rebirth of change

Chapter 500 win-win protocol

In Hong Kong, Chen Kangjie followed Liu Weiqiang around every day to film this "Level [-] Alert". After the incident that night, everyone on the crew treated Chen Kangjie very well, especially the production staff. He felt that Chen Kangjie was standing out and venting his anger for him that day.

Chen Kangjie would never refuse favors in favor of Shun Shui. This was not an impostor to receive rewards, anyway, his actions had actually achieved practical results.

At first, Chen Kangjie was just observing beside Liu Weiqiang, but gradually, Chen Kangjie was able to manipulate the camera. How he matched the music, in short, it was exactly as he thought, almost telling Chen Kangjie everything he knew.

When he was teaching, what surprised Liu Weiqiang was that Chen Kangjie's memory was so good that it was like a tape recorder. Chen Kangjie can grasp the profound and difficult concepts with just a few touches. He simply felt that Chen Kangjie was born to be a director, not to mention that he is still so young. With a little time, his future on the road of director is absolutely limitless.

How did Liu Weiqiang know that it is impossible for Chen Kangjie to regard directing as a lifelong career, and he has never thought about being a super great director. First, he finds it fun and interested, second, he needs to accumulate fame, and third, that is Can make some pocket money by the way.

Halfway through, Fan Wenxuan came back from Japan and conveyed a piece of good news to Chen Kangjie. After his persuasion, beyond was willing to transfer to Feiyang Entertainment, on the condition that Feiyang Entertainment would come forward to get Warner Records, pay liquidated damages, and give as much as possible A space for them to create and perform.These conditions were not a problem for Fan Wenxuan. When he returned to Hong Kong from Japan, the first thing to do was to deal with this matter.

Beyond didn't come back with Fan Wenxuan, they had to stay and continue to participate in that program on Fuji TV.

After Dong Siying and Zhu Yutao went to Tokyo, they soon entered into advertising negotiations with Director Aso and Deputy Director Yamamoto of Fuji TV. Zhu Yutao had prepared the relevant materials for Mengting Tourism Group before, and only needed to be translated into Japanese Such a program will do.

In order to speed up the progress, both parties showed considerable sincerity, and finally reached an agreement in only three and a half days. Mengting Tourism Group spent 3000 million U.S. dollars to buy out the full right to use the mid-broadcast advertisements of this program on Fuji TV. The term is three years.For this price, neither side took advantage. This program was very popular in Japan in the 90s, but it was only broadcast once a week. The prices and wages in Japan are much higher than those in China, so domestic TV programs cannot be used. In terms of advertising costs, plus 3000 million US dollars can alleviate Fuji TV’s urgent needs and increase Fuji TV’s competitiveness with other Japanese news organizations in this difficult period. Therefore, this is a win-win agreement.

During the negotiation process, Di Qiuren played a cooperative role. For the payment of advertising expenses, two payments were adopted. In addition to the 1000 million US dollars that Di Qiuren had already paid in advance, Dong Siying made up another 500 million US dollars, and the remaining one Thousands of 500 million U.S. dollars will be paid in one lump sum at the end of next year, which is regarded as a one-and-a-half-year payment.

After this trip to Japan, Dong Siying, Zhu Yutao, and Fan Wenxuan have a deeper understanding of Chen Kangjie. Before, they did not know that Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua had a branch in Japan, except for their work in Japan. Few of the personnel knew about this matter. After they arrived in Japan, someone had already paid 1000 million US dollars in advance. From this point, they felt that their understanding of Chen Kangjie was only the tip of the iceberg, and there were too many secrets. What they don't know.

For the content of the advertisement, Mengting Tourism Group will provide it to Fuji TV one after another. The service will be provided for the first time, and it will be on the program next week. At that time, members of beyond will display a colorful question board provided by Zhu Yutao, on which is a Chinese garden. Stereo view, Wang Jiaju, as the leader of the members, is responsible for explaining.

This request is not only incomprehensible to the Japanese side, but also to Dong Siying and the others. to do".

Chen Kangjie is taking precautions, don’t save it once and cause it again, that is a miraculous tragedy. Before Wang Jiaju fell from the three-meter-high stage, and there were no protective measures below, this caused the tragedy. Now Chen Kangjie It is required to reduce the height of the stage by two-thirds, and preventive measures have been added, so it should be safe.

That day, the four members of Beyond returned to the hotel angrily, feeling slighted, and planned to pack their bags and book a plane ticket back to Hong Kong. Out of commercial considerations, the manager tried hard to persuade them, hoping that they would postpone the time. Yuichi Yamamoto personally came to the hotel where they were staying, brought his apology and greetings from Director Aso, and explained to them the current difficulties in Taili, and explained the importance of this fund openly and honestly. Thanks to the work, the beyond band was finally saved.

But there is one thing that makes beyond very puzzled. Even if some fans like them very much, they shouldn't be stopped from recording the show, and it still cost so much], they can't figure out who would do this.

Just as they were guessing, Fan Wenxuan rushed to Japan. After learning the address of beyond from the TV station, she went to the hotel to pay a visit in person. This was the first time Fan Wenxuan condescended to poach a singer.

For Fan Wenxuan's arrival, beyond including Wang Jiaju, was within their expectations and also outside their expectations.Since someone likes them so much, they thought that someone should come to their door, but it turned out that they came so fast, they chased after Japan before returning to Hong Kong, and it is now the fastest growing Hong Kong Feiyang Entertainment This made them proud and flattered at the same time. What they didn't expect was that Fan Wenxuan immediately expressed her attitude when they met and asked them to transfer to Feiyang Entertainment.

Warner Records is an old and very powerful record company, but their attitude towards beyond is very narrow. For example, Wang Jiaju is very righteous. He is often invited by colleagues or friends in the circle to help him write songs. Many first-class Singers such as Faye Wong, Lin Zixiang, Chen Baiqiang, etc. all have works written by Wong Ka Kui, but Warner has strictly ordered them not to do so in consideration of their own commercial interests, and all written works can only be used in their albums. Whether it is Wang Jiaju or other members, they are quite critical.

In short, due to various reasons, Beyond did not enjoy staying at Warner, and could not provide them with the space to soar freely on the road of music, so Fan Wenxuan's proposal was not rejected at the beginning, as long as they did not If she refuses, then Fan Wenxuan has a solution.

In order to complete Chen Kangjie's task, Fan Wenxuan offered various favorable conditions, including a large amount of liquidated damages to be paid to Warner Records.In this regard, they have reached an agreement in private, and the rest is only the communication between Fan Wenxuan and Warner Records. Anyway, Beyond's income under the banner of Feiyang Entertainment is a certainty. Money is not a problem, so other things are not a problem. .

Chen Kangjie stayed in Hong Kong for a full 17 days. He didn’t finish his study until the crew moved to Manila to continue filming. Although the time was short, it didn’t prevent Chen Kangjie from basically learning the basic director skills. He didn’t accept the boring book theory. Learning is all about learning in practice, coupled with Chen Kangjie's ingenuity, the speed of progress is beyond his own imagination.

For the filming of this film, Feiyang Entertainment rented an ah.mk100 army gunship from the British Army Garrison in Hong Kong for 1 million Hong Kong dollars. In order to allow this 12-meter-long gunship to fly to the urban area of ​​Central, Chen Kangjie asked Sir Li to come forward and got through the relationship with the Governor of Hong Kong, so he was able to shoot.

This shot is one of the most classic links in the whole movie, and it is also the most expensive shot.The helicopter gunship, leading two police helicopters, will launch rockets and machine guns in the downtown area of ​​Central to destroy six cars and a large truck belonging to "criminals" on the street.For this shot, the Hong Kong police cordoned off a section of the main street for an hour.

Liu Weiqiang led the crew to prepare for this three days in advance. There must be no mistakes. One is that time is limited, but one mistake will cause millions of Hong Kong dollars in losses. From the placement of the camera position, the running route of the actors From the calculation of the firepower, everything must be prepared in advance. In order to achieve a better visual effect, Ming Tsai also placed explosives in the two cars, so as to achieve the impact effect of the car being blown into the air by the rocket.

In the filming of Hong Kong, this is a milestone scene. It is the first time that such a shocking scene has appeared in the urban area. Many local media in Hong Kong have reported on the shooting of this scene. Watch" has been widely promoted, and audiences are eagerly looking forward to the early release of this local film with some Hollywood style.

Before parting, Chen Kangjie gave Liu Weiqiang a suggestion, that is to increase the use of special effects in movies. Although the cost will increase, the degree of fidelity will be higher. Many scenes that are inconvenient to shoot in real scenes can be realized through special effects.

Chen Kangjie mentioned it, but whether it will be accepted and practiced by Liu Weiqiang, who has been deeply influenced by Hong Kong local films, is not clear for the time being. Every director has his own style. Chen Kangjie does not expect everyone's ideas to be the same as his own. Same.

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