rebirth of change

Chapter 501 First Arrival in America

On July 93, 7, Chen Kangjie will go to the United States of America for the first time on this day. For the United States, Chen Kangjie yearns for it. This has nothing to do with patriotism, but a simple natural preference for advancement.The United States, a country with a short history but rapid development, is basically attractive to people all over the world. Every year, hundreds of thousands of elites from all over the world flock to this magical country to realize their ambitions and dreams.

The system, legal system, culture, and social atmosphere of the United States are all benchmarks among major countries. They are rigorous and vigorous. In the United States, from top to bottom, they seem to encourage innovation and progress. As long as you are talented, as long as you If you work hard enough, you can achieve what you want.

Chen Kangjie and his team went to the United States this time with a relatively strong camp. In addition to Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua, there are also Fan Wenxuan, Ouyang Zhenhua's secretary Lisa, and three investment experts from Hongyuan Investment, two of whom are Americans. The number of bodyguards has reached 11 people, and, in the United States, Feiyang Entertainment also has a three-person negotiating team led by the deputy general manager Li Li.The reason why it was so formal was because the main purpose of this trip to the United States was to finalize the acquisition of Miramax.

Li Li is Fan Wenxuan's classmate at Columbia University, a Chinese-American, who Fan Wenxuan thought of as a helper after taking over the task of acquiring Miramax, so he tried every means to persuade him to return to Feiyang Entertainment.Li Li is an American. Although she is young, she is very professional and has a good understanding of media and economics. This is related to her education. Before studying media at Columbia University, she only took two years to get the BA in Economics from Ohio University.

From Hong Kong to the United States, the Boeing 737 will fly for more than ten hours. In Hawaii, there will be a short stop to replenish fuel and other supplies.During the whole trip, in order to pass the time, Chen Kangjie brought an English version of "Gone with the Wind". Chen Kangjie hadn't finished reading this classic American novel before it was reborn, so he chose to finish it on this trip to the United States.

Chen Kangjie and the others boarded the plane at Kai Tak Airport at 7:11 am, but when they arrived at Los Angeles International Airport, which has a huge lax sign and lampposts, it was already 14:[-] pm, and it took [-] and a half hours to complete the trip.

More than 40 minutes ago, Li Li and two assistants took two business station wagons from Fifth Avenue to the airport to meet Chen Kangjie and the others. Because of time constraints, the car drove relatively fast, and the car drove to a corner, which was a blind spot. Driving at night again, the driver didn't see that there were two extended Lincolns and two Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicles driving at a normal speed in front of him. He didn't think about it, and when he turned the corner, the first station wagon that Li Li took was right in front of him. The Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle at the end had a close contact.

There was a traffic accident, it was impossible to escape, the two parties parked their cars on the side of the road, and the other party came down six thick men in black clothes, Li Li's heart tightened, it seemed that there was an accident, the time wasted, and the other party had to be compensated , these people are not good people at first glance, and they are not easy to provoke.It was past ten o'clock in the evening, and it was not easy to call the police. Li Li didn't intend to blame the driver, because he was the one who urged the driver to drive faster.

Li Li planned to get out of the car to explain a few words, and then pay tens of thousands of dollars in compensation, but it was very strange. It looks like you're in a hurry.

Li Li got into the car with a feeling of apprehension and continued to drive, but at this time the driver did not dare to drive any faster, and Li Li did not urge him to do so. It was lucky today that he did not pursue the matter, otherwise it would be a troublesome matter whether it was business or private. .

When they arrived at the airport, Chen Kangjie and the others just got off the plane, and it happened to be in time.

Li Li rushed to the pick-up hall with two assistants. She didn't know if it was bad luck or good luck. She saw the men in black who she met on the road just now. The strange thing is that they didn't seem to see them. Like him, he stood well-behaved under the leadership of a middle-aged white man, obviously also here to pick up the plane.

Li Li bravely walked up, now he can't care so much, seeing Chen Kangjie and the others come out, Li Li went up, the strange thing is, that middle-aged white man also went up, Li Li thought to himself, could it be that something happened to the other party? Can't you find your boss?

"Master Jie, this is Li Li", Ouyang Zhenhua stood beside Chen Kangjie and introduced him from a distance.

Li Li once went to Hong Kong to report on her work, and Ouyang Zhenhua met once that time, so she knew her.

Chen Kangjie took a closer look at Fan Wenxuan's helper. He has long flowing hair, an oval face, fair skin, and a slender figure. Today he is wearing a white professional suit, which looks capable yet charming.

"Bob, do you know each other?" When Li Li and the white man came to the front one after another, Ouyang Zhenhua pointed to Li Li and asked the white man.

The white man glanced sideways at Li Li, and then replied to Ouyang Zhenhua: "I have seen it, but I don't know it."

Bob hadn't planned to pursue the small accident on the road, but now that it should be one of his own people, he doesn't care much.

"I've seen it, but I don't know it?" Ouyang Zhenhua was a little confused by Bob's answer.

Bob briefly described the scene on the road.

"Oh, the water rushed into the Dragon King Temple, haha", Chen Kangjie didn't expect that two groups of his subordinates would have such a small episode, and laughed heartily.

"President Ouyang, do you know each other? He is also here to pick you up?" Hearing the white man Bob talking to Ouyang Zhenhua with a humble tone, Li Li felt it was strange and asked Ouyang Zhenhua with big eyes.

Regardless of whether they came to pick up the plane or disembark at the same time, seeing their huge crowd, especially those men in black, each of them was a big man, staring at the surroundings, and they all walked around, not daring to stay by their side for a while.

"Young Master Jie, welcome to the United States. All reception work is ready." Before Ouyang Zhenhua answered Li Li's question, Bob's respectful attitude towards Chen Kangjie answered her sideways to a certain extent.

"Hello, Bob, long time no see, how are you doing?" Chen Kangjie stepped forward and patted Bob on the shoulder, an old friend who seemed very familiar.

"It's not bad, very comfortable, haha", Bob smiled comfortably.

"Xiaojie, let me introduce you. This is Ms. Li Li, the vice president of Feiyang Entertainment, and Wenxuan's classmate from Columbia University. Li Li, Xiaojie is our company's consultant. Bob, this is Feiyang Entertainment. President, Miss Fan Wenxuan", seeing Fan Wenxuan and Li Li standing aside in embarrassment, Ouyang Zhenhua acted as an introducer, but he did not introduce Bob's identity.

In fact, even if Ouyang Zhenhua didn't introduce him, Fan Wenxuan could guess that Bob must be the person in charge of the US market. After he met Di Qiuren in Japan, he broadened his horizons in the company system.

For overseas companies, many people in the Hongyuan system do not understand clearly.

Bob is indeed the person in charge of the US business designated by Chen Kangjie. When he went to the Soviet Union, Bob was a member of the team. Later, because of the credible investigation and his identity as an American, he was appointed to be in charge of the US business. For his business, he has completed the stock acquisitions of major American companies in the past few years. The prices of these stocks have risen several times, and the high ones have increased nearly ten times. It can be described as a remarkable achievement.

After having money, even if he kept a low-key style, Bob still became an upper-class person in the United States. He holds stocks in many large companies. He is a popular and important figure in the financial and business circles. Every year, Chen Kangjie's salary has risen from the initial one million dollars to the current 1000 million dollars. The Polish-American, who has a good face, has always been grateful to Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua in his heart.At that time, he was just a clerk of Goldman Sachs in Hong Kong. This kind of sharp contrast in the past few years will make every upright person feel grateful.

Li Li's attention has shifted from Bob to Chen Kangjie, his mind is spinning, this is just a young high school student, how could he be a consultant of the company?Is it a genius?Or did Ouyang Zhenhua's vision go wrong?

"Hello, welcome to join our big family. You have been troubled by the recent events in the United States." Chen Kangjie politely extended his right hand to Li Li.

"Oh, oh, hello, welcome to the United States. Are you studying in the United States?" Chen Kangjie spoke pure American English. Li Li still hadn't realized it for a while, and his performance was not at his usual level. Well, what was asked was another question of deviation.

"Hehe, sorry, this is the first time I have come to the United States of America. The air here really smells of freedom," Chen Kangjie said jokingly.

"Xiaojie, I'm tired after sitting on the plane for so long, let's go back quickly." Ouyang Zhenhua suggested that it's not a problem to just chat like this while standing at the airport.

"Okay, okay, let's go." Chen Kangjie was indeed a little tired, having absorbed several hours of books on the plane, his mind was full.

Bob led the way, and Li Li accompanied Fan Wenxuan, muttering softly as they walked, probably discussing Chen Kangjie's identity.The security personnel brought by Xiong Ziqiang, Tan Jun, and Bob were scattered around, and a group of people rushed towards the parking lot on the square outside the airport.

"Hehe, did you guys have a good life?" Seeing the luxury cars parked in front of him, Chen Kangjie looked at Bob and teased him.

"Jie Shao, I just bought two cars. President Ouyang arranged them. Americans actually care about face. They don't have many good cars when they go out to do errands. How can we show that we are capable?"

"Okay, everyone get in the car, we are guests, we completely obey the arrangement of the landlord, where can I sit?" Chen Kangjie didn't care about these expenses at all, let alone spending them on the right way.

"Jie Shao, President Ouyang, you sit here." Bob walked to the back of the second Lincoln and opened the door.

"Okay", Chen Kangjie smiled, and went in with Ouyang Zhenhua.

As soon as he sat down, he found Fan Wenxuan and Li Li still standing outside the car, and Chen Kangjie poked his head out again, "Mr. Fan, Mr. Li, come up together, it's very spacious."

Fan Wenxuan originally felt a little bit of being left out, and Li Li too, rushed to pick up the plane, but someone had already come to pick it up, and felt a little hot face on cold ass, now Chen Kangjie's words made them Feeling slightly better.

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