Chen Kangjie and the others took out the keys from the bailiffs and opened the handcuffs. They were busy inside the court, and they were not idle outside. Teams of soldiers armed with Bayi-style rifles and armed police fighters had set aside the four-story building of the Nanzhou People's Court. Surrounded.

Before the military vehicles arrived, five police vehicles had already arrived at the scene ahead of time, and a cordon had been pulled up. A dozen or twenty criminal policemen in full armor blocked the gate and side entrance of the court. The commander escaped from the court. Captain Zhang came out.

In front of the four Jiefang military trucks carrying these armed policemen was a capital jeep painted in camouflage. A medium-sized, straight military uniform with a two-star heroic lieutenant officer on his shoulders pushed open the door and walked out. When the general cap was adjusted and put on again, Captain Zhang ran over with small steps.

"Company Commander Xiang, I have to trouble you again this time." It seems that Captain Zhang and this Company Commander Xiang have cooperated for the first time.

"Military-police cooperation, this is the norm, there's nothing to say, what's going on inside?" Xiang Lianchang extended his hand to shake Captain Zhang, and asked casually.

"There are a total of 11 criminals inside, with seven police pistols and more than 40 rounds of bullets. I want to explain here that most of those criminals have received military training, not ordinary gangsters. There are also more than a dozen bailiffs and Judges, prosecutors, clerks, etc. are all inside," Captain Zhang said.

"Seven police pistols? How could this happen?" Company commander Xiang didn't expect the enemy's weapons to be so powerful.

For a long time in our country, there is not much difference between police guns and military guns. They are all the same. This kind of pistol is extremely lethal in close combat. Most are 33 mm in caliber and have strong penetrating power, unlike the powder guns that many criminals make themselves.

"Well... During the trial today, the other party suddenly attacked me, and I was there at that time," Captain Zhang replied awkwardly.

"I mean, how come the other party has seven standard pistols? Where did these guns come from? Oh, by the way, what crime did they commit?", Commander Xiang took two steps forward and observed the situation at the scene.

"Armed drug dealers, those guns were held hostage by the vice president of the court and forced the bailiffs to keep them." Captain Zhang has apparently learned the details from the bailiff who escaped from the court.

"Armed drug trafficking?" Commander Xiang turned his head and stared at Captain Zhang in amazement.

At this time, what flashed into the company commander's mind was the large-scale anti-drug operation that took place in the Pingyuan area of ​​the southwest border on August 8 last year. The police, armed police, and even thousands of regular troops were mobilized. In the fortress of the drug dealers, the explosion-proof armored vehicles, high-power infrared night vision devices, and hundreds of body armors were transferred from the Central Plains. This was not enough. In order to reduce casualties and increase offensive strength, the headquarters also transferred 30 rocket launchers and 40mm smoothbore gun, it was only at the expense of many soldiers that they captured the lair of drug dealers.

"Yes, 930 grams of drugs," Captain Zhang replied affirmatively.

Hearing this answer, Commander Xiang's heart sank a little more.According to the laws of our country, if the drug trafficking exceeds 50 grams, it is the death penalty. Now that the amount has reached almost one kilogram, there is no doubt that the other party will not surrender, but will only resist.

Surrendering is death, and if you don’t surrender, you may still have a chance. In this state, Company Commander Xiang judged that what he would encounter would be a tough battle, and there would even be huge casualties. Their armed police equipment was not much more advanced than the opponent’s. Coupled with the opponent's desperate resistance, the process can be imagined.

"What should I do?" Xiang company commander rubbed his hands, his face gloomy.

"There is a way. We can use the method of siege. Anyway, there is no water and food inside, and they can't stand it for long." Captain Zhang said a method that he thought was feasible.

It’s just that his method was refuted by the company commander with a contemptuous remark, “Don’t forget, the other party has hostages. If you use hostages to threaten you to send food and water in, do you want to send them or not?”.

Captain Zhang was left speechless by the question, there is no doubt about it, he must be sent, otherwise those hostages are really dead, no matter whether the other party is eliminated or not, they will not be able to hold the blame, those comrades are dead to a certain extent in their hands.

"But that's an opportunity. We can take advantage of the opportunity they want us to bring in food and water to launch an attack and take it down in one fell swoop." After a while, he said to the company commander.

"Well, that's a good idea. I believe that the brave armed police force can accomplish the task very well." Captain Zhang smiled obsequiously.

"No, no, no, we are not suitable. You see, my subordinates, including myself, no matter how they put on makeup, they still can't hide the military temperament. The other party has received professional military training, so they must be very familiar with the same kind, so, it can only be your criminal police who send someone, which is the most appropriate." Commander Xiang kicked the ball back to Captain Zhang.

"Us? Isn't it? How can we do it? Doesn't that mean death?" Captain Zhang has seen Xiong Ziqiang and the others before, so he knows he can't handle it.

Because Chen Kangjie and the others are not real drug dealers, they didn't put shackles on them. In addition, they thought that the court was already heavily guarded, so many armed bailiffs should not be at a disadvantage against the handcuffed prisoners. Who knows The boat capsized in the gutter.

"If you don't go, no one is suitable to go. In fact, you don't want to go by yourself. You can ask your men to go down. Our armed police block the door. If they dare to break in, they will be shot to death Yes, if you succeed, you have your share, and if you fail, you are not the one who sacrificed, so what are you afraid of?" People in the army often treat their subordinates better than those in the local area. Encourage Captain Zhang.

"This... isn't it good?" Captain Zhang hesitantly glanced at the red gate of the court.

. . . . . .

While Captain Zhang and Company Commander Xiang were discussing how to take down Chen Kangjie and the others, there were two people discussing in a residential building across the road.

"Should we act now?" asked one of his companions.

"We have reported the situation up, just wait," the man holding the high-powered telescope replied while staring at the situation outside.

"Our mission is not to allow him to make any mistakes. This is a military order. If the military and police rush in, it will be out of control," the person who spoke in front said with some worry.

"I know that, they haven't acted so fast yet, they are arguing." The young man holding the binoculars was still staring outside through the binoculars lens.

"Did you read their lips?", the previous one also cast his gaze outside.


"Hey! Someone is coming again."

. . . . . .

Three limousines stopped across the road from the gate of the court, and two middle-aged men in dark suits with slicked backs got off the road accompanied by five or six people, including two in police uniforms. One is wearing a military uniform.

These cars stopped steadily and went up to the company commander and captain Zhang.

"how is the situation?".

"Secretary Wen, we have controlled the criminals in the court," Captain Zhang replied with a salute.

"I really don't know how you guys handle things? You can't handle such things well, and you have made such a big mess," another middle-aged man with extraordinary appearance next to Secretary Wen sternly criticized Captain Zhang.

"Mayor Zhu, we will conduct a review and deal with it after the incident. The most urgent thing is to control the incident as soon as possible," said the fat man in police uniform who accompanied him from the car.

"Director Qu is right, it's better to deal with it as soon as possible," Secretary Wen said with one hand on his hip and the other pointing at the court.

It turned out that these three people were the secretary of the municipal party committee, the mayor and the director of the Public Security Bureau of Nanzhou City. How could they not go to the front line to direct such a big incident?

"Where's the president of the court?" Mayor Zhu asked.

"He went to get the internal structure diagram of the court, and he will be back in a while." It was Company Commander Xiang who answered the question.

"Do you have any way to take down the bandits?" asked the bespectacled soldier in military uniform who followed Wen Shu to get off the car.

"Reporting to the political commissar, there is already a preliminary plan, because the villains inside have weapons and are familiar with soldiers, so Captain Zhang plans to send his people to dress up as ordinary people, and charge at the other side when they ask for food and water. Go in, take it down, and we will take on the task of support." He stood upright to the company commander, saluted first, and then answered with a loud voice.

"" Captain Zhang didn't expect to report to the company commander before he even agreed.

"Well, then you have to do a good job of cooperating." Political Commissar Gao ignored Captain Zhang's idiotic expression and ordered cooperatively, before turning to Secretary Wen: "Secretary Wen, what do you think?".

The secretary of the municipal party committee is the first political commissar of the military division, so to a certain extent, he can also command the local armed police garrison, so the high political commissar asked politely.

Secretary Wen doesn't care about how to take down these people. What he cares about is to control the situation as soon as possible. "I think this plan is feasible. I only have one request, to reduce casualties as much as possible, especially the other party's casualties."

Secretary Wen's request chilled the hearts of the police officers present. The criminal's life was actually more important than the police's.In fact, it should be said that he has already said it very euphemistically. Secretary Wen also has his own difficulties. If those people die here under random gunshots, Secretary Wen will have endless troubles.

The meaning that Secretary Wen didn't say can only be conveyed by Director Qu in detail. Anyway, Director Qu understands what he means. As the secretary of the municipal party committee, he can't make it clearer.

At this time, the president of the court ran over sweating profusely with a few large drawings, "Secretary Wen, Mayor Gao, here are the drawings."

"Let's put it in the car," Secretary Wen glared at the dean, and said angrily.

The matter happened in his court. Now that there is trouble, how can Secretary Wen treat him well? After the matter is over, the dean will probably retire.

At this moment, the military headquarters of a Class A field force somewhere in southern Jiangxi also received an emergency call from the Military Commission.

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