At the beginning of May, the strategic oil reserve Zhao Zhibang and Chen Kangjie had discussed was finally approved and approved by the central government, which approved the construction of four bases for the first phase of the project. As for the size of the project, it was up to Chen Kangjie himself to decide.

After receiving Zhao Zhibang's call reply, Chen Kangjie has been working on this matter throughout May.

The establishment of a national strategic oil reserve is a very sensitive matter, especially for Chen Kangjie's identity, so the high-level central government gave a suggestion, that is, the two companies, China Petroleum Import and Export Corporation and China National Petroleum Corporation, will build it in name. A secret document will be issued to recognize Chen Kangjie as the subject and protect his rights.

Regarding this, Chen Kangjie held an indifferent attitude. He did this not for the primary purpose of making money, but more for sharing the country's worries and planning for a rainy day, not to mention it was also out of protection for him.Therefore, Chen Kangjie raised his hands in favor without complaint.

Chen Kangjie knew the scale of the construction, but the location of the construction made Chen Kangjie think hard. He had to consider both commercial interests and strategic significance. In the end, he decided to build two on the coast and two in the interior. It is the China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Company, which has the most experience in China.

According to Chen Kangjie's suggestion and the inspection of China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Company, two underground oil reserve bases with strategic purposes are built at the junction of Panjiang and Shuishan in Qianzhou, where there are huge and good underground caves, as long as they are well protected The measures, pretending to be supporting facilities, can be put into use. One is built in the mountainous area between Beihe and Xishan provinces, one in the south and the other in the north. Both bases store oil underground.

The storage base located in Panjiaying, a small village at the junction of Shuishan and Panjiang, will have an astonishing capacity of 560 million cubic meters after the two caves are connected, and can store 3250 million barrels of oil. The one located in the northern Central Plains mountainous area, A base of 439 million cubic meters will be excavated underground, which is equivalent to 40 oil storage tanks and will store 60 barrels of oil. This is also the most difficult to construct among the four bases.

The other two adopt the method of ground oil storage tanks, one is built near Donghui Port in eastern Guangdong Province, and the other is built in inexplicable located in Jiaodong Peninsula. The one near Donghui Port has 53 large oil storage tanks with a volume of 490 3100 cubic meters, which can store 5 million barrels of oil. The Jiaodong Peninsula has a storage tank with a volume of 1790 cubic meters, which can store 9900 million barrels of oil. A total of [-] million barrels of oil storage capacity.

The two places close to the coast are for commercial purposes. The coast is convenient for transportation, and of course it is also convenient for attack. These two places are economically developed areas, which are convenient for nearby sales.

After Chen Kangjie reported this amount, several bigwigs were taken aback. What is Chen Kangjie doing?Unexpectedly, the amount of storage used is not much less than the current national output. Chen Kangjie remembers that in 02, ten years later, the national oil import volume was only more than 6000 million barrels.So the central leadership will of course be surprised.

For this reason, Wei Zhonghua, who made the final decision, called Chen Kangjie himself to inquire about the matter.

"Actually, you made all the fuss. Didn't you say that you need to look at the problem dynamically? Today's oil consumption is not the consumption in ten years' time," Chen Kangjie responded.

"But isn't that too much?" Wei Zhonghua was still a little worried.

In fact, Chen Kangjie chose to implement this matter this year, which has a symbolic significance. Since 1993, China has changed from an oil exporter to a pure oil importer for the first time, and the annual demand is increasing rapidly. , By the time Chen Kangjie was reborn, the annual import volume had exceeded [-] million barrels.

This is the starting point of Chen Kangjie. His goal is to store oil imports for a year after 15 years, at least to meet domestic needs for four and a half months in special times.

"Not many, but very few. This is a non-renewable resource. The more the better, besides, the Yankees are planning to store more than 4 million barrels of oil in Texas and Louisiana. Are there many?" Chen Kangjie took the example of the United States to illustrate.

What Chen Kangjie mentioned here is that the U.S. strategic oil reserve was only in the 90s. In fact, after 2000, the U.S. increased the national strategic oil reserve to 7.7 million barrels, and also issued related energy laws, requiring the energy minister to raise the strategic oil reserve to 10 million barrels. [-] barrels, I really don't know, it's only after a comparison that I feel that my amount is really pitifully small.Fortunately, Chen Kangjie was reborn, and he will further increase China's reserves to a higher level through his own efforts.

"The United States is the world's largest economy, which we can't compare with. At least we have a big gap now," Wei Zhonghua said.

"Uncle Wei, don't your new generation collectively have the confidence to catch up with economic development?" Chen Kangjie asked like a general.

"This, this, of course there is confidence...".

"Then it's over, don't worry, do you still worry about my plans? I'm just a child at heart," Chen Kangjie confessed.

"Okay, that's it. I'll let the local authorities approve the land." Wei Zhonghua was just asking on behalf of the high-level officials. Anyway, Chen Kangjie was spending money, and the reserve base was in China. Could it be that he was really afraid of something? no?

"Thank you, thank you Uncle Wei."

This matter has been settled in this way, and everything is done in secret. The outside world only knows a little that the Chinese government is building an oil reserve. As for the details, the outside world is almost unknown.In order to promote the separate management of this project, China National Petroleum Import and Export Corporation and China National Petroleum Corporation each recruited a senior executive to serve as a director of the board of directors, and they were specifically in charge of this project. It was recommended by Chen Kangjie and the others. A senior researcher from the Energy Research Institute of Shuimu University and a professor from China University of Petroleum took up this position. Their salaries were paid by Chen Kangjie and they were actually responsible to Chen Kangjie. Of course, Ouyang Zhen was in front of the invisible stage magnificent.

The construction period of the infrastructure is set at two years. The oil storage will start in 1995. The investment cost is 22 billion U.S. dollars. Chen Kangjie can only get 17 billion U.S. dollars in place now, and the remaining 1994 million shortfall can only be made up in 94. In fact, some funds can be withdrawn from Japan in [-] anyway, anyway, let's talk about the construction first.

"Why am I so poor? Now my wallet is bottomed out and I don't even have pocket money," Chen Kangjie called Zhao Zhibang to complain at the end of May.

"Don't cry about being poor all day, do something for the country."

"Why am I crying about being poor? I'm really poor. You may be richer than me. I wish I could split a coin in half and spend all my money." What Chen Kangjie said here may not be a lie.

The poor Chen Kangjie mentioned here mainly refers to cash. When it comes to assets, he is of course very rich.

In the first half of the 90s, it was the peak period of Chen Kangjie’s investment in the industry. Most of the investment had to be made and allocated at this time. With a sharp increase, the competition will become more intense.

"Actually, I can understand that most of these things should be the responsibility of the government, and they are also things we should do. Due to many restrictions, we don't have the strength or are inconvenient to do it, but in the end, it is up to you to make up for it. The country owes you a lot. Your great favor, I think, will be made up to you in the future," Zhao Zhibang said to Chen Kangjie from the bottom of his heart, completely ignoring the political figures and cutscenes.

"There is no need to make amends, I just lose my temper." Hearing that the country will make up for itself in the future, Chen Kangjie can easily think of a cliché, "The people will never forget, the party will never forget you, and the country will never forget you. History will never forget you', and this sentence will often be truly forgotten after a short time, and those who should be sacrificed will still be sacrificed.

"Little ghost, do you think I'm talking nonsense? In fact, we are already making up for you. Otherwise, why would we send soldiers from the Security Bureau to protect you?".

"Oh, don't tell me, I forgot. The last time I was in Nanzhou, I heard that a comrade from the Security Bureau was injured. How is the injury now?".

Chen Kangjie, Tan Jun, and Wang Wei had never met each other. Wang Wei and Tan Jun were picked up as soon as they arrived at the brigade headquarters that day. Now they were secretly protecting Chen Kangjie, replaced by two other people.Chen Kangjie learned the news of Wang Wei's injury while chatting with Nie Yuanzheng. When Zhao Zhibang reminded him, Chen Kangjie remembered that he hadn't told anyone.

"The injury is not serious, and he is being treated in the capital," Zhao Zhibang replied, knowing a little about the situation.

"Well... That's good, Uncle Zhao, I want to discuss something with you," Chen Kangjie said while propping his head and thinking for a while.

"What's the idea? I guess it's not a good thing."

"Hehe, what do you mean it's not a good thing? It's like making me feel bad, that's it, I want to recruit these two people under my command, what do you think?" Chen Kangjie smiled and made his request.

Regarding the people who rescued him twice, Chen Kangjie had never masked his face, and felt a little regretful. His first thought was to express his gratitude to them, but he thought that his defense force was still a little weak, and they had received professional training. Training, and more importantly, reliability, the central government will never allow unreliable people to enter the security station. Among other things, just talking about political review is a lot of checkpoints.

"To be honest, this is out of my control, but I can report your problems."

The Security Bureau is under the management of the General Office, the director of the bureau is the rank of general, and the political commissar is often the director of the General Office. For the convenience of contact and historical compilation reasons, it has been included in the sequence of the Ministry of Public Security as the Ninth Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, but the jurisdiction and command do not belong to the Public Security Bureau. The Ministry, both the army and the police, is a very special force. Therefore, it is not convenient for Zhao Zhibang to intervene, let alone accept it with certainty.

"I believe in you, I'm waiting for your good news." Chen Kangjie was very unrestrained, as if he was sure that there would be no problem.

In fact, it’s not that easy. The duty of the Security Bureau is to protect the country’s leaders. Everyone in it has extraordinary skills and mysterious identities. They are very strict when they go in and out. They usually only work as security guards for the big boss, and they can send people to protect them secretly. Chen Kangjie is already a big exception that the old chief insisted on. It is much more difficult to dig out the people inside than from the national security department. ?

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