rebirth of change

Chapter 499 What is life and death

"Hehe, it's also a real gun. Now tell me what is death and what is life?" Chen Kangjie squatted down beside the leader who wanted to push him, playing with a pistol drawn from his back waist,

That person couldn't answer Chen Kangjie's words, his mouth was gagged, and he could only hum, and there were three or five households on the upper floors on both sides that turned on the lights. I don't know if they were quarreled by Chen Kangjie and the others. Wake up, or hard-working Hong Kong people who get up early and get ready to go to work.

"I don't know what you want to say. I plan to return your gun to you." After Chen Kangjie said darkly, he shook his head at Xiong Ziqiang.

Xiong Ziqiang grabbed his hair and pulled out the pistol from his mouth, but he didn't move it away. He still pointed at the opponent's forehead. From the ferocious expression of Xiong Ziqiang's grinning mouth, he could feel that if he moved, he would He would definitely shoot, so the man didn't dare to move, and stretched his hands straight out.

Xiong Ziqiang pulled out the gun. The man took a deep breath. He was about to say something, but his mouth was blocked by the gun in Chen Kangjie's hand. This guy who was playing with guns would never have thought that one day he would hold the gun in his hand. The gun would turn over and go into its own mouth.

"Seeing that you are also a man, I probably know that people are drifting in the rivers and lakes. Sooner or later, you will be stabbed. You must have been prepared to face death, so I will give you a ride." The barrel of the gun in his mouth stretched a little further.

Chen Kangjie's words really frightened the other party, his hands were waving, and he quickly grabbed Chen Kangjie's gripping hand.

"Don't move, let go." Xiong Ziqiang pulled back his hair forcefully, staring at his forehead and pressed down heavily on the gun. Coupled with his fierce expression, it seemed as if he would shoot in an instant.

The pain in the scalp and forehead, as well as Xiong Ziqiang's harsh words and expression, frightened his hands away again.Chen Kangjie wasn't worried that he would harm him. This kind of grasshopper was not afraid of how he would jump around at all.

The few companions lying beside him in embarrassment turned their eyes straight and stared at Chen Kangjie and the others sideways, their expressions twitched, and their gagged mouths could not speak much. Chen Kangjie's gloomy and Xiong Ziqiang's vicious words made people They worry that if the boss dies, they will suffer the same bad luck.

"Brother Qiang, if a copper bullet is shot at such a short distance, what will happen?" Chen Kangjie turned his head and asked Xiong Ziqiang beside him.

"According to the power of this gun, a big hole will be made in the back of the head, and the white brain will be mixed with blood and ejected from the back. It only takes one tenth of a second, and the person will be declared dead, but there is one thing you can do. Don't worry, according to his current lying position, no matter how much blood is sprayed, it will not spray you, at most some will overflow from the nostrils and eyes, and the bullet will pass through the back of the head, and it may be bounced into the head by the concrete floor... ", Like a professional killer, Xiong Ziqiang explained to Chen Kangjie the tragedy of a person who was pinned to the ground after being shot from the mouth.

Every time Xiong Ziqiang said a word, the pupils of that person dilated a circle. This kind of death state that knew in advance that he was about to die was the most frightening in the heart, as if he was standing in a third party and saw his miserable future, while he himself There was nothing he could do to change anything. By the time Xiong Ziqiang finished speaking, this guy's eyes were not much smaller than a bull's eye.

"I don't believe what you said, I'll give it a try," Chen Kangjie said with a wicked smile.

Chen Kangjie's words were like a death sentence for the quack on the ground. His hand was bent and stretched out again, this time in a dying struggle, trying to push Chen Kangjie away and save his horrible and pitiful life.

The other guys naturally heard Xiong Ziqiang's explanation just now, and their faces turned green with fright. They didn't expect that the picture just finished listening would appear in front of them, and they all closed their eyes in fright.

Before the hand of the guy being pinned touched Chen Kangjie's arm, Chen Kangjie had already pulled the trigger, which produced a dull crashing sound.

This guy pushed Chen Kangjie away desperately, screaming hysterically, "Ah, ah, ah", with his eyes closed, his hands kept scratching wildly in front of him, even the cool morning couldn't stop the big rough Sweat rolled down his face.

"Hey, what's going on, I'm not dead." When he opened his eyes, there was no pain, and he stretched out his hand to touch the back of his head. There was no wound or blood, and he murmured to himself foolishly.

Looking forward, Chen Kangjie was facing him with a smile, "Do you know whether you are dead or alive now?".

The other party didn't reply to Chen Kangjie's words, he was panting heavily, his eyes were dull, and he really wanted to be surprised, but he felt as if he was still in the abyss.

"The bullet in the gun was withdrawn by me, otherwise your hand would not be stretched straight. Before you stretched out your hand, your head would have already exploded." Chen Kangjie stretched out his left palm, revealing the five yellow-orange-orange bullet.

"Do you know whether you are dead or alive now?" Chen Kangjie approached him again and asked with a smile.

"Got it, got it", the other party nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

You are a vicious man, scared like a little sheep by Chen Kangjie, it is really a bit sinful, no matter how vicious a person is, after walking through the gate of hell, his feelings will be completely different.

In normal times, everyone can not cherish life, but no matter what, life is only once, and there is no return. When faced with nothing, how many people can really not care?Who can deal with the kind of fear that comes from the bone marrow.

"It's good to know. Don't just ask others if they know what life and death are. Don't be ruthless. Peace is the most important thing in the world, let alone ordinary citizens? Do more kind deeds in the future, and be kind, otherwise, next time you Maybe it’s not so lucky, and then you won’t even have the chance to scream, okay?” Chen Kangjie was like a big brother educating a little brother, with a soft voice, warm as spring breeze, a bit funny.

It's just that the listener can still feel a trace of sparks from the spring breeze, scorching hot, and if he is not careful, he will be burned and leave an indelible mark.

"Okay, I...I...definitely...", the other party wiped the sweat from his forehead, and nodded in agreement inarticulately.

"Let them go," Chen Kangjie waved to his bodyguards and stood up.

Under Chen Kangjie's order, Tan Jun and Pang Hui pulled out the pistol with saliva from the bastard's mouth, wiped it with the opponent's clothes, and inserted it into the holster in the underwear. The whole process was simple and smooth. , without a trace of sloppy.

After being held back for so long, the villains who returned to normal gasped one after another, rubbing their already numb jaws, and the muscles on their faces that had been tense for a long time also eased a little. No one dared to retrieve their weapons. When it came to the guns in Chen Kangjie's hands, no one dared to ask for them back.

"Thank you, thank you, we... have eyes that don't know Mount Tai, and caused you trouble." After sitting for a while, the leader got up from the ground, stood in front of Chen Kangjie and bowed down to apologize.

"This dragon pattern is nice and lifelike. Fortunately, it is not ancient, otherwise you will be executed by the whole family. Go back to sleep. There are patrolmen coming over there." He pointed to the two policemen with guns walking over from a distance.

"Go, go back to sleep." The person in front of Chen Kangjie turned around and took a look, and quickly called his brother sitting on the ground to get up and go upstairs.

Seeing these contrasting guys running up the stairs, Chen Kangjie smiled.Chen Kangjie didn't want to hand over these people to the police. Jianghu people have their own ways. Chen Kangjie would either beat them up, or be too angry to be cruel, but he would not hand over the gangsters he encountered to the police, because it was nothing No, he can't do this kind of job as a scavenger.

To Chen Kangjie's surprise, after this incident, these guys actually quit the rivers and lakes under the leadership of the boss, and started doing legitimate things. Some opened restaurants, some sold fish, and even one guy started selling fish at the school gate. After ordering the fish balls, the business turned out to be pretty good.These guys not only quit the arena, but also do some good deeds within their ability, such as donating clothes and fruits to nursing homes, providing some fresh sea fish to welfare homes for free, and so on.

Maybe the god of death walked by once, and after an epiphany, he understood the meaning of life, or figured out something, and cherished the time with his family.No matter which one it is, it can be regarded as Chen Kangjie has done a good deed in disguise.

"Xiaojie, are you okay?" Liu Weiqiang still wanted to come up to greet Chen Kangjie when he saw that Chen Kangjie was fine.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's fine," Chen Kangjie smiled kindly.

"Why are they so good? Have you ever practiced?" Liu Weiqiang pointed to Xiong Ziqiang and the others and asked Chen Kangjie.

"Hehe, I've practiced for several years," Chen Kangjie said with a proud smile looking at his tall and stern bodyguards.

"I don't know if they want to act or not, but a guest appearance is also fine." Liu Weiqiang is worthy of being a director, and if he finds a suitable seedling, he will not let it go.

"I don't think they would be willing. If you don't believe me, ask them?" Chen Kangjie pouted indifferently.

Chen Kangjie said that, but Liu Weiqiang couldn't really ask, he is not a fool, Chen Kangjie's implication was that he didn't want his bodyguard to act.Chen Kangjie is indeed thinking this way. If people who protect him appear on the screen, his safety will be greatly threatened. If someone is willing to act, Chen Kangjie will naturally help, but that means he can't Stay by your side.

Besides, from this incident, plus the previous understanding, Liu Weiqiang already felt that Chen Kangjie was even more difficult. Ouyang Zhenhua could send him here in person, and with so many well-trained bodyguards wearing weapons, the idiot also knew about Chen Kangjie. This made Chen Kangjie learn from him later, and Liu Weiqiang wanted to teach him everything he knew.

"No, let's continue filming!", Liu Weiqiang got down to business.

"It's dawn, look, these people have started to go to work, can they still shoot?" Chen Kangjie looked around, then turned around and asked Liu Weiqiang.

"Oh, no, the public relations department only gave us an hour."

"Then let's shoot tomorrow morning, it's just a scene anyway."

"Well, let's go to the beach and shoot other shots." Now Liu Weiqiang simply regarded Chen Kangjie's words as a decision order, basically allowing everything.

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