rebirth of change

Chapter 474 Military Operations

Gannan is an important base of the Southeast Military Region. There are more than [-] field troops stationed here. Whenever something happens in the Strait, they must be transferred to the front line immediately.These units are different from the second-level units. They are all based on actual combat as the training standard. Their combat effectiveness and equipment far exceed that of ordinary armed police units. There must be military helicopters, and in terms of management, it is also independent of the provincial military region.In other words, they belong in a war zone.

The unit stationed 7000 kilometers away from Nanzhou is a complete field brigade with a total of more than [-] people. They have participated in many military exercises and operations. They also participated in the war against a certain country in the south. They have made great achievements and are very disciplined. .

Now is a peaceful age, there are very few emergencies, and there are usually two officers on duty in the duty room of the brigade headquarters.Today, the two were about to get off work and go to the cafeteria to eat, when the red confidential phone that hadn't rang for a long time suddenly rang.

The two looked at each other nervously, and quickly ran over, one answered the phone, and the other took out a pen and paper to take notes.Once this phone rings, it means that there is an emergency and they will accept an urgent task, so the order must be recorded verbatim.

"Hello, this is the ++ Division Headquarters." The duty officer who answered the phone picked up the phone neatly.

"This is the General Staff Headquarters of the Military Commission. I now issue the following order to you: Within 10 minutes, it should be said that the sooner the better, rush to the Nanzhou District People's Court. The task is to protect the personnel in the court, especially a The child named Chen Kangjie must not make any mistakes. In case of resistance, he can open fire. In a word, no matter what method is used, Chen Kangjie must be brought out safely. This is not a play, it is a real military operation, understand?", phone The voice inside is very majestic.

"Yes", the person on duty who answered the phone replied loudly, then repeated the order, and hung up the phone after being accurate.

This phone was hung up, and the two picked up other phones one after another to report the order to the brigade leader and to each unit. They had to make preparations in advance and set off after the brigade commander and political commissar gave the order to move out.

The brigade commander Nie Yuanzheng had just finished discussing the training plan for the first half of this year with the political commissar, and was going to the cafeteria to eat, when he suddenly received such an inexplicable order, which was issued directly from the general staff, and his heart tightened. Things were thrown out of the blue immediately.The tasks assigned by the general staff are by no means child's play.

Nie Yuanzheng raised his hand and looked at the military wristwatch produced by Jinling Watch Factory. The time was only ) minutes.

"Old Nie, what's the matter?" the political commissar asked after seeing that Nie Yuanzheng's face became stern after he answered the phone.

"The General Staff issued an order that we should rush to downtown Nanzhou within 40 minutes to protect a child," Nie Yuanzheng shortened the order.

"General staff?" The political commissar asked nervously.

"Yes, let's go, we said as we walked, I have to go to the airport." Nie Yuanzheng picked up the military cap on the table and stood up to leave.

But before he took a step, the phone on the table rang again, and Nie Yuanzheng grabbed it without hesitation.


"Yes, we promise to complete the task." Nie Yuanzheng hung up the phone after only a few words.

"The old chief's phone call only had one sentence, asking us to protect Chen Kangjie's safety no matter what, otherwise the military law will be enforced." Before the political commissar asked, Nie Yuanzheng took the initiative to tell the content of the phone after hanging up the phone.

"The old chief made the phone call himself? Military law?" Today's events became more and more weird, which shocked the political commissar.

It's just that no one responded to his words, because Nie Yuanzheng had already opened the door to go out, and he didn't have much time. Military law is not a joke, and it can range from going to a court-martial to trial and imprisonment, or from shooting to death.

This brigade has a small airfield equipped with six military transport helicopters purchased from the former Soviet Union. At this time, these helicopters are being refueled, and the logistics personnel are busy.

The 500 officers and soldiers of the [-]st Battalion of the [-]st Regiment of this brigade are also busy checking their equipment. Although they are only protecting a few people, just to be on the safe side, the duty officer in the duty room of the brigade headquarters sent an order here, asking them to do it immediately. Ready to fight.

"Brigade Commander, the duty room has conveyed the order to the regiment and first battalion." On the stairs of the office building, Nie Yuanzheng met the regiment commander.

"Well, very good, order the first company to take the helicopter with me, the second company and the third company, take the armored vehicle to keep up, we are short on time, we will set off when we are ready", Nie Yuanzheng did not stop, heading towards the airport hurry away.

Six minutes later, the propellers of six helicopters equipped with a fully armed company started rumbling, and then they took off and flew towards the urban area of ​​Nanzhou City, followed by eight six-wheeled armored vehicles.In addition to rifles, they carried submachine guns, machine guns, grenades, and even four heavy machine guns on the armored vehicle.

. . . . . .

"Master Jie, we don't have any medicine. There are two people. If we don't use medicine to stop the bleeding, I'm afraid..." After Xiong Ziqiang casually bandaged Dean Zhang's thigh, he checked the other injured bailiffs and returned to Chen Kangjie.

"Then let them send the hemostatic medicine." No matter what, these bailiffs were just unwittingly executing orders, and Chen Kangjie still didn't want any of them to die because of this.

"Will they give it away? I think even if they give it away, they will use this opportunity to cheat. I just looked out through the crack of the door. There are a lot of police and armed police outside. Do you think it's just... " Xiong Ziqiang said hesitantly.

What Xiong Ziqiang didn't finish saying later was to simply let him fend for himself. It's not that they are cruel to the people of their own country, but compared to Chen Kangjie's safety, that is really nothing.

"They will definitely send them. We have more than a dozen hostages here. Besides, we have to stand by and wait for help. We also need food and water. Ask them to send some. These people are innocent." Chen Kangjie stood up on his knees, looking at the bruised bailiffs.

"Master Jie, we have reinforcements? When did you notify?" Xiong Ziqiang and the others have lost contact with the outside world since he was arrested. who is it.

"We'll know when the time comes," Chen Kangjie couldn't possibly tell him that the central government sent someone to protect him.

This is also the reason why Chen Kangjie is not afraid of making things worse. These guys will not come out to rescue him unless it is a last resort. If it wasn't for the emergency that happened when he confronted Xiang Yan in Hong Kong last time, Chen Kangjie didn't know about it. It was only later that the old chief told him that those people were appointed by them.

"Well", Chen Kangjie didn't want to say it clearly, and Xiong Ziqiang could only vaguely understand, nodding in a daze.

"Go ahead and tell them, don't use hot pot, just fry a few dishes. By the way, don't forget to remind them that if there is another incident of drug use in the restaurant a few days ago, these hostages will all be buried first." Chen Kangjie died Even in a dangerous situation, he did not forget to have a little sense of humor, but in order not to let history repeat itself, Chen Kangjie gave a warning.

"Yes, when the time comes, we'll eat separately. If there's anything wrong, let's give them some color first." Xiong Ziqiang felt aggrieved when he thought of the last time he capsized in the gutter.

. . . . . .

"Secretary Wen, word came out from inside that they need hemostatic medicine, and they want us... to bring in the fried vegetables, and they also said..." A policeman ran up to Secretary Wen and the others, stammering .

"What else? Say it!" Secretary Wen was already upset at this moment, so he was a little unhappy with the hesitant police officer.

"They said that if the situation in the restaurant happened again, all the hostages inside would be buried," the police officer looked up at the leaders, then lowered his head and said aggrievedly.

"Arrogant, rampant, really too arrogant and rampant, how dare you threaten the government like this." After hearing what the police said, Mayor Gao was so angry that he slammed his palm on the hood of the car.

"According to what they said," Secretary Wen waved at the police officer and said, "Now the opportunity has come, and the other party really wants these things. Director Qu, how are you preparing? Success or failure depends on you." After the police officer turned and left, Secretary Wen asked Director Qu of the Public Security Bureau.

"We have selected six capable and ordinary-looking policemen to carry out this mission. In order to protect them, we made up the only six bulletproof vests. Fortunately, it is early spring, and the bulletproof vests can be worn inside without being noticed. At that time, these six people will dress up as waiters. At the same time, the snipers on the armed police side are already in place. There are snipers here and here. In addition, there will be soldiers ambushing here and at the bottom of the wall. They will rush in and try to control the situation inside as quickly as possible," Director Qu said, pointing to the blueprint on the car cover.

"Is it ineffective to shout at them?" Secretary Wen then asked.

"Called, as you can see, the other party didn't respond a word, our propaganda policy doesn't apply to them at all," Director Qu replied.

"Remember, to reduce casualties, there must be no accidents for Ye Tangsen and Xie Yourong," Secretary Wen urged.

"I've made this clear to them. Try to use the superiority of the force to make them submit. If it's impossible, you have to shoot, and don't touch the vital point," Director Qu said.

. . . . . .

"They are going to act, let's go down, we must stop them", the man with the telescope put down the telescope.

"What? Are they going to attack?".

"No, they plan to take advantage of the opportunity of the other party asking for medicine and food to attack. Then it will be a gun battle. You see, they even have snipers ready." The man pointed to the black shadow on the top of a tree in the distance. .

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