rebirth of change

Chapter 485 Recommendations

Although Chen Kangjie said that he would ask the TV station to make a promotional video and send it to the old man, but since he entered it himself, he had to take a few photos himself and send it to him alone, especially here in Baodao.

Except that there is no 101 building here in Taipei, basically there is not much difference from ten years later. This is not to say that the development of Taipei is not great. To be honest, Taipei has better protection of the city than the capital, and there is no large-scale demolition all day long. , the capital does not care whether it is an ancient building or not.

Chen Kangjie took pictures in the east and west, and took almost a whole hand-in paper here. Taipei, Kaohsiung, Sun Moon Lake and other scenic spots were all shot in all directions. This is to be sent to the old man.

Leaving Treasure Island, walk south along the "coastline" until "Hong Kong" on the coast of the South China Sea. In order to reflect the reality of "Hong Kong", the builder specially excavated a "Victoria" Bay, where the rows of high-rise buildings on Hong Kong Island are located. The reduced versions are all erected, and even tourists can walk carefully on the "Glocester Road" in Sheung Wan-Central-North Point, which is really ingenious.

"Chen Kangjie, you have been to Hong Kong, is Hong Kong like this?" Deng Min asked while tugging at the corner of Chen Kangjie's clothes.

"Basically, this is the case, but it can only reflect the architecture of Hong Kong. As for the culture and spirit of Hong Kong, there is no way to create it." Chen Kangjie's answer obviously exceeded the level of Deng Min's question.

"The Spirit of Hong Kong?".

"Well, the indomitable, hard-working and exploring spirit of Lion Mountain, hehe, let's not talk too far away now, you guys go to play, and I will go to the bathroom."

Chen Kangjie drank a lot of water this morning, and felt a little anxious, leaving Deng Min, who was slightly flushed, to look for the toilet.Chen Kangjie originally planned to ask Xiao Wu, but there were several classmates asking her questions, so he didn't want to disturb her, so he went to look for it by himself, but after searching a few times, he couldn't find where the bathroom was, nor did he see any signage.

Chen Kangjie was in a hurry. The thing about defecation has nothing to do with his status. The rich will be anxious, and the poor will also be anxious. The poor will feel uncomfortable when they are anxious, and the rich will also suffer when they are anxious.Chen Kangjie doesn't want to defecate anywhere, although there are many green forests to cover him, but Chen Kangjie is a born-again person, and it's hard to be so immoral mentally.

While Chen Kangjie was running around on the tourist path, he saw two people walking in front of him, namely Yang Cong and Chu Xiang who hadn't seen him for several minutes.

"What are you two doing? You dropped something? You turned around," Chen Kangjie asked as he walked over from behind.

"What? We were looking for a toilet. I didn't expect such a big place without a toilet," Yang Cong complained, clutching his stomach.

Chen Kangjie felt a little ashamed and embarrassed when he heard this. After all, this is his site and work. There are imperfections, and if he is criticized, of course he will be embarrassed. Others don't know that this is his, but he can't deceive himself.

"Wait, I'll be right back." Chen Kangjie ran back to the team at the speed of a [-]-meter race, which was faster than when he participated in the competition.

Chen Kangjie didn't care about being polite, and pulled Xiao Wu clumsily aside, "Where is the nearest toilet?".

Xiao Wu was a little unhappy at first, but when she heard that this was the question, she understood that people were in a hurry, so she pointed out the direction of the nearest toilet before she finished speaking, thinking that Chen Kangjie would thank him, but who knew that Chen Kangjie disappeared in a flash.

Chen Kangjie had to run back quickly to take Chu Xiang and the others to the bathroom, and he was also in a hurry.

"The toilet is very good and comfortable, but it's hard to find," Chu Xiang walked out of a modern flush toilet with his trousers in his hands, and said to Chen Kangjie and Yang Cong who were waiting for him at the door.

In fact, this toilet is not far from their previous location, but there is no sign, so they can't find it.The toilet is quickly tidy and fragrant.

"The tour is over, when you want to give your opinion, you can raise it." Chen Kangjie stepped forward and hooked his shoulder.

"It should be mentioned carefully," Yang Cong also echoed.

After Chen Kangjie and the others returned to the team, certain people began to return to the restaurant, and they also had to return on time at 12 o'clock.

The restaurant of Zhonghua Garden is set on the site of "Qianzhou". When everyone passed the "Li River" halfway, they were delighted to see that there were small bamboo rafts on this fake Li River.Because the water area is not wide enough or deep enough, these small bamboo rafts are also pocket-sized and not big, but they can barely carry two people forward for 50 meters. The students are eager to try it, and even Chen Kangjie wants to experience it.

There are only five bamboo rafts, and everyone wants to play, so they can only line up, two people, and get off the "boat" after walking 50 meters. It took almost a minute to send Chen Kangjie and his group to the end.

When Chen Kangjie and the others rushed back to the restaurant located in "Six", it was exactly 12 o'clock.

This restaurant is a traditional Chinese ancient building with two floors. The roof is glazed tiles, surrounded by high corners and corridors. Sexy snacks, fast food, etc. The second floor provides stir-fry and western food, but the western food department is not open yet, and there are no private rooms.The upper and lower floors can provide catering for 1000 people at the same time.

The reason why there is no private room is to increase the utilization rate of the space, and at the same time, we don’t want to make the division serious. If you need a slightly quieter environment, you can sit on the corridor on the second floor, where you can lean on the railing and look out into the distance.

When Chen Kangjie and the others arrived, they realized that they were actually the last batch, and that all the other students and teachers had already arrived.

In order to fit the nature of the spring outing and the preferences of the students, this lunch is relatively simple. The location is on the first floor, and the snacks are jelly and spring rolls. The weather is getting hotter in spring. As locals, everyone likes to eat this.

Girls are relatively reserved. Basically, each bowl of jelly and spring rolls is enough. Boys are different. They treat it as a gluttonous meal. Take Yang Cong as an example. He ate two bowls of jelly and three spring rolls. No wonder she's so fat.

After everyone finished eating, Dong Siying also arranged to give the students a small surprise, each with an ice cream.

"May I have two?" Yang Cong took the ice cream handed over by the staff with his left hand, and asked expectantly.

"Ahem, this, okay, just wait a moment."

After the staff turned around to meet Yang Cong's extra request, Fan Xuexi at the same table teased him, "You are a pig".

"Xuexi, what you said is wrong, you don't eat as much pigs as he does." Before Yang Cong could argue, Deng Min spoke up.

"You...huh, I'm different from you, I don't need to keep a slim figure, boss, oh", Yang Cong always took advantage of this point to fight back, and the effect was not bad every time.

"You're begging for beating again, right?" Fan Xuexi and Deng Min both raised their small fists, but their expressions were a little awkward, as if there was no 300 taels of silver here, and Chen Kangjie was sitting beside him with a smile.

"Fight if you can beat me, and run if you can't beat me." Yang Cong jumped away after being 'beat' out of experience.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. It's a blessing to be able to eat. You see, this guy is chubby, which is a kind of blessing," Chen Kangjie reconciled.

"After a while, you will follow us, so that you will look good," Fan Xuexi pointed at Yang Cong, who was running away, and threatened.

"Puff puff puff", Yang Cong was not only not afraid, he stuck out his tongue and made a grimace.

"Hahaha", Chen Kangjie, Zhang Qiang, and Chu Xiang laughed out loud.

. . . . . .

The morning is for free activities, and the afternoon is for group activities, because the park or Dong Siying has arranged group activities, such as group photos, tug-of-war competitions, sand boarding, climbing "Mount Everest", walking on stilts and so on.

Come out to play, just have a swim, do not play, always seems not so cheerful, so the afternoon, the students are basically spent in group activities, when all the games are over, everyone is sweating profusely in the joy, Except tug-of-war, other games are rarely played by students.

Not all games are competitive. For example, swinging is very peaceful. In southern ethnic areas, swinging is basically the most popular game activity.

"It's time to play, we've already played, now it's time to complete everyone's tasks, just ask if you have any comments." After the tug-of-war competition on the grass, the students sat crookedly on the lawn, and Chen Kangjie stood up to speak.

After Dong Siying appeared for the first time in the morning, and now she appeared again, two staff members took out their notebooks and planned to record the opinions of the students.

"Let me say one thing first, the toilets in our Zhonghua Garden should be marked with directions, otherwise it is so big that you can't find it if you are in a hurry." Yang Cong, who had suffered a lot, was the first to speak.

"This is already under construction, but due to time constraints, there is no time to install the signage," replied the park manager.

"How many toilets are there in our park?" Chen Kangjie also sat down comfortably and asked.

"Four, one each in the east, west, north, and south," the male manager continued to answer.

"Less, I have seen our toilets, each of which can only be provided to 8 tourists, according to this number, there will definitely be queues outside the toilets in the future, I suggest adding some single toilets to spread out, of course, it can be done in style One point, the shape is wrapped with the architectural features of various ethnic groups."

Dong Siying nodded to the recorder and asked them to record Chen Kangjie's words.

"I suggest adding safety protection on Mount Everest. Although this mountain is not high, it may be a simulation effect. It is very steep. I almost fell when I was climbing just now," Pang Yanli suggested.

"It would be even better if there are more masks for the sandboarding. When you slide down from the top, the speed is still very fast. Everyone will scream excitedly, and small sand will rise up and get into their noses." Chen Kangjie, a class one, can't name him The boy suggested.

"I want to say one thing. I heard that many projects in our park are subject to fees. I suggest that all the fees be cancelled, except for food and accommodation fees." Chen Kangjie put forward his own suggestion.

"Jie... Well, in this case, we will be under a lot of pressure, and the annual maintenance fee will be a large sum. If all of them are cancelled, it will be difficult to make a profit." Chen Kangjie is involved in the level of interests, so Dong Siying also has to start from the perspective of work. Come forward and explain.

"I believe you will find a way. Our tourism industry cannot stay in the viewing field..." Chen Kangjie said a long paragraph of what he was thinking.

Not only Dong Siying and the staff listened carefully, but also the students and Teacher Wu Hui listened quietly.

"Okay, let's find a way." Dong Siying understood that there was no room for bargaining.

"I think...".

"I think...".

Later, several students put forward some suggestions based on their own feelings. Although they are not critical, they can help the park to provide better services.

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