"Ten", Nie Yuanzheng started counting down loudly.

Nie Yuanzheng began to count, and his own team put on various attacking postures like wolves and tigers one by one. Whether it was a machine gun or a submachine gun, they all raised them upright and aimed at the opposite side, while the armed police soldiers led by the political commissar were a little unaware. So, these are all brother troops, why are they still at war?Besides, it's obvious that our side has no chance of winning.So their hands that barely raised their rifles trembled slightly.

"Nine", Nie Yuanzheng stared forward with both eyes, his expression was calm and stern.

"Political commissar..." Company Commander Xiang tugged the arm of Political Commissar Gao, his tone was very eager, this was no joke.

"What are you afraid of? I don't believe they dare to shoot." Commissar Gao was stubborn. Shooting between troops in the army is a very serious incident. However, he may have deliberately ignored one point, but they have orders.


"seven".Nie Yuanzheng continued to give the countdown.

"Political commissar...do we need it?" Company Commander Xiang didn't want to die here just like that, his voice trembled like fear.

Political Commissar Nie Yuanzheng Yue Gao and the others were confronting each other face to face. His troops surrounded Political Commissar Gao and the others from three sides. came in.

They should have learned the order here when they were on the road. The radio communication between the troops has been maintained. As soon as the doors behind the armored vehicles that rushed in opened, teams of heavily armed soldiers joined the ranks of the encirclement. The heavy machine guns on the armored vehicles He also turned the muzzle of the gun, put on the belt, and was ready to start at any time.

Today is a very lively day for the citizens of Nanzhou City. First, a large number of armed police and police rushed to surround the court, and then there was an intensive gun battle. Later, a group of helicopters, which had not been seen for a long time, also visited the urban area of ​​Nanzhou City. , the residents living upstairs of the nearby residents can see this incredible scene clearly from a distance. The People's Liberation Army surrounded the armed police and the police. Those so-called traffic rules, because of avoiding them, there were two traffic accidents, but no one dared to trouble them, they could only watch the rear of the armored vehicle spitting and cursing.

Two traffic policemen on duty on motorcycles saw this group of ferocious monsters from a distance, and they ran away in fright, and finally reported to their superiors through the walkie-talkie.

With the addition of the new team, the criminal police and armed police surrounded in the middle panicked even more. You look at me, I look at you, they don't know what to do, and there is no leader to give an order.

"Three, go up the bullet." Nie Yuanzheng adjusted the helmet on his head and continued to count. It seemed that the arrow had to be fired.

"Wait a minute, all the police are listening to the order. I am the mayor Zhu Minde. Disarm all the PLA." After Mayor Zhu gave the order to his subordinates, he shouted to Nie Yuanzheng from a distance, "Comrade Liberation Army on the opposite side, We are the Yushui family, and I have disarmed all the police."

"Those who have disarmed can come out with their hands up and accept our supervision." Nie Yuanzheng shouted back, "Xiao Liu, you arrange two squads of soldiers to concentrate on those who disarm first. Remember, it must be strictly enforced. Who is it?" Nie Yuanzheng then instructed his orderly.

Although Nie Yuanzheng carries the highest-level military orders, he is not willing to see such things happen to his own people. As long as the other party disarms, he will not be embarrassed. Otherwise, he must implement the military orders. The so-called military order is like a mountain.

"Yes", Xiao Liu gave a military salute, and walked away with a submachine gun in his hand.

. . . . . .

"Jie Shao, you guessed it right. Those who came here may really be our rescuers. I just observed secretly, and the police and armed police outside were surrounded by them." Xiong Ziqiang went to the door to observe for a while, and trotted Then he returned to Chen Kangjie's side.

"That's good, we don't have to continue to be 'criminals'."

"However, we can't go out yet. The atmosphere outside is not very good, and there is a high possibility of a deep exchange of fire." Xiong Ziqiang was worried that Chen Kangjie would go out, so he reminded him in advance.

"It's natural, let them wade through the muddy water outside," Chen Kangjie nodded.

. . . . . .

Director Qu was noncommittal about the order issued by Mayor Zhu, even he obeyed it himself.Seeing the local comrades raised their hands and walked out of the encirclement one by one, the company commander was so anxious, he was deeply afraid that once all these people left, the other party would open fire immediately.

"Commander Gao, I don't think there is any need for us to have such a misunderstanding with our brother troops." Taking advantage of the lack of pressure from the other side, Xiang Company Commander planned to persuade Commissar Gao again.

"You think I'm willing to have such a conflict? I have no choice," Political Commissar Gao sighed.

"If it's on the battlefield, if it's facing the enemy, brother really has nothing to say, even if he dies in battle, he is willing, but it's so unclear and meaningless." Company Commander Xiang is not that stupid soldier.

"Then what do you say?" Commissar Gao squinted at the company commander.

"In my opinion, let's disarm, otherwise, the brothers will suffer heavy casualties, and even you and I will not be able to escape unscathed. You see, Secretary Wen is dead. There are some things. There is no proof of death, don't you think?", When talking to the company commander, his eyes rolled around.

Hearing what Company Commander Xiang said, Political Commissar Gao turned around and stared at Company Commander Xiang until he stared at Company Commander Xiang until he felt a little nervous, then he said, "Okay, disarm them."

Of course, Company Commander Xiang vaguely knew about the activities of some senior political commissars and secretary Wen. Although he was not involved in it, some things were done by him after all, so he implied that the senior political commissar had to sacrifice himself, and he could shift responsibility To the dead secretary, in this case, maybe I can still excuse myself, and don't have to use my life to defend those meaningless things.

The order was quickly passed on to the company commander, and they also disarmed and surrendered.Nie Yuanzheng was naturally happy to solve it in a peaceful way. He quickly arranged for people to take over all the people and weapons in front of him, ordered the health workers to treat the injured, and then planned to go to the court to find Chen Kangjie himself.

"Who are you? Raise your hands." Before Nie Yuanzheng turned around and walked a few steps, a soldier reprimanded him from behind.

Nie Yuanzheng looked back and saw that there were two young people supporting each other. It was Tan Jun and Wang Wei. Although Wang Wei's injury was not critical, he was bleeding profusely. He was helped out from behind the unrecognizable car, and he was "caught" by Nie Yuanzheng's soldiers as soon as he got out.

"I want to see your person in charge." Tan Jun supported Wang Wei, but of course he couldn't raise his hand.

"What's going on?" Nie Yuanzheng walked back.

"Brigade Commander, they have weapons on them, and we are disarming them and putting them under guard," replied a soldier holding a submachine gun at one side.

"Are you the person in charge of this unit?" Tan Jun asked Nie Yuanzheng knowingly.

"Yes, why don't you disarm?" Nie Yuanzheng replied cautiously.

Before Nie Yuanzheng came, he didn't know that comrades from the Security Bureau were there.

"Don't move," Tan Jun didn't answer Nie Yuanzheng's question, but put his hand into Wang Wei's pocket. The four soldiers thought he was going to draw out a weapon, and raised their guns to stop them, ready to shoot at any time.

"Don't be nervous, I'm getting your documents for you," Tan Jun glanced at Nie Yuanzheng.

Nie Yuanzheng waved at the soldiers. It was obvious that one of them was injured, and, intuitively speaking, Nie Yuanzheng knew that they were the same kind of people as himself. He could tell from the fact that they were still calm when they were pointed at by guns. .

Tan Jun held out his hand, and there was a small red book in his hand, which was the same as the one he handed to Secretary Wen before, except that his ID was not with him, but with Director Qu, so he took out Wang Wei's.

Nie Yuanzheng took the document handed over by the soldier and opened it, and he immediately understood.

"Are you Chen Kangjie's security personnel?" Nie Yuanzheng would not suspect that the certificate was fake. One or two people in his army would be selected to enter this department every three years, so he had seen such a certificate.

"It can be said that it is, but it is not entirely true. We are just protecting secretly," Tan Jun replied.

Nie Yuanzheng nodded, "How did he get injured? Where is Chen Kangjie now?"

"Those people fired the shots. They also killed the secretary of the municipal party committee here. As for Chen Kangjie, he should still be in the court."

"These people are so bold, fuck." Nie Yuanzheng heard that these people dared to shoot at the comrades of the Security Bureau and even killed the secretary of the municipal party committee. It is impossible to say that he was not surprised and angry. Go inside and have a look."

"Just let the health worker heal my comrade-in-arms. I want to go in with you. Our duty is to protect him. We must personally verify whether Chen Kangjie is safe so that I can report to the higher authorities," Tan Jun put forward his request.

"Don't worry about that, his safety is entrusted to me. I received a call from the old chief and the general staff, and I will be responsible." After Nie Yuanzheng finished speaking, he left Tan Jun and the two of them, and led a group of soldiers towards Step inside the courthouse quickly.

"Hey", Tan Jun still wanted to call Nie Yuanzheng to stop.

"Forget it, since the old chief has personally called, then let's not worry about it," Wang Wei persuaded his companion.

Nie Yuanzheng led the team to the gate of the court majestically. Some soldiers wanted to push the gate open, but they couldn't open it no matter how hard they tried.

"Listen, people inside. I am Nie Yuanzheng, brigade commander of the ++ brigade. I was dispatched by the central government to protect you. Open the door."

After Nie Yuanzheng yelled, he heard movement in the court, and the door was opened immediately.

"Who is... are you Chen Kangjie?", Nie Yuanzheng led the way in, and wanted to ask who Chen Kangjie was, but there was a half-old child standing among the people watching him vigilantly, so Nie Yuanzheng felt that there was no need to ask Asked like that.

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