"If it's not enough, there's nothing we can do. This is the highest offer we think. Now I choose to quit, and you can find someone else!", Da Muyao said and was about to get up and leave. 【 】

Oki Haruka holds a high position, but he is young and always has some conceit. He felt that he was underestimated by the Weinstein brothers, and he was very unhappy.In other words, this is also his strategy. He always feels that the Weinstein brothers have something to say.

Sure enough, the Weinstein brothers dropped their cigars and stood up to stop Da Muyao. If Da Muyao just left, it would be difficult to maximize their interests, and they might even bring losses. indefinite.

"Mr. Oki, Mr. Oki, please don't be like this..." Little Weinstein was the closest to Oki, so he stood up and stopped him with his hands.

"Mr. Oki, wait a moment, both parties are in the negotiation stage, so this condition can be mutually raised." Big Weinstein came out from behind the executive desk.

"Now it's not that I'm insincere, let me feel it, but you are insincere." Da Muyao didn't turn around and come back to sit down, but still stood and said sullenly.

"How could we be insincere? We have no sincerity, ah, why are you here again, don't you think so? It's just that there is still a little distance between our requests." Weinstein's words were obviously much more polite.

"Mr. Oki, please sit down, let's continue chatting."

Weinstein Jr. invited Da Muyao back, and Da Muyao sat down on his previous seat with half-push, and Weinstein Jr. poured out the coffee cup in front of him, and replaced him with a new cup of coffee.

"I believe that you should have a bottom line or plan. Speak it out. Let's be straightforward, keep it simple, accept it, and I will accept it as much as possible. I can't accept it. We don't waste time with each other. Anyway, you are the ones who can make the decisions. I am also the one who can make the decision." Omu Yao took the new coffee handed over by Weinstein Jr., stirred it twice with a small spoon, took a sip, put the pure white coffee cup back on the table chicly, and said with his legs crossed.

"Okay, since Mr. Oki said so, we don't beat around the bush. There are three plans. Your company uses the previous 5000 million US dollars in exchange for 49% of our shares. You are allowed to use no cash. Our brothers will continue to serve as directors of the company. Changhe General Manager, the second plan, you use 11 billion US dollars in cash to bid for all the shares, how to deal with this company is your business, as for the third plan... we Let’s not talk about it for now,” Weinstein the Great said at the end and deliberately kept it a secret.

Da Muyao was not in a hurry to ask them what the third plan was. The first thing he did was to respond to the first two plans. 5000% of nine shares, is your company’s assets worth 40.00 billion US dollars? I believe you know this, and we also know it. Secondly, 17 billion US dollars in cash to purchase all equity, which is similar to the first question The problem is that Miramax is not worth such a large amount at all. Taking a step back, even if it is worth 11 billion US dollars, we will not take so much cash to acquire it, and we will pay at most 5000 million US dollars for it Therefore, it is obvious that our early communication is not enough, and the gap between differences is relatively large.”

"In this case, it seems that we really can't reach an agreement." Big Weinstein returned to the boss's chair and sat down comfortably with some interest.

Oki Haruka picked up the coffee and took another sip slowly and gracefully. He wanted to use this to create more time for himself to think. However, after he put down the coffee cup again, the Weinstein brothers thought that Oki Haruka would say something. On the contrary, Da Muyao got up and said goodbye, "Since the negotiation can't be reached, then I will leave, thank you for your delicious South American coffee."

This time the two brothers didn't get up to stop them, but when Oki Haruka opened the mahogany door to go out, Big Weinstein said behind his back: "Don't Mr. Oki want to bring something back to Japan?".

"How do you say that?" Da Muyao stopped and turned around.

"Why don't you ask me about the third plan?" Fangfo was calm on both sides, speaking slowly.

There is no good bird in business, who keeps saying that he is open and honest, and straight to the point, but he always fights for the initiative and hides it.

"Hehe, I think you will say it when you should, and when you shouldn't, I guess even if I ask, you won't tell me, are you right?" Omu Yao just stood at the door, unable to enter or exit .

"Although we can't reach an agreement, it doesn't mean that there is no place for cooperation, or you may be able to return to Japan with a sum of cash, otherwise, wouldn't your trip be in vain?" said Great Weinstein Leaning on the desk with his cheeks resting, he looked at Da Muyao at the door and said.

Little Weinstein also turned around, staring at Oki Haruka, to see how he would react.

Maybe it was Weinstein's words that attracted Omuyao, he closed the door, walked back a few steps, stood in the middle of the office, spread his hands, "Listen carefully, see how much cash I can bring back ?”.

Brother Weinstein didn't tell Da Muyao to sit down either, just let him.

"To put it bluntly, the conditions you offer are not as generous as those offered by Hong Kong Feiyang Entertainment Company. As a profit-seeking businessman, you don't need to say what choice you will make. Now we can cooperate and ask this company to offer For a larger amount, at that time, you can also take a copy back to Japan," Weinstein said, staring at Haruka Oki.

"What are the conditions they are offering now?" Omu Yao was still standing.

"US$11 billion in cash", Weinstein intentionally increased Chen Kangjie's offer by US$[-] million just like before.

The reason why an extra [-] million U.S. dollars has to be reported has something to do with the way they want to discuss the division of interests.

"Hehe, ok, 11 billion US dollars, then where does my profit come from, you won't divide me [-] million US dollars from it, right?" Omu Yao joked.

"Believe it or not, it's up to you. As for your interests, it's very simple. At that time, we will organize you to bid together. You deliberately raise the price on behalf of Sony. The higher part will be divided by you and me. How about it? You don't need it." Pay any cost, no matter how much extra, you can still pick it up," Weinstein said the third option.

"It sounds good, but why isn't it three or seven points?".

"Thirty to seven points? Then we are too mean. Since we need your cooperation, why should we give you half of it?" Big Weinstein probably misunderstood what Da Muyao said.

"Hehe, what are you thinking about? You, I mean I'm seven, you three", Oki Haruka stared at Big Weinstein for a while, then returned to his seat just now, sat down, and said with a humorous smile .

"Ahem, I thought you said we were seven." Big Weinstein wiped his forehead in embarrassment.

"It's not impossible if you want 11% of the price, as long as you have the goal in advance, we will all benefit." Perhaps because his brother's quotation of [-] billion US dollars is already very high, it is already difficult to raise the price, so Weinstein is impatient. Patience agreed.

Now the initiative of the conversation seems to be entirely in the hands of Da Muyao.

"How much do you plan to ask me to quote?", Oki Yao introduced the topic step by step.

"15 billion US dollars, at least 14 billion US dollars must be quoted", Big Weinstein did not object to his brother's suggestion, he said everything, and it was useless to object. Besides, the company still has a considerable share of the company's shares belonged to his brother. He gestured to Oki Yao with his finger.

"15 billion U.S. dollars? This price is really not low. How do you know that they will definitely pay such a high price?" Da Muyao smiled and stretched his brows.

"Because of the history of your two nations, you have had a grudge for a hundred years. I can see that Feiyang Entertainment really wants to buy us Miramax. It can be seen from their detailed communication with us in the early stage. In this context, as long as you participate in the competition, they will raise the price. This is a nation that feels contradictory and unpredictable. I heard that many of your Japanese and American companies invest in the mainland through this Way to drive down the price," Weinstein said with some disdain.

"Stupid nation", a few words spewed out from Da Muyao's mouth.

"Yes, yes, it is a stupid nation. Only with stupid people can our smart people reap the greatest benefits, don't you think so? Hahaha", Big Weinstein was the first to laugh.

"Although they are stupid, they don't necessarily have the strength. If they can't spend so much money, wouldn't it be a waste of time for us to fetch water from a bamboo basket?" Omuyao said what he was most concerned about.

"Don't worry about this. After our understanding, Feiyang Entertainment's holding company is very rich, otherwise it would not be able to offer 11 billion US dollars in cash. As long as we operate well, although you can't get Mira Mike But you can return to Japan with 3 million U.S. dollars, presumably this is also a huge benefit and credit," Weinstein said with a treacherous smile.

Big Weinstein’s goal is just to make the price really too high to 11 billion US dollars. He is satisfied if he can reach this figure. As for how much it exceeds, he doesn’t care. Say sorry to Da Muyao, he won't get a penny.

Da Muyao pondered for a while, then stood up, and stretched out his right hand to Weinstein, "Okay, I hope we can succeed, I personally don't have a good impression of Chinese people."

"Hehe, each other," Big Weinstein got up and happily stretched out his fat hand to hold Omuyao together, and then said to Little Weinstein: "Brother, bring the wine, first I wish us success, drink a cup".

When Oki Haruka and the Weinstein brothers toasted and drank pure brandy to celebrate the success of the plan against Chen Kangjie, Chen Kangjie was in his room. The two sides will adopt such dirty means, but will these three gangsters really succeed?

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