rebirth of change

Chapter 509 Competitors

Chen Kangjie and the others chatted with the Schwarzeneggers for a while before they planned to say goodbye and leave. When it was time to pay the bill, Ouyang Zhenhua called the waiter and wanted to pay for the Schwarzeneggers together. 【 】

"Haha, Mr. Ouyang, thank you. I appreciate your kindness. Let me treat this meal, Vettel, to waive the fee for Mr. Ouyang's table." Schwarzenegger laughed heartily.

At this time, Chen Kangjie took a closer look at the waiter wearing a white shirt standing in front of him wearing a sign on his chest, which indicated that his position was the store manager, and his name was Weiter. At first, Chen Kangjie thought that Schwarzenegger was called It's a waiter.

"Why is this so embarrassing? Let's invite him." Of course, Ouyang Zhenhua couldn't let Schwarzenegger, who was meeting him for the first time, invite his guests.

"It's okay, when I go to Hong Kong in the future, just invite me," Schwarzenegger waved his hand and said with a smile.

"Brother Ouyang, don't argue, let him invite you, you can't compete," Chen Kangjie interjected thoughtfully.

"Xiaojie...this...", Ouyang Zhenhua didn't know why Chen Kangjie did that.

"If I'm not mistaken, the couple are the owners of this store, can you win?" Chen Kangjie turned his head and looked at the Schwarzeneggers and asked as if asking.

"Hehe, long, how do you know that we own this store?" Maria looked at Chen Kangjie with a smile.

"Your husband can call out the name of the waiter, and he is also a store manager. What does that mean? Also, what Mr. Schwarzenegger said was to waive the bill, not to say that he paid the bill. Basically, only the boss would talk like that. ", Chen Kangjie gave his reasons.

There is another argument that Chen Kangjie didn't say, and he can't say it, that is, before he was reborn, he knew that the Schwarzeneggers opened a restaurant in Los Angeles, but he didn't know that the restaurant was called Schatzi on Main.

"Sure enough, smart and sensitive", Maria's compliment to Chen Kangjie was a disguised acknowledgment of Chen Kangjie's guess.

"Since this is the case, then we will not argue. Your family is welcome to come to Hong Kong as a guest. I will treat you to authentic Chinese food." After learning the details, Ouyang Zhenhua had no choice but to settle for the next best thing.

"That's good. Chinese food is rich and delicious. There is a Chinatown in Los Angeles, and we will visit it occasionally." Maria seems to be more interested in food than the burly Schwarzenegger.

"Those are basically unauthentic, and besides, Chinatown only represents a small part of Chinese cuisine," Chen said.

Why did Chen Kangjie say that?It’s not nonsense. When Chinese food goes overseas, most of them have been changed to cater to the tastes of the locals. This is one. The second is that in Chinatown in Los Angeles, people from Hong Kong and Guangdong Province are the main ones, and at least they are also southerners. It is the majority, so in terms of taste and cuisine, it is also partial to southern and Cantonese cuisine, which of course can only represent a part of Chinese cuisine.

"If you say so, then I must go to the mainland for a trip. Leaving aside the history and culture, the food alone is worth a trip." Maria seemed to be salivating when she said that.

Thanks to Schwarzenegger's family for the treat. After Chen Kangjie and the others left their contact information with each other, it was time to say goodbye. Schwarzenegger and Maria sent Chen Kangjie and the others to the door of the restaurant. When parting, Schwarzenegger Chen Kangjie was invited to visit his family's villa. Chen Kangjie accepted and promised to visit their home before leaving Los Angeles. He also joked that he would bring a notebook to ask for autographs.

Leaving the Schatzi on main restaurant, Chen Kangjie and the others, including Fan Wenxuan, had half a day off. Whether they wanted it or not, the jet lag did not completely reverse, and it would still make people feel drowsy, so they all chose to go back to the villa to rest. Instead of visiting those attractions.

Of course, Li Li doesn't have this problem. Now that the difficult problem has been handed in anyway, it's rare for her to relax for a while, so she really went for a stroll on Sunset Boulevard by herself, and bought two Lennon's photos at two video stores on the way. old records.

Of course, it was the first time for both Ouyang Zhenhua and Fan Wenxuan to know the English name of Chen Kangjie's long, and it was difficult to ask in front of outsiders. of.If you want to play in the entertainment industry, you must have a loud and easy-to-remember English name. He thinks this name is very meaningful, so he thought about it for a few days and finally decided on this name.

Not long after Chen Kangjie and the others arrived in Los Angeles, the vice president of Sony, Oki Haruka (Oki Haruka), also arrived in Los Angeles a day later.

Oki Haruka is young, only 38 years old. After graduating from Waseda University, he entered the University of Wisconsin to study. He can speak American English fluently and idiomatically. After graduation, he has been working in Sony. After more than ten years of personal struggle and family support Helping, finally took up this key position at the age of 38, when he was approaching his forties.

In Japan's relatively closed corporate internal structure, it is not common to climb to such a high position at such a young age. Seniority ranking is as prevalent in Japan as it is in China.So here I have to talk about Oki Haruka’s father, ooki hikaru (Oki Hikaru). Oki Hikaru is 60 years old this year and is the CEO of Mitsui & Co., the core company of the Mitsui chaebol. Although he is not a member of the Mitsui family, he has After nearly 40 years of hard work, he finally gained the trust of the Mitsui family and obtained the control of Mitsui & Co., Ltd.It has a high say in the February meeting of the decision-making body of the Mitsui Zaibatsu.

After World War II, there were three main companies in the February Club, Sakura Bank, Mitsui & Co., and Mitsui Fudosan. Although Toshiba had contributed a lot to the strengthening of the Mitsui Zaibatsu, it failed to enter the February Club. Sony and Toshiba , like Toyota, are only peripheral members of the Mitsui Zaibatsu.In order to stabilize the glory of the family and for the strength of future generations, Oki Hikaru tried his best to cultivate Oki Haruka, hoping that he could replace himself in the future and retain his status and voice in the Mitsui Zaibatsu. Therefore, after Oki Haruka graduated, he tried his best to He used his relationship to help him get promoted. It is expected that at a certain time, he will be brought to Mitsui & Co., and it will be regarded as a good tool for Oki Haruka, who has lived up to his expectations.

The purpose of Da Muyao's visit to Los Angeles this time is the same as that of Chen Kangjie and the others. It is also to acquire Miramax. He just got off the plane and had no time to rest, so he rushed to Miramax without stopping, because their Los Angeles office The personnel of the Hong Kong Feiyang Entertainment Company have already told him that the people from the Hong Kong Feiyang Entertainment Company have gone to visit one day in advance.

"Mr. Oki, to tell you the truth, your bid of [-] million US dollars is the lowest among all bidding companies, and it is not paid in cash. I am a little suspicious of your sincerity." The Weinstein brothers will Oki Haruka invited him to Weinstein's office alone, and said straight to the point.

"Who else bids higher than us?" Oki Haruka and Weinstein Jr. sat in front of Weinstein Jr.

"They're all taller than you," Big Weinstein said bluntly.

"I can add more to their bid. As for the payment method, we can also negotiate. According to the strength and reputation of our sony, it is your best choice. We can develop and strengthen Miramax."

The elder Weinstein glanced at his younger brother, and the younger Weinstein said instead of his elder brother: "So far the highest bid has reached 11 billion US dollars in cash. Mr. Oki should know that if you hold the cash in your hand, it is the real thing. You can also reach this price, then in terms of reputation and our common values ​​​​and good relations between the two countries, we will choose you without any doubt and can sign an agreement immediately."

"11 billion dollars in cash? Hehe, Mr. Weinstein, is this true?" Omu Yao smiled lightly.

"It's absolutely true. In Hollywood, we are the only film company that intends to sell and is more suitable so far. Everything is possible." Big Weinstein ignored Da Muyao's chuckle and nodded seriously.

After the big Weinstein finished speaking, he took out three cigars from the wooden box and handed one to Oki Haruka, but Oki Yao waved his hand and did not accept it. He didn't like the strong smell of cigars. Only his younger brother accepted it. Lit up without any scruples, and began to puff.

"If it's a $11 billion equity swap, then we can accept it, but if it's cash, IMHO, who would take that much cash for a deal?".

The reason why Oki Haruka can accept the price of 11 billion US dollars is thanks to Chen Kangjie. It is he who intensified the economic crisis in Japan and made powerful Japanese companies eager to go out and get rid of the difficult domestic market.But he couldn't come up with that much cash, and it was also because of this long-lasting and profound economic shock that almost ate up their cash.After a large number of real estate companies went bankrupt, the banking industry suffered heavy losses, so the current Sakura Bank is also having a hard time.

In Japan’s external expansion, basically there is such a sequence, the bank is active, and the production and operation enterprises follow up, because the funds are basically in the bank. Without the support of the bank, even the affiliated companies of the four major chaebols will lose their money. It is difficult to move forward, which is why Japan's big chaebols basically have a big bank as the backbone enterprise.

Now that Sakura Bank has accumulated a huge amount of bad debts, how much money is there to support the overseas expansion of many companies in the chaebol? Even if they want to support, there will be key distinctions. It's easier. A huge manufacturing base has always been the pursuit of Japan's major chaebols.

"Mr. Oki, let's open the skylight and speak frankly. According to the current economic situation in Japan, no matter what kind of replacement method it is, it is not the most ideal choice for us, because it is impossible to say that tomorrow will shrink compared to today, so Cash is the key." Now that they knew that Ouyang Zhenhua and the others would choose to pay in cash, the Weinstein brothers would not settle for the next best thing and choose other methods. In order to put pressure on Ouyang Zhenhua, the big Weinstein was straightforward.

The big Weinstein's words made Omu Yao a little silent, he understood that what he said was the truth, which cannot be disputed.

"In order to compensate for this part, we can increase the price to 12 billion U.S. dollars at the maximum," Oki Haruka said cautiously after a while.

"No, no, no, Mr. Oki, this is obviously not enough." Weinstein sat on the armchair and shook his fat hand with a cigar in it.

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