rebirth of change

Chapter 472 Surrounded

Pointing at Chen Kangjie was a June [-]th police pistol, which was in the hands of a bailiff, but it could be seen that this guy probably had never used a gun before, let alone raised it. Pointing at someone else, because his hands shaking the gun.

"Be careful, lest the gun go off, don't think you are a bailiff. If something happens, your skin will be stripped, and you will inevitably be imprisoned." Chen Kangjie, who is in danger, can't see anything Fear, actually still scaring the other party.

"As long as you don't move, I won't shoot." The bailiff wiped the sweat from his forehead with his left hand, and his right hand holding the gun relaxed a little, but his sweat showed that he was still in tension.

"Don't worry, I will not move." Chen Kangjie stretched out his hands, as if he was about to raise his hands to surrender, but his eyes left the bailiff in front of him, and looked down at the fierce battle.

As far as he could see, thirteen or four bailiffs had already been knocked to the ground, and five or six were fighting with his bodyguards. At the same time, Chen Kangjie also saw several bailiffs with guns rushing in.

Fighting fists against fists, Chen Kangjie and the others will not be at a disadvantage, but fists and kicks against hot weapons basically have no chance of winning. The kind in the movie is after all an artistic fiction. The Boxers hundreds of years ago have proved that it is not feasible.

At this juncture, unless one's own side also has hot weapons, there will be no good fruit to eat. Once subdued, with so many law enforcement officers falling in front of them today, there will be no good fruit to eat after entering the detention room Yes, a severe meal of flesh and blood is absolutely inevitable.

Thinking of this, Chen Kangjie flickered, and rushed forward sideways. The opponent didn't expect Chen Kangjie to be pointed at by a gun and dared to take the initiative to attack. At this time, he didn't care about Chen Kangjie's threats, and pulled the trigger with his trembling right hand.

Only after breaking through the first floor, Chen Kangjie's speed exploded extremely fast. Basically, Chen Kangjie came in front of him before the bailiff could see clearly, but the flying bullets flew past Chen Kangjie's ears, and Chen Kangjie could even Hearing the "swish" sound of bullets rubbing against the air, to be honest, he was still taken aback in his heart. He doesn't have the ability of the master in "Kung Fu" to catch bullets. If he is shot, he will bleed , will be fatal.

Fortunately, Chen Kangjie escaped such a close-range shooting and hit the opponent's chest with a punch. Coupled with the recoil after the shot, the opponent's body fell directly to the sky.

The body of the bailiff fell down and his hands stretched out. Chen Kangjie took advantage of the situation and grabbed the pistol in his right hand, and forcibly pulled the opponent's weapon into his own hands.

Chen Kangjie turned the gun around, left the bailiff who was only temporarily out of combat effectiveness, returned to the judge, and pulled him up to block him.

"Don't move, don't move, if you move again we will shoot," six bailiffs with guns surrounded Xiong Ziqiang and the others.

When these people came in, Xiong Ziqiang and the others knew about it, but they were suffering from being entangled in the battle.Those five people who were fighting hard with Xiong Ziqiang and the others limped away from the battlefield, their eyes full of resignation, but they didn't dare to stay in the field anymore, fearing that they would be caught as hostages.

Xiong Ziqiang and the others wanted to take these people as hostages, but don't forget that their hands were still handcuffed, and after a fierce fight, the handcuffs on their hands became even tighter.It is a bit powerless to hold these guys with their hands and feet open, and with batons and electric batons in their hands, as hostages.

"Don't move too, or I'll beat him to death." Chen Kangjie led the hapless judge out from the sideline, and the gun in Chen Kangjie's hand was pointing at the judge's temple.

It was really painful for this judge to deal with the case that was suppressed by him. He suffered two severe blows from Chen Kangjie and was slightly injured, but his consciousness was still clear. At this moment when his life was at stake, the normally righteous and dignified judge was unexpectedly arrested. I was so scared that I peed my pants, and the smelly urine dripped down the pants legs.

"Don't act recklessly, don't act recklessly, speak up if you have something to say," the three guns turned around to point at Chen Kangjie, and one of them stretched out his hand and said.

"I have nothing else to say. Put down your weapons and push them out. I won't embarrass you, otherwise he will die today," Chen Kangjie said calmly.

"Put down the gun, put down the gun, quick, quick down..." Hearing that he was doomed, the judge's momentum disappeared, replaced by inarticulate orders and pleas to the bailiff.

"Dean Zhang, this...we..."

It turned out that the judge was the vice president of this court, so the bailiffs were very embarrassed about what he said. If they all put down their weapons, then together with President Zhang, the bailiffs on the ground, and the prosecutor who was sitting on the side panting and crying He really became the hostage of this group of "desperadoes".

"Crack", a small puff of smoke came out of the muzzle of the gun in Chen Kangjie's hand.

"Ah! Ah! Please, ouch, don't kill me..." Dean Zhang screamed hysterically.

It turned out that Chen Kangjie shot him in the thigh, and Dean Zhang wanted to fall down, but Chen Kangjie grabbed his collar and pointed the gun at the back of his head.

"I'm not joking. If you don't put down your guns, the next bullet will go in from the back and come out from the front." Chen Kangjie bit his lip and opened his eyes wide.

Not to mention those bailiffs, even Xiong Ziqiang, who got along day and night, didn't expect Master Jie to be so awesome, and he would shoot if he really said he would shoot, but they are still pointed at by three guns and dare not move around. Even a little inadvertent action can cause great casualties.

"Don't act recklessly, don't act recklessly...don't act recklessly," the bailiff who spoke just now was frightened.

Chen Kangjie's expression and actions told them that this was not a joke, he really dared to shoot.

These bailiffs usually don't have much power. Dean Zhang is the leader of their leader. If something happens in front of them, it's something they can't afford.

"Let me say one more thing. Put down your weapon. I will count to three. If you don't put down your weapon, you will be the first to collect his body." Chen Kangjie warned again.

"Quickly put it down, what are you fucking talking about... put it down, my life is almost gone, be careful I will fire you all", Dean Zhang became even more frightened, covering the bleeding wound on his thigh with both hands, Heart-piercing curses and threats.

"One", Chen Kangjie began to count.

"Put it down, put down the gun and get out... woo woo woo," Dean Zhang burst into tears.

"Two", Chen Kangjie continued to count, with the same expression and stern eyes.

"Okay, let's exit." The bailiff who took the lead raised his hand, then turned around and ordered to his colleagues: "Leave your weapons, everyone, and exit."

At this time, Dean Zhang thought that these bailiffs were afraid of him, so he chose to obey his orders, but it was not the case, they were just afraid of taking responsibility.

Although these bailiffs are not officials, they are still within the system, and their way of thinking about problems is special.If Dean Zhang died in front of him, then he couldn't escape his responsibility. Moreover, once that happened, the next thing would be a gun battle, and the other party would probably perish, but what about him?Isn't it possible for me to be shot? Is it necessary to work so hard for such a small salary a month?Now that he chooses to obey the leader's order, after he quits, it has nothing to do with him whether he dies in the court.

Several bailiffs threw the guns to the ground, and then slowly retreated. Xiong Ziqiang and the others immediately picked up the guns on the ground, checked the bullets, pulled the safety, and loaded them.

Chen Kangjie threw Dean Zhang, who was already a puddle of mud, on the ground, and walked up to Xiong Ziqiang and the others with a gun in hand.

"Jie Shao, if the opponent doesn't retreat, will you really shoot?" Xiong Ziqiang stepped forward and asked.

"Yes," Chen Kangjie tentatively said in the screenshot, and before Xiong Ziqiang and the others showed their surprised expressions, Chen Kangjie immediately laughed, "But I know they won't give me this chance, I know they will compromise, They don't think the same way we do."

"Scare me, even if you want to do that, you shouldn't do it, you still have... a future," Xiong Ziqiang said with lingering fear, and the last sentence reflected an attitude.

From Xiong Ziqiang's point of view, Chen Kangjie is a person who does great things and has a bright future, so he can't just ruin it like this. If the judge is really going to be executed, they should do it. They will die anyway.

"Hehe, thank you, Brother Qiang, let's arrange to make some preparations, the armed police will probably be here soon." Chen Kangjie smiled and patted Xiong Ziqiang's chest in relief, "Oh, by the way, bandage that guy, don't He bleeds to death," Chen Kangjie added, remembering Dean Zhang who had shot him.

"Yes", Xiong Ziqiang answered standing upright like a soldier accepting the general's order, and then turned around to do things, "Pang Hui, you and Qian Degui move those tables over and block the door on the left, Dong Mingshu , you take the two of them to be in charge of the door on the right, I'll go and bandage that person, remember, no one is allowed to come in, if you have to, you can shoot, you two, put these people on the ground under surveillance."

The bodyguards of Xie Yourong and Ye Tangsen were also commanded by Xiong Ziqiang. Originally, these people did not belong to each other, but after seeing how powerful Xiong Ziqiang and the others were, these ex-soldiers who had no intersection at first became conditioned to worship the strong in their hearts. accepted the order.

After Xiong Ziqiang and the others fought with many opponents just now, these four people were not idle and joined in.Although they are not as strong as Xiong Ziqiang, Pang Hui and others, they have served in the Armed Police Force anyway, and it is barely passable to deal with one or two bailiffs in handcuffs.

Chen Kangjie himself had a task, he walked over to help Xie Yourong and Ye Tangsen up, "Well done, I really can't see it".

"It's all because of being pissed off by this bitch, spit!" Xie Yourong spat on the head of Deng Decai who couldn't get up.

While Chen Kangjie and the others were making preparations, several military vehicles stopped outside the court with a "creak, creak". Groups of soldiers armed with rifles and wearing armed police uniforms jumped out of the military vehicles and surrounded the court .

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