Chen Kangjie and the others took their morning photo shoot on Aberdeen Street between Queen's Road Central and Caine Road. This is a narrow street with old residential buildings on both sides. It is not very spacious. It is not far from Lan Kwai Fong Hotel .

When Chen Kangjie and the others arrived, Liu Weiqiang had already led the staff busy under the dim street lights. There were no pedestrians or vehicles on the street, only a few cars parked sleepily on the side of the road, as if this bustling metropolis It's time to enter into peace.

"Xiaojie, here you are. I thought you couldn't get up." Chen Kangjie asked Qian Degui to park the car on the side of the road, opened the door and got out. Liu Weiqiang stood at the door to welcome him.

"Brother Liu, you don't have much contact with me. I never procrastinate when it comes to work. You have to behave like you are doing things," Chen Kangjie said seriously.

After listening to Chen Kangjie's words, Liu Weiqiang gave a thumbs up and praised: "Okay, that's what a director should do."

"Director, the explosives have been installed. The stall will be blasted later, and the shutter will be completely opened." A middle-aged man wearing dark glasses ran over and pointed to a facade behind him. .

"Wait, the effect of the explosion is to bounce outward?" Chen Kangjie asked without waiting for Liu Weiqiang to speak, grasping the other party's words.

"Xiaojie, you didn't see him yesterday. This is our demolitionist Mingzai, everyone calls him that, Mingzai, this is our assistant director Xiaojie." make an introduction.

"Brother Ming, hello." Chen Kangjie took the initiative to extend his hand. Most of the people who were older than him, Chen Kangjie maintained a respectful attitude.

"Xiaojie, hello, you... seem to have some opinions on the effect of blasting just now?" Chen Kangjie's attitude was generous, and Mingzai was a little embarrassed.The first is that Chen Kangjie is too young, and the second is that it can be heard from the tone that he wants to oppose his ideas.

"That's right, I don't know if my idea is right, if not, please forgive me, I read the script, there should be a gangster carrying a bazooka like the one used by the Vietnam War guerrillas and bombarding it from the opposite side. In an attempt to eliminate the people who were having a meeting inside, since it is from the outside to the inside, the rolling shutter should be pushed in, so how could it go outside?" Chen Kangjie explained his reasons.

"Yes, this is indeed a problem, Ming Tsai, it seems that we need to modify it." Liu Weiqiang agreed with Chen Kangjie's statement.

"Director, it's not that I didn't notice this, but if you put the explosives on the outside and blow them inward, you will see something at the door of the stall after shooting it, which will leave a hole. If you put the explosives inside, the audience will be shocked." I can't see it, and besides, not many people will pay attention to the details of whether the rolling shutter is blown inward or outward," Ming Tsai argued.

"Details determine success or failure. Although the audience may not pay attention to such short-term details, as we ourselves, it is clear that an excellent movie is not only complete with pictures and plots, but also pays attention to details. Don't give attention to details. Leave a bug", Chen Kangjie felt that his idea was right and he should fight for it.

"Then what do you think we should do?" Ming Zai spread his hands and asked Chen Kangjie the question.

"Can you put a trash can at the door, put the explosives in it, and blow it up from the inside?" Chen Kangjie looked at Liu Weiqiang and made a suggestion.

"That won't work. If it is placed far away, it will not be powerful enough. If it is placed in it, it will be very abrupt. It does not conform to the environment in Hong Kong. Hong Kong will not place trash cans so close to the stalls. If you want to solve it... only Using the editing method, the picture was completed through two shots. First, the explosion shot was shot, and then the gangster fired the bazooka, and finally the middle was cut.” Liu Weiqiang first rejected Chen Kangjie’s suggestion, rubbed his chin for a while, and proposed a feasible way.

"As long as it can be solved," Chen Kangjie was not annoyed because his naive opinions were not accepted, after all, he was just a novice.

"Okay, then I'll go and prepare again," Mingzai said, turning around and walking away a little unhappy.

Looking at Ming Tsai's figure, Chen Kangjie could only smile wryly and shake his head. He had increased the other party's workload for no reason, and it was completely understandable that he had some emotions. The key was to just do the job well.

After Ming Tsai released the explosives again, all the preparatory work was completed. In order to shoot this scene, three cameras were set up to shoot from different directions.

"Are you all ready? Everyone keep a distance, pay attention to safety, everyone, get ready", because the explosives used are real, although the power will be weakened, but it is not sure that it will still cause harm. The director had to encounter such a plot Always be reminded. <", after everyone stated that they were in place, Liu Weiqiang gave the order to start.

For the sake of safety, the actors will not be inside at this time. Only after the blasting is completed, the actors who have undergone some make-up by the makeup artist will enter the stall, posing in various embarrassing and deadly poses.

After Liu Weiqiang gave an order, Ming Zai started to ignite the explosives he had placed. Of course, the fuse cannot be seen in the camera. When the gunpowder was ignited, there was a loud "boom", and a ball of flame rose into the air. , I saw that the rolling gate was completely collapsed due to the impact, and Chen Kangjie saw the whole picture in front of the screen. The only shortcoming is that the gunpowder explosion can be clearly seen. Fortunately, this will be edited later.

"Cut, ok", Liu Weiqiang issued the order to end, and the staff guarding the periphery rushed up with three carbon dioxide fire extinguishers to extinguish the fire as soon as possible, leaving some sporadic flames that would not cause harm.

Suddenly, a window on the upper floor was pushed open, revealing a bald head, "Death to the street, don't you want someone to sleep, are you tired of working?".

Shooting such explosions or shooting shots on the street requires the approval of the Public Relations Division of the Hong Kong Police, because the surrounding residents have already known in advance that such a scene will be shot here, so everyone doesn’t say anything, but they don’t know Why does this bald head curse, besides, the filming has already been completed.

"The filming is over, go back to sleep," a staff member replied, it should be the drama manager.

"Sleep, sleep with your mother's head, I was woken up by you when I dozed off", not only did not calm down, but made progress, even Chen Kangjie couldn't be more angry.

"Speak politely, otherwise I won't be polite to you," Chen Kangjie raised his head and roared upwards.

After hearing Chen Kangjie's words, the other party really retracted their heads. Everyone thought that Chen Kangjie's words had an effect, and gradually felt relieved. Who knew that within 2 minutes, they heard the sound of running downstairs.

Soon, six shirtless men jumped out from the stairs next to the bombed stall. Each of them painted a dragon or a tiger, a typical look of young and Dangerous, and three There was still a machete in his hand, an iron rod in one hand, and the two were empty-handed.

"Which bastard said you were rude just now, if you have the guts to stand up for me now, fuck, spit, I see why the fuck is you rude?" A big man with empty hands kicked the person in front of him The shooting toolbox was kicked, and he spat and let out bold words.

Many staff members were frightened by the menacing and ferocious appearance of the other party. Even Liu Weiqiang was a little at a loss and didn't know how to deal with such emergencies.

Chen Kangjie would not shrink back from scolding people, he stood up from the chair, Liu Weiqiang wanted to hold him back, but Chen Kangjie pushed him away, and he walked up to these disgusting guys.

Before Chen Kangjie moved, Tan Jun and Xiong Ziqiang had already leaned over. Now that Chen Kangjie moved, everyone stretched their hands into their waists and got ready.

"Your mouth is dirty, you haven't brushed your teeth for several years!" Chen Kangjie stared at the other party with his head raised.

The six people looked at each other in blank dismay, and they never thought that the one who stood up was such a half-grown child, with such an aggressive tone, and then they all laughed loudly, "Damn it, you said it just now? Don't you know what to do?" , the leader was about to push Chen Kangjie as he spoke.

The other party's mouth is enough to make Chen Kangjie angry, how could he allow him to do it, Chen Kangjie dodged to let the other party's outstretched right hand, and his right hand twitched hard, this ear scrape almost slapped the other party down.

As soon as Chen Kangjie made a move, the remaining five people on the other side gave up immediately. They rushed towards him with iron bars and machetes, and one of them pulled out a Type [-] pistol from his back waist.

These people move fast, but some people move faster than them.Ever since Chen Kangjie stepped forward, his bodyguards knew that Young Master Jie was going to cause trouble again. Even Tan Jun and Wang Wei knew about this. They had been Chen Kangjie's invisible bodyguards for a long time. character and temper?

The opponent stretched out his hand to push Chen Kangjie, and Xiong Ziqiang and the others mobilized from all directions. Anyway, they all knew that Master Jie would not be able to tolerate it.

Those gangsters who stared with sinister eyes and wished to soon swallow Chen Kangjie alive were kicked and knocked down by Chen Kangjie's bodyguards who jumped out from the diagonal stab before their weapons touched Chen Kangjie.Compared with gangsters and soldiers who have received strict military training, it is not 01:30 points that are inferior.

The guy who pulled out the pistol from his back was smashed to the ground by Tan Jun's two gun handles before he raised the gun.Tan Jun's speed is too fast, and these gangsters who are usually fierce and used to bullying people can't even think that these "artists" who make movies will suddenly attack people, so they have the effect of taking them by surprise.

After the men were fucked, each had something in their mouth that they couldn't bite -- the barrel of a pistol.Until this time, needless to say, the idiot knew that he had gotten into trouble that he shouldn't have.The guy with five finger prints slapped by Chen Kangjie was subdued by Xiong Ziqiang. Before subduing him, he even kicked Xiong Ziqiang's leather shoes on the cheek.

The five people could only stare wide-eyed at this moment, not daring to move when they understood. The cold gun barrel told them that this was real, not the kind of imitation firearms used in movies. ?

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