Jacqueline's innocent words made the three of them laugh. 【 】

"Okay, my brother will pretend to be God for a while, and if I have a chance, I will tell you the story of Monkey King." Chen Kangjie smiled and lifted Jacqueline's small chin.

"Who is Monkey King?" Jacqueline's eyes were big, flashing the innocence unique to this age.

"Sun Wukong is a monkey with high abilities but also mischievous, just like you," Chen Kangjie replied.

"I'm not a monkey, I'm a beautiful girl", the little girl obviously didn't appreciate Chen Kangjie's analogy.

"Okay, okay, you are a beautiful girl, you are a beautiful girl, the most beautiful in the world," Chen Kangjie flattered.

"Seriously, long, are you really planning to make that movie?", it was impossible for Chen Kangjie to keep playing with his daughter like that, Schwarzenegger brought the topic back to the right track.

"It's true, I plan to start filming later this year or next year. Of course, it depends on whether you really have a schedule." Chen Kangjie deliberately emphasized the latter words, responding to what Schwarzenegger said when we first met. .

"Of course I have a schedule...it's just..." Schwarzenegger hesitated to speak.

"Do you doubt my director level?" Chen Kangjie said what the other party wanted to say but didn't say.

"Hehe", Schwarzenegger smiled awkwardly, and now Chen Kangjie guessed it, "After all, making a movie and writing a book are two different things."

"I know this, or you can give me a chance, maybe there will be unexpected results? I can pay you a salary of 2000 million US dollars, no matter how the box office is, I can pay you this money in advance", for the sake of emphasis For his bargaining chip, Chen Kangjie even moved out his salary in advance.

2000 million US dollars is the salary of Schwarzenegger at his peak, Chen Kangjie thinks he is fully worth this figure, besides, Chen Kangjie also uses this to show his self-confidence.

"I want to know who the investor is? Is it you personally? If that's the case, the distribution of the movie will be a big problem after it is shot," Schwarzenegger asked with concern.

"The investor should be Miramax." Chen Kangjie stole his name in advance.

"Is that the company that is well-known in the industry for its small productions?" Obviously Schwarzenegger knew about this company, otherwise he wouldn't have asked.

"Yes, it is this company, but you can rest assured that this movie will no longer uphold their past traditions, and the investment will be hundreds of millions of dollars. My preliminary estimate will reach 1.5 million dollars. It is definitely a big production," Chen Kangjie In order to resolve Schwarzenegger's concerns about the company's past traditions, he had to state his plans in advance.

It turned out that James Cameron only spent 1.2 million US dollars to shoot "True Lies", but Chen Kangjie felt that there were a few small reveries that needed to be improved. Besides, he is a novice, and it is estimated that many scenes will be shot many times to achieve the expected effect. So the extra 3000 million US dollars is used for improvement and training.

"1.5 million US dollars? This is not a small amount. What is your relationship with their company?" Schwarzenegger did not fully trust Chen Kangjie's words for reasons of caution.

Maria sat quietly beside Jacqueline and listened to their conversation.

"Well, you wait, I'll introduce some friends to you," said Chen Kangjie, and waved to Ouyang Zhenhua and the others.

Seeing Chen Kangjie's beckoning, Ouyang Zhenhua and the others didn't know what Chen Kangjie asked him to do, but the three of them got up and adjusted their clothes, and Schwarzenegger and the others walked over to the table.

"Everyone, I don't think there is any need to introduce this one? Everyone should have seen "Terminator" starring him. Let me introduce these two ladies. One is Mr. Schwarzenegger's beautiful wife Maria. The guy is their precious daughter, Miss Jacqueline." Chen Kangjie first introduced the Schwarzeneggers, and in accordance with Western cultural traditions, he did not skip the six-year-old Jacqueline.

"Hello, hello."

"Hi, I love your movies".

"Hello, you are so beautiful and cute", the three Ouyang Zhenhua took the initiative to shake hands with the family of three.

"Everyone, it's time to introduce my three friends. This handsome man is Mr. Ouyang Zhenhua, the president of Hong Kong Hongyuan Investment Management Co., Ltd. This handsome man is Fan Wenxuan, the president of Hong Kong Feiyang Entertainment Company. Miss, as for this slender and charming girl, she is Miss Li Li, the vice president of Feiyang Entertainment Company, who is basically based in the United States and is also an American." Chen Kangjie turned his head to introduce his subordinates, and each of them used adjective.

Now it's the Schwarzeneggers' turn to say hello to them.

"Vettel, add two more chairs on our side." They can only seat four people at this table, and if they can all sit down, they can only add tables. Maria greeted a waiter.

The waiter transferred two chairs from the adjacent table, so that everyone could sit down and chat.

"The three of them are my good friends. The main purpose of coming here from Hong Kong this time is to acquire Miramax, so my first movie will also be provided by this company, with an investment of 1.5 million US dollars, and Not particularly high." After sitting down, Chen Kangjie introduced the purpose of their trip.

"Wait, what is your first movie? You actually have to invest so much. In Hong Kong, you can shoot dozens of movies." Suddenly, hearing what Chen Kangjie said, Fan Wenxuan, who was unclear about many things, felt baffled. I have only been studying in Hong Kong for more than ten days, how come I am going to make a movie in the United States, what is going on here!

"Hehe, I'm a teacher, so I just want to see how I'm doing," Chen Kangjie joked.

"Xiaojie, which movie do you want to make?" Ouyang Zhenhua's attitude will obviously be very different from Fan Wenxuan's.

For Ouyang Zhenhua, what is 1.5 million US dollars?Jie Shaoguang's casual donations are far greater than this amount, and the amount he pays to Japan every year is several times this amount. Besides, the boss himself likes to spend money to play, so who can stop it?

"True Lies, that's it," Chen Kangjie replied to Ouyang Zhenhua. < works?You bought the movie rights? ", Li Li asked strangely.

Li Li's words made the Schwarzeneggers very confused. Isn't this the author?Why did his good friend still ask that, don't they know about this situation?It is contradictory and unbelievable.

From the blank expressions of the Schwarzeneggers, Chen Kangjie could see that Li Li's words made them even more alert.But he didn't know how to explain it. Li Li's words completely caught him by surprise. At this time, the smart Ouyang Zhenhua should play his role.

"The copyright has been bought a long time ago, Wen Xuan, Li Li, you two, go to the car outside to have a look. My briefcase is in the car, which contains the copyright of this script," Ouyang Zhenhua said seriously.

Fan Wenxuan and Li Li didn't suspect him, and it was the boss's order, so they got up and went downstairs, intending to get this document to see when it was bought.

As soon as Fan Wenxuan and the others left, Chen Kangjie quickly explained: "There are only a few people who know about my book writing, and Mr. Ouyang is one of them. He was my manager back then. Because of my age, I I don’t want many people to know, that’s why I don’t want to be interviewed and accept the award.”

"The fact is true. Apart from me, only Mr. Li Wendong, the boss of the publisher Huashang Publishing Company, knows the details," Ouyang Zhenhua chimed in to increase credibility.

"Oh, no wonder, we believed it, Mr. Ouyang, then are you really planning to acquire Miramax? Are you really planning to spend 1.5 million to make this movie?" The Schwarzeneggers stared at Chen Kangjie and Ouyang Zhenhua After a while, I could see from their expressions that they didn't seem to be fake, so I chose to accept and approve.

"There is no problem with the acquisition of this company. We just met with the Weinstein Brothers this morning and we have already made an offer. On this, we initially plan to spend one billion dollars. Of course, no matter what will happen in the end No matter how high the price is, we will take over this company, and as a newly acquired company, the first thing they will do is to focus on shooting this movie as the first shot of their transformation," Ouyang Zhenhua is very sure Give the Schwarzeneggers a reassurance. Since Master Jie is going to make a movie himself, and he has already spoken out in advance, the acquisition of Miramax can only be a certainty.

Ouyang Zhenhua's words made Schwarzenegger feel relieved. His only worry now is Chen Kangjie's directing skills. It is difficult for him to feel at ease now anyway.

"Arnold, since this is the case, I suggest you try it, maybe this is another attempt of your acting style." Maria trusts Chen Kangjie more than Schwarzenegger, because he has read all of Chen Kangjie's books in detail, maybe This led to a blind obedience, so he suggested to her husband.

"Well, I hope Long won't let me down," Arnold Schwarzenegger reluctantly agreed to Chen Kangjie's request with doubts, perhaps because he really liked the script.

Just as they finalized the matter, Fan Wenxuan and Li Li came up from downstairs angrily.

"Ouyang, you lied to us. In your briefcase, there are only acquisition documents. There is no script to buy out documents at all. Why do you do this?" Fan Wenxuan asked Ouyang Zhenhua with her arms crossed regardless of her appearance.

"Hehe, maybe I remembered it wrong, sorry", Ouyang Zhenhua knew that he didn't have that thing in his briefcase, so they did it for the purpose of keeping Fan Wenxuan and Li Li away, so he was very calm I found an excuse.

"Wrong memory? I think you guys have some secret!" Ouyang Zhenhua's explanation was obviously not accepted.

"Where is there any secret? Isn't this an apology to you? Sit down quickly. There are other guests here. How can it be decent like this?" In order to suppress the matter, Ouyang Zhenhua had to seldom Show off the shelf of the boss.

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