rebirth of change

Chapter 496 First touch

The next day, I rode Ouyang Zhenhua's luxurious Bentley to the set. During the day, we shot indoor scenes, showing the male protagonist's family life, including a short sex scene between the male protagonist and his wife.The male number one is Liang Chaowei, who is already well-known.

Chen Kangjie did not come alone, Ouyang Zhenhua, Tan Meiyun and He Wanrong all accompanied him.

In the not-so-spacious room, there were shooting tools everywhere, and the staff walked around, looking very messy, but also very energetic and enthusiastic.

Perhaps Liu Weiqiang had greeted him beforehand, and the crew members were not too surprised by the arrival of the big boss Ouyang Zhenhua and the big star He Wanrong. They still performed their duties. Perhaps many people did not know the identity of Ouyang Zhenhua.Only Liu Weiqiang brought the male number one Liang Chaowei to greet them.

"Wei Zi, let me introduce you. This is our big boss, Mr. Ouyang Zhenhua, and this is her wife, Ms. Tan. I don't think there is any need to introduce this one. Ms. He should know her." Liu Weiqiang said I like the actor Liang Chaowei very much, so I will introduce him alone.

In reality, Liang Chaowei is a person who doesn't talk much, nor is he lively. He is not as funny as Ouyang Feng in "East and West". Good", even somewhat dull.

Before Liu Weiqiang introduced Chen Kangjie, he spoke first by himself: "I admire Brother Liang's acting skills, especially your eyes, which are very deep, very attractive and lethal. I don't know if people say that the melancholy eyes are you. so".

"Thank you, thank you, I'm overwhelmed." To Chen Kangjie's praise, Liang Chaowei actually seemed a little embarrassed, and just thanked him humbly.

"Wei Zi, this is our new assistant director, Chen...", the introduction of Chen Kangjie is a small problem for most people. Liu Weiqiang doesn't know whether to call him by his first name or Mr. Chen Fortunately, Chen Kangjie took the conversation by himself.

"I, Chen Kangjie, just call me Xiaojie."

Liang Chaowei sized Chen Kangjie up and down, and had a question, is this the assistant director?

In order to enter the professional state, Chen Kangjie specially chose a more mature Armani yellow open collar shirt and a pair of black Italian calfskin shoes. Before going out, He Wanrong said that he looked like a young man, he looked at least seventeen or eighteen years old.It's just that even at the age of seventeen or eighteen, in Liang Chaowei's opinion, serving as an assistant director is still far beyond his understanding.

"Although Brother Liu gave me such a false job, I don't understand anything, and I hope you will support and help me a lot." Seeing Liang Chaowei looking at him like that, Chen Kangjie is familiar with the other party's psychology at this time, so he lowered his identity first. .

"You are polite, you are polite", Liang Chaowei may also feel that he is a little rude, so he forced a little smile.

"Can you go back? Here, you are in the way, affecting our work." Chen Kangjie quickly entered the state, turned and said to the unrelated personnel Ouyang Zhenhua and the others.

"Hehe, let's take a look and learn." Ouyang Zhenhua smiled. He really wanted to see how Chen Kangjie devoted himself to work.

"What's there to see? I'm short on time. Let's go back quickly and go shopping with the two ladies." Chen Kangjie turned around and pushed Ouyang Zhenhua away as he spoke.

"Xiaojie, are you really here alone?" He Wanrong turned around and asked with concern.

"I'm not alone. Brother Qiang and the others are all outside. Sister, please go away. I'm ashamed to work even if you are here."

"Wanrong, let's go, let's not disturb Director Chen here, hehe, if you want to see Director Chen's movie soon, you must give him time to study as soon as possible", Tan Meiyun smiled and persuaded He Wanrong, and teased Chen Kangjie by the way.

"Okay, okay, let's go, by the way, will I pick you up after work or leave the driver behind?" Ouyang Zhenhua asked.

"No need, the roads in Hong Kong are already in Agui's mind, we can drive back by ourselves, as long as there are two cars downstairs." Chen Kangjie put away his hand to push them out.

When they came in just now, there were no crowds watching. The staff members just took a second look at most. Later, they pushed and shouted, which made many staff members stop their work and pay attention.

"Okay, then come back early, Director Liu, I'll leave Xiaojie to you, you have to help me take good care of him." Before leaving, Ouyang Zhenhua urged Liu Weiqiang again.

"Mr. Ouyang, it's okay, I will take care of it." Liu Weiqiang could only nod respectfully and agree to the boss's boss's explanation.

After Ouyang Zhenhua and the others left, Liu Weiqiang arranged a seat for Chen Kangjie, right next to him, so that Chen Kangjie could see the whole process clearly.

"Everyone is at your place, ready to start shooting the third scene of "Level [-] Alert". The light on the right should be brighter, and the reflective screen should not be too close. Okay, that's it. The actors are in place, and the camera is ready. Get up and step into your role and command the audience. <", following Liu Weiqiang's order, Liang Chaowei and an actress Chen Kangjie didn't know—playing Liang Chaowei's girlfriend, began to perform.

"Honey, I don't want you to do this," the actress said charmingly, sitting on the bed, wearing only a nightgown.

"You think I like it? I'm in the rivers and lakes, I can't help myself." Liang Chaowei stood in front of the wardrobe, took off his coat, and replied to his "girlfriend".

"Then when you leave, when can we meet again?" the actress said while tugging at the hem of her skirt.

"Cut", Chen Kangjie was watching seriously, Liu Weiqiang stood up dissatisfied from the cloth chair and shouted.

"Director, what's going on?" Liang Chaowei and the actress walked up to Liu Weiqiang.

"Sara, what did you do? When you say this line, you have to look up at him, otherwise how can the camera capture your sad expression and express the pain of your parting?" Liu Weiqiang said to the woman The actor reprimanded dissatisfied.

"Director, I'm sorry, I must pay attention." After the start, Liu Weiqiang returned to his seat and sat down, staring at the display screen on the small table in front of him.

Chen Kangjie folded his arms, didn't ask or say anything, just observing the surrounding scene.

Liang Chaowei and the others returned to their positions and repeated the performance just now. When the performance got emotional, Liang Chaowei took off only a white tight vest and a pair of floral shorts, turned around and stared at his "girlfriend" After watching for a while, as Liang Chaowei turned around, the camera position was adjusted accordingly.

Suddenly, Liang Chaowei rushed towards the actress, pushed the actress onto the soft pink bed, and started a lingering French kiss. The two sides stroked each other's body, and the actress began to lift Liang Chaowei's vest.Chen Kangjie, the "assistant director" and director Liu Weiqiang did not watch the scene, but stared at the screen to see the effect of the camera shooting. However, Chen Kangjie always felt that there was a problem, but he couldn't clearly know where the problem was. .

"Director, it will appear that their lingering is not enough!", the photographer argued.

"This is not to reflect their lingering, the point is to highlight the pain before the parting, because at this moment of parting, life and death are unknown. Although they are making out, their hearts should be bitter, and it should be shown on their faces. How about this, you come down, I will shoot this scene, Xiaojie, you stare", Liu Weiqiang said as he rolled up his sleeves and was about to get on the camera seat.

"Okay," Chen Kangjie responded instinctively with a nod.

Liu Weiqiang went up to the camera position, adjusted the tilt of the camera, and then leaned his eyes up, and the staff took their positions, but after waiting for a while, the filming did not start.

"Xiaojie, let's start. You are the director now." Liu Weiqiang leaned on the camera and didn't hear the instructions for a long time. Then he remembered that Chen Kangjie was a super novice who had just started, and raised his head to point him out.

Before Liu Weiqiang became a director, he was an excellent photographer. When he held the camera handle, his role immediately changed to that of a videographer.

"Oh, oh", Chen Kangjie replied a little nervously. <".

After shouting, Chen Kangjie sat in the director's seat before Liu Weiqiang, admiring the masterpiece of Liu's photography.

Indeed, as he said, the picture that Chen Kangjie saw on the monitor was a little different from before, the distance was closer, the picture was larger, and the expressions of the actors, especially when Liang Chaowei turned sideways, the expression on the right side of his face was very clear. The intimacy is very devoted, but the brows are always furrowed, which shows that his heart is very tangled and painful. There is a line of clear tears in the corner of the actress's eyes and stays down the ears. The crystal teardrops are very bright. And the unpredictability of the future is undoubtedly expressed through this teardrop.

If Chen Kangjie is the director, then he must be satisfied with this scene. He has never read the script, but through the lines, Chen Kangjie knows that this is a scene where an affectionate quack has to part with his beloved girlfriend because of external threats.

"Cut", Liu Weiqiang turned his eyes away from the camera and looked up, returning to his director role.

Liu Weiqiang walked down from the camera seat, stood bent over in front of the display screen, turned the previous shot backwards, watched it for himself, and raised his head: "Prepare for the next scene, this one is over." It seems that Liu Weiqiang and Like Chen Kangjie, he is satisfied with the current picture.

The staff acted again, changed the scene, and prepared to shoot the next scene. . . . . . ?

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