rebirth of change

Chapter 495 To Be a Director

"Xiaojie, will you really stay in Hong Kong for more than half a month this time?" In He Wanrong's villa, he seemed very happy and excited when he heard that Chen Kangjie would stay for such a long time.

Alone as a stranger in a foreign land, although it is not a festive season, it is still very comfortable to have a relative to accompany you for a period of time, at least you can speak the local dialect to relieve some inexplicable nostalgia.

"Of course it's true," Chen Kangjie smiled as he looked at this increasingly feminine god-sister.

"That's great, tell me what you want to eat, my sister will make it for you!", He Wanrong wished to kiss Chen Kangjie a big mouthful, if no outsiders were present.

"Tch, do you think I'm here to beg for food? I'm not a pig, old lady, don't use food every time to show that you're okay?" Chen Kangjie is delicious and has a big appetite, which is well known to those who are familiar with him Yes, but Chen Kangjie doesn't seem to like people to value his ability.

"Haha, it's a blessing to be able to eat", He Wanrong didn't feel disobedient about Chen Kangjie's complaints, but took pride in it.

"Xiaojie, what are you doing in Hong Kong? You don't stay at home every day, do you?" Ouyang Zhenhua asked.

Chen Kangjie will go to the United States with Ouyang Zhenhua. This is communicated with Ouyang Zhenhua, but after staying in Hong Kong for such a long time, Ouyang Zhenhua does not know. He does not understand why Chen Kangjie has the leisure to spend so long in Hong Kong .

"Hehe, study", Chen Kangjie replied slyly.

"Study? Where to study? Hong Kong University or Chinese University?" Tan Meiyun interjected and asked.

"It's neither the University of Hong Kong nor the Chinese University, but Feiyang Entertainment," Chen Kangjie confided, shaking his head.

"You don't want to learn specific company management and governance, do you? It's a temporary job exercise?" He Wanrong asked him strangely.

"What and what? I'm not very interested in that, Brother Ouyang, didn't I ask you the day before yesterday what Liu Weiqiang is doing recently?" Chen Kangjie brought up the old story again.

"Yeah, he's starting to shoot a new movie called... oh, what's the name?" Ouyang Zhenhua didn't remember the name of the movie for a moment.

"Isn't it called "Level [-] Alert?" As a member of Feiyang Entertainment, He Wanrong naturally knew more about these specific matters than Ouyang Zhenhua.

"That's right, this is "Level [-] Alert", and the filming has just started."

"That's the best. This is what I want to learn," Chen Kangjie said happily.

"Xiaojie, are you going to act in a movie? But I heard that the roles are already full." He Wanrong sat down beside Chen Kangjie excitedly, and grabbed his hand.

"It's okay, if you want to make a cameo appearance, just tell Wen Xuan about it, I believe it's not difficult," Ouyang Zhenhua, as the top manager besides Chen Kangjie, said with a big air, he has the confidence to say such a thing.

"What's the matter? Who said I'm going to act in a cameo? I'm just that vulgar? Now I'm not interested in acting." Chen Kangjie's meaning was obviously guessed wrong.

"Wait, what is vulgar? According to you, if I act in a movie, it's just... so what, vulgar?" He Wanrong caught Chen Kangjie's speech and went into a rage.

"It doesn't mean that, it doesn't mean that, it's technical content, technical content, what I want to learn is more technical directors, not acting", Chen Kangjie corrected his language mistakes with a smile.

"What? You want to be a director?" Everyone except Chen Kangjie stared at Chen Kangjie and asked with one voice.

"Yes, I just learned to be a director. This is my official role in the entertainment circle," Chen Kang explained solemnly.

"Boom", a strange silent sound resonated in everyone's hearts,

They never imagined that Chen Kangjie planned to be a director and entered the entertainment circle as his official identity. Director is a highly skilled profession that requires a lot of enthusiasm, high artistic accomplishment, and personalized Imagination, performance and artistic taste, in addition to rich life experience, distinct political orientation, sense of justice and high level of thought.Chen Kangjie is so young, does he have these conditions?At this time, everyone will inevitably have a big question mark.

Chen Kangjie had written and sung songs before, but that was not considered as his official entry into the entertainment circle. He wrote songs behind the scenes, and sang for fun. He added two songs to He Wanrong's album alone, which is not considered a real entry .

"Don't be like this, you guys are staring at me like this, I feel very uncomfortable, you are just a director, what's the fuss! Everyone is staring at a thief", Chen Kangjie was really restless by their staring, and he was not monster.

But he is really regarded as a monster. Although Chen Kangjie has created countless exceptions and miracles, every time he wants to create a new miracle, it will inevitably cause surprise and shock. The miracles he wants to write are greatly improved. beyond his age range.

"No, no, you're joking with us, right?" He Wanrong reconfirmed, keeping her expression down.

"I never joke about things other than life."

"Xiaojie, then you will be shooting a movie next, right?" Tan Meiyun quickly recovered from her surprise.

Tan Meiyun knew more about Chen Kangjie's secrets than He Wanrong, and he was on the outside, so he recovered the fastest. Compared with Chen Kangjie's past miracles, being a director doesn't seem too outrageous. Creating history is also different. Anyway, in her opinion, there are too many mysteries about Chen Kangjie, too many mysteries of writing and rewriting history.

"Hehe, maybe", Chen Kangjie's answer was ambiguous.

Chen Kangjie's answer awakened Ouyang Zhenhua. He immediately thought of Chen Kangjie's works as a writer. In addition to writing novels, Jie Shao also wrote some movie scripts, and those scripts had American Fox, MGM, etc. The company asked to buy it, but Chen Kangjie was unmoved. No matter how much he bid, he would not sell it at all. Could it be for his own preparation?

"Hehe, Xiao Jiema must be extraordinary. It is definitely a big production. If it doesn't make a name, it will be a blockbuster. I am looking forward to it with passion." He has read all the scripts written by Chen Kangjie, and none of them are simple. If someone can present the story in the script, it must be exciting, and of course, the investment will not be low.

"One day, I really hope you will donate generously," Chen Kangjie said playfully.

"Absolutely fully support, give what you want, as long as you can make a good movie", Ouyang Zhenhua seemed very generous to his boss.

"Don't praise him so highly now, he is still a rookie who doesn't know anything about making movies," He Wanrong said with concern as a family member.

"Xiaojie is not an ordinary person, he is a genius. Besides, can't he still learn? Xiaojie is going to learn from Liu Weiqiang to be a director. By the way, wait a minute, I will make arrangements, Xiaojie will go now I can't wait to study," said Ouyang Zhenhua about to stand up.

"Hey, hey, can you not be so anxious, no matter how urgent you are, don't be in a hurry at this moment. Could it be that you let Xiaojie go now? How can he say that he just arrived in Hong Kong, is there anyone like you who is the boss?", He Wanrong defended Chen Kangjie with concern.

"Hey, look at me, I want to watch Xiaojie's movie like this", Ouyang Zhenhua sat down again with some embarrassment.

"You, you", the lady next to Ouyang Zhenhua smiled and poked Ouyang Zhenhua. Obviously, she also supported He Wanrong's opinion. No matter how you say it, women's love is more overflowing than men's.

"Yes, tonight I'm treating guests to a French dinner. It's a way of welcoming Xiaojie and wishing him a great film director." Ouyang Zhenhua hurriedly resorted to bribery.

"Very good, let's kill him tonight", Chen Kangjie never let go of the opportunity to play the autumn wind.

"Didn't you just object to expressing it by eating?" He Wanrong protested Chen Kangjie's favoritism.

"Be ruthless when eating other people's food, and be sparing when eating your own. We are a family," Chen Kangjie immediately flattered him.

But while his words please one side, they are destined to offend one side.

"How can I hear this..."

"Okay, brother Ouyang, don't say anything, I was wrong, I'll treat you tonight, is this the head office?" Chen Kangjie's reaction was quick, but in the end he didn't take advantage of it, and instead lost money by himself.

That night, Chen Kangjie and the others had a big meal at a French restaurant called burgundy in Central. This is a high-end restaurant that only serves a small number of high-end customers. Authentic, the wine they provide is not the familiar brand from Bordeaux, but the Loire red wine from some small wineries. Chen Kangjie and the others chose a bottle of Misdale, which is very popular among outsiders. Little do you know, the annual output is only a thousand bottles.

This meal cost Chen Kangjie about [-] Hong Kong dollars, which is really worth the money. Whether it is red wine chicken, escargot, steak, lobster, pan-fried sorrel fish or French onion soup, they are all very delicious.

Tan Jun and Wang Wei traveled together as Chen Kangjie's bodyguards for the first time this time, and they also enjoyed a high-quality treatment. Although their travel expenses were adequate before, they were definitely not up to the level of boldness, and the government is still relatively difficult. It is impossible to provide them with a fee to eat French meals in such a restaurant, not to mention them, even the field personnel of the intelligence department are not particularly well-off for the time being.

After returning from the restaurant that night, Ouyang Zhenhua contacted Liu Weiqiang and told him in advance that Master Jie would visit the set the next day. Moreover, the purpose of naming Master Jie was to learn how to be a director.

The reason why Liu Weiqiang was able to come to Feiyang Entertainment to be a freelance director was due to Chen Kangjie's discovery, so Chen Kangjie wanted to learn from him as a director, so he agreed without hesitation, and decided to generously give him the position of assistant director. I really believe that Chen Kangjie would really want to be a director at such a young age. Giving this position is both flattering and grateful. ?

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