On the first day Chen Kangjie came into contact with filming, he experienced a total of three scenes. During this period, Chen Kangjie has been observing how Liu Weiqiang arranges the whole work, including when he is lecturing to the actors, Chen Kangjie listens quietly and observes silently It seems that before the shooting, director Liu Weiqiang already had a high-definition movie in his mind. He paid attention to the color of the background, the intensity of the lighting, the costumes of the actors, and even the decoration of the utensils.

There is a scene that impressed Chen Kangjie deeply, that is, after he was reborn, he saw a woman's naked body for the first time. When Liang Chaowei and the actress were filming a sex scene, in order to reflect the realism, the actress stripped naked, but Because all the benefits were taken by Liang Chaowei---he pressed the actress's body tightly, so the sensitive parts were not seen.

This female artist with a beautiful figure and a sexy figure is not at all embarrassed to expose her body in front of everyone. I really don't know whether to say that she is dedicated or should look down on her.At the scene, there were more than a dozen male and female staff members, and everyone didn’t leave any complaints because they could see good-looking ones. It's not surprising, it's quite plain, but Chen Kangjie, who is in the critical stage of puberty, is a little hot, but that's all.This is what impressed Chen Kangjie deeply.

Compared with the busy director Liu Weiqiang, Chen Kangjie, an assistant director with only eyes and ears, seems more relaxed and not so tired.

At noon, the film crew had to order box lunches. As the real big boss, Chen Kangjie did not specialize. He was born at the bottom, so he was quite adapted to this simple life. He picked up box lunches and ate with everyone. A film crew is a For the team, if Chen Kangjie wants to show his identity or promote the bad habit of being pampered, he will be out of touch with everyone, and it will not be easy to integrate into it.

During meals, Chen Kangjie will also chat with Liu Weiqiang, photographers, lighting engineers, etc., and will talk about work, but more about life and society, which will help Chen Kangjie to increase distance and understanding with everyone , Moreover, this kind of distance will be drawn from the heart.For Chen Kangjie, an assistant director who appeared out of nowhere, everyone was a little wait-and-see and curious at first, but after chatting with Chen Kangjie, they didn't think it was so outrageous.

It is true, even if Chen Kangjie passed plagiarism, he is still half a screenwriter and has written several scripts, so he still has his own ideas on the understanding of the story, plus his more than [-] years of social experience Feeling, naturally there will not be too much deviation.

After work is over, the staff all go home to rest by themselves. It is inevitable that they will go to Lan Kwai Fong for a drink to relieve fatigue and enjoy the nightlife in Hong Kong. Get up, and there's a street shootout scene to shoot at 5:[-] in the morning.

When Chen Kangjie and the others returned to the villa, even in Hong Kong in the summer, the sun had completely set.

"Xiaojie, are you hungry? We cooked a lot of dishes, let's eat!" As soon as Chen Kangjie entered, He Wanrong showed a sister's love for her younger brother.

On the long table in the restaurant, there were more than a dozen dishes, all covered with small silver lids.

"I'm really hungry, wow, it's so rich and delicious!" Chen Kangjie walked quickly to the dining table, lifted two lids, grabbed a piece of stewed beef with his hands and threw it into his mouth, and praised.

"Hey, you haven't washed your hands yet." He Wanrong was happy to be praised, but she was also dissatisfied with Chen Kangjie's unhygienic behavior, so she slapped Chen Kangjie's hand.

"Hey, isn't this why I can't help but be attracted by the delicious food you made?" Chen Kangjie didn't care about He Wanrong's criticism, and smirked.

"Xiaojie, you must have gained a lot today, right?" Ouyang Zhenhua and Tan Meiyun stood up from the sofa in the living room and walked over.

Ouyang Zhenhua and Tan Meiyun did not go back to their home, they are also waiting for Chen Kangjie to come back, as long as Chen Kangjie is in Hong Kong, they will always spend as much time with him as possible, usually not much time together, this is not only because of Chen Kangjie It's the boss, but I like him more. For example, this meal was cooked by Tan Meiyun and He Wanrong.

When he first entered the room, Chen Kangjie was indeed a little hungry, so when he heard that there was something delicious, he walked through the living room to the dining room, not having time to say hello to Ouyang Zhenhua and his wife.Everyone eats box lunch at noon, which is fine, but it doesn't mean that Chen Kangjie is full. One is that the taste doesn't quite match, and the other is that the quantity is not enough.At the time, he didn't think much of it, but after doing the work, his stomach growled.

"The harvest is indeed not small, it seems that directing is really not a job that can be done casually", Chen Kangjie hurried to the bathroom to wash his hands after leaving a word.

Watching Chen Kangjie walk into the bathroom, the people outside look at me and I look at you.

"There are too many things to learn. Everyone has a different style. A director has a director's style, a photographer has his own style, and different actors have different characteristics. Artists, including artists, will pursue his style. The director has to combine the styles of many people. It is not easy to combine the characteristics to fit the image of a play," Chen Kangjie said as he opened the bathroom door and walked out.

"It's not easy, learn slowly. Since you are hungry, eat quickly, otherwise it will be really cold. In this hot day, you can't let it go too much." He Wanrong took Chen Kangjie to a chair and sat down.

Ouyang Zhenhua and his wife didn't want to solicit, so they opened a chair and sat down politely. Everyone is so familiar. When Chen Kangjie was not in Hong Kong, they would often eat together, so it was very casual.

Chen Kangjie didn't talk about his first day's work after that, he took the bowls and chopsticks prepared by the servant, and started to eat freely. At home and in front of acquaintances, he never cared about his image. The three people at the table usually don’t eat very much, but every time they eat at the same table with Chen Kangjie, under his leadership, they can eat more than usual, maybe it’s like the saying “more people rushing to eat is delicious” It will increase appetite." As for Chen Kangjie's bodyguards, the servants will prepare delicious food for them, and He Wanrong's manager Situ Yu and assistant Zheng Peipei went to greet them.

For the four of them, the food was already too much, but when they finished eating, there were still seven or eight eight dishes wiped out on the plate.

"This meal is so full, Sister Meiyun, is it due to you too?" Putting down the bowls and chopsticks, Chen Kangjie touched his belly.

"Have you tasted it?".

"That tofu, Jiulong tofu, your hometown dish, if it weren't for you, I believe Miss Wanrong would not be able to make such a dish."

"I'm just helping Wanrong, but her cooking skills are getting better and better."

"Xiaojie, let's go, go drink some tea, I'll make Kung Fu tea for you, so you don't get greasy." He Wanrong and Tan Meiyun both did something, so Ouyang Zhenhua had to show something.

Among the close friends around Chen Kangjie, Ouyang Zhenhua is the best at brewing Kung Fu tea, and they all especially like green tea, Longjing.

"Okay, take it easy, I have to go to bed early," Chen Kangjie got up and followed Ouyang Zhenhua to the living room.

"Are you tired today? Go to bed so early." Chen Kangjie usually doesn't mention going to bed so early. Ouyang Zhenhua felt a little abnormal, thinking that Chen Kangjie was tired after being an "associate director" for a day.

"I'm not tired enough, but I have to get up in the middle of the night, and there's still a scene in the morning." Chen Kangjie handed the tea pot beside the sofa to Ouyang Zhenhua.

"Are you going to film in the morning? What did this Liu Weiqiang do? You have to get enough sleep!" He Wanrong ordered the servants to clear the table, and came over arm in arm with Tan Meiyun, just in time to hear Chen Kangjie's words.

"I can't blame Liu Weiqiang for this. You should know that you have made movies. Isn't it all like this? Some scenes were filmed at that time. Other staff and actors have no objections. As an apprentice, it is even more impossible for me to have objections." Chen Kangjie turned his head to look at the two beauties behind him, and defended Liu Weiqiang, Chen Kangjie had a better grasp of his role.

"But how old are you? When you officially grow up." He Wanrong was completely out of concern for Chen Kangjie.

"Hey, it's not like this every day. It's not a big deal. By the way, Miss Wanrong, have you made any new moves recently?" Chen Kangjie didn't want to be entangled in his own affairs, so he changed the subject.

"I'm also preparing a movie, a romance movie, "Urban Lovers". It's a script written by our company's screenwriter. I think it's good and I plan to try it." When mentioning her work, He Wanrong seemed a little excited and forgot about Chen Kangjie Something to get up in the middle of the night.

""Lover in the City"? Are you the heroine?" Chen Kangjie asked.

"Well, is it possible that I can be a director like you?"

"Who is the leading actor?", this is something that Chen Kangjie is relatively concerned about.

"It hasn't been decided yet. The screenwriter just handed over the script to me. I've been reading the script for the past few days. It tells the story of a restaurant girl and a rich man. I prefer Fa Ge to play the leading man, but these It's up to the director to decide."

After hearing He Wanrong's words, Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua looked at each other, and everything was kept silent.

Regarding Fa Ge's character, Chen Kangjie was quite trustworthy. The signal he sent to Ouyang Zhenhua was very simple, that is, he approved of He Wanrong's choice. As for other matters, he left it to Ouyang Zhenhua.Ouyang Zhenhua obviously understood what Chen Kangjie meant, and nodded slightly, indicating that there was no problem.

After Ouyang Zhenhua's Kung Fu tea was brewed, everyone drank two cups, and the swelling feeling in his abdomen disappeared, before Chen Kangjie went upstairs to wash and rest. To ensure sleep, he had to rest early.

Chen Kangjie is worthy of being a troublemaker. The street gunfight in Linchen almost turned into a real street gunfight because of Chen Kangjie's arrival. ?

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