The extended Lincoln that Chen Kangjie and the others took had the kind of seats facing each other, so four people would not feel crowded at all. There was also a small wine cabinet next to it, which contained red wine and white wine. 【 】There is also an expandable and foldable small wine table in the middle. Unfortunately, everyone does not have leisure time to taste wine. Although there are stars outside the window at night, it is difficult to appreciate the beautiful side of Los Angeles. For my body, I just want to take a good shower and sleep well, and the jet lag has not reversed yet.

After a 45-minute drive, the convoy came to a manor in Beverly Hills. The main building is a Gothic building. When you get off the car, you can feel the ground lamps on the lawn in front of the building that reflect the surrounding environment very well. Tranquility, Buddha is not in the noisy and bustling Los Angeles, the second largest city in the United States.

Beverly Hills is located in the west of Los Angeles. It is a city within a city with a small population of only 30000 people. Hollywood stars live here, of course, many top rich people also choose to make their homes here.

"Brother Ouyang, didn't you arrange this too?" Chen Kangjie asked Ouyang Zhenhua standing by the fountain in front of the main building, admiring the restrained but luxurious villa.

"You will come to the United States often in the future. Besides, you know how to play in the entertainment industry, so you must have a place to stay here." Ouyang Zhenhua's consideration was really thoughtful.

The word "play" in Chen Kangjie's "playing in the entertainment circle" that Ouyang Zhenhua said is really appropriate, and it shows Chen Kangjie's attitude.

"How much does it cost?".

Bob poked his head out from the side, "Jie Shao, it cost 1800 million dollars to buy it." He was the one who made the arrangements, so he knew it all.

"That can only be regarded as mid-range in Beverly Hills. I heard that Michael Jackson's villa is worth 3000 million U.S. dollars." Chen Kangjie joked, and there seemed to be some dissatisfaction in his tone.

"His villa has a golf course, and its area is larger than ours, so it is more expensive," Bob explained.

"Xiaojie, in fact, we can't find such a good one in the short term. Otherwise, we will build a bigger one ourselves in the future," Ouyang Zhenhua persuaded Chen Kangjie.

"Hehe, I misunderstood, why buy such a big one, besides, I don't know how to play golf, and I don't live here all the time, so what's the point? It's a waste, it's good as it is, and it can accommodate so many of us. ", Chen Kangjie said with relief.

If Chen Kangjie likes it, he can buy all of Beverly Hills, but is that really necessary?Is it necessary to be so ostentatious?Chen Kangjie is not so narrow-minded yet.

"I thought you were unhappy."

"Brother Ouyang, am I that kind of person? Hehe, it's too late to be happy. Let's go in. After a tiring day, everyone should go to bed earlier." Chen Kangjie patted Ouyang Zhenhua on the shoulder.

Now Chen Kangjie has grown very tall, even Ouyang Zhenhua who is 1.7 meters five does not appear to be much taller than Chen Kangjie.

"Wenxuan, this is where you are staying? Then why didn't you tell me earlier, I even booked a hotel for you!" Li Li stood beside Fan Wenxuan resentfully.

"Xiao Nizi, I don't know either, I just found out now." Fan Wenxuan also felt uncomfortable.Xiao Nizi is Fan Wenxuan's nickname for Li Li.

Ouyang Zhenhua realized that he didn't tell Fan Wenxuan that he had arranged all this, so Fan Wenxuan arranged for Li Li to make preparations, who knew that all of them were superfluous.

"Wenxuan, why are you still standing there?" Ouyang Zhenhua walked a few steps with Chen Kangjie, and found that Fan Wenxuan and Li Li hadn't followed, turned around and greeted.

"Oh, here we come", Fan Wenxuan is a subordinate no matter what, and there are so many company colleagues present, she must respect Ouyang Zhenhua no matter what, "Little girl, let's go, don't think so much Now, living in a luxury villa is better than staying in a hotel," Fan Wenxuan then dragged Li Li heartlessly and said.

Before Chen Kangjie and the others entered the door, several white women in white dresses appeared at the door, ranging in age from young to their 30s. Among them was a middle-aged man in his 40s with clean cheeks, wearing a neat black dress : "Welcome home sir".

"Jie Shao, this is the housekeeper, Odd, from England, and these are the service staff in the villa," Bob introduced.

"Hi, thank you, thank you for your hard work." Chen Kangjie didn't know how to greet these foreign servants, but he still showed the humility and courtesy of a Chinese.

"You're welcome, it's what we should do, sir, all the rooms have been prepared, and you can rest when you go upstairs, but do you want to eat something first?" Audrey said humbly.

"I don't want to eat, I just want to sleep now, let them get it for whoever wants to eat." Chen Kangjie ate two meals on the plane. Although the taste was not very good, at least he was not hungry.

At Kai Tak Airport, Chen Kangjie also made a joke with Ouyang Zhenhua, Fan Wenxuan and the others, saying that he likes the feeling before getting on the plane the most. Have this inexplicable feeling?Chen Kangjie replied: "Didn't you hear that every time before boarding the plane, the broadcast said that the passengers on the certain flight were invited to prepare for 'enthronement'?" After reacting, they laughed so hard that they all accused Chen Kangjie of being so good at associating, that he could even think of the emperor's "enthronement" when he got on the plane.

Later, Chen Kangjie, Ouyang Zhenhua, and Fan Wenxuan didn't eat supper, but chose to go to bed right away. Only a few bodyguards with big appetites ordered some sandwiches and some milk.

The area of ​​the main building of this villa is more than 00 square meters, and there are enough rooms to accommodate so many people. That night, Chen Kangjie and his group all rested to avoid jet lag. For safety issues, they handed over to the six local people prepared by Bob. bodyguard.

Even though he was very tired and sleepy, but it was only six o'clock the next day, Chen Kangjie got up on time as usual. He opened the curtains on the third floor where he lived, and a beautiful scenery greeted his eyes, tall and straight palm trees, green forests, gently The grassland, the lively fountain, the blue Pacific Ocean can be seen in the distance, and a few free seagulls fly by from a distance. The exotic morning brings joy to Chen Kangjie.

After casually taking a cold shower, opening his travel bag and putting on his sportswear, Chen Kangjie planned to go out for a run.

Walking down the smooth marble hanging stairs, Audrey was already instructing the servants to prepare breakfast. When he saw Chen Kangjie coming down, Audrey could really see how his master was so handsome, handsome, and profound. And the eyes full of connotation, but the brows can't hide the fact that he is still a child.

"Mister, good morning, are you going for a run?" Odd came up to him.

The reason why Audrey asks that question is not just because Chen Kangjie is wearing sportswear. As a professional British butler, the first basic skill is to find out the life preferences and hobbies of the clients, so many things about Chen Kangjie’s life Habits, Audrey has some understanding.

"Ao De, good morning, yes, I have the habit of running in the morning." Chen Kangjie greeted Ao De in an easy-going manner, and directly called out the other party's name.

Just such a small episode made Ao Delai feel that he was valued and respected. In interpersonal communication, being able to call the other party's name or title is the first element to win favor. Chen Kangjie's super memory is in the There is no shortage of help in this regard.

"Sir, there is a tree-lined path around our villa. It is exactly two kilometers around, and you can see it when you turn left when you go out," Aode reminded.

"Okay, thank you, you're busy," Chen Kangjie greeted with a smile and trotted out the door.

"Hey, it's early for you too." When Chen Kangjie came out, he saw Samidov and Alyosha at the door.

"Mr. Xiong arranged for us to be responsible for your safety this morning," Samidov said simply.

Xiong Ziqiang is Chen Kangjie's security captain. As long as he is outside, both Tan Jun and Samidov must obey Xiong Ziqiang's arrangements.This time when they came to the United States, the four of Samidov and the others were also accompanying him.

"Okay, let's go," Chen Kangjie said and ran out first, followed by Samidov and Alyosha.

According to Audrey's prompt, Chen Kangjie ran across the grass and turned left. Sure enough, a two-meter-wide tree-lined path appeared not far away. Various unknown trees were planted along the roadside, and some trees were still open. Big and big red flowers, a tall palm tree will appear every once in a while, and there are some elegantly blooming strelitzias under the tree. This is the city flower of Los Angeles, with blue-green leaves and yellow-red petals. Very much like a flying crane looking up.

Jogging on such a trail, smelling the faint fragrance of flowers, and the gentle breeze blowing over the sea, Chen Kangjie was refreshed, and as he ran, Chen Kangjie felt that there was always someone in front of him, but he didn't see the other party in front of him. Where, this had to make him more alert.

I have only come to the United States for one day, who would follow me like that?But Chen Kangjie felt that it didn't make sense. It stands to reason that the follower should be behind him. How could it be in front of him?

"Samidov, do you feel anyone in front?" Chen Kangjie ran for a short distance, slowed down, and asked Samidov who was following behind.

"We know there are people ahead".

"Do you know? Who are they?" Since Samidov and the others knew, there should be no danger, but Chen Kangjie still felt strange.

"There are two people in front, the two that Bob took to meet us yesterday. They are in charge of the front, and we are in charge of the back. If there is danger ahead, they will issue a warning," Samidov explained.

"How come I don't know what's going on?"

"This was contacted after you went to bed last night, and I haven't had time to tell you today," Samidov explained.

It was true, Chen Kangjie patted his ass to sleep, but his security personnel couldn't be so relaxed. They had to negotiate related matters, but it was impossible to wake him up and report to him.

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