rebirth of change

Chapter 505 Sunset Boulevard

"We have drawn the bottom line, [-] million dollars in cash. I believe Mr. Weinstein understands what [-] million dollars in cash means. It may be difficult for you to make a decision at the moment. Well, let's stop here today and you can discuss it. , I don’t know what to do?” Since the other party still refuses to give in, Ouyang Zhenhua doesn’t want to continue this stalemate, so it’s better to give them some time to digest. 【 】

Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua didn't expect them to come to an agreement according to their own ideas. Although they came to make a decision, several rounds were still indispensable. Anyway, it was a deal worth nearly one billion dollars. Even if they are casual, the other party can't be casual, this is the entire net worth of the two brothers.

"Okay, Mr. Ouyang, everyone, since you came to Los Angeles from Hong Kong, we are considered landlords in your terms. We would like to invite your party to lunch. I don't know how?" Li and the others have dealt with each other a few times, and Weinstein actually has some understanding of oriental culture.

Ouyang Zhenhua originally wanted to agree that it was nothing to eat, but he saw Chen Kangjie shaking his head slightly out of the corner of his eye, so he politely declined: "Mr. Weinstein, thank you for your kindness, we have some activities at noon, and we will have lunch together Things, when we reach a cooperation, I invite everyone."

"Since it's inconvenient, let's do it next time." Americans are not like the Chinese. The other party refuses and keeps asking, which also shows that they don't have a deep enough understanding of Chinese culture.

The Weinstein brothers led the general management of Miramax to send Chen Kangjie and the others downstairs, and they returned after watching the convoy go away.

"Brother, why didn't you agree to them just now? That's a cash transaction!" After returning to the office, Little Weinstein asked sitting in front of Big Weinstein.

"Brother, you don't understand this. The Orientals are very face-saving. They can spend such a large sum of money, which shows that they are very capable and can spend more money." Great Weinstein Slowly, he took out two Havana cigars from the exquisite wooden box and handed one to his younger brother.

"What if they cancel the bidding? They are the ones who offered the best terms, and they didn't accept your invitation to dinner just now," Weinstein Jr. said with some concern.

"Don't worry about it," Big Weinstein took out a cutter and cut off the cigarette butt, lit it with a lighter and took a deep breath, "If only they compete with Disney, then the situation you mentioned may happen, but don't forget there are other cigarettes. A Japanese company, China and Japan started to feud a hundred years ago, no matter it is for profit or face, they will not give up, so as long as we secretly raise Sony's bid, then we can force them to pay a higher price, In their view, this is patriotism, this is elated, ha ha, unreasonable Orientals."

"Brother, you are still smarter." After listening to the big Weinstein's explanation, the little Weinstein gave a thumbs up.

Then Brother Xiang was just puffing in the office, enjoying the stimulation of nicotine, while sitting in the dream of earning more money.

. . . . . .

"Xiaojie, why didn't you accept their invitation just now?" In the car, Ouyang Zhenhua asked why Chen Kangjie shook his head just now.

"Brother Ouyang, eating is small, but the meaning expressed is different. If we accept it, it means that we want to get close to them. If we have a strong desire to take over this company, then they will feel that it is a rare commodity. If we refuse, at least it means that we are not 100% ready to acquire Miramax." Chen Kangjie explained his reasons.

"It makes sense," the one who praised Chen Kangjie was Li Li, who had just met him for a day.

"Thank you, you did a lot of work in the early stage, but the work pressure in the future is still very heavy." Chen Kangjie looked at Li Li with a smile.

"Since we rejected them, we have to find a place to have lunch now. I drank a glass of pure milk and a piece of bread in the morning." Maybe it's because the jet lag has not completely reversed. Fan Wenxuan didn't have a good appetite for breakfast, but now I feel hungry.

Chen Kangjie, Xiong Ziqiang and the others were different. They not only ate bread and milk, but each also drank a large bowl of porridge. This was prepared by Audrey according to the habits of oriental people. In order to increase the taste and nutrition, he It also asked people to add wolfberry, red dates and other things to the porridge.

"Okay, we'll eat outside this meal, Sister Li, are there any restaurants you are familiar with?" Li Li knew Los Angeles better than any of them, and Chen Kangjie asked her naturally.

Bob could have been asked as well, but he was not next to him, but in front.

"I don't know if you want to eat Chinese food or Western food. If you want Chinese food, you have to go to the Chinatown in the city center. There are many Chinese restaurants there, and there are many Chinese people gathered there. If you want Western food, you can go anywhere." Li Li sat He replied opposite Chen Kangjie.

"It doesn't matter whether it's Chinese food or Western food. The place you introduced should be right."

"Li Li, why don't you go to the restaurant called schatzi on main we went to last time, the steak there is really good, and the business is also very good." Fan Wenxuan took Li Li's arm, it seems that she I miss the delicious steak there.

"I don't care. I don't know if they like steak or lamb chops." Li Li glanced at Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua.

"I'm not a picky eater," Chen Kangjie stretched out his hand and shrugged.

"Me too," Ouyang Zhenhua echoed.

Since neither of them had any objections, it seemed that they were going to have dinner at Schatzi on Main at noon. Li Li knocked on the dark glass between them and the driver in front, and the glass rolled down, revealing the heads of Bob and the driver , "President Ouyang and the others are going to eat steak at Schatzi on Main, do you know how to get there?" Li Li asked the driver.

"I know", the driver in the top hat did not turn his head, but nodded through the rearview mirror on the roof and replied, acting very professionally.

"Hey, why do I feel that the scenery outside the window is so familiar?" Chen Kangjie leaned his arm on the car window, outside the window are endless palm trees, various billboards are constantly flashing, and the video stores on the roadside are one after another, You can also see the signs of Eck Park and Hollywood on the car, all of which seem to be telling the style and charm of this city.

"If it was in the evening, you might be familiar with the scene outside the window, but it's noon now." Li Li turned her head and said back and forth. Fan Wenxuan smiled, and Ouyang Zhenhua's blank expression showed that he didn't understand what it means. < The street sign of boulevard flashed through the car window, and was caught by the sharp-eyed Chen Kangjie.

"Oh, so that's the case, no wonder it's so familiar," Chen Kangjie said to himself.

"Xiaojie, what are you talking about?" Ouyang Zhenhua asked because he didn't understand.

"Paramount Pictures produced a movie called "Sunset Boulevard" decades ago, haven't you seen it?" Chen Kangjie asked Ouyang Zhenhua.

"No, no, what does that have to do with the road you are talking about?".

"Ouyang, you are behind. The movie was filmed on this road, and it is also a movie of the same name on this road. It is a classic romance movie. It used to be in black and white, but now you can see it in color," Fan Wen Xuan explained to Ouyang Zhenhua jokingly.

"Then you mean that this road is called Sunset Avenue?" Ouyang Zhenhua finally understood.

"Of course", Chen Kangjie nodded.

"Sunset Boulevard extends from Figroa Street in the city center to the Pacific Coastal Highway in Braemar Hill Park. Many classics in Los Angeles are on both sides of this kilometer-long road, including the Beverly Hills where we stayed last night. , this road also has a nickname called "a row of guitars", see? Because of those guitar shops and music production companies", Li Li spent the longest time in Los Angeles, so he acted like a tour guide .

"The most beautiful time on this road is in the evening. It's a very good feeling to walk under the palm trees on the side of the road and visit those shops with a lot of history in the rosy glow," Li Li said with fascination.

"Have you ever taken a walk like that?" Chen Kangjie asked, turning his gaze back from the window.

"No, there has been no time".

"Mr. Fan, the weather has been fine these two days. Let Ms. Li have a holiday in the afternoon so that she can enjoy the life she longs for," Chen Kangjie teased.

"Cut, it's almost the same if we are going to have a holiday together."

"Mr. Fan, you don't understand this. This kind of stroll should not be too many people. One or two people is enough. Don't exceed two, otherwise you will lose that peaceful feeling," Chen Kangjie retorted with a smile.

There are so many people playing and chatting, it is difficult to appreciate and enjoy that kind of leisure and absorb the beauty of the sunset, only if there are few people, preferably a couple, if you choose one or two classic old records, the feeling will be completely different .

"Okay, then she and I are both on vacation, and we can enjoy it together," Fan Wenxuan insisted.

"Hehe, I don't care. Brother Ouyang has the final say. You two sisters can go shopping as you like, but you always feel a little bit of that, hehe."

As soon as Chen Kangjie finished speaking, Fan Wenxuan slapped him, "Damn Xiaojie, dare to secretly call us gay?".

"Haha, I didn't say anything, I was wronged!", Chen Kangjie repeatedly blocked it.

Li Li, who had gained some understanding of Chen Kangjie, could only shake his head and smile wryly at the mischievous Chen Kangjie. They were not that familiar yet, so they couldn't do it like Fan Wenxuan. Diligent.

Chen Kangjie and the others haven't discussed the matter of taking a walk on Sunset Boulevard. The convoy has already stopped. Bob opened the door and told Schatzi on Main restaurant. Here, Chen Kangjie met a person he was familiar with and had been looking for. People contributed to the release of Chen Kangjie's first film, and it also achieved a fairly good box office.

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