It was when Chen Kangjie met Xiong Ziqiang and the others at the gate of the community at night that he learned that Pang Hui had challenged Tan Jun and the others.Because Tan Jun and Wang Wei just came, let them prepare their lives first, and did not perform the task.

"Brother Qiang, is this your default?" Chen Kangjie looked at Xiong Ziqiang playfully.

"This...hehehe, it counts," Xiong Ziqiang felt a little embarrassed.

"I know your little temper, be careful, they are very difficult to deal with." Chen Kangjie actually wanted to know the strength of the two of them.

After Pang Hui made the challenge request that day, Xiong Ziqiang did not stop it, but acquiesced that Xiong Ziqiang could not take the initiative to propose it, so he took the opportunity to touch Tan Jun's bottom by the way, and also to maintain his position.

"You don't object?" Xiong Ziqiang thought that Chen Kangjie would object, but he didn't expect Chen Kangjie to support it.

"Why should I object? It's good for colleagues to learn from each other and help improve. But, be careful, don't hurt your friendship," Chen Kangjie exhorted.

"Of course", Xiong Ziqiang answered very frankly, and he was not against the enemy, of course he knew how to measure.

"By the way, you are responsible for the two of them, and you are their captain." Chen Kangjie will not take special care of Tan Jun and Wang Wei just because they came from the Security Bureau. Chen Kangjie would never discard it no matter what.

"Okay", Xiong Ziqiang nodded vigorously, looking a little excited, which showed that Chen Kangjie did not mean to alienate him at all.

If Pang Hui and the others want to compete, it’s a bit difficult. The venue is not easy to solve. Mengting Group has only one hotel under construction in Liuzhou. There is a fitness center in it, but it has not been repaired yet. The school playground is not suitable, and it is in the park. , There were many tourists, it was too ostentatious, and later I chose to stay in the Chinese Garden. Anyway, it is not open to the public, just find an open place. For this challenge, the commissioning and construction in the Chinese Garden stopped for a long time.Because I don't want anyone watching.

"Let me make it clear first that we are all colleagues, and we can learn from each other as soon as possible. Don't get hurt. Our purpose is to enhance understanding and progress," Chen Kangjie said standing among them.

"Jie Shao, this is for sure, oh", Pang Hui said carelessly, and the last "oh" was directed at Tan Jun and the others.

Pang Hui was considered a good player when he was in the special forces, so he was somewhat confident. He didn't quite believe that Tan Jun and the others would be so good.In fact, Tan Jun and the others were originally selected from the army, one in a thousand, one in a thousand.

"That's natural," Tan Jun echoed.

"Our sparring is divided into three rounds, the first round of punching, the second round of shooting, and the third round of speed competition. I will be the referee. Do you have any questions?" Chen Kangjie continued.



"Okay, since there are no problems, let's start the first match, fist and kick, there is no doubt that this is Tan Jun, so which one of you will come first?" Chen Kangjie knew that Wang Wei had just recovered from his injury, so the fist and kick match would directly He filtered it out, so as not to touch the wound and relapse.

Although it is a point to stop, physical bumps and bumps are inevitable.

"I'll do it," Pang Hui stepped forward and said loudly.

The challenge was issued by Pang Hui, and of course it is duty-bound and obligatory.

Everyone is wearing white sportswear today, looking very casual, including Chen Kangjie.

Tan Jun and Pang Hui walked to Chen Kangjie's left and right sides. They didn't clasp their fists like those knights, but just nodded.

Chen Kangjie stretched out his right hand, like a decent referee, cut from the air between the two, "Start".

If there were other audiences, they would think that the two would attack each other like a storm at the command of Chen Kangjie, but the fact is that the two of them did not move, they just stared at each other without blinking.Don't look at Pang Hui's carelessness at ordinary times, but he is not like this during the battle, he is completely devoted to it.

The surrounding air seemed to be at a standstill. Following the aura emanating from the two, a strong air pressure was generated. Suddenly, the two moved at the same time, like a thunder in the clear sky.

Both of them punched each other with the long fists of the military boxing at the same time, and the two fists collided in the air with a "boom", fortunately they were naked, otherwise sparks would have been hit.

Rebounded by the strength, both of them took half a step back. On the surface, the two were close to each other, but careful people would notice that Pang Hui's arms were trembling.

Tan Jun's body was not balanced yet, so he squatted down and swept his legs. Pang Hui spread his legs apart, and there was a direct confrontation. Tan Jun's calf accurately kicked Pang Hui's left calf.Pang Hui probably had to go all out, resisting the pain in his left foot, raised his right foot and swept out, but was blocked by Tan Jun's left arm.

Tan Jun blocked the attack of Pang Hui's right foot with his left arm. When the opponent used his foot, he used his hand, one uppercut and another, and hit the side of Pang Hui's knee. The two of them dodged again.

The two punched each other with no fancy at all. So far, Pang Hui has suffered a little loss.

It only took more than a second to take a breath, and the two of them fought with each other again. Tan Jun received a slap on the shoulder for a while, and Pang Hui received a punch in the waist for a while.In the end, the two fell to the ground hugging their bodies, and kicked each other straight up. With this move, both sides kicked each other in the chest and separated again.

"Stop, it's okay, both of you have good skills, if you continue, it won't be good." In the previous fight, everyone avoided each other's face. , If you continue, it will be out of control.

Tan Jun sat on the grass and spread his hands, expressing that he didn't care. He accepted Chen Kangjie's opinion, but Pang Hui was a little unconvinced, "Mr. Jie, it hasn't been decided yet."

"You guys are discussing each other, not a competition," Chen Kangjie said, looking at Pang Hui with a dissatisfied face.

"Okay, what does it mean that the winner has not yet been decided? Don't get cheap and act like a good boy. Tan Jun didn't use all his strength at all, and at most it was [-]%." Xiong Ziqiang, who stood quietly watching from the side, had clear eyesight.

There is another factor, that is, Chen Kangjie has personally confirmed Xiong Ziqiang's status. Tan Jun and Wang Wei's work is also arranged by him, and he is regarded as his subordinate. A bowl of water is level.

"You can't say that, although it will be difficult for Pang Hui to win, but it will not be so easy for me to completely defeat him in a short time." Tan Jun said this to take care of Pang Hui's face, which is actually an admission in disguise It's true that he didn't use all his strength, but it didn't embarrass him when he heard the words in Pang Hui's ears.

"Okay, let's shoot. You two just played a game, so you don't need to participate," Chen Kangjie made a decision.

"Jie Shao, how does this shoot compare?" Qian Degui asked from the sidelines.

"Well, I believe that everyone's marksmanship is not too bad. I have two fresh apples here. Agui, come, put him on the concrete platform 50 meters away, and shoot him with your own guns. In ", Chen Kang outstanding a way.

For pistols, the distance within 30 meters is relatively easy to grasp the accuracy. Once it exceeds 30 meters, it is difficult to control. If it is 50 meters, it basically reaches the edge of the pistol, and it is extremely difficult to control the hit rate.

Qian Degui took the two glowing red half-sized apples that Chen Kangjie took out. When they went out in the morning, they saw Chen Kangjie take the two apples and thought they were for him to eat, but they turned out to be competition tools.

Since Tan Jun couldn't play, the shooting was replaced by Wang Wei. Fortunately, the shooting was not very confrontational, and there was no problem for Wang Wei at all. Besides, he has basically recovered.The one who replaced Pang Hui here was Dong Mingshu. Xiong Ziqiang wanted to go out on his own before, but Chen Kangjie's words made him give up that idea. If he doesn't go out, then the communication between subordinates must be harmonious. Many, if he is out, it will have a sense of xenophobia.

The two came out, stood beside Chen Kangjie and took out their own guns.

What happened in Nanzhou, Xiong Ziqiang and their guns were all confiscated, and they didn’t want to come back later, but after returning to Qianzhou, Ouyang Zhenhua got a few Italian Berettas from a European company. 1985 The silver-black Beretta 9/pistol developed in 9 is also widely used in the U.S. military, but it has been renamed the M[-] pistol.

Wang Wei's gun is all black and smaller in size. The Austrian Glock company successfully developed a unique 9mm pistol at the request of the military.This kind of pistol adopts the simple seat of synthetic material, simple in structure, light in weight, named Glock 17 pistol.Because this kind of gun is very small, it has strong concealment when worn on the body, and is suitable for guards like them.However, the power will not affect the power if the gun becomes smaller. It is one of the famous guns in the world.

In special departments, the guns used do not have to be the same as the standard weapons of the army. They can choose their own guns according to their mission characteristics and preferences.

"Are you ready?" Chen Kangjie asked.

"All right".

"No problem," they both replied.

After receiving their answers, Chen Kangjie pushed it out, seven or eight meters away from their positions.

Both Dong Mingshu and Wang Wei checked the guns, pushed and loaded them, and they stood in the same posture, with their legs separated one after the other. The only difference was that Dong Mingshu held the gun with both hands, while Wang Wei held it with one hand.

Close your left eye, and the straight gun is right in front of your open right eye. After aiming, both of them took a deep breath calmly. Within two seconds, two gunshots were fired one after another. The two lovely apples were smashed to pieces in an instant, and the sharp-eyed Chen Kangjie could even see the impactful flying of the apple crumbs.

"Papa papa", the crowd watching the battle came up clapping their hands.

"This game is an obvious draw. Both of them are good players. They can be called sharpshooters. Hey, it's a pity that I lost two apples and I can't eat them anymore." Chen Kangjie humorously said contradictory words. ?

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