rebirth of change

Chapter 504 Cash Transaction

Miramax is located on Melrose Avenue in Hollywood. The main building is a blue glass building with a stepped appearance. The highest place has 12 floors, and the lowest place has only four floors. It is estimated that the terrain here was a slope. , so it was built like this. 【 】Although the floor is not high, the area is not small, all kinds of rooms and equipment are complete, and the greenery around the building is not bad, full of trees.

After Chen Kangjie and the others had breakfast, they came to this company neatly. The communication in the early stage was almost the same. Now there is only a final price competition. There are three companies that want to buy, Japan's Sony Entertainment, Walt Disney and Feiyang Entertainment.Miramax wanted as many bidders as possible so they could raise their prices.

Although there are three companies bidding for the bid, there are only two that I want to buy the most, Feiyang Entertainment and Sony. For Disney, Miramax is not that important. They are dispensable. Of course, if the price is right, They also don't mind adding to the power of the company.

The Weinstein brothers were very enthusiastic about the arrival of Chen Kangjie and the others, and went to the intersection outside the company building to greet them in person.The two brothers look alike, they both have beards, the older brother is a little taller and fatter, the younger brother is a little thinner, in his fifties, and his hair is a little gray.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Miramax, oh, Ms. Fan, Ms. Li, we meet again." As soon as Chen Kangjie and the others got out of the car, Big Weinstein came up with Little Weinstein , the tone seemed to be very familiar with Fan Wenxuan and Li Li.Fan Wenxuan and Li Li were the ones to communicate and contact in the early stage, and they had more contact with the Weinstein brothers, so they naturally got to know each other better.

"Mr. Weinstein, long time no see, how are you? Let me introduce you. This is Mr. Ouyang Zhenhua, the president of our Feiyang Entertainment Upstream Holding Company. He attaches great importance to our cooperation, so he came here in person." , Fan Wenxuan stepped forward to greet Weinstein, and introduced Ouyang Zhenhua's identity.

"Mr. Ouyang, welcome, welcome, I hope that with your arrival, our cooperation can have a happy ending." As expected of a veteran in the mall, Weinstein spoke very well and implicitly.

"Mr. Weinstein, I hope so too. We are very sincere. We have investment and M&A experts in our team. I hope we can cooperate happily." After shaking hands with Weinstein, Ouyang Zhenhua also expressed his attitude , In fact, his implication is that we are sincere in cooperating, but the precondition must be reasonable, otherwise why bring investment experts and merger experts here.

"Okay, let's show you around the company first, and then we'll go to the conference room to discuss." After greeting each other, Weinstein wanted to show the strength and value of Miramax first.

"Thank you, it's a great honor, please," Ouyang Zhenhua extended his hand politely.

From the beginning to the end, there was nothing wrong with Chen Kangjie standing in the crowd, no one introduced him, and no one paid attention to him, just like Ouyang Zhenhua's many followers.

Walking into the Miramax company, all operations are going on normally, and the company is not about to be merged, so it goes out of business.Although the leaders were the Weinstein brothers, they were not the two who were in charge of explaining, but Jon Gordon, the vice president of the company.

When I visited the honor room of the company, the walls of the small honor room were covered with all kinds of award certificates and medals, all of which were obtained by the films shot by Miramax Company. On the wall, Chen Kangjie I saw "Apocalypse Now" in 1979 and the blockbuster "Flying Eagle Project" by Chen Long in 1991. Although this "Flying Eagle Project" was filmed by Golden Harvest, it was distributed in North America by Miramax.

This company basically focuses on small-scale films, so Chen Kangjie has never seen or even heard of many of the films on the wall, but there are indeed many Oscar statuettes lined up in the corner window, and The famous "Shakespeare in Love", "The English Patient", and "Chicago" produced by them have not yet been filmed at this time.

Visited the honor room, and then went to visit the shooting equipment room, reference room, and copy room.The Miramax copy room is a bit like a library. There are hundreds of movies produced by the company on stainless steel shelves. These are treasures. Whoever owns these things must ask them pay.Chen Kangjie even thought that if he had the opportunity, he would show these films in China for free.Jon Gordon's explanation is very detailed, he can almost tell the shooting and distribution of each movie.

Interestingly, none of these movies had an investment of 5000 million US dollars, and even very few of them exceeded 2000 million US dollars, and the box office was not high. But most of them didn't lose money, at least they kept their capital.It is estimated that this also attracted some interest from Disney. From here, it is not these movies that Kang Jie saw, but the talents behind these movies. As long as you have talents, you will have everything.

The whole company walked up and down, and it took almost an hour before the group returned to the conference room on the fourth floor to enter the theme.

For Miramax, apart from the Weinstein brothers and Jon Gordon, there are also the vice president in charge of external affairs Scott and the production supervisor Harvey.

Chen Kangjie didn’t have a good impression of the Weinstein Brothers, but he had a good impression of the latter three, especially Jon Gordon and Scott, who later served as the co-president of Universal’s production department and the other as the co-president of the American Film Industry Co. The chairman of the company has achieved good results. As for Harvey, he has a good reputation in the industry for his management ability. Therefore, the fundamental reason for Miramax's failure to achieve glory is not the lack of talents, but the lack of use. Talent leadership.

Feiyang Entertainment's team participating in the negotiation is not small, Ouyang Zhenhua, Fan Wenxuan, Li Li, and merger experts McCaus and Chen Kangjie are just the last ones, without even a clear card.

"President Ouyang, on behalf of me and my colleagues in the company, I welcome you and everyone to Miramax again." In order to create a good atmosphere, Weinstein stood up and bowed slightly after everyone sat down, expressing again their compliments.

"Thank you, thank you Mr. Weinstein, let's start." Ouyang Zhenhua didn't stand up, and he was still sitting when he spoke. This is confidence and momentum.

"Okay, your company's previous quotation has never met our requirement of 11 billion US dollars. I think, Mr. Ouyang's visit this time, there should be an increase?" After Weinstein sat down, he began to enter the topic .

"Yes, but we, Ms. Fan, will answer this question." Ouyang Zhenhua did not move at all, acting very calm and generous.

"Gentlemen, we have communicated many times before, and our quotation has risen from 7 million U.S. dollars to 8000 million U.S. dollars. Our investment experts and merger experts have also given you an assessment of your company's tangible and intangible assets. The answer is no more than 11 million U.S. dollars, so the price of [-] billion U.S. dollars is indeed high and does not conform to fair and reasonable market principles," Fan Wenxuan said while sitting down and opening the folder in front of her, with a sincere and confident attitude.

"Miss Fan, I don't know what standard you use to evaluate intangible assets, but according to the evaluation of the professional agency we hired, our assets have reached more than one billion US dollars, plus our investment in employee training , US$11 billion is not much at all," Weinstein Jr. immediately refuted Fan Wenxuan's words.

In fact, there has never been an accurate standard for the evaluation of assets, especially for intangible assets. Maybe you think they are worthless, and some people may think they are worthless. It is difficult to explain clearly.Although there are many models and formulas, for the same subject matter, the evaluation results of the two institutions may be very different.

"I believe that no company in the market will offer this price. Our bid of [-] million US dollars should be said to be very appropriate." It doesn't make much sense to dwell on the evaluation. Ouyang Zhenhua leaned forward and stared at the other party. .

"Mr. Ouyang, you need to know that there are two powerful companies, Sony and Disney, who have shown strong interest in Miramax, and their bids are both higher than 9 million U.S. dollars." Anyway, Ouyang Zhenhua and the others I also don't know the actual bids of the two companies, so it's up to Weinstein himself to say.

Others may not know it, but Chen Kangjie himself knows that this company was finally sold for a billion dollars, but the current situation has changed a bit, and the detailed price is still unknown. The company Feiyang Entertainment did not appear.

"Both of these two companies are well-known and very powerful. We know this, but there is one thing to explain. Our quotation is paid in cash, and there is no asset replacement or equity replacement, so this price is absolutely reasonable. Yes, we don't want to guess the bids of other competitors, but this is what differentiates us," said Ouyang Zhenhua, tapping on Guangjing's desktop.

Hearing that it was a cash transaction, Brother Weinstein's face lit up. What could be more attractive than having real money in your hands?In the past, although Fan Wenxuan and the others had quotations, they did not explicitly state that they were in cash. In the mergers and acquisitions of large international companies, it is rare to directly bid with cash. Everyone has strengths with each other, but they are all assets and can be purchased at any time. There are very few companies that spend billions and tens of billions of cash, and it is also a stupid behavior. Funds can only appreciate in value when they are invested. Who would keep so much cash by their side?

"Even so, we can't lose [-] million US dollars in vain. We hope that your company can increase the price to a certain extent." Although he was very satisfied, Weinstein still didn't budge. If you have money, then simply tap some more, no one will think too much money.

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