"Yes, I am Chen Kangjie", Chen Kangjie took a small step forward.

"I came to protect you under the orders of the Military Commission and the old chief, and now I want to take you back to the barracks."

"Where is the military camp? Nanzhou City or...?".

"Forty kilometers from here."

"That's no good, I haven't finished my work here, I have to be in Nanzhou," Chen Kangjie refused.

"No, it's very chaotic here. Just outside, the secretary of the municipal party committee was beaten to death. Four armed police soldiers died and five were seriously injured. Come back after the situation subsides," Nie Yuanzheng also denied Chen Kangjie's request .

"What? The secretary of the municipal party committee was beaten to death? Who killed it?" Hearing that there was such a big commotion, not only other people were surprised, but even Chen Kangjie was surprised.

"Yes, I was beaten to death by the armed police. I have to report the situation here quickly. As for how to deal with it, the superiors will arrange it. The army cannot interfere too much with local affairs."

"Okay then", in this case, Chen Kangjie had to accept being a guest in the barracks.

Coming out of the court, a deputy secretary of the Nanzhou Municipal Party Committee came to find Secretary Wen for a meeting. He called several of the secretary's mobile phones before, but no one answered, so he drove over from the Municipal Party Committee. Who knows, he came He saw soldiers and military vehicles everywhere, as if it was a military camp. What surprised him even more was that Secretary Wen had turned into a bloody corpse, and he was still detained and unable to leave.

"We are performing a military mission. You can send someone to take away the wounded and dead, but they must be protected. They may be used as evidence at any time. As for the other people present, we have to take them away," Nie Yuanzheng told the front The deputy secretary.

"What about our Mayor Zhu and Director Qu?" the other party asked.

"They are the direct participants, and they will also be taken away. If you have any questions, you can report them upwards. Now we are evacuating," Nie Yuanzheng said domineeringly.

"Secretary Wen is gone, and Mayor Zhu was taken away by you again. Wouldn't our Nanzhou be messed up?".

"It's not our business anymore, it's your business." People say that there is no reason for a scholar to meet a soldier, but it seems to be true, and Nie Yuanzheng can't explain anything.

Including those bailiffs, Nie Yuanzheng left more than [-] dead and injured for the deputy secretary, and the rest were all taken away, even their military vehicles and police vehicles were all driven away. Anyway, there is no shortage of people who can drive in the army people.The Nanzhou City People's Court suddenly changed from noisy and lively to very quiet. The deputy secretary had no choice but to contact the city hospital to send a car to take the dead and injured away. The wounded were treated and the dead were stored in the morgue. stand up.

Of course, there was one wounded person who was not left behind, and that was the traitor Deng Decai. This was requested by Chen Kangjie, and he had to take it away with him.

"Mr. Jie, should I stay and deal with the company's affairs?" Next to the military helicopter, Ye Tangsen held Chen Kangjie.

"Forget it, don't be in a hurry. At this moment, it's going to rain, and my mother is going to get married. You stay here. The government is in such a mess. If you haven't sorted it out, you still can't do anything. Besides, there is no guarantee of safety. When you arrive at the barracks, just call the company and entrust it," Chen Kangjie said, patting Ye Tangsen on the shoulder.

Because there were more than a dozen of Chen Kangjie and the others, a whole helicopter was occupied, so the same number of fighters who took the plane together had to return by car.

It was the first time for Chen Kangjie to take a helicopter. After the plane slowly lifted into the air, it felt like flying on treetops and roofs of buildings. It was very light, and the speed was not fast. After all, it was not an attack helicopter. .However, there is one thing that makes Chen Kangjie a little uncomfortable, that is, the noise is too loud. The quality of this kind of transport helicopter introduced ten years ago is still lacking in comfort. Chen Kangjie, who is taking the flight for the first time, is still a little uncomfortable.

After Chen Kangjie and the others arrived at the barracks, they were arranged to live in the internal guest house. As for the others, they were taken care of in another place.

Each army will have its own guest house, which is different in simplicity and complexity. On the one hand, it receives inspections and visits from superiors. On the other hand, family members of officers and soldiers also need a place to stay. Therefore, not every room in the guest house is the same. Because of their special identities, Chen Kangjie and the others live on the top floor. There are water heaters, toilets, telephones, TVs and other facilities in the room.

Those who are guarded can also be divided into density, ordinary police, ordinary soldiers, it doesn't matter, basically they have confiscated their weapons and arranged a place for them, as long as they don't run around, there are not too many restrictions.Most of these people who entered the barracks of the field army for the first time, not only did not feel much grievance, but on the contrary, they felt a little more fresh. differences and stories.

People like Mayor Zhu, Director Qu, and Political Commissar Gao are different. Everyone is detained separately, and in the name of personal protection, they are assigned three soldiers.At first, leaders like Mayor Zhu protested at first, thinking that he had committed no crime and was the mayor elected by the people, so he would not accept this kind of treatment, but the response to him was silence. Talk to you, I love you, I protested twice, but there was no effect at all, and then I calmed down.

When Nie Yuanzheng returned to the brigade headquarters, the first thing he did was to report back to the office. These people still hope that someone will pick them up, and they cannot stay in the barracks all the time. Besides, in the urban area of ​​Nanzhou City, they also hope that there will be a solution from above. calm public opinion.

There is a leader who is not a leader who has also received this special treatment, and that is Deng Decai.Even if Chen Kangjie wanted to forget this guy, Ye Tangsen would always think about this kid who made him lose face.Originally, they wanted to interrogate him continuously when they brought him to the barracks, but this guy Ye Tangsen was really heavy. Deng Decai's face, head, and even his lips were bruised. He was detained in the ward of the clinic for treatment, and there were soldiers standing guard at the door at any time to ensure that he would not slip away.

Chen Kangjie and the others didn't eat all day long. There was still lunch at noon, but a gun battle broke out, and the troops didn't have lunch, so they returned to the camp. After Nie Yuanzheng finished reporting the situation, it was already four in the afternoon. After ordering, the first thing is to go to the cafeteria to eat big pot rice.

It was also at this time that Chen Kangjie and the others were able to take a good look around this neatly cleaned military camp. The budding sycamore trees and the flower beds surrounded by steel bars, cockscombs and azaleas had already sprouted flower buds. The military camp was in the mountains, and the air Fresh, the side of the cement road from the guest house to the cafeteria is full of "domestic" grass, taking off the yellow clothes in winter, and is growing upwards against the spring breeze. The floor is spotless, and it is on the poles more than 20 meters away , will be tied to a big horn.

"I'm sorry, you have to follow me to have a big pot meal." Nie Yuanzheng put on his regular clothes and stood at the door of the cafeteria waiting for Chen Kangjie and the others.

"That should be the case, but I don't know how your logistics is doing, whether you have grown fresh vegetables and fruits." For Chen Kangjie, when he was in the army, he just did as the Romans did, and there was no need for so many cutscenes.

Many years later, Chen Kangjie saw on TV that the Prime Minister went to the grassroots for inspection. Whether he went to a factory or a school, he would go to the cafeteria to eat with the masses. There is nothing to mind.

"There are a lot of fresh vegetables, but there is a shortage of fish, which requires technology and a lot of capital investment," Nie Yuanzheng said with a smile.

For a long period of time, each unit of our army had its own logistics production bases to grow melons, fruits and vegetables. On the one hand, it was to save money, and the military expenditure was not abundant. Not self-reliant and well-fed.

In the cafeteria, what everyone got was not the stainless steel buffet plate with various grooves, but all large porcelain vats, one for each person, with rice on the bottom and vegetables on the top. Today’s food is not bad, although there is no meat, but There are eggs, with potatoes and vegetables.Maybe it’s because more people eat better. Chen Kangjie and the others lined up to get a copy, and sat down at any empty seat and devoured it. Soldiers from all walks of life will always look up from time to time to look up at their group of "foreigners" in suits.

Returning to the room where he lived after dinner, Chen Kangjie received a call from Zhao Zhibang.

"It's outrageous, why did you go where did you go?" The first sentence Chen Kangjie received was not comfort, but criticism.

"Uncle Zhao, you think I'm thinking, isn't it because our headquarters have been smashed, and the local government hasn't made a clear statement, and the project is struggling, so I have to take a look. Who would have thought that it would happen? Such a ridiculous thing", Chen Kangjie heard the voice of his relatives, and the words he said were full of grievances.

"We have already understood that you should go back quickly in the next two days. The central government will have a working group to deal with the matter in Nanzhou City, so you should not interfere," Zhao Zhibang revealed on the phone.

"Uncle Zhao, that's the end of my injustice?"

"When the matter is found out, the relevant personnel will naturally be punished."

"I just want to know how I became a drug dealer without knowing it, and why our headquarters was attacked by violent criminals."

"It will soon become clear that those detained by the ++ brigade will be taken over by a working group at that time, and a new secretary of the municipal party committee will arrive the day after tomorrow, and they will find out the truth of the matter."

"You won't appoint such a domineering municipal party secretary this time, will you? I've heard that even the comrades in the security bureau don't buy into the killed municipal party secretary." Chen Kangjie had to worry about this.

"Don't worry, this time it was suggested by the central government and appointed by Gannan Province. You may know this person. He didn't hold a local position in Nanzhou, but was transferred from another county party secretary," Zhao Zhibang explained to Chen Kangjie.

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