rebirth of change

Chapter 487 The Challenge

Chen Kangjie's guess was right, the unruly thing suddenly became a reality, but it was not exactly the same as his idea.

One afternoon in mid-June, Chen Kangjie had just played a game of football with some classmates on the football field. He was sitting in the shade of a tree next to the school playground drinking water and resting when Wang Wei and Tan Jun came.

Playing football is a sport that Chen Kangjie just fell in love with. Before his rebirth, he also played football for a period of time, also when he was in junior high school. But to be honest, his level at that time was just one word. The ball was already out of breath, and it was only a small field, and the footwork was also poor. There could only be a maximum of five bounces, and the only thing that could be managed was the free kick. Upside-down golden hooks, headers, etc., all of them will not work.So at that time, the classmates would only play games with him. If he really played a game, there is no doubt that he would be a substitute role, and he would rarely be sent to the field once a year.

Being reborn, everything is completely different. In terms of physical strength, Chen Kangjie takes second place. No one in the whole school is number one, including the physical education teacher. When he plays big games, Chen Kangjie can take two breaths at most after the whole court.When it comes to kicking skills, Chen Kangjie is currently flexible and quick, and he can do many difficult moves that professional athletes can do.

So when playing football with friends and classmates, everyone likes to be in a team with him. At first it was a fair competition with the same number of people. Later, Chen Kangjie and his team could not be divided into so many people. It had to be five against seven. , or seven against nine.In a word, Chen Kangjie and his team must have two fewer talents than their opponents.Even so, if Chen Kangjie didn't release the water, it would be very difficult for the side with two more people to win.Driven by Chen Kangjie, Yang Cong, Chu Xiang, Zhang Qiang and many other male students fell in love with this game.

Chen Kangjie’s team can always win, and the strength comes from an energy catalyst. Every time Chen Kangjie and his team play on the field, there are always many girls watching the game and cheering for Chen Kangjie’s team. Some are from this class, and some are from other classes of the same grade Yes, some even don't know which grade they are in.

After going to middle school for two years, the mood of the students is not as ignorant and innocent as in elementary school. They began to show off in front of girls, and some even fell in love.

Perhaps, the children don't know what true love is, let alone marriage, but they understand what liking is. For them, liking is a kind of love. Together.

. . . . . .

Chen Kangjie and the others were sitting in the shade drinking water and chatting, but he always felt that someone was staring at him. He felt uncomfortable all over. He raised his head and looked across the field. There were two young men standing there staring at him. Chen Kangjie searched all over his head, but he couldn't find the shadows of these two people, which proved that he didn't know them, but Chen Kangjie's feeling told him that it was these two people who were staring at him.

"Boss, where are you going?" Chen Kangjie stood up and walked out of the shade, Zhang Qiang asked him strangely.

"It's okay, you sit down, I'll come as soon as I go." Chen Kangjie waved back casually without turning his head.

Chen Kangjie walked in front of the two in a cool way, but the other party didn't find it strange at all, and still looked at him so calmly.

"You know me?" Chen Kangjie asked with his head held high.

The other party didn't speak, and the one who answered him just nodded slightly.

This made me wonder, Chen Kangjie was very puzzled, he didn't know the other party, but the other party knew himself, Chen Kangjie never thought that Tan Jun and Wang Wei would come to the school directly to find him.

"Are you here to look for me?" Chen Kangjie continued to ask vigilantly. Although Chen Kangjie could feel that the other party had no malice towards him, it was still unclear whether it was an enemy or a friend.

The other party still didn't speak, and still responded with a nod.

"Then let's talk about it directly. What's the matter? Come on." Chen Kangjie felt that the other party was playing tricks.

The other party did not respond to him with silence, and one of them said: "We were ordered to join you."

"Follow orders? Go to me?" Chen Kangjie scratched his head, not understanding what the other party meant.

"Yes, that's right," Tan Jun and the others continued to maintain a simple style.

Chen Kangjie tilted his head, stared at the two thoughtfully for a while, then pointed at Wang Wei, "Oh, I see, is your injury better?".

"How do you know I was injured?" Wang Wei responded quickly.

"Because this elder brother seems to be in a slightly better spirit than you, hehe, thank you", Chen Kangjie stretched out his hand towards him.

Wang Wei's right hand nestled with Chen Kangjie in such a disobedient way.Judging from Chen Kangjie's questioning and actions, there was no doubt that Tan Jun and the others understood that Chen Kangjie already knew who they were.

"You're welcome, that's our job," Tan Jun replied mechanically.

"Um, um, your work, so when you come this time, does your leader have any requirements for your work?".

"Although we have come to join you, we are under orders. Our work units have not left their posts. The core requirement of the leadership is only one, to protect your safety,...the to obey your arrangements," Tan Jun said fluently and then Said slowly.

"It means that you are still members of the Security Bureau? Is it just under my management temporarily, is it like this?" Chen Kangjie understood the roles of Tan Jun and the others.

"Let's say so."

"Okay, no matter what it is, I'm glad you can come. Do you have a phone?" Chen Kangjie was still very excited that the Central Committee sent the two of them here soon, which was different from Xiong Ziqiang and the others. And it's still certified.

However, it goes without saying that Chen Kangjie also understands that their certificates can only be used in China, and they are useless and unnecessary when they go abroad.

"Yes", Tan Jun took out a handheld phone slightly smaller than the existing big brother from his underwear bag.

"This, why haven't you seen it before?" Chen Kangjie took it and flipped it twice in his hand.

"This is an internal communicator used by field personnel of the national security system," Tan Jun explained.

"No wonder," Chen Kangjie muttered, and then found a way to enter the phone number of Xiong Ziqiang's big brother to call out.

"Jie Shao, what are you using to call me?" Xiong Ziqiang felt strange because the display on his phone showed a string of garbled characters instead of a fixed number.

"Don't worry about this, you have added two new friends, called... What are your names?" Chen Kangjie covered the microphone.

"Tan Jun, Wang Wei", the two reached respectively.

"Yes, one is Tan Jun and the other is Wang Wei. I'll ask them to meet you at the school gate later, and you can make arrangements for them," Chen Kangjie let go of the microphone and continued.

After hanging up the phone, Xiong Ziqiang was in a daze. Two people appeared out of nowhere.

"Ziqiang, what's the matter? You frowned when you hung up Jieshao's call." Pang Hui in front of the car looked at Xiong Ziqiang through the rearview mirror.

"It's nothing, Jie Shao said that our team will add two people."Xiong Ziqiang took a deep breath and replied.

In fact, Xiong Ziqiang was a little worried. He was worried that his position would be replaced, because Chen Kangjie never told him that someone was going to join him. He felt that this was a kind of alienation from Chen Kangjie.

"What background?" Pang Hui asked a question that they were very concerned about as colleagues.

"I don't know," Xiong Ziqiang replied casually. In his vision through the car window, there were two young men with short crew cuts coming out of the campus. From his intuition, Xiong Ziqiang decided that it should be these two people.

Xiong Ziqiang relied on intuition, but Tan Jun and the others did not. Xiong Ziqiang and the others had already been investigated to the bottom, so they walked straight towards them.

"We know your name is Xiong Ziqiang. I am Tan Jun and this is Wang Wei." Tan Jun directly called out the name of Xiong Ziqiang who got out of the car and introduced himself.

"Welcome", Xiong Ziqiang thought that Chen Kangjie had told them his name, so he didn't think it was wrong at all.

"Let's chat in the car. Master Jie hasn't left the school yet. We can't leave for now. I'll arrange your accommodation after I go back later." Xiong Ziqiang extended his hands to the two, revealing some strangeness and Awareness of alertness.

Tan Jun and Wang Wei were not polite either, they opened a car door and sat in. Fortunately, Dong Mingshu had a rest today, and only Pang Hui and Xiong Ziqiang were on duty, so the extra two people could just sit in the car.

"Both brothers, where did you develop before?" Pang Hui asked the two people who got into the car casually.

"Ninth Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security", Tan Jun answered the most official answer, not the Security Bureau, but his answer caused Pang Hui to misunderstand.

"So it used to be the police!" Pang Hui was completely relaxed when he heard that it was the police, and his tone seemed a little contemptuous.

Xiong Ziqiang slapped Pang Hui on the forehead.

"Brother Qiang, why did you shoot me?" Pang Hui touched the top of his head and turned his head inexplicably.

"I told you not to talk nonsense if you don't understand."

"I don't understand what it is. This is not what they call the police. It's from the Ninth Bureau." Pang Hui argued dissatisfied.

"That's right, but they're not ordinary police." Xiong Ziqiang obviously knew what the Ninth Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security meant. As a leader, he needed to know more about the information.

"Isn't it an ordinary police? Is that very powerful?"

"It can only be said to be average," Tan Jun said modestly.

The more modest Tan Jun was, the more Pang Hui felt that they were proud. In fact, they also have the capital of pride. Back then Li Lianjie's "Zhongnanhai Bodyguard" made this mysterious team subject to infinite desire and speculation.Although it is a commercial film, it also reflects from the side that this group is indeed quite extraordinary.

"Brother, since they are all from the disciplined army, how about we find a time and let's practice?" Before the soldiers, especially among the troops, there was this habit and mentality of fighting for strength, so Pang Hui I want to know if they are really as unusual as Xiong Ziqiang said, maybe he wants to save the other party's face and maintain his status as an "old man" in this team.

"OK". ?

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