After running, Chen Kangjie saw what the two people who had been hiding in front of him looked like.Short hair, tall body, bronze skin, dark blue eyes, one chin with short stubble, one as fair as face, blue sportswear with black tight vest inside. 【 】The hands are thick and even have some calluses.

The two stood on the grass in front of the villa and waited for Chen Kangjie.

"What's your name?" Chen Kangjie stood in front of the two of them, looking up at their 1.9-meter bodies.

"My name is John Jimmy."

"My name is Pillard," the two said their names one after another.

"You used to be members of Seal?" Chen Kangjie stared at the two burningly and asked.

The two of you look at me, I look at you, "How do you know?", John Jimmy with a stubble asked strangely.

"Hehe", Chen Kangjie smiled and pointed at their necks.

There is a copper badge hanging around the necks of both of them. On the badge, an eagle grabs a gun and a harpoon around the sea anchor. pride.

The two looked down at their chests, the badge was shaking gently with pride.Although this exposed their identities, there is one thing they don't understand, how did the oriental man in front of him know about this badge, because in the United States, basically all information about the SEALs is confidential, and outsiders can't get it. You know, even after many years, outsiders still don't know where they are training.What they didn't know was that Chen Kangjie paid attention to them after their junior brother killed Osama bin Laden, and saw the picture of this badge and some information about them on the Internet.

"Yes, we served in Seal." Since Chen Kangjie already knew, there was nothing to hide, John Jimmy replied generously.

"Very good, yesterday I saw that there were six of you, is it the same for the other four?" Chen Kangjie continued to ask.

"Yeah, we're both on West Coast Team One, and they were my team before."

At this moment, Bob ran out from the villa, "Master Jie, it's time for breakfast."

"Do you need to come and call me yourself? You can just call anyone else." Chen Kangjie felt that Bob was too attentive, so he is also an executive, right?

"Hey, I haven't seen you for a few years, I want to get along with you more." Chen Kangjie's actions in the Soviet Union impressed them too deeply. Later, he became prosperous and his career went smoothly, so he always has an inexplicable feeling for Chen Kangjie.

Chen Kangjie smiled gratifiedly at Bob, and then asked: "Bob, what is their current salary?".

Bob didn't know why Master Jie asked such a question. He looked at John Jimmy and Pillard, but didn't see any information or answers from their faces, so he had to answer honestly: "The annual salary is one hundred thousand dollars."

After hearing this, Chen Kangjie stroked his chin and thought for a while, then raised his head, "Let's raise their salaries to 25 U.S. dollars first, and increase them later as appropriate."

Although the SEALs are mysterious, powerful, rigorously trained, and many of them are both civil and military, this does not mean that these people will have a magnanimous career.In the army, because the number of special forces is small and the organization is small, the room for advancement is very narrow. When the number of SEALs was the largest, there were only 1600 people, so the promotion path of the people inside could not be compared with the army. Compared with other forces such as the navy and air force, there are tens of thousands of troops.

Even after retiring, it is very difficult for these people to find a job. Their skills are basically not used in commercial organizations. Even the police will regard these veterans who are skilled in killing and have no employment as potential "serial killers." ".There is an American blockbuster "First Blood" that Chinese people are familiar with. In it, Stallone plays a former member of the Special Forces who is out of tune with society after retiring. In the end, he can only choose to live in seclusion. Therefore, in reality, many members of the American Special Forces who cannot find a job He did not hesitate to return to Southeast Asia, and engaged in drug trafficking, murder, and drug trafficking.

Because of this, when Prince, who joined the SEALs in 1992, retired in 96, he sold the auto parts factory left to him by his father and bought 6000 acres of land in the Great Dismore Swamp in North Carolina. Created Blackwater Security Company.At the beginning of the company's establishment, there were only 6 employees, but later it had nearly 2 employees, and owned [-] aircrafts, helicopters and various armored vehicles.If the mission is urgently needed, Blackwater can also add [-] employees at any time, which is a veritable private army.

Blackwater Company offers a high salary of 1000 US dollars a day to many military elites, so Blackwater Company includes many retired military elites. The water company was able to develop rapidly.

The salary that Chen Kangjie offered Samidov and the others was more than 50 a year, and now it has been added to almost [-] U.S. dollars a year. How could it make John Jimmy and the others so different.Chen Kangjie has always adhered to the philosophy that if you want people to work hard, you have to give them enough benefits, and if you want a dog to bite people, you have to give it bones.

I heard that my salary has doubled by [-] times in just a few days. Both John Jimmy and Pillard are very excited. If you want to give your family a good living environment, even if you are not married, you still have parents, brothers or girlfriend. Money in the United States or in the world is the most attractive killer.

"Okay," Bob replied simply.

"Thank you, thank you", John Jimmy thanked Chen Kangjie on behalf of himself and other team members. He didn't say any promises. What they pursued was practical actions, not verbal promises.

The people beside Chen Kangjie, whether it is John Jimmy, Pillard, or Bob and Samidov, all have big mouths. I didn’t expect Chen Kangjie to know so much about seals, but what Chen Kangjie knows is completely a memory. That's all.

"Sir, we will always remain loyal to the people we want to serve. We used to serve our country. We can fight to the end for the United States and the American people. Now we serve you, and we will also uphold the same attitude until death. I will remain loyal to you unswervingly." The reason why Chen Kangjie said that could not be just to show off. He had a purpose. Obviously, the IQs of the team members who came out of the Seals were not low. John Jimmy's words reflected what he heard. I understood Chen Kangjie's hint.

"Very good, let's go back, let's have breakfast." Chen Kangjie was very satisfied with John Jimmy's words. He believed that they could do what they said. This is not a human nature problem, but a training problem. In it, human nature has been distorted.

When Chen Kangjie and the others returned to the villa, everyone got up. Xiong Ziqiang, Pang Hui, Tan Jun and the others wandered around the house, checking the terrain and environment. Li Li and Fan Wenxuan stood on the wall of the hall on the first floor. Pointing in front of the oil painting, Ouyang Zhenhua was drinking a pot of tea by himself.

"You two beauties, what are you doing?" Chen Kangjie walked behind the two young women.

"We are discussing whether this painting is the work of John Singer Sargent. I think it is, but Li Li doesn't think it is, do you think so?" Fan Wenxuan shook her long hair and turned around , saw that it was Chen Kangjie, and threw this difficult problem to him by the way.

"Hehe, you've stumped me. I don't know much about painting, but as far as this painting is concerned, it should be Fisher's work. John Singer Sargent pays attention to color and light, but this The painting has a vivid and funny American realism style, which does not fit the characteristics of Sargent who was born in Florence." Although Chen Kangjie did not understand verbally, what he said was professional.

Before coming to the United States, Chen Kangjie still made up some knowledge about American culture. Both of them are very famous modern American painters, but their styles are somewhat different.

"How? I'll say it shouldn't be, right?" Li Li stood upright in front of Fan Wenxuan with her head held high like a soldier who had won a small battle.

"He said in advance that he doesn't know how to paint, who knows if he is talking nonsense." The girls seem to be more truthful in small things, and Fan Wenxuan is obviously not convinced.

"Xiaojie, come over and drink tea, they asked me just now, how boring it is to dwell on such questions." Ouyang Zhenhua smiled and waved to Chen Kangjie on the yellow leather sofa.

"What is boring? This is art," Fan Wenxuan retorted.

"Bob, whose painting is this?" Chen Kangjie is not an anticlimactic person, and he also wants to confirm whether his judgment is accurate.

"Jie Shao, you are right, this is indeed Fisher's painting, and it was auctioned for US$1," replied Bob who followed Chen Kangjie into the room.

The choice of this villa and the inside and outside are taken care of by Bob, of course he is aware of these situations.

"Brother Ouyang, make me a cup. I'll come down and drink after I change my clothes." After Chen Kangjie left a sentence, he ran back upstairs to change his clothes triumphantly. This was Chen Kangjie's silent response to Fan Wenxuan's saying that he didn't know how to paint .

"Smelly Xiaojie, what are you proud of?" Fan Wenxuan muttered softly, watching Chen Kangjie's back bouncing up the stairs.

On the first day Chen Kangjie and the others arrived in the United States, they could not rest or entertain everywhere, but had to formally enter work. Li Li had already arranged for them to meet with the Weinstein Brothers from Miramax in the afternoon.

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