracted, so Ye Tangsen's kick landed squarely, and Deng Decai's body fell sideways.Ye Tangsen didn't give up, jumped up to hold him down, and beat him fiercely with his fists together.

There was a moment of chaos in the courtroom, and the clerks, prosecutors, and judges were suddenly at a loss.The monkey-like prosecutor was the first to be awakened by Deng Decai's screams. Deng Decai was a key witness. If he was beaten to death in the courtroom like this, then the game would not be fun.

The prosecutor brought an assistant to tell Ye Tangsen to pull away, but Xie Yourong thought he was there to help, so without saying a word, he stabbed out diagonally and slammed his body into the prosecutor's body In this way, the scale of fighting each other here has expanded again.

Although Xie Yourong and Ye Tangsen are both wearing handcuffs and are still gentlemen, but when they really fought, they were not at a disadvantage, or because the extremely angry people were explosive and ruthless, they ended up fighting two-on-three. In the tie, he didn't suffer much, even Xie Yourong bit the prosecutor's arm with a large bloodstain.

Chen Kangjie and the others were much more violent. When Xiong Ziqiang and Pang Hui were in the front line, Qian Degui ran to the witness stand behind and picked up the wooden chair that Captain Zhang of the criminal police team was sitting on just now, and used it as a weapon to join the battle. In the regiment, there was a guy who was fighting with him with a baton. He was overwhelmed by Qian Degui's two chairs and couldn't get up. His head was full of blood, and the weapon in Qian Degui's hand was a little bit broken. This guy usually doesn't do it. It's really enough to do it.

Of course, Chen Kangjie himself couldn't just stare at him. If he could fight, he would never miss it.

Xiong Ziqiang, Pang Hui stood in front of him, Dong Mingshu was on the right, and Qian Degui was behind him. If there was a fight, Chen Kangjie had to rush out from the left.There happened to be a bailiff who claimed to be clever, and he saw that the purpose of these powerful guys was to protect the boy in the middle, Chen Kangjie, so he wanted to come up with a "catch the thief first" and attack from the left by detour.

Chen Kangjie was worried that he was not cheap, since someone delivered it to his door, he would not let it go, and he had to share some of it no matter what.

Chen Kangjie's appearance is very deceptive, and his opponents will almost always bully him because he is young. In fact, if it is true, Xiong Ziqiang may not be able to win Chen Kangjie now.I saw Chen Kangjie rushing out at a strange speed, his left arm blocked the right arm of the opponent who raised his baton to hit him, his body half-rotated and jumped up, and his right crutch ruthlessly pressed against the opponent's neck. Just like that, the opponent's own body He slammed backwards into the judgment seat, bounced back and hit the floor, and passed out.

The judge's face turned blue from fright, and he hid in the corner of the wall trembling.When Chen Kangjie saw it, he jumped onto the stage, ran over and grabbed the hated judge by his hair, which was not thick at all. He clasped his hands together and twitched the unlucky judge's head against the wall. When he turned around, his face was covered in blood.

"Who told you to do this?" Chen Kangjie brought him up again.

"I don't know, I don't know, don't hit me, don't hit me..." the judge begged tearfully, rubbing his bloody and painful nose.

The other party said he didn't know, so Chen Kangjie didn't need to talk nonsense with him. Whether he knew or didn't know, there was no time to torture him slowly. Chen Kangjie clasped his hands together again, and the sad judge hit the wall again.

After the judge turned around dazedly with gold stars in his eyes, the left cheek that was covered in blood just now seemed to be wiped clean, but soon the blood dripped from his thin mouth, and was kissed by his left cheek The old white wall turned red with a piece the size of a bowl. It seemed that the blood on his face had been wiped there.

"Don't move, don't move, if you move again, I'll shoot you." Just as Chen Kangjie was about to turn around, a voice came from behind him.

In order not to provoke the opponent, Chen Kangjie turned around slowly, and pointed a black muzzle at himself three meters away.

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